/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import junit.framework.TestCase; import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction.*; public class TestFsPermission extends TestCase { public void testFsAction() { //implies for(FsAction a : FsAction.values()) { assertTrue(ALL.implies(a)); } for(FsAction a : FsAction.values()) { assertTrue(a == NONE? NONE.implies(a): !NONE.implies(a)); } for(FsAction a : FsAction.values()) { assertTrue(a == READ_EXECUTE || a == READ || a == EXECUTE || a == NONE? READ_EXECUTE.implies(a): !READ_EXECUTE.implies(a)); } //masks assertEquals(EXECUTE, EXECUTE.and(READ_EXECUTE)); assertEquals(READ, READ.and(READ_EXECUTE)); assertEquals(NONE, WRITE.and(READ_EXECUTE)); assertEquals(READ, READ_EXECUTE.and(READ_WRITE)); assertEquals(NONE, READ_EXECUTE.and(WRITE)); assertEquals(WRITE_EXECUTE, ALL.and(WRITE_EXECUTE)); } /** * Ensure that when manually specifying permission modes we get * the expected values back out for all combinations */ public void testConvertingPermissions() { for(short s = 0; s <= 01777; s++) { assertEquals(s, new FsPermission(s).toShort()); } short s = 0; for(boolean sb : new boolean [] { false, true }) { for(FsAction u : FsAction.values()) { for(FsAction g : FsAction.values()) { for(FsAction o : FsAction.values()) { // Cover constructor with sticky bit. FsPermission f = new FsPermission(u, g, o, sb); assertEquals(s, f.toShort()); FsPermission f2 = new FsPermission(f); assertEquals(s, f2.toShort()); s++; } } } } } public void testSpecialBitsToString() { for (boolean sb : new boolean[] { false, true }) { for (FsAction u : FsAction.values()) { for (FsAction g : FsAction.values()) { for (FsAction o : FsAction.values()) { FsPermission f = new FsPermission(u, g, o, sb); String fString = f.toString(); // Check that sticky bit is represented correctly. if (f.getStickyBit() && f.getOtherAction().implies(EXECUTE)) assertEquals('t', fString.charAt(8)); else if (f.getStickyBit() && !f.getOtherAction().implies(EXECUTE)) assertEquals('T', fString.charAt(8)); else if (!f.getStickyBit() && f.getOtherAction().implies(EXECUTE)) assertEquals('x', fString.charAt(8)); else assertEquals('-', fString.charAt(8)); assertEquals(9, fString.length()); } } } } } public void testFsPermission() { String symbolic = "-rwxrwxrwx"; for(int i = 0; i < (1 << 10); i++) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("----------"); String binary = String.format("%11s", Integer.toBinaryString(i)); String permBinary = binary.substring(2, binary.length()); int len = permBinary.length(); for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (permBinary.charAt(j) == '1') { int k = 9 - (len - 1 - j); b.setCharAt(k, symbolic.charAt(k)); } } // Check for sticky bit. if (binary.charAt(1) == '1') { char replacement = b.charAt(9) == 'x' ? 't' : 'T'; b.setCharAt(9, replacement); } assertEquals(i, FsPermission.valueOf(b.toString()).toShort()); } } public void testUMaskParser() throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); // Ensure that we get the right octal values back for all legal values for(FsAction u : FsAction.values()) { for(FsAction g : FsAction.values()) { for(FsAction o : FsAction.values()) { FsPermission f = new FsPermission(u, g, o); String asOctal = String.format("%1$03o", f.toShort()); conf.set(FsPermission.UMASK_LABEL, asOctal); FsPermission fromConf = FsPermission.getUMask(conf); assertEquals(f, fromConf); } } } } public void testSymbolicUmasks() { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); // Test some symbolic to octal settings // Symbolic umask list is generated in linux shell using by the command: // umask 0; umask <octal number>; umask -S String [][] symbolic = new String [][] { {"a+rw", "111",}, {"u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rwx", "0",}, {"u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rw", "1",}, {"u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx", "2",}, {"u=rwx,g=rwx,o=r", "3",}, {"u=rwx,g=rwx,o=wx", "4",}, {"u=rwx,g=rwx,o=w", "5",}, {"u=rwx,g=rwx,o=x", "6",}, {"u=rwx,g=rwx,o=", "7",}, {"u=rwx,g=rw,o=rwx", "10",}, {"u=rwx,g=rw,o=rw", "11",}, {"u=rwx,g=rw,o=rx", "12",}, {"u=rwx,g=rw,o=r", "13",}, {"u=rwx,g=rw,o=wx", "14",}, {"u=rwx,g=rw,o=w", "15",}, {"u=rwx,g=rw,o=x", "16",}, {"u=rwx,g=rw,o=", "17",}, {"u=rwx,g=rx,o=rwx", "20",}, {"u=rwx,g=rx,o=rw", "21",}, {"u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx", "22",}, {"u=rwx,g=rx,o=r", "23",}, {"u=rwx,g=rx,o=wx", "24",}, {"u=rwx,g=rx,o=w", "25",}, {"u=rwx,g=rx,o=x", "26",}, {"u=rwx,g=rx,o=", "27",}, {"u=rwx,g=r,o=rwx", "30",}, {"u=rwx,g=r,o=rw", "31",}, {"u=rwx,g=r,o=rx", "32",}, {"u=rwx,g=r,o=r", "33",}, {"u=rwx,g=r,o=wx", "34",}, {"u=rwx,g=r,o=w", "35",}, {"u=rwx,g=r,o=x", "36",}, {"u=rwx,g=r,o=", "37",}, {"u=rwx,g=wx,o=rwx", "40",}, {"u=rwx,g=wx,o=rw", "41",}, {"u=rwx,g=wx,o=rx", "42",}, {"u=rwx,g=wx,o=r", "43",}, {"u=rwx,g=wx,o=wx", "44",}, {"u=rwx,g=wx,o=w", "45",}, {"u=rwx,g=wx,o=x", "46",}, {"u=rwx,g=wx,o=", "47",}, {"u=rwx,g=w,o=rwx", "50",}, {"u=rwx,g=w,o=rw", "51",}, {"u=rwx,g=w,o=rx", "52",}, {"u=rwx,g=w,o=r", "53",}, {"u=rwx,g=w,o=wx", "54",}, {"u=rwx,g=w,o=w", "55",}, {"u=rwx,g=w,o=x", "56",}, {"u=rwx,g=w,o=", "57",}, {"u=rwx,g=x,o=rwx", "60",}, {"u=rwx,g=x,o=rw", "61",}, {"u=rwx,g=x,o=rx", "62",}, {"u=rwx,g=x,o=r", "63",}, {"u=rwx,g=x,o=wx", "64",}, {"u=rwx,g=x,o=w", "65",}, {"u=rwx,g=x,o=x", "66",}, {"u=rwx,g=x,o=", "67",}, {"u=rwx,g=,o=rwx", "70",}, {"u=rwx,g=,o=rw", "71",}, {"u=rwx,g=,o=rx", "72",}, {"u=rwx,g=,o=r", "73",}, {"u=rwx,g=,o=wx", "74",}, {"u=rwx,g=,o=w", "75",}, {"u=rwx,g=,o=x", "76",}, {"u=rwx,g=,o=", "77",}, {"u=rw,g=rwx,o=rwx", "100",}, {"u=rw,g=rwx,o=rw", "101",}, {"u=rw,g=rwx,o=rx", "102",}, {"u=rw,g=rwx,o=r", "103",}, {"u=rw,g=rwx,o=wx", "104",}, {"u=rw,g=rwx,o=w", "105",}, {"u=rw,g=rwx,o=x", "106",}, {"u=rw,g=rwx,o=", "107",}, {"u=rw,g=rw,o=rwx", "110",}, {"u=rw,g=rw,o=rw", "111",}, {"u=rw,g=rw,o=rx", "112",}, {"u=rw,g=rw,o=r", "113",}, {"u=rw,g=rw,o=wx", "114",}, {"u=rw,g=rw,o=w", "115",}, {"u=rw,g=rw,o=x", "116",}, {"u=rw,g=rw,o=", "117",}, {"u=rw,g=rx,o=rwx", "120",}, {"u=rw,g=rx,o=rw", "121",}, {"u=rw,g=rx,o=rx", "122",}, {"u=rw,g=rx,o=r", "123",}, {"u=rw,g=rx,o=wx", "124",}, {"u=rw,g=rx,o=w", "125",}, {"u=rw,g=rx,o=x", "126",}, {"u=rw,g=rx,o=", "127",}, {"u=rw,g=r,o=rwx", "130",}, {"u=rw,g=r,o=rw", "131",}, {"u=rw,g=r,o=rx", "132",}, {"u=rw,g=r,o=r", "133",}, {"u=rw,g=r,o=wx", "134",}, {"u=rw,g=r,o=w", "135",}, {"u=rw,g=r,o=x", "136",}, {"u=rw,g=r,o=", "137",}, {"u=rw,g=wx,o=rwx", "140",}, {"u=rw,g=wx,o=rw", "141",}, {"u=rw,g=wx,o=rx", "142",}, {"u=rw,g=wx,o=r", "143",}, {"u=rw,g=wx,o=wx", "144",}, {"u=rw,g=wx,o=w", "145",}, {"u=rw,g=wx,o=x", "146",}, {"u=rw,g=wx,o=", "147",}, {"u=rw,g=w,o=rwx", "150",}, {"u=rw,g=w,o=rw", "151",}, {"u=rw,g=w,o=rx", "152",}, {"u=rw,g=w,o=r", "153",}, {"u=rw,g=w,o=wx", "154",}, {"u=rw,g=w,o=w", "155",}, {"u=rw,g=w,o=x", "156",}, {"u=rw,g=w,o=", "157",}, {"u=rw,g=x,o=rwx", "160",}, {"u=rw,g=x,o=rw", "161",}, {"u=rw,g=x,o=rx", "162",}, {"u=rw,g=x,o=r", "163",}, {"u=rw,g=x,o=wx", "164",}, {"u=rw,g=x,o=w", "165",}, {"u=rw,g=x,o=x", "166",}, {"u=rw,g=x,o=", "167",}, {"u=rw,g=,o=rwx", "170",}, {"u=rw,g=,o=rw", "171",}, {"u=rw,g=,o=rx", "172",}, {"u=rw,g=,o=r", "173",}, {"u=rw,g=,o=wx", "174",}, {"u=rw,g=,o=w", "175",}, {"u=rw,g=,o=x", "176",}, {"u=rw,g=,o=", "177",}, {"u=rx,g=rwx,o=rwx", "200",}, {"u=rx,g=rwx,o=rw", "201",}, {"u=rx,g=rwx,o=rx", "202",}, {"u=rx,g=rwx,o=r", "203",}, {"u=rx,g=rwx,o=wx", "204",}, {"u=rx,g=rwx,o=w", "205",}, {"u=rx,g=rwx,o=x", "206",}, {"u=rx,g=rwx,o=", "207",}, {"u=rx,g=rw,o=rwx", "210",}, {"u=rx,g=rw,o=rw", "211",}, {"u=rx,g=rw,o=rx", "212",}, {"u=rx,g=rw,o=r", "213",}, {"u=rx,g=rw,o=wx", "214",}, {"u=rx,g=rw,o=w", "215",}, {"u=rx,g=rw,o=x", "216",}, {"u=rx,g=rw,o=", "217",}, {"u=rx,g=rx,o=rwx", "220",}, {"u=rx,g=rx,o=rw", "221",}, {"u=rx,g=rx,o=rx", "222",}, {"u=rx,g=rx,o=r", "223",}, {"u=rx,g=rx,o=wx", "224",}, {"u=rx,g=rx,o=w", "225",}, {"u=rx,g=rx,o=x", "226",}, {"u=rx,g=rx,o=", "227",}, {"u=rx,g=r,o=rwx", "230",}, {"u=rx,g=r,o=rw", "231",}, {"u=rx,g=r,o=rx", "232",}, {"u=rx,g=r,o=r", "233",}, {"u=rx,g=r,o=wx", "234",}, {"u=rx,g=r,o=w", "235",}, {"u=rx,g=r,o=x", "236",}, {"u=rx,g=r,o=", "237",}, {"u=rx,g=wx,o=rwx", "240",}, {"u=rx,g=wx,o=rw", "241",}, {"u=rx,g=wx,o=rx", "242",}, {"u=rx,g=wx,o=r", "243",}, {"u=rx,g=wx,o=wx", "244",}, {"u=rx,g=wx,o=w", "245",}, {"u=rx,g=wx,o=x", "246",}, {"u=rx,g=wx,o=", "247",}, {"u=rx,g=w,o=rwx", "250",}, {"u=rx,g=w,o=rw", "251",}, {"u=rx,g=w,o=rx", "252",}, {"u=rx,g=w,o=r", "253",}, {"u=rx,g=w,o=wx", "254",}, {"u=rx,g=w,o=w", "255",}, {"u=rx,g=w,o=x", "256",}, {"u=rx,g=w,o=", "257",}, {"u=rx,g=x,o=rwx", "260",}, {"u=rx,g=x,o=rw", "261",}, {"u=rx,g=x,o=rx", "262",}, {"u=rx,g=x,o=r", "263",}, {"u=rx,g=x,o=wx", "264",}, {"u=rx,g=x,o=w", "265",}, {"u=rx,g=x,o=x", "266",}, {"u=rx,g=x,o=", "267",}, {"u=rx,g=,o=rwx", "270",}, {"u=rx,g=,o=rw", "271",}, {"u=rx,g=,o=rx", "272",}, {"u=rx,g=,o=r", "273",}, {"u=rx,g=,o=wx", "274",}, {"u=rx,g=,o=w", "275",}, {"u=rx,g=,o=x", "276",}, {"u=rx,g=,o=", "277",}, {"u=r,g=rwx,o=rwx", "300",}, {"u=r,g=rwx,o=rw", "301",}, {"u=r,g=rwx,o=rx", "302",}, {"u=r,g=rwx,o=r", "303",}, {"u=r,g=rwx,o=wx", "304",}, {"u=r,g=rwx,o=w", "305",}, {"u=r,g=rwx,o=x", "306",}, {"u=r,g=rwx,o=", "307",}, {"u=r,g=rw,o=rwx", "310",}, {"u=r,g=rw,o=rw", "311",}, {"u=r,g=rw,o=rx", "312",}, {"u=r,g=rw,o=r", "313",}, {"u=r,g=rw,o=wx", "314",}, {"u=r,g=rw,o=w", "315",}, {"u=r,g=rw,o=x", "316",}, {"u=r,g=rw,o=", "317",}, {"u=r,g=rx,o=rwx", "320",}, {"u=r,g=rx,o=rw", "321",}, {"u=r,g=rx,o=rx", "322",}, {"u=r,g=rx,o=r", "323",}, {"u=r,g=rx,o=wx", "324",}, {"u=r,g=rx,o=w", "325",}, {"u=r,g=rx,o=x", "326",}, {"u=r,g=rx,o=", "327",}, {"u=r,g=r,o=rwx", "330",}, {"u=r,g=r,o=rw", "331",}, {"u=r,g=r,o=rx", "332",}, {"u=r,g=r,o=r", "333",}, {"u=r,g=r,o=wx", "334",}, {"u=r,g=r,o=w", "335",}, {"u=r,g=r,o=x", "336",}, {"u=r,g=r,o=", "337",}, {"u=r,g=wx,o=rwx", "340",}, {"u=r,g=wx,o=rw", "341",}, {"u=r,g=wx,o=rx", "342",}, {"u=r,g=wx,o=r", "343",}, {"u=r,g=wx,o=wx", "344",}, {"u=r,g=wx,o=w", "345",}, {"u=r,g=wx,o=x", "346",}, {"u=r,g=wx,o=", "347",}, {"u=r,g=w,o=rwx", "350",}, {"u=r,g=w,o=rw", "351",}, {"u=r,g=w,o=rx", "352",}, {"u=r,g=w,o=r", "353",}, {"u=r,g=w,o=wx", "354",}, {"u=r,g=w,o=w", "355",}, {"u=r,g=w,o=x", "356",}, {"u=r,g=w,o=", "357",}, {"u=r,g=x,o=rwx", "360",}, {"u=r,g=x,o=rw", "361",}, {"u=r,g=x,o=rx", "362",}, {"u=r,g=x,o=r", "363",}, {"u=r,g=x,o=wx", "364",}, {"u=r,g=x,o=w", "365",}, {"u=r,g=x,o=x", "366",}, {"u=r,g=x,o=", "367",}, {"u=r,g=,o=rwx", "370",}, {"u=r,g=,o=rw", "371",}, {"u=r,g=,o=rx", "372",}, {"u=r,g=,o=r", "373",}, {"u=r,g=,o=wx", "374",}, {"u=r,g=,o=w", "375",}, {"u=r,g=,o=x", "376",}, {"u=r,g=,o=", "377",}, {"u=wx,g=rwx,o=rwx", "400",}, {"u=wx,g=rwx,o=rw", "401",}, {"u=wx,g=rwx,o=rx", "402",}, {"u=wx,g=rwx,o=r", "403",}, {"u=wx,g=rwx,o=wx", "404",}, {"u=wx,g=rwx,o=w", "405",}, {"u=wx,g=rwx,o=x", "406",}, {"u=wx,g=rwx,o=", "407",}, {"u=wx,g=rw,o=rwx", "410",}, {"u=wx,g=rw,o=rw", "411",}, {"u=wx,g=rw,o=rx", "412",}, {"u=wx,g=rw,o=r", "413",}, {"u=wx,g=rw,o=wx", "414",}, {"u=wx,g=rw,o=w", "415",}, {"u=wx,g=rw,o=x", "416",}, {"u=wx,g=rw,o=", "417",}, {"u=wx,g=rx,o=rwx", "420",}, {"u=wx,g=rx,o=rw", "421",}, {"u=wx,g=rx,o=rx", "422",}, {"u=wx,g=rx,o=r", "423",}, {"u=wx,g=rx,o=wx", "424",}, {"u=wx,g=rx,o=w", "425",}, {"u=wx,g=rx,o=x", "426",}, {"u=wx,g=rx,o=", "427",}, {"u=wx,g=r,o=rwx", "430",}, {"u=wx,g=r,o=rw", "431",}, {"u=wx,g=r,o=rx", "432",}, {"u=wx,g=r,o=r", "433",}, {"u=wx,g=r,o=wx", "434",}, {"u=wx,g=r,o=w", "435",}, {"u=wx,g=r,o=x", "436",}, {"u=wx,g=r,o=", "437",}, {"u=wx,g=wx,o=rwx", "440",}, {"u=wx,g=wx,o=rw", "441",}, {"u=wx,g=wx,o=rx", "442",}, {"u=wx,g=wx,o=r", "443",}, {"u=wx,g=wx,o=wx", "444",}, {"u=wx,g=wx,o=w", "445",}, {"u=wx,g=wx,o=x", "446",}, {"u=wx,g=wx,o=", "447",}, {"u=wx,g=w,o=rwx", "450",}, {"u=wx,g=w,o=rw", "451",}, {"u=wx,g=w,o=rx", "452",}, {"u=wx,g=w,o=r", "453",}, {"u=wx,g=w,o=wx", "454",}, {"u=wx,g=w,o=w", "455",}, {"u=wx,g=w,o=x", "456",}, {"u=wx,g=w,o=", "457",}, {"u=wx,g=x,o=rwx", "460",}, {"u=wx,g=x,o=rw", "461",}, {"u=wx,g=x,o=rx", "462",}, {"u=wx,g=x,o=r", "463",}, {"u=wx,g=x,o=wx", "464",}, {"u=wx,g=x,o=w", "465",}, {"u=wx,g=x,o=x", "466",}, {"u=wx,g=x,o=", "467",}, {"u=wx,g=,o=rwx", "470",}, {"u=wx,g=,o=rw", "471",}, {"u=wx,g=,o=rx", "472",}, {"u=wx,g=,o=r", "473",}, {"u=wx,g=,o=wx", "474",}, {"u=wx,g=,o=w", "475",}, {"u=wx,g=,o=x", "476",}, {"u=wx,g=,o=", "477",}, {"u=w,g=rwx,o=rwx", "500",}, {"u=w,g=rwx,o=rw", "501",}, {"u=w,g=rwx,o=rx", "502",}, {"u=w,g=rwx,o=r", "503",}, {"u=w,g=rwx,o=wx", "504",}, {"u=w,g=rwx,o=w", "505",}, {"u=w,g=rwx,o=x", "506",}, {"u=w,g=rwx,o=", "507",}, {"u=w,g=rw,o=rwx", "510",}, {"u=w,g=rw,o=rw", "511",}, {"u=w,g=rw,o=rx", "512",}, {"u=w,g=rw,o=r", "513",}, {"u=w,g=rw,o=wx", "514",}, {"u=w,g=rw,o=w", "515",}, {"u=w,g=rw,o=x", "516",}, {"u=w,g=rw,o=", "517",}, {"u=w,g=rx,o=rwx", "520",}, {"u=w,g=rx,o=rw", "521",}, {"u=w,g=rx,o=rx", "522",}, {"u=w,g=rx,o=r", "523",}, {"u=w,g=rx,o=wx", "524",}, {"u=w,g=rx,o=w", "525",}, {"u=w,g=rx,o=x", "526",}, {"u=w,g=rx,o=", "527",}, {"u=w,g=r,o=rwx", "530",}, {"u=w,g=r,o=rw", "531",}, {"u=w,g=r,o=rx", "532",}, {"u=w,g=r,o=r", "533",}, {"u=w,g=r,o=wx", "534",}, {"u=w,g=r,o=w", "535",}, {"u=w,g=r,o=x", "536",}, {"u=w,g=r,o=", "537",}, {"u=w,g=wx,o=rwx", "540",}, {"u=w,g=wx,o=rw", "541",}, {"u=w,g=wx,o=rx", "542",}, {"u=w,g=wx,o=r", "543",}, {"u=w,g=wx,o=wx", "544",}, {"u=w,g=wx,o=w", "545",}, {"u=w,g=wx,o=x", "546",}, {"u=w,g=wx,o=", "547",}, {"u=w,g=w,o=rwx", "550",}, {"u=w,g=w,o=rw", "551",}, {"u=w,g=w,o=rx", "552",}, {"u=w,g=w,o=r", "553",}, {"u=w,g=w,o=wx", "554",}, {"u=w,g=w,o=w", "555",}, {"u=w,g=w,o=x", "556",}, {"u=w,g=w,o=", "557",}, {"u=w,g=x,o=rwx", "560",}, {"u=w,g=x,o=rw", "561",}, {"u=w,g=x,o=rx", "562",}, {"u=w,g=x,o=r", "563",}, {"u=w,g=x,o=wx", "564",}, {"u=w,g=x,o=w", "565",}, {"u=w,g=x,o=x", "566",}, {"u=w,g=x,o=", "567",}, {"u=w,g=,o=rwx", "570",}, {"u=w,g=,o=rw", "571",}, {"u=w,g=,o=rx", "572",}, {"u=w,g=,o=r", "573",}, {"u=w,g=,o=wx", "574",}, {"u=w,g=,o=w", "575",}, {"u=w,g=,o=x", "576",}, {"u=w,g=,o=", "577",}, {"u=x,g=rwx,o=rwx", "600",}, {"u=x,g=rwx,o=rw", "601",}, {"u=x,g=rwx,o=rx", "602",}, {"u=x,g=rwx,o=r", "603",}, {"u=x,g=rwx,o=wx", "604",}, {"u=x,g=rwx,o=w", "605",}, {"u=x,g=rwx,o=x", "606",}, {"u=x,g=rwx,o=", "607",}, {"u=x,g=rw,o=rwx", "610",}, {"u=x,g=rw,o=rw", "611",}, {"u=x,g=rw,o=rx", "612",}, {"u=x,g=rw,o=r", "613",}, {"u=x,g=rw,o=wx", "614",}, {"u=x,g=rw,o=w", "615",}, {"u=x,g=rw,o=x", "616",}, {"u=x,g=rw,o=", "617",}, {"u=x,g=rx,o=rwx", "620",}, {"u=x,g=rx,o=rw", "621",}, {"u=x,g=rx,o=rx", "622",}, {"u=x,g=rx,o=r", "623",}, {"u=x,g=rx,o=wx", "624",}, {"u=x,g=rx,o=w", "625",}, {"u=x,g=rx,o=x", "626",}, {"u=x,g=rx,o=", "627",}, {"u=x,g=r,o=rwx", "630",}, {"u=x,g=r,o=rw", "631",}, {"u=x,g=r,o=rx", "632",}, {"u=x,g=r,o=r", "633",}, {"u=x,g=r,o=wx", "634",}, {"u=x,g=r,o=w", "635",}, {"u=x,g=r,o=x", "636",}, {"u=x,g=r,o=", "637",}, {"u=x,g=wx,o=rwx", "640",}, {"u=x,g=wx,o=rw", "641",}, {"u=x,g=wx,o=rx", "642",}, {"u=x,g=wx,o=r", "643",}, {"u=x,g=wx,o=wx", "644",}, {"u=x,g=wx,o=w", "645",}, {"u=x,g=wx,o=x", "646",}, {"u=x,g=wx,o=", "647",}, {"u=x,g=w,o=rwx", "650",}, {"u=x,g=w,o=rw", "651",}, {"u=x,g=w,o=rx", "652",}, {"u=x,g=w,o=r", "653",}, {"u=x,g=w,o=wx", "654",}, {"u=x,g=w,o=w", "655",}, {"u=x,g=w,o=x", "656",}, {"u=x,g=w,o=", "657",}, {"u=x,g=x,o=rwx", "660",}, {"u=x,g=x,o=rw", "661",}, {"u=x,g=x,o=rx", "662",}, {"u=x,g=x,o=r", "663",}, {"u=x,g=x,o=wx", "664",}, {"u=x,g=x,o=w", "665",}, {"u=x,g=x,o=x", "666",}, {"u=x,g=x,o=", "667",}, {"u=x,g=,o=rwx", "670",}, {"u=x,g=,o=rw", "671",}, {"u=x,g=,o=rx", "672",}, {"u=x,g=,o=r", "673",}, {"u=x,g=,o=wx", "674",}, {"u=x,g=,o=w", "675",}, {"u=x,g=,o=x", "676",}, {"u=x,g=,o=", "677",}, {"u=,g=rwx,o=rwx", "700",}, {"u=,g=rwx,o=rw", "701",}, {"u=,g=rwx,o=rx", "702",}, {"u=,g=rwx,o=r", "703",}, {"u=,g=rwx,o=wx", "704",}, {"u=,g=rwx,o=w", "705",}, {"u=,g=rwx,o=x", "706",}, {"u=,g=rwx,o=", "707",}, {"u=,g=rw,o=rwx", "710",}, {"u=,g=rw,o=rw", "711",}, {"u=,g=rw,o=rx", "712",}, {"u=,g=rw,o=r", "713",}, {"u=,g=rw,o=wx", "714",}, {"u=,g=rw,o=w", "715",}, {"u=,g=rw,o=x", "716",}, {"u=,g=rw,o=", "717",}, {"u=,g=rx,o=rwx", "720",}, {"u=,g=rx,o=rw", "721",}, {"u=,g=rx,o=rx", "722",}, {"u=,g=rx,o=r", "723",}, {"u=,g=rx,o=wx", "724",}, {"u=,g=rx,o=w", "725",}, {"u=,g=rx,o=x", "726",}, {"u=,g=rx,o=", "727",}, {"u=,g=r,o=rwx", "730",}, {"u=,g=r,o=rw", "731",}, {"u=,g=r,o=rx", "732",}, {"u=,g=r,o=r", "733",}, {"u=,g=r,o=wx", "734",}, {"u=,g=r,o=w", "735",}, {"u=,g=r,o=x", "736",}, {"u=,g=r,o=", "737",}, {"u=,g=wx,o=rwx", "740",}, {"u=,g=wx,o=rw", "741",}, {"u=,g=wx,o=rx", "742",}, {"u=,g=wx,o=r", "743",}, {"u=,g=wx,o=wx", "744",}, {"u=,g=wx,o=w", "745",}, {"u=,g=wx,o=x", "746",}, {"u=,g=wx,o=", "747",}, {"u=,g=w,o=rwx", "750",}, {"u=,g=w,o=rw", "751",}, {"u=,g=w,o=rx", "752",}, {"u=,g=w,o=r", "753",}, {"u=,g=w,o=wx", "754",}, {"u=,g=w,o=w", "755",}, {"u=,g=w,o=x", "756",}, {"u=,g=w,o=", "757",}, {"u=,g=x,o=rwx", "760",}, {"u=,g=x,o=rw", "761",}, {"u=,g=x,o=rx", "762",}, {"u=,g=x,o=r", "763",}, {"u=,g=x,o=wx", "764",}, {"u=,g=x,o=w", "765",}, {"u=,g=x,o=x", "766",}, {"u=,g=x,o=", "767",}, {"u=,g=,o=rwx", "770",}, {"u=,g=,o=rw", "771",}, {"u=,g=,o=rx", "772",}, {"u=,g=,o=r", "773",}, {"u=,g=,o=wx", "774",}, {"u=,g=,o=w", "775",}, {"u=,g=,o=x", "776",}, {"u=,g=,o=", "777"} }; for(int i = 0; i < symbolic.length; i += 2) { conf.set(FsPermission.UMASK_LABEL, symbolic[i][0]); short val = Short.valueOf(symbolic[i][1], 8); assertEquals(val, FsPermission.getUMask(conf).toShort()); } } public void testBadUmasks() { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); for(String b : new String [] {"1777", "22", "99", "foo", ""}) { conf.set(FsPermission.UMASK_LABEL, b); try { FsPermission.getUMask(conf); fail("Shouldn't have been able to parse bad umask"); } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) { assertTrue("Exception should specify parsing error and invalid umask: " + iae.getMessage(), isCorrectExceptionMessage(iae.getMessage(), b)); } } } private boolean isCorrectExceptionMessage(String msg, String umask) { return msg.contains("Unable to parse") && msg.contains(umask) && msg.contains("octal or symbolic"); } // Ensure that when the deprecated decimal umask key is used, it is correctly // parsed as such and converted correctly to an FsPermission value public void testDeprecatedUmask() { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.set(FsPermission.DEPRECATED_UMASK_LABEL, "302"); // 302 = 0456 FsPermission umask = FsPermission.getUMask(conf); assertEquals(0456, umask.toShort()); } }