/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapred; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobHistory.JobInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker.RetireJobInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskType; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ServletUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; class JSPUtil { private static final String PRIVATE_ACTIONS_KEY = "webinterface.private.actions"; public static final Configuration conf = new Configuration(); //LRU based cache private static final Map<String, JobInfo> jobHistoryCache = new LinkedHashMap<String, JobInfo>(); private static final int CACHE_SIZE = conf.getInt("mapred.job.tracker.jobhistory.lru.cache.size", 5); private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JSPUtil.class); /** * Method used to process the request from the job page based on the * request which it has received. For example like changing priority. * * @param request HTTP request Object. * @param response HTTP response object. * @param tracker {@link JobTracker} instance * @throws IOException */ public static void processButtons(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, JobTracker tracker) throws IOException { if (conf.getBoolean(PRIVATE_ACTIONS_KEY, false) && request.getParameter("killJobs") != null) { String[] jobs = request.getParameterValues("jobCheckBox"); if (jobs != null) { for (String job : jobs) { tracker.killJob(JobID.forName(job)); } } } if (conf.getBoolean(PRIVATE_ACTIONS_KEY, false) && request.getParameter("changeJobPriority") != null) { String[] jobs = request.getParameterValues("jobCheckBox"); if (jobs != null) { JobPriority jobPri = JobPriority.valueOf(request .getParameter("setJobPriority")); for (String job : jobs) { tracker.setJobPriority(JobID.forName(job), jobPri); } } } } /** * Method used to generate the Job table for Job pages. * * @param label display heading to be used in the job table. * @param jobs vector of jobs to be displayed in table. * @param refresh refresh interval to be used in jobdetails page. * @param rowId beginning row id to be used in the table. * @return * @throws IOException */ public static String generateJobTable(String label, Collection<JobInProgress> jobs , int refresh, int rowId) throws IOException { boolean isModifiable = label.equals("Running") && conf.getBoolean( PRIVATE_ACTIONS_KEY, false); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); if (jobs.size() > 0) { if (isModifiable) { sb.append("<form action=\"/jobtracker.jsp\" onsubmit=\"return confirmAction();\" method=\"POST\">"); sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<td><input type=\"Button\" onclick=\"selectAll()\" " + "value=\"Select All\" id=\"checkEm\"></td>"); sb.append("<td>"); sb.append("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"killJobs\" value=\"Kill Selected Jobs\">"); sb.append("</td"); sb.append("<td><nobr>"); sb.append("<select name=\"setJobPriority\">"); for (JobPriority prio : JobPriority.values()) { sb.append("<option" + (JobPriority.NORMAL == prio ? " selected=\"selected\">" : ">") + prio + "</option>"); } sb.append("</select>"); sb.append("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"changeJobPriority\" " + "value=\"Change\">"); sb.append("</nobr></td>"); sb.append("<td colspan=\"10\"> </td>"); sb.append("</tr>"); sb.append("<td> </td>"); } else { sb.append("<tr>"); } int totalMaps = 0; int comMaps = 0; int totalReduces = 0; int comReduces = 0; for (Iterator<JobInProgress> it = jobs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { JobInProgress job = it.next(); totalMaps += job.desiredMaps(); totalReduces += job.desiredReduces(); comMaps += job.finishedMaps(); comReduces += job.finishedReduces(); } sb.append("<td><b>Jobid</b></td><td><b>Priority" + "</b></td><td><b>User</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Name</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Map % Complete</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Map Total " + totalMaps + "</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Maps Completed " + comMaps + "</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Reduce % Complete</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Reduce Total " + totalReduces + "</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Reduces Completed " + comReduces + "</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Job Scheduling Information</b></td>"); sb.append("</tr>\n"); for (Iterator<JobInProgress> it = jobs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ++rowId) { JobInProgress job = it.next(); JobProfile profile = job.getProfile(); JobStatus status = job.getStatus(); JobID jobid = profile.getJobID(); int desiredMaps = job.desiredMaps(); int desiredReduces = job.desiredReduces(); int completedMaps = job.finishedMaps(); int completedReduces = job.finishedReduces(); String name = profile.getJobName(); String abbreviatedName = (name.length() > 76 ? name.substring(0,76) + "..." : name); String jobpri = job.getPriority().toString(); String schedulingInfo = job.getStatus().getSchedulingInfo(); if (isModifiable) { sb.append("<tr><td><input TYPE=\"checkbox\" " + "onclick=\"checkButtonVerbage()\" " + "name=\"jobCheckBox\" value=" + jobid + "></td>"); } else { sb.append("<tr>"); } sb.append("<td id=\"job_" + rowId + "\"><a href=\"jobdetails.jsp?jobid=" + jobid + "&refresh=" + refresh + "\">" + jobid + "</a></td>" + "<td id=\"priority_" + rowId + "\">" + jobpri + "</td>" + "<td id=\"user_" + rowId + "\">" + profile.getUser() + "</td>" + "<td id=\"name_" + rowId + "\">" + ("".equals(abbreviatedName) ? " " : abbreviatedName) + "</td>" + "<td>" + StringUtils.formatPercent(status.mapProgress(), 2) + ServletUtil.percentageGraph(status.mapProgress() * 100, 80) + "</td><td>" + desiredMaps + "</td><td>" + completedMaps + "</td><td>" + StringUtils.formatPercent(status.reduceProgress(), 2) + ServletUtil.percentageGraph(status.reduceProgress() * 100, 80) + "</td><td>" + desiredReduces + "</td><td> " + completedReduces + "</td><td>" + schedulingInfo + "</td></tr>\n"); } if (isModifiable) { sb.append("</form>\n"); } } else { sb.append("<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"8\"><i>none</i>" + "</td></tr>\n"); } sb.append("</table>\n"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Given jobId, resolve the link to jobdetailshistory.jsp * @param tracker JobTracker * @param jobId JobID * @return the link to the page jobdetailshistory.jsp for the job */ public static String getJobDetailsHistoryLink(JobTracker tracker, String jobId) { RetireJobInfo info = tracker.retireJobs.get(JobID.forName(jobId)); String historyFileUrl = getHistoryFileUrl(info); String result = (historyFileUrl == null ? "" : "jobdetailshistory.jsp?jobid=" + jobId + "&logFile=" + historyFileUrl); return result; } /** * Given jobId, taskid resolve the link to taskdetailshistory.jsp * @param tracker JobTracker * @param jobId JobID * @param tid String * @return the link to the page jobdetailshistory.jsp for the job */ public static String getTaskDetailsHistoryLink(JobTracker tracker, String jobId, String tid) { RetireJobInfo info = tracker.retireJobs.get(JobID.forName(jobId)); String historyFileUrl = getHistoryFileUrl(info); String result = (historyFileUrl == null ? "" : "taskdetailshistory.jsp?jobid=" + jobId + "&logFile=" + historyFileUrl + "&taskid=" + tid); return result; } /** * Obtain history file URL from RetireJobInfo * @param info RetireJobInfo * @return corresponding history file url, null if cannot creat one */ private static String getHistoryFileUrl(RetireJobInfo info) { String historyFile = info.getHistoryFile(); String historyFileUrl = null; if (historyFile != null && !historyFile.equals("")) { try { historyFileUrl = URLEncoder.encode(info.getHistoryFile(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { LOG.warn("Can't create history url ", e); } } return historyFileUrl; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String generateRetiredJobTable(JobTracker tracker, int rowId) throws IOException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); Iterator<RetireJobInfo> iterator = tracker.retireJobs.getAll().descendingIterator(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { sb.append("<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"8\"><i>none</i>" + "</td></tr>\n"); } else { sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<td><b>Jobid</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Priority</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>User</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Name</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>State</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Start Time</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Finish Time</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Map % Complete</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Reduce % Complete</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Job Scheduling Information</b></td>"); sb.append("</tr>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 100 && iterator.hasNext(); i++) { RetireJobInfo info = iterator.next(); String historyFileUrl = getHistoryFileUrl(info); sb.append("<tr>"); String name = info.profile.getJobName(); String abbreviatedName = (name.length() > 76 ? name.substring(0,76) + "..." : name); sb.append( "<td id=\"job_" + rowId + "\">" + (historyFileUrl == null ? "" : "<a href=\"jobdetailshistory.jsp?jobid=" + info.status.getJobId() + "&logFile=" + historyFileUrl + "\">") + info.status.getJobId() + "</a></td>" + "<td id=\"priority_" + rowId + "\">" + info.status.getJobPriority().toString() + "</td>" + "<td id=\"user_" + rowId + "\">" + info.profile.getUser() + "</td>" + "<td id=\"name_" + rowId + "\">" + abbreviatedName + "</td>" + "<td>" + JobStatus.getJobRunState(info.status.getRunState()) + "</td>" + "<td>" + new Date(info.status.getStartTime()) + "</td>" + "<td>" + new Date(info.finishTime) + "</td>" + "<td>" + StringUtils.formatPercent(info.status.mapProgress(), 2) + ServletUtil.percentageGraph(info.status.mapProgress() * 100, 80) + "</td>" + "<td>" + StringUtils.formatPercent(info.status.reduceProgress(), 2) + ServletUtil.percentageGraph( info.status.reduceProgress() * 100, 80) + "</td>" + "<td>" + info.status.getSchedulingInfo() + "</td>" + "</tr>\n"); rowId++; } } sb.append("</table>\n"); return sb.toString(); } static JobInfo getJobInfo(HttpServletRequest request, FileSystem fs) throws IOException { String jobid = request.getParameter("jobid"); String logFile = request.getParameter("logFile"); synchronized(jobHistoryCache) { JobInfo jobInfo = jobHistoryCache.remove(jobid); if (jobInfo == null) { jobInfo = new JobHistory.JobInfo(jobid); LOG.info("Loading Job History file "+jobid + ". Cache size is " + jobHistoryCache.size()); DefaultJobHistoryParser.parseJobTasks( logFile, jobInfo, fs) ; } jobHistoryCache.put(jobid, jobInfo); if (jobHistoryCache.size() > CACHE_SIZE) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JobInfo>> it = jobHistoryCache.entrySet().iterator(); String removeJobId = it.next().getKey(); it.remove(); LOG.info("Job History file removed form cache "+removeJobId); } return jobInfo; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void generateRetiredJobXml(JspWriter out, JobTracker tracker, int rowId) throws IOException { Iterator<RetireJobInfo> iterator = tracker.retireJobs.getAll().descendingIterator(); for (int i = 0; i < 100 && iterator.hasNext(); i++) { RetireJobInfo info = iterator.next(); JobStatus status = info.status; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<retired_job rowid=\"" + rowId + "\" jobid=\"" + status.getJobId() + "\">"); sb.append("<jobid>" + status.getJobId() + "</jobid>"); sb.append("<history_url>jobdetailshistory.jsp?jobid=" + status.getJobId() + "&logFile=" + URLEncoder.encode(info.getHistoryFile().toString(), "UTF-8") + "</history_url>"); sb.append("<priority>" + status.getJobPriority().toString() + "</priority>"); sb.append("<user>" + info.profile.getUser() + "</user>"); sb.append("<name>" + info.profile.getJobName() + "</name>"); sb.append("<run_state>" + JobStatus.getJobRunState(status.getRunState()) + "</run_state>"); sb.append("<start_time>" + new Date(status.getStartTime()) + "</start_time>"); sb.append("<finish_time>" + new Date(info.finishTime) + "</finish_time>"); sb.append("<map_complete>" + StringUtils.formatPercent( status.mapProgress(), 2) + "</map_complete>"); sb.append("<reduce_complete>" + StringUtils.formatPercent( status.reduceProgress(), 2) + "</reduce_complete>"); sb.append("<scheduling_info>" + status.getSchedulingInfo() + "</scheduling_info>"); sb.append("</retired_job>\n"); out.write(sb.toString()); rowId++; } } /** * Method used to generate the cluster resource utilization table */ public static String generateClusterResTable(JobTracker tracker) throws IOException { ResourceReporter reporter = tracker.getResourceReporter(); if (reporter == null) { return ""; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); sb.append("<tr>\n"); sb.append("<th colspan=3>CPU</th>\n"); sb.append("<th colspan=3>MEM</th>\n"); sb.append("<th rowspan=2>Reported</th>\n"); sb.append("</tr>\n"); sb.append("<tr>\n"); sb.append("<th>Total</th><th>Used</th><th>%</th>\n"); sb.append("<th>Total</th><th>Used</th><th>%</th>\n"); sb.append("</tr>\n"); sb.append("<tr>\n"); sb.append(String.format( "<td>%.1f GHz</td><td>%.1f GHz</td><td>%.1f%%</td>\n", reporter.getClusterCpuTotalGHz(), reporter.getClusterCpuUsageGHz(), Math.min(reporter.getClusterCpuUsageGHz() / reporter.getClusterCpuTotalGHz() * 100D, 100D))); sb.append(String.format( "<td>%.1f GB</td><td>%.1f GB</td><td>%.1f%%</td><td>%d</td>\n", reporter.getClusterMemTotalGB(), reporter.getClusterMemUsageGB(), reporter.getClusterMemUsageGB() / reporter.getClusterMemTotalGB() * 100D, reporter.getReportedTaskTrackers())); sb.append("</tr>\n"); sb.append("</table>\n"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Method used to generate the Job table for Job pages with resource * utilization information obtain from {@link ResourceReporter}. * * @param label display heading to be used in the job table. * @param jobs vector of jobs to be displayed in table. * @param refresh refresh interval to be used in jobdetails page. * @param rowId beginning row id to be used in the table. * @return * @throws IOException */ public static String generateJobTableWithResourceInfo(String label, Collection<JobInProgress> jobs, int refresh, int rowId, JobTracker tracker) throws IOException { ResourceReporter reporter = tracker.getResourceReporter(); if (reporter == null) { return generateJobTable(label, jobs, refresh, rowId); } boolean isModifiable = label.equals("Running") && conf.getBoolean(PRIVATE_ACTIONS_KEY, false); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"); if (jobs.size() > 0) { if (isModifiable) { sb.append("<form action=\"/jobtracker_hmon.jsp\" onsubmit=\"return confirmAction();\" method=\"POST\">"); sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<td><input type=\"Button\" onclick=\"selectAll()\" " + "value=\"Select All\" id=\"checkEm\"></td>"); sb.append("<td>"); sb.append("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"killJobs\" value=\"Kill Selected Jobs\">"); sb.append("</td"); sb.append("<td><nobr>"); sb.append("<select name=\"setJobPriority\">"); for (JobPriority prio : JobPriority.values()) { sb.append("<option" + (JobPriority.NORMAL == prio ? " selected=\"selected\">" : ">") + prio + "</option>"); } sb.append("</select>"); sb.append("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"changeJobPriority\" " + "value=\"Change\">"); sb.append("</nobr></td>"); sb.append("<td colspan=\"15\"> </td>"); sb.append("</tr>"); sb.append("<td> </td>"); } else { sb.append("<tr>"); } int totalMaps = 0; int comMaps = 0; int totalReduces = 0; int comReduces = 0; for (Iterator<JobInProgress> it = jobs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { JobInProgress job = it.next(); totalMaps += job.desiredMaps(); totalReduces += job.desiredReduces(); comMaps += job.finishedMaps(); comReduces += job.finishedReduces(); } sb.append("<td><b>Jobid</b></td><td><b>Priority" + "</b></td><td><b>User</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Name</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Map % Complete</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Map Total " + totalMaps + "</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Maps Completed " + comMaps + "</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Reduce % Complete</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Reduce Total " + totalReduces + "</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>Reduces Completed " + comReduces + "</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>CPU Now</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>CPU Cumulated Cluster-sec</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>MEM Now</b></a></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>MEM Cumulated Cluster-sec</b></td>"); sb.append("<td><b>MEM Max/Node</b></td>"); sb.append("</tr>\n"); for (Iterator<JobInProgress> it = jobs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ++rowId) { JobInProgress job = it.next(); JobProfile profile = job.getProfile(); JobStatus status = job.getStatus(); JobID jobid = profile.getJobID(); int desiredMaps = job.desiredMaps(); int desiredReduces = job.desiredReduces(); int completedMaps = job.finishedMaps(); int completedReduces = job.finishedReduces(); String name = profile.getJobName(); String jobpri = job.getPriority().toString(); if (isModifiable) { sb.append("<tr><td><input TYPE=\"checkbox\" " + "onclick=\"checkButtonVerbage()\" " + "name=\"jobCheckBox\" value=" + jobid + "></td>"); } else { sb.append("<tr>"); } String cpu = "-"; String mem = "-"; String memMax = "-"; String cpuCost = "-"; String memCost = "-"; if (reporter.getJobCpuCumulatedUsageTime(jobid) != ResourceReporter.UNAVAILABLE) { cpu = String.format("%.2f%%", reporter.getJobCpuPercentageOnCluster(jobid)); if (reporter.getJobCpuPercentageOnCluster(jobid) > 50) { cpu = "<font color=\"red\">" + cpu + "</font>"; } mem = String.format("%.2f%%", reporter.getJobMemPercentageOnCluster(jobid)); if (reporter.getJobMemPercentageOnCluster(jobid) > 50) { mem = "<font color=\"red\">" + mem + "</font>"; } cpuCost = String.format("%.2f", reporter.getJobCpuCumulatedUsageTime(jobid) / 1000D); memCost = String.format("%.2f", reporter.getJobMemCumulatedUsageTime(jobid) / 1000D); memMax = String.format("%.2f%%", reporter.getJobMemMaxPercentageOnBox(jobid)); if (reporter.getJobMemMaxPercentageOnBox(jobid) > 50) { memMax = "<font color=\"red\">" + memMax + "</font>"; } } sb.append("<td id=\"job_" + rowId + "\"><a href=\"jobdetails.jsp?jobid=" + jobid + "&refresh=" + refresh + "\">" + jobid + "</a></td>" + "<td id=\"priority_" + rowId + "\">" + jobpri + "</td>" + "<td id=\"user_" + rowId + "\">" + profile.getUser() + "</td>" + "<td id=\"name_" + rowId + "\">" + ("".equals(name) ? " " : name) + "</td><td>" + StringUtils.formatPercent(status.mapProgress(), 2) + ServletUtil.percentageGraph(status.mapProgress() * 100, 80) + "</td><td>" + desiredMaps + "</td><td>" + completedMaps + "</td><td>" + StringUtils.formatPercent(status.reduceProgress(), 2) + ServletUtil.percentageGraph(status.reduceProgress() * 100, 80) + "</td><td>" + desiredReduces + "</td><td> " + completedReduces + "</td><td id=\"cpu_" + rowId + "\">" + cpu + "</td>" + "<td id=\"cpuCost_" + rowId + "\">" + cpuCost + "</td>" + "<td id=\"mem_" + rowId + "\">" + mem + "</td>" + "<td id=\"memCost_" + rowId + "\">" + memCost + "</td>" + "<td id=\"memMax_" + rowId + "\">" + memMax + "</td></tr>\n"); } if (isModifiable) { sb.append("</form>\n"); } } else { sb.append("<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"8\"><i>none</i>" + "</td></tr>\n"); } sb.append("</table>\n"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Method used to generate the txt based Job table for Job pages. * * @param jobs vector of jobs to be displayed in table. * @param colSeparator the char used to separate columns * @param rowSeparator the char used to separate records * @return a String contains the table * @throws IOException */ public static String generateTxtJobTable(Collection<JobInProgress> jobs, JobTracker tracker) throws IOException { char colSeparator = '\t'; char rowSeparator = '\n'; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("01.JOBID" + colSeparator + "02.START" + colSeparator + "03.FINISH" + colSeparator + "04.USER" + colSeparator + "05.NAME" + colSeparator + "06.BLACK_TT" + colSeparator + "07.PRIORITY" + colSeparator + "08.MAP_TOTAL" + colSeparator + "09.MAP_COMPLETE" + colSeparator + "10.MAP_RUN" + colSeparator + "11.MAP_SPECU" + colSeparator + "12.MAP_NONLOC" + colSeparator + "13.MAP_KILLED" + colSeparator + "14.MAP_FAILED" + colSeparator + "15.RED_TOTAL" + colSeparator + "16.RED_COMPLETE" + colSeparator + "17.RED_RUN" + colSeparator + "18.RED_SPECU" + colSeparator + "19.RED_KILLED" + colSeparator + "20.RED_FAILED" + colSeparator + "21.%MEM" + colSeparator + "22.%MEM_MAX" + colSeparator + "23.%MEM_PEAK" + colSeparator + "24.MEM_MS" + colSeparator + "25.%CPU" + colSeparator + "26.%CPU_MAX" + colSeparator + "27.CPU_MS" + rowSeparator); if (jobs.size() > 0) { for (Iterator<JobInProgress> it = jobs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { JobInProgress job = it.next(); JobProfile profile = job.getProfile(); String user = profile.getUser(); String name = profile.getJobName(). replace(' ', '_').replace('\t', '_').replace('\n', '_'); int desiredMaps = job.desiredMaps(); int desiredReduces = job.desiredReduces(); int runningMaps = 0; int failedMaps = 0; int killedMaps = 0; for (TaskInProgress tip: job.getTasks(TaskType.MAP)) { if (tip.isRunning()) { runningMaps += tip.getActiveTasks().size(); tip.numKilledTasks(); failedMaps += tip.numTaskFailures(); killedMaps += tip.numKilledTasks(); } } int runningReduces = 0; int failedReduces = 0; int killedReduces = 0; for (TaskInProgress tip: job.getTasks(TaskType.REDUCE)) { if (tip.isRunning()) { runningReduces += tip.getActiveTasks().size(); failedReduces += tip.numTaskFailures(); killedReduces += tip.numKilledTasks(); } } int completedMaps = job.finishedMaps(); int completedReduces = job.finishedReduces(); int nonLocalRunningMaps = job.getNonLocalRunningMaps().size(); long submitTime = job.getStartTime(); long finishTime = job.getFinishTime(); String jobpri = job.getPriority().toString(); JobID jobId = job.getJobID(); double mem = 0, memMax = 0, memMaxPeak = 0, memCost = 0; double cpu = 0, cpuMax = 0, cpuCost = 0; ResourceReporter reporter = tracker.getResourceReporter(); if (reporter != null) { mem = reporter.getJobCpuPercentageOnCluster(jobId); memMax = reporter.getJobMemMaxPercentageOnBox(jobId); memMaxPeak = reporter.getJobMemMaxPercentageOnBoxAllTime(jobId); memCost = reporter.getJobMemCumulatedUsageTime(jobId); cpu = reporter.getJobCpuPercentageOnCluster(jobId); cpuMax = reporter.getJobCpuMaxPercentageOnBox(jobId); cpuCost = reporter.getJobCpuCumulatedUsageTime(jobId); } sb.append(jobId.toString() + colSeparator + submitTime + colSeparator + finishTime + colSeparator + user + colSeparator + name + colSeparator + job.getNoOfBlackListedTrackers() + colSeparator + jobpri + colSeparator + desiredMaps + colSeparator + completedMaps + colSeparator + runningMaps + colSeparator + job.speculativeMapTasks + colSeparator + nonLocalRunningMaps + colSeparator + killedMaps + colSeparator + failedMaps + colSeparator + desiredReduces + colSeparator + completedReduces + colSeparator + runningReduces + colSeparator + job.speculativeReduceTasks + colSeparator + killedReduces + colSeparator + failedReduces + colSeparator + mem + colSeparator + memMax + colSeparator + memMaxPeak + colSeparator + memCost + colSeparator + cpu + colSeparator + cpuMax + colSeparator + cpuCost + rowSeparator); } } return sb.toString(); } }