package org.apache.hadoop.mapred; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.TestRPC.TestImpl; import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.TestRPC.TestProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.AuditLogger.Constants; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.AuditLogger.Keys; import; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Tests {@link AuditLogger}. */ public class TestAuditLogger extends TestCase { private static final String USER = "test"; private static final String OPERATION = "oper"; private static final String TARGET = "tgt"; private static final String PERM = "admin group"; private static final String DESC = "description of an audit log"; /** * Test the AuditLog format with key-val pair. */ public void testKeyValLogFormat() { StringBuilder actLog = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder expLog = new StringBuilder(); // add the first k=v pair and check AuditLogger.start(Keys.USER, USER, actLog); expLog.append("USER=test"); assertEquals(expLog.toString(), actLog.toString()); // append another k1=v1 pair to already added k=v and test AuditLogger.add(Keys.OPERATION, OPERATION, actLog); expLog.append("\tOPERATION=oper"); assertEquals(expLog.toString(), actLog.toString()); // append another k1=null pair and test AuditLogger.add(Keys.PERMISSIONS, (String)null, actLog); expLog.append("\tPERMISSIONS=null"); assertEquals(expLog.toString(), actLog.toString()); // now add the target and check of the final string AuditLogger.add(Keys.TARGET, TARGET, actLog); expLog.append("\tTARGET=tgt"); assertEquals(expLog.toString(), actLog.toString()); } /** * Test the AuditLog format for successful events. */ private void testSuccessLogFormat(boolean checkIP) { // check without the IP String sLog = AuditLogger.createSuccessLog(USER, OPERATION, TARGET); StringBuilder expLog = new StringBuilder(); expLog.append("USER=test\t"); if (checkIP) { InetAddress ip = Server.getRemoteIp(); expLog.append( + "=" + ip.getHostAddress() + "\t"); } expLog.append("OPERATION=oper\tTARGET=tgt\tRESULT=SUCCESS"); assertEquals(expLog.toString(), sLog); } /** * Test the AuditLog format for failure events. */ private void testFailureLogFormat(boolean checkIP, String perm) { String fLog = AuditLogger.createFailureLog(USER, OPERATION, perm, TARGET, DESC); StringBuilder expLog = new StringBuilder(); expLog.append("USER=test\t"); if (checkIP) { InetAddress ip = Server.getRemoteIp(); expLog.append( + "=" + ip.getHostAddress() + "\t"); } expLog.append("OPERATION=oper\tTARGET=tgt\tRESULT=FAILURE\t"); expLog.append("DESCRIPTION=description of an audit log\t"); expLog.append("PERMISSIONS=" + perm); assertEquals(expLog.toString(), fLog); } /** * Test the AuditLog format for failure events. */ private void testFailureLogFormat(boolean checkIP) { testFailureLogFormat(checkIP, PERM); testFailureLogFormat(checkIP, null); } /** * Test {@link AuditLogger} without IP set. */ public void testAuditLoggerWithoutIP() throws Exception { // test without ip testSuccessLogFormat(false); testFailureLogFormat(false); } /** * A special extension of {@link TestImpl} RPC server with * {@link TestImpl#ping()} testing the audit logs. */ private class MyTestRPCServer extends TestImpl { @Override public void ping() { // test with ip set testSuccessLogFormat(true); testFailureLogFormat(true); } } /** * Test {@link AuditLogger} with IP set. */ public void testAuditLoggerWithIP() throws Exception { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); // start the IPC server Server server = RPC.getServer(new MyTestRPCServer(), "", 0, conf); server.start(); InetSocketAddress addr = NetUtils.getConnectAddress(server); // Make a client connection and test the audit log TestProtocol proxy = (TestProtocol)RPC.getProxy(TestProtocol.class, TestProtocol.versionID, addr, conf); // Start the testcase; server.stop(); } }