package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; public class HBaseWriter extends AbstractWriter { public static final String CONF_TABLE_PREFIX = "hbase.writer.table"; private HashMap<String, HTablePutter> putterMap; public static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\."); Configuration config; public HBaseWriter(Properties prop) throws IOException { super(prop); } /** * Init will read the property file to see how to populate the table from the file.<br> * <br> * Here is the why the property file should look<br> * <br> * hbase.writer.table.user.key=%4$1s-P-%3$1s * hbase.writer.table.user.cf1.firstNm=%1$1s * hbase.writer.table.user.cf1.lastNm=%2$1s * hbase.writer.table.event.key=%5$1s-P * hbase.writer.table.event.cf1.user_id=%4$1s * * This will write each row to the user and to the event table * * @param outputPath * @param prop * @throws IOException */ @Override protected void init(String outputPath, Properties prop) throws IOException { putterMap = new HashMap<String, HTablePutter>(); config = HBaseConfiguration.create(); for (Entry<Object, Object> entry: prop.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey().toString(); if (key != null && key.startsWith(CONF_TABLE_PREFIX)) { String[] keySplit = pattern.split(key); if (keySplit.length > 3 ) { HTablePutter putter = putterMap.get(keySplit[3]); if (putter == null) { putter = new HTablePutter(); putterMap.put(keySplit[3], putter); HTable table = new HTable(config, keySplit[3]); putter.setTable(table); } if (keySplit.length == 5 && keySplit[4].equals("key")) { putter.setFormatKeyStr((String)entry.getValue()); }else if (keySplit.length == 6) { String columnFamily = keySplit[4]; String column = keySplit[5]; String valueFormatStr = (String)entry.getValue(); PutPojo putPojo = new PutPojo(columnFamily, column, valueFormatStr); putter.addPutPojo(putPojo); } } } } } @Override public void writeRow(String rowType, String[] columns) throws IOException { for (Entry<String, HTablePutter> entry: putterMap.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().put(columns); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { for (Entry<String, HTablePutter> entry: putterMap.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().close(); } } /** * Everything you need to write to a HBase table * @author ted.malaska * */ protected class HTablePutter { HTable table; String formatKeyStr; ArrayList<PutPojo> putPojoList = new ArrayList<PutPojo>(); ArrayList<Put> putList = new ArrayList<Put>(); public static final int PUT_BATCH_SIZE = 10; public HTablePutter() { super(); } public void put(String[] columns) throws IOException { try { if (columns.length > 0 && ( columns[0].isEmpty() == false)) { String key = String.format(formatKeyStr, (Object[])columns); Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(key)); for (PutPojo putPojo: putPojoList) { String columnFamily = putPojo.getColumnFamily(); String columnFormatString = putPojo.getColumnFormatStr(); String column = String.format(columnFormatString, (Object[])columns); String valueFormatString = putPojo.getValueFormatStr(); String value = String.format(valueFormatString, (Object[])columns); put.add(Bytes.toBytes(columnFamily), Bytes.toBytes(column), Bytes.toBytes(value)); } putList.add(put); } }catch(Exception e) { int counter = 0; System.err.println("Bad Row"); for (String column: columns) { System.err.println("(" + counter++ + ") - " + column); } System.err.println(""); throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (putList.size() > PUT_BATCH_SIZE) { flush(); } } public void setTable(HTable table) { this.table = table; } public void setFormatKeyStr(String formatKeyStr) { this.formatKeyStr = formatKeyStr; } public void addPutPojo(PutPojo putPojo) { putPojoList.add(putPojo); } private void flush() throws IOException { table.put(putList); putList.clear(); } public void close() throws IOException { table.put(putList); } } protected class PutPojo { String columnFamily; String columnFormatStr; String valueFormatStr; public PutPojo(String columnFamily, String columnFormatStr, String valueFormatStr) { super(); this.columnFamily = columnFamily; this.columnFormatStr = columnFormatStr; this.valueFormatStr = valueFormatStr; } public String getColumnFamily() { return columnFamily; } public String getColumnFormatStr() { return columnFormatStr; } public String getValueFormatStr() { return valueFormatStr; } } }