/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapred; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.DataOutput; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable; import org.apache.hadoop.io.WritableUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; /************************************************** * Describes the current status of a task. This is * not intended to be a comprehensive piece of data. * **************************************************/ public abstract class TaskStatus implements Writable, Cloneable { static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TaskStatus.class.getName()); //enumeration for reporting current phase of a task. public static enum Phase{STARTING, MAP, SHUFFLE, SORT, REDUCE, CLEANUP} // what state is the task in? public static enum State {RUNNING, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, UNASSIGNED, KILLED, COMMIT_PENDING, FAILED_UNCLEAN, KILLED_UNCLEAN} private final TaskAttemptID taskid; private float progress; private volatile State runState; private String diagnosticInfo; private String stateString; private String taskTracker; private int numSlots; private long startTime; private long finishTime; private long outputSize; private volatile Phase phase = Phase.STARTING; private Counters counters; private boolean includeCounters; private SortedRanges.Range nextRecordRange = new SortedRanges.Range(); public TaskStatus() { taskid = new TaskAttemptID(); numSlots = 0; } public TaskStatus(TaskAttemptID taskid, float progress, int numSlots, State runState, String diagnosticInfo, String stateString, String taskTracker, Phase phase, Counters counters) { this.taskid = taskid; this.progress = progress; this.numSlots = numSlots; this.runState = runState; this.diagnosticInfo = diagnosticInfo; this.stateString = stateString; this.taskTracker = taskTracker; this.phase = phase; this.counters = counters; this.includeCounters = true; } public TaskAttemptID getTaskID() { return taskid; } public abstract boolean getIsMap(); public int getNumSlots() { return numSlots; } public float getProgress() { return progress; } public void setProgress(float progress) { this.progress = progress; } public State getRunState() { return runState; } public String getTaskTracker() {return taskTracker;} public void setTaskTracker(String tracker) { this.taskTracker = tracker;} public void setRunState(State runState) { this.runState = runState; } public String getDiagnosticInfo() { return diagnosticInfo; } public void setDiagnosticInfo(String info) { diagnosticInfo = ((diagnosticInfo == null) ? info : diagnosticInfo.concat(info)); } public String getStateString() { return stateString; } public void setStateString(String stateString) { this.stateString = stateString; } /** * Get the next record range which is going to be processed by Task. * @return nextRecordRange */ public SortedRanges.Range getNextRecordRange() { return nextRecordRange; } /** * Set the next record range which is going to be processed by Task. * @param nextRecordRange */ public void setNextRecordRange(SortedRanges.Range nextRecordRange) { this.nextRecordRange = nextRecordRange; } /** * Get task finish time. if shuffleFinishTime and sortFinishTime * are not set before, these are set to finishTime. It takes care of * the case when shuffle, sort and finish are completed with in the * heartbeat interval and are not reported separately. if task state is * TaskStatus.FAILED then finish time represents when the task failed. * @return finish time of the task. */ public long getFinishTime() { return finishTime; } /** * Sets finishTime for the task status if and only if the * start time is set and passed finish time is greater than * zero. * * @param finishTime finish time of task. */ void setFinishTime(long finishTime) { if(this.getStartTime() > 0 && finishTime > 0) { this.finishTime = finishTime; } else { //Using String utils to get the stack trace. LOG.error("Trying to set finish time for task " + taskid + " when no start time is set, stackTrace is : " + StringUtils.stringifyException(new Exception())); } } /** * Get shuffle finish time for the task. If shuffle finish time was * not set due to shuffle/sort/finish phases ending within same * heartbeat interval, it is set to finish time of next phase i.e. sort * or task finish when these are set. * @return 0 if shuffleFinishTime, sortFinishTime and finish time are not set. else * it returns approximate shuffle finish time. */ public long getShuffleFinishTime() { return 0; } /** * Set shuffle finish time. * @param shuffleFinishTime */ void setShuffleFinishTime(long shuffleFinishTime) {} /** * Get sort finish time for the task,. If sort finish time was not set * due to sort and reduce phase finishing in same heartebat interval, it is * set to finish time, when finish time is set. * @return 0 if sort finish time and finish time are not set, else returns sort * finish time if that is set, else it returns finish time. */ public long getSortFinishTime() { return 0; } /** * Sets sortFinishTime, if shuffleFinishTime is not set before * then its set to sortFinishTime. * @param sortFinishTime */ void setSortFinishTime(long sortFinishTime) {} /** * Get start time of the task. * @return 0 is start time is not set, else returns start time. */ public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } /** * Set startTime of the task if start time is greater than zero. * @param startTime start time */ void setStartTime(long startTime) { //Making the assumption of passed startTime to be a positive //long value explicit. if (startTime > 0) { this.startTime = startTime; } else { //Using String utils to get the stack trace. LOG.error("Trying to set illegal startTime for task : " + taskid + ".Stack trace is : " + StringUtils.stringifyException(new Exception())); } } /** * Get current phase of this task. Phase.Map in case of map tasks, * for reduce one of Phase.SHUFFLE, Phase.SORT or Phase.REDUCE. * @return . */ public Phase getPhase(){ return this.phase; } /** * Set current phase of this task. * @param phase phase of this task */ void setPhase(Phase phase){ TaskStatus.Phase oldPhase = getPhase(); if (oldPhase != phase){ // sort phase started if (phase == TaskStatus.Phase.SORT){ setShuffleFinishTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); }else if (phase == TaskStatus.Phase.REDUCE){ setSortFinishTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } } this.phase = phase; } boolean inTaskCleanupPhase() { return (this.phase == TaskStatus.Phase.CLEANUP && (this.runState == TaskStatus.State.FAILED_UNCLEAN || this.runState == TaskStatus.State.KILLED_UNCLEAN)); } public boolean getIncludeCounters() { return includeCounters; } public void setIncludeCounters(boolean send) { includeCounters = send; } /** * Get task's counters. */ public Counters getCounters() { return counters; } /** * Set the task's counters. * @param counters */ public void setCounters(Counters counters) { this.counters = counters; } /** * Returns the number of bytes of output from this map. */ public long getOutputSize() { return outputSize; } /** * Set the size on disk of this task's output. * @param l the number of map output bytes */ void setOutputSize(long l) { outputSize = l; } /** * Get the list of maps from which output-fetches failed. * * @return the list of maps from which output-fetches failed. */ public List<TaskAttemptID> getFetchFailedMaps() { return null; } /** * Add to the list of maps from which output-fetches failed. * * @param mapTaskId map from which fetch failed */ synchronized void addFetchFailedMap(TaskAttemptID mapTaskId) {} /** * Update the status of the task. * * This update is done by ping thread before sending the status. * * @param progress * @param state * @param counters */ synchronized void statusUpdate(float progress, String state, Counters counters) { setProgress(progress); setStateString(state); setCounters(counters); } /** * Update the status of the task. * * @param status updated status */ synchronized void statusUpdate(TaskStatus status) { this.progress = status.getProgress(); this.runState = status.getRunState(); this.stateString = status.getStateString(); this.nextRecordRange = status.getNextRecordRange(); setDiagnosticInfo(status.getDiagnosticInfo()); if (status.getStartTime() > 0) { this.startTime = status.getStartTime(); } if (status.getFinishTime() > 0) { setFinishTime(status.getFinishTime()); } this.phase = status.getPhase(); this.counters = status.getCounters(); this.outputSize = status.outputSize; } /** * Update specific fields of task status * * This update is done in JobTracker when a cleanup attempt of task * reports its status. Then update only specific fields, not all. * * @param runState * @param progress * @param state * @param phase * @param finishTime */ synchronized void statusUpdate(State runState, float progress, String state, Phase phase, long finishTime) { setRunState(runState); setProgress(progress); setStateString(state); setPhase(phase); if (finishTime > 0) { setFinishTime(finishTime); } } /** * Clear out transient information after sending out a status-update * from either the {@link Task} to the {@link TaskTracker} or from the * {@link TaskTracker} to the {@link JobTracker}. */ synchronized void clearStatus() { // Clear diagnosticInfo diagnosticInfo = ""; } @Override public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse) { // Shouldn't happen since we do implement Clonable throw new InternalError(cnse.toString()); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Writable ////////////////////////////////////////////// public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { taskid.write(out); out.writeFloat(progress); out.writeInt(numSlots); WritableUtils.writeEnum(out, runState); Text.writeString(out, diagnosticInfo); Text.writeString(out, stateString); WritableUtils.writeEnum(out, phase); out.writeLong(startTime); out.writeLong(finishTime); out.writeBoolean(includeCounters); out.writeLong(outputSize); if (includeCounters) { counters.write(out); } nextRecordRange.write(out); } public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { this.taskid.readFields(in); this.progress = in.readFloat(); this.numSlots = in.readInt(); this.runState = WritableUtils.readEnum(in, State.class); this.diagnosticInfo = Text.readString(in); this.stateString = Text.readString(in); this.phase = WritableUtils.readEnum(in, Phase.class); this.startTime = in.readLong(); this.finishTime = in.readLong(); counters = new Counters(); this.includeCounters = in.readBoolean(); this.outputSize = in.readLong(); if (includeCounters) { counters.readFields(in); } nextRecordRange.readFields(in); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Factory-like methods to create/read/write appropriate TaskStatus objects ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static TaskStatus createTaskStatus(DataInput in, TaskAttemptID taskId, float progress, int numSlots, State runState, String diagnosticInfo, String stateString, String taskTracker, Phase phase, Counters counters) throws IOException { boolean isMap = in.readBoolean(); return createTaskStatus(isMap, taskId, progress, numSlots, runState, diagnosticInfo, stateString, taskTracker, phase, counters); } static TaskStatus createTaskStatus(boolean isMap, TaskAttemptID taskId, float progress, int numSlots, State runState, String diagnosticInfo, String stateString, String taskTracker, Phase phase, Counters counters) { return (isMap) ? new MapTaskStatus(taskId, progress, numSlots, runState, diagnosticInfo, stateString, taskTracker, phase, counters) : new ReduceTaskStatus(taskId, progress, numSlots, runState, diagnosticInfo, stateString, taskTracker, phase, counters); } static TaskStatus createTaskStatus(boolean isMap) { return (isMap) ? new MapTaskStatus() : new ReduceTaskStatus(); } static TaskStatus readTaskStatus(DataInput in) throws IOException { boolean isMap = in.readBoolean(); TaskStatus taskStatus = createTaskStatus(isMap); taskStatus.readFields(in); return taskStatus; } static void writeTaskStatus(DataOutput out, TaskStatus taskStatus) throws IOException { out.writeBoolean(taskStatus.getIsMap()); taskStatus.write(out); } }