/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapred; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.filecache.TrackerDistributedCacheManager; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalDirAllocator; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JvmManager.JvmEnv; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.QueueManager.QueueACL; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.LocalStorage; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.RunningJob; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.TaskInProgress; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.UtilsForTests.InlineCleanupQueue; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.security.TokenCache; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.server.tasktracker.Localizer; import org.apache.hadoop.security.Credentials; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell; /** * Test to verify localization of a job and localization of a task on a * TaskTracker. * */ @Ignore // test relies on deprecated functionality/lifecycle public class TestTaskTrackerLocalization extends TestCase { private File TEST_ROOT_DIR; private File ROOT_MAPRED_LOCAL_DIR; private File HADOOP_LOG_DIR; private int numLocalDirs = 6; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestTaskTrackerLocalization.class); protected TaskTracker tracker; protected UserGroupInformation taskTrackerUGI; protected TaskController taskController; protected JobConf trackerFConf; private JobConf localizedJobConf; protected JobID jobId; protected TaskAttemptID taskId; protected Task task; protected String[] localDirs; protected static LocalDirAllocator lDirAlloc = new LocalDirAllocator("mapred.local.dir"); protected Path attemptWorkDir; protected File[] attemptLogFiles; protected JobConf localizedTaskConf; private TaskInProgress tip; private JobConf jobConf; private File jobConfFile; /** * Dummy method in this base class. Only derived classes will define this * method for checking if a test can be run. */ protected boolean canRun() { return true; } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { if (!canRun()) { return; } TEST_ROOT_DIR = new File(System.getProperty("test.build.data", "/tmp"), getClass() .getSimpleName()); if (!TEST_ROOT_DIR.exists()) { TEST_ROOT_DIR.mkdirs(); } ROOT_MAPRED_LOCAL_DIR = new File(TEST_ROOT_DIR, "mapred/local"); ROOT_MAPRED_LOCAL_DIR.mkdirs(); HADOOP_LOG_DIR = new File(TEST_ROOT_DIR, "logs"); HADOOP_LOG_DIR.mkdir(); System.setProperty("hadoop.log.dir", HADOOP_LOG_DIR.getAbsolutePath()); trackerFConf = new JobConf(); trackerFConf.set("fs.default.name", "file:///"); localDirs = new String[numLocalDirs]; for (int i = 0; i < numLocalDirs; i++) { localDirs[i] = new File(ROOT_MAPRED_LOCAL_DIR, "0_" + i).getPath(); } trackerFConf.setStrings("mapred.local.dir", localDirs); trackerFConf.setBoolean(JobConf.MR_ACLS_ENABLED, true); // Create the job configuration file. Same as trackerConf in this test. jobConf = new JobConf(trackerFConf); // Set job view ACLs in conf sothat validation of contents of jobACLsFile // can be done against this value. Have both users and groups String jobViewACLs = "user1,user2, group1,group2"; jobConf.set(JobContext.JOB_ACL_VIEW_JOB, jobViewACLs); jobConf.setInt("mapred.userlog.retain.hours", 0); jobConf.setUser(getJobOwner().getShortUserName()); // set job queue name in job conf String queue = "default"; jobConf.setQueueName(queue); // Set queue admins acl in job conf similar to what JobClient does jobConf.set(QueueManager.toFullPropertyName(queue, QueueACL.ADMINISTER_JOBS.getAclName()), "qAdmin1,qAdmin2 qAdminsGroup1,qAdminsGroup2"); String jtIdentifier = "200907202331"; jobId = new JobID(jtIdentifier, 1); // JobClient uploads the job jar to the file system and sets it in the // jobConf. uploadJobJar(jobConf); // JobClient uploads the jobConf to the file system. jobConfFile = uploadJobConf(jobConf); // create jobTokens file uploadJobTokensFile(); taskTrackerUGI = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(); startTracker(); // Set up the task to be localized taskId = new TaskAttemptID(jtIdentifier, jobId.getId(), true, 1, 0); createTask(); // mimic register task // create the tip tip = tracker.new TaskInProgress(task, trackerFConf); } private void startTracker() throws IOException { // Set up the TaskTracker tracker = new TaskTracker(); tracker.setConf(trackerFConf); tracker.setUserLogManager(new UtilsForTests.InLineUserLogManager( trackerFConf)); initializeTracker(); } private void initializeTracker() throws IOException { tracker.setIndexCache(new IndexCache(trackerFConf)); tracker.setTaskMemoryManagerEnabledFlag(); // for test case system FS is the local FS tracker.systemFS = FileSystem.getLocal(trackerFConf); tracker.systemDirectory = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR.getAbsolutePath()); tracker.setLocalFileSystem(tracker.systemFS); tracker.runningTasks = new LinkedHashMap<TaskAttemptID, TaskInProgress>(); tracker.runningJobs = new TreeMap<JobID, RunningJob>(); trackerFConf.deleteLocalFiles(TaskTracker.SUBDIR); // setup task controller taskController = getTaskController(); taskController.setConf(trackerFConf); taskController.setup(lDirAlloc, new LocalStorage(trackerFConf.getLocalDirs())); tracker.setTaskController(taskController); tracker.setLocalizer(new Localizer(tracker.getLocalFileSystem(),localDirs)); } protected TaskController getTaskController() { return new DefaultTaskController(); } private void createTask() throws IOException { task = new MapTask(jobConfFile.toURI().toString(), taskId, 1, null, 1); task.setConf(jobConf); // Set conf. Set user name in particular. task.setUser(jobConf.getUser()); } protected UserGroupInformation getJobOwner() throws IOException { return UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(); } /** * @param jobConf * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ private void uploadJobJar(JobConf jobConf) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { File jobJarFile = new File(TEST_ROOT_DIR, "jobjar-on-dfs.jar"); JarOutputStream jstream = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jobJarFile)); ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry("lib/lib1.jar"); jstream.putNextEntry(ze); jstream.closeEntry(); ze = new ZipEntry("lib/lib2.jar"); jstream.putNextEntry(ze); jstream.closeEntry(); jstream.finish(); jstream.close(); jobConf.setJar(jobJarFile.toURI().toString()); } /** * @param jobConf * @return * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ protected File uploadJobConf(JobConf jobConf) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { File jobConfFile = new File(TEST_ROOT_DIR, "jobconf-on-dfs.xml"); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(jobConfFile); jobConf.writeXml(out); out.close(); return jobConfFile; } /** * create fake JobTokens file * @return * @throws IOException */ protected void uploadJobTokensFile() throws IOException { File dir = new File(TEST_ROOT_DIR, jobId.toString()); if(!dir.exists()) assertTrue("faild to create dir="+dir.getAbsolutePath(), dir.mkdirs()); // writing empty file, we don't need the keys for this test new Credentials().writeTokenStorageFile(new Path("file:///" + dir, TokenCache.JOB_TOKEN_HDFS_FILE), new Configuration()); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { if (!canRun()) { return; } FileUtil.fullyDelete(TEST_ROOT_DIR); } protected static String[] getFilePermissionAttrs(String path) throws IOException { String output = Shell.execCommand("stat", path, "-c", "%A:%U:%G"); return output.split(":|\n"); } static void checkFilePermissions(String path, String expectedPermissions, String expectedOwnerUser, String expectedOwnerGroup) throws IOException { String[] attrs = getFilePermissionAttrs(path); assertTrue("File attrs length is not 3 but " + attrs.length, attrs.length == 3); assertTrue("Path " + path + " has the permissions " + attrs[0] + " instead of the expected " + expectedPermissions, attrs[0] .equals(expectedPermissions)); assertTrue("Path " + path + " is user owned not by " + expectedOwnerUser + " but by " + attrs[1], attrs[1].equals(expectedOwnerUser)); assertTrue("Path " + path + " is group owned not by " + expectedOwnerGroup + " but by " + attrs[2], attrs[2].equals(expectedOwnerGroup)); } /** * Verify the task-controller's setup functionality * * @throws IOException */ public void testTaskControllerSetup() throws IOException { if (!canRun()) { return; } // Task-controller is already set up in the test's setup method. Now verify. for (String localDir : localDirs) { // Verify the local-dir itself. File lDir = new File(localDir); assertTrue("localDir " + lDir + " doesn't exists!", lDir.exists()); checkFilePermissions(lDir.getAbsolutePath(), "drwxr-xr-x", task .getUser(), taskTrackerUGI.getGroupNames()[0]); } // Verify the pemissions on the userlogs dir File taskLog = TaskLog.getUserLogDir(); checkFilePermissions(taskLog.getAbsolutePath(), "drwxr-xr-x", task .getUser(), taskTrackerUGI.getGroupNames()[0]); } /** * Test the localization of a user on the TT. * * @throws IOException */ public void testUserLocalization() throws IOException { if (!canRun()) { return; } // /////////// The main method being tested tracker.getLocalizer().initializeUserDirs(task.getUser()); // /////////// // Check the directory structure and permissions checkUserLocalization(); // For the sake of testing re-entrancy of initializeUserDirs(), we remove // the user directories now and make sure that further calls of the method // don't create directories any more. for (String dir : localDirs) { File userDir = new File(dir, TaskTracker.getUserDir(task.getUser())); if (!FileUtil.fullyDelete(userDir)) { throw new IOException("Uanble to delete " + userDir); } } // Now call the method again. tracker.getLocalizer().initializeUserDirs(task.getUser()); // Files should not be created now and so shouldn't be there anymore. for (String dir : localDirs) { File userDir = new File(dir, TaskTracker.getUserDir(task.getUser())); assertFalse("Unexpectedly, user-dir " + userDir.getAbsolutePath() + " exists!", userDir.exists()); } } protected void checkUserLocalization() throws IOException { for (String dir : localDirs) { File localDir = new File(dir); assertTrue("mapred.local.dir " + localDir + " isn'task created!", localDir.exists()); File taskTrackerSubDir = new File(localDir, TaskTracker.SUBDIR); assertTrue("taskTracker sub-dir in the local-dir " + localDir + "is not created!", taskTrackerSubDir.exists()); File userDir = new File(taskTrackerSubDir, task.getUser()); assertTrue("user-dir in taskTrackerSubdir " + taskTrackerSubDir + "is not created!", userDir.exists()); checkFilePermissions(userDir.getAbsolutePath(), "drwx------", task .getUser(), taskTrackerUGI.getGroupNames()[0]); File jobCache = new File(userDir, TaskTracker.JOBCACHE); assertTrue("jobcache in the userDir " + userDir + " isn't created!", jobCache.exists()); checkFilePermissions(jobCache.getAbsolutePath(), "drwx------", task .getUser(), taskTrackerUGI.getGroupNames()[0]); // Verify the distributed cache dir. File distributedCacheDir = new File(localDir, TaskTracker .getPrivateDistributedCacheDir(task.getUser())); assertTrue("distributed cache dir " + distributedCacheDir + " doesn't exists!", distributedCacheDir.exists()); checkFilePermissions(distributedCacheDir.getAbsolutePath(), "drwx------", task.getUser(), taskTrackerUGI.getGroupNames()[0]); } } /** * Test job localization on a TT. Tests localization of job.xml, job.jar and * corresponding setting of configuration. Also test * {@link TaskController#initializeJob(JobInitializationContext)} * * @throws IOException */ public void testJobLocalization() throws Exception { if (!canRun()) { return; } TaskTracker.RunningJob rjob = tracker.localizeJob(tip); localizedJobConf = rjob.getJobConf(); checkJobLocalization(); } protected void checkJobLocalization() throws IOException { // Check the directory structure for (String dir : localDirs) { File localDir = new File(dir); File taskTrackerSubDir = new File(localDir, TaskTracker.SUBDIR); File userDir = new File(taskTrackerSubDir, task.getUser()); File jobCache = new File(userDir, TaskTracker.JOBCACHE); File jobDir = new File(jobCache, jobId.toString()); assertTrue("job-dir in " + jobCache + " isn't created!", jobDir.exists()); // check the private permissions on the job directory checkFilePermissions(jobDir.getAbsolutePath(), "drwx------", task .getUser(), taskTrackerUGI.getGroupNames()[0]); } // check the localization of job.xml assertTrue("job.xml is not localized on this TaskTracker!!", lDirAlloc .getLocalPathToRead(TaskTracker.getLocalJobConfFile(task.getUser(), jobId.toString()), trackerFConf) != null); // check the localization of job.jar Path jarFileLocalized = lDirAlloc.getLocalPathToRead(TaskTracker.getJobJarFile(task.getUser(), jobId.toString()), trackerFConf); assertTrue("job.jar is not localized on this TaskTracker!!", jarFileLocalized != null); assertTrue("lib/lib1.jar is not unjarred on this TaskTracker!!", new File( jarFileLocalized.getParent() + Path.SEPARATOR + "lib/lib1.jar") .exists()); assertTrue("lib/lib2.jar is not unjarred on this TaskTracker!!", new File( jarFileLocalized.getParent() + Path.SEPARATOR + "lib/lib2.jar") .exists()); // check the creation of job work directory assertTrue("job-work dir is not created on this TaskTracker!!", lDirAlloc .getLocalPathToRead(TaskTracker.getJobWorkDir(task.getUser(), jobId .toString()), trackerFConf) != null); // Check the setting of job.local.dir and job.jar which will eventually be // used by the user's task boolean jobLocalDirFlag = false, mapredJarFlag = false; String localizedJobLocalDir = localizedJobConf.get(TaskTracker.JOB_LOCAL_DIR); String localizedJobJar = localizedJobConf.getJar(); for (String localDir : localizedJobConf.getStrings("mapred.local.dir")) { if (localizedJobLocalDir.equals(localDir + Path.SEPARATOR + TaskTracker.getJobWorkDir(task.getUser(), jobId.toString()))) { jobLocalDirFlag = true; } if (localizedJobJar.equals(localDir + Path.SEPARATOR + TaskTracker.getJobJarFile(task.getUser(), jobId.toString()))) { mapredJarFlag = true; } } assertTrue(TaskTracker.JOB_LOCAL_DIR + " is not set properly to the target users directory : " + localizedJobLocalDir, jobLocalDirFlag); assertTrue( "mapred.jar is not set properly to the target users directory : " + localizedJobJar, mapredJarFlag); // check job user-log directory permissions File jobLogDir = TaskLog.getJobDir(jobId); assertTrue("job log directory " + jobLogDir + " does not exist!", jobLogDir .exists()); checkFilePermissions(jobLogDir.toString(), "drwx------", task.getUser(), taskTrackerUGI.getGroupNames()[0]); // Make sure that the job ACLs file job-acls.xml exists in job userlog dir File jobACLsFile = new File(jobLogDir, TaskTracker.jobACLsFile); assertTrue("JobACLsFile is missing in the job userlog dir " + jobLogDir, jobACLsFile.exists()); // With default task controller, the job-acls.xml file is owned by TT and // permissions are 700 checkFilePermissions(jobACLsFile.getAbsolutePath(), "-rwx------", taskTrackerUGI.getShortUserName(), taskTrackerUGI.getGroupNames()[0]); validateJobACLsFileContent(); } // Validate the contents of jobACLsFile ( i.e. user name, job-view-acl, queue // name and queue-admins-acl ). protected void validateJobACLsFileContent() { JobConf jobACLsConf = TaskLogServlet.getConfFromJobACLsFile(jobId); assertTrue(jobACLsConf.get("user.name").equals( localizedJobConf.getUser())); assertTrue(jobACLsConf.get(JobContext.JOB_ACL_VIEW_JOB). equals(localizedJobConf.get(JobContext.JOB_ACL_VIEW_JOB))); String queue = localizedJobConf.getQueueName(); assertTrue(queue.equalsIgnoreCase(jobACLsConf.getQueueName())); String qACLName = QueueManager.toFullPropertyName(queue, QueueACL.ADMINISTER_JOBS.getAclName()); assertTrue(jobACLsConf.get(qACLName).equals( localizedJobConf.get(qACLName))); } /** * Test task localization on a TT. * * @throws IOException */ public void testTaskLocalization() throws Exception { if (!canRun()) { return; } TaskTracker.RunningJob rjob = tracker.localizeJob(tip); localizedJobConf = rjob.getJobConf(); initializeTask(); checkTaskLocalization(); } protected void checkTaskLocalization() throws IOException { // Make sure that the mapred.local.dir is sandboxed for (String childMapredLocalDir : localizedTaskConf .getStrings("mapred.local.dir")) { assertTrue("Local dir " + childMapredLocalDir + " is not sandboxed !!", childMapredLocalDir.endsWith(TaskTracker.getLocalTaskDir(task .getUser(), jobId.toString(), taskId.toString(), task.isTaskCleanupTask()))); } // Make sure task task.getJobFile is changed and pointed correctly. assertTrue(task.getJobFile().endsWith( TaskTracker.getTaskConfFile(task.getUser(), jobId.toString(), taskId .toString(), task.isTaskCleanupTask()))); // Make sure that the tmp directories are created assertTrue("tmp dir is not created in workDir " + attemptWorkDir.toUri().getPath(), new File(attemptWorkDir.toUri() .getPath(), "tmp").exists()); // Make sure that the logs are setup properly File logDir = TaskLog.getAttemptDir(taskId, task.isTaskCleanupTask()); assertTrue("task's log dir " + logDir.toString() + " doesn't exist!", logDir.exists()); checkFilePermissions(logDir.getAbsolutePath(), "drwx------", task .getUser(), taskTrackerUGI.getGroupNames()[0]); File expectedStdout = new File(logDir, TaskLog.LogName.STDOUT.toString()); assertTrue("stdout log file is improper. Expected : " + expectedStdout.toString() + " Observed : " + attemptLogFiles[0].toString(), expectedStdout.toString().equals( attemptLogFiles[0].toString())); File expectedStderr = new File(logDir, Path.SEPARATOR + TaskLog.LogName.STDERR.toString()); assertTrue("stderr log file is improper. Expected : " + expectedStderr.toString() + " Observed : " + attemptLogFiles[1].toString(), expectedStderr.toString().equals( attemptLogFiles[1].toString())); } /** * Create a file in the given dir and set permissions r_xr_xr_x sothat no one * can delete it directly(without doing chmod). * Creates dir/subDir and dir/subDir/file */ static void createFileAndSetPermissions(JobConf jobConf, Path dir) throws IOException { Path subDir = new Path(dir, "subDir"); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(jobConf); fs.mkdirs(subDir); Path p = new Path(subDir, "file"); java.io.DataOutputStream out = fs.create(p); out.writeBytes("dummy input"); out.close(); // no write permission for subDir and subDir/file int ret = 0; if((ret = FileUtil.chmod(subDir.toUri().getPath(), "a=rx", true)) != 0) { LOG.warn("chmod failed for " + subDir + ";retVal=" + ret); } } /** * Validates the removal of $taskid and $tasid/work under mapred-local-dir * in cases where those directories cannot be deleted without adding * write permission to the newly created directories under $taskid and * $taskid/work * Also see createFileAndSetPermissions for details */ void validateRemoveTaskFiles(boolean needCleanup, boolean jvmReuse, TaskInProgress tip) throws IOException { // create files and set permissions 555. Verify if task controller sets // the permissions for TT to delete the taskDir or workDir String dir = (!needCleanup || jvmReuse) ? TaskTracker.getTaskWorkDir(task.getUser(), task.getJobID().toString(), taskId.toString(), task.isTaskCleanupTask()) : TaskTracker.getLocalTaskDir(task.getUser(), task.getJobID().toString(), taskId.toString(), task.isTaskCleanupTask()); Path[] paths = tracker.getLocalFiles(localizedJobConf, dir); assertTrue("No paths found", paths.length > 0); for (Path p : paths) { if (tracker.getLocalFileSystem().exists(p)) { createFileAndSetPermissions(localizedJobConf, p); } } InlineCleanupQueue cleanupQueue = new InlineCleanupQueue(); tracker.setCleanupThread(cleanupQueue); tip.removeTaskFiles(needCleanup); if (jvmReuse) { // work dir should still exist and cleanup queue should be empty assertTrue("cleanup queue is not empty after removeTaskFiles() in case " + "of jvm reuse.", cleanupQueue.isQueueEmpty()); boolean workDirExists = false; for (Path p : paths) { if (tracker.getLocalFileSystem().exists(p)) { workDirExists = true; } } assertTrue("work dir does not exist in case of jvm reuse", workDirExists); // now try to delete the work dir and verify that there are no stale paths JvmManager.deleteWorkDir(tracker, task); } assertTrue("Some task files are not deleted!! Number of stale paths is " + cleanupQueue.stalePaths.size(), cleanupQueue.stalePaths.size() == 0); } /** * Validates if task cleanup is done properly for a succeeded task * @throws IOException */ public void testTaskFilesRemoval() throws Exception { if (!canRun()) { return; } testTaskFilesRemoval(false, false);// no needCleanup; no jvmReuse } /** * Validates if task cleanup is done properly for a task that is not succeeded * @throws IOException */ public void testFailedTaskFilesRemoval() throws Exception { if (!canRun()) { return; } testTaskFilesRemoval(true, false);// needCleanup; no jvmReuse // initialize a cleanupAttempt for the task. task.setTaskCleanupTask(); // localize task cleanup attempt initializeTask(); checkTaskLocalization(); // verify the cleanup of cleanup attempt. testTaskFilesRemoval(true, false);// needCleanup; no jvmReuse } /** * Validates if task cleanup is done properly for a succeeded task * @throws IOException */ public void testTaskFilesRemovalWithJvmUse() throws Exception { if (!canRun()) { return; } testTaskFilesRemoval(false, true);// no needCleanup; jvmReuse } private void initializeTask() throws IOException { tip.setJobConf(localizedJobConf); // ////////// The central method being tested tip.localizeTask(task); // ////////// // check the functionality of localizeTask for (String dir : trackerFConf.getStrings("mapred.local.dir")) { File attemptDir = new File(dir, TaskTracker.getLocalTaskDir(task.getUser(), jobId .toString(), taskId.toString(), task.isTaskCleanupTask())); assertTrue("attempt-dir " + attemptDir + " in localDir " + dir + " is not created!!", attemptDir.exists()); } attemptWorkDir = lDirAlloc.getLocalPathToRead(TaskTracker.getTaskWorkDir( task.getUser(), task.getJobID().toString(), task.getTaskID() .toString(), task.isTaskCleanupTask()), trackerFConf); assertTrue("atttempt work dir for " + taskId.toString() + " is not created in any of the configured dirs!!", attemptWorkDir != null); RunningJob rjob = new RunningJob(jobId); TaskController taskController = new DefaultTaskController(); taskController.setConf(trackerFConf); rjob.distCacheMgr = new TrackerDistributedCacheManager(trackerFConf, taskController). newTaskDistributedCacheManager(jobId, trackerFConf); TaskRunner runner = task.createRunner(tracker, tip, rjob); tip.setTaskRunner(runner); // /////// Few more methods being tested runner.setupChildTaskConfiguration(lDirAlloc); TaskRunner.createChildTmpDir(new File(attemptWorkDir.toUri().getPath()), localizedJobConf, true); attemptLogFiles = runner.prepareLogFiles(task.getTaskID(), task.isTaskCleanupTask()); // Make sure the task-conf file is created Path localTaskFile = lDirAlloc.getLocalPathToRead(TaskTracker.getTaskConfFile(task .getUser(), task.getJobID().toString(), task.getTaskID() .toString(), task.isTaskCleanupTask()), trackerFConf); assertTrue("Task conf file " + localTaskFile.toString() + " is not created!!", new File(localTaskFile.toUri().getPath()) .exists()); // /////// One more method being tested. This happens in child space. localizedTaskConf = new JobConf(localTaskFile); TaskRunner.setupChildMapredLocalDirs(task, localizedTaskConf); // /////// } /** * Validates if task cleanup is done properly */ private void testTaskFilesRemoval(boolean needCleanup, boolean jvmReuse) throws Exception { // Localize job and localize task. TaskTracker.RunningJob rjob = tracker.localizeJob(tip); localizedJobConf = rjob.getJobConf(); if (jvmReuse) { localizedJobConf.setNumTasksToExecutePerJvm(2); } initializeTask(); // TODO: Let the task run and create files. // create files and set permissions 555. Verify if task controller sets // the permissions for TT to delete the task dir or work dir properly validateRemoveTaskFiles(needCleanup, jvmReuse, tip); } /** * Test userlogs cleanup. * * @throws IOException */ private void verifyUserLogsRemoval() throws IOException { // verify user logs cleanup File jobUserLogDir = TaskLog.getJobDir(jobId); // Logs should be there before cleanup. assertTrue("Userlogs dir " + jobUserLogDir + " is not present as expected!!", jobUserLogDir.exists()); tracker.purgeJob(new KillJobAction(jobId)); tracker.getUserLogManager().getUserLogCleaner().processCompletedJobs(); // Logs should be gone after cleanup. assertFalse("Userlogs dir " + jobUserLogDir + " is not deleted as expected!!", jobUserLogDir.exists()); } /** * Test job cleanup by doing the following * - create files with no write permissions to TT under job-work-dir * - create files with no write permissions to TT under task-work-dir */ public void testJobFilesRemoval() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (!canRun()) { return; } LOG.info("Running testJobCleanup()"); // Set an inline cleanup queue InlineCleanupQueue cleanupQueue = new InlineCleanupQueue(); tracker.setCleanupThread(cleanupQueue); // Localize job and localize task. TaskTracker.RunningJob rjob = tracker.localizeJob(tip); localizedJobConf = rjob.getJobConf(); // Create a file in job's work-dir with 555 String jobWorkDir = TaskTracker.getJobWorkDir(task.getUser(), task.getJobID().toString()); Path[] jPaths = tracker.getLocalFiles(localizedJobConf, jobWorkDir); assertTrue("No paths found for job", jPaths.length > 0); for (Path p : jPaths) { if (tracker.getLocalFileSystem().exists(p)) { createFileAndSetPermissions(localizedJobConf, p); } } // Initialize task dirs tip.setJobConf(localizedJobConf); tip.localizeTask(task); // Create a file in task local dir with 555 // this is to simply test the case where the jvm reuse is enabled and some // files in task-attempt-local-dir are left behind to be cleaned up when the // job finishes. String taskLocalDir = TaskTracker.getLocalTaskDir(task.getUser(), task.getJobID().toString(), task.getTaskID().toString(), false); Path[] tPaths = tracker.getLocalFiles(localizedJobConf, taskLocalDir); assertTrue("No paths found for task", tPaths.length > 0); for (Path p : tPaths) { if (tracker.getLocalFileSystem().exists(p)) { createFileAndSetPermissions(localizedJobConf, p); } } // remove the job work dir tracker.removeJobFiles(task.getUser(), task.getJobID()); // check the task-local-dir boolean tLocalDirExists = false; for (Path p : tPaths) { if (tracker.getLocalFileSystem().exists(p)) { tLocalDirExists = true; } } assertFalse("Task " + task.getTaskID() + " local dir exists after cleanup", tLocalDirExists); // Verify that the TaskTracker (via the task-controller) cleans up the dirs. // check the job-work-dir boolean jWorkDirExists = false; for (Path p : jPaths) { if (tracker.getLocalFileSystem().exists(p)) { jWorkDirExists = true; } } assertFalse("Job " + task.getJobID() + " work dir exists after cleanup", jWorkDirExists); // Test userlogs cleanup. verifyUserLogsRemoval(); // Check that the empty $mapred.local.dir/taskTracker/$user dirs are still // there. for (String localDir : localDirs) { Path userDir = new Path(localDir, TaskTracker.getUserDir(task.getUser())); assertTrue("User directory " + userDir + " is not present!!", tracker.getLocalFileSystem().exists(userDir)); } } /** * Tests TaskTracker restart after the localization. * * This tests the following steps: * * Localize Job, initialize a task. * Then restart the Tracker. * launch a cleanup attempt for the task. * * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public void testTrackerRestart() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (!canRun()) { return; } // Localize job and localize task. TaskTracker.RunningJob rjob = tracker.localizeJob(tip); localizedJobConf = rjob.getJobConf(); initializeTask(); // imitate tracker restart startTracker(); // create a task cleanup attempt createTask(); task.setTaskCleanupTask(); // register task tip = tracker.new TaskInProgress(task, trackerFConf); // localize the job again. rjob = tracker.localizeJob(tip); localizedJobConf = rjob.getJobConf(); checkJobLocalization(); // localize task cleanup attempt initializeTask(); checkTaskLocalization(); } /** * Tests TaskTracker re-init after the localization. * * This tests the following steps: * * Localize Job, initialize a task. * Then reinit the Tracker. * launch a cleanup attempt for the task. * * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public void testTrackerReinit() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (!canRun()) { return; } // Localize job and localize task. TaskTracker.RunningJob rjob = tracker.localizeJob(tip); localizedJobConf = rjob.getJobConf(); initializeTask(); // imitate tracker reinit initializeTracker(); // create a task cleanup attempt createTask(); task.setTaskCleanupTask(); // register task tip = tracker.new TaskInProgress(task, trackerFConf); // localize the job again. rjob = tracker.localizeJob(tip); localizedJobConf = rjob.getJobConf(); checkJobLocalization(); // localize task cleanup attempt initializeTask(); checkTaskLocalization(); } /** * Localizes a cleanup task and validates permissions. * * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException */ public void testCleanupTaskLocalization() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (!canRun()) { return; } task.setTaskCleanupTask(); // register task tip = tracker.new TaskInProgress(task, trackerFConf); // localize the job again. RunningJob rjob = tracker.localizeJob(tip); localizedJobConf = rjob.getJobConf(); checkJobLocalization(); // localize task cleanup attempt initializeTask(); checkTaskLocalization(); } }