package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Putter { public static final String CONF_NUM_THREAD = "batch.files.thread.split"; ArrayList<PutListener> listeners = new ArrayList<PutListener>(); public void addListener(PutListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } private void notifyWriten1000Rows(long rowsAdded, long lastReadTime, long lastWriteTime ) { for (PutListener pl: listeners) { pl.onA1000Processed(rowsAdded, lastReadTime, lastWriteTime); } } private void notifyOfStart(long numberOfFiles) { for (PutListener pl: listeners) { pl.onStart(numberOfFiles); } } private void notifyOfFinished(long rowsAdded) { for (PutListener pl: listeners) { pl.onFinished(rowsAdded); } } public void put(Properties p) throws IOException { String numOfThreadsStr = p.getProperty(CONF_NUM_THREAD); int numOfThreads = 1; if (numOfThreadsStr != null) { try { numOfThreads = Integer.parseInt(numOfThreadsStr); }catch(NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("Value for '" + CONF_NUM_THREAD + "' is not a valid number. Value was '" + numOfThreadsStr + "'."); return; } } put(p, numOfThreads); } public void put( Properties properties, int threads) throws IOException { System.out.println("Put threads set to " + threads ); if (threads == 1) { putSingleThread(properties); }else { putMultiThread(properties, threads); } } private void putMultiThread(Properties properties, int threads) throws IOException { String[] inputFilePaths = PropertyUtils.getStringProperty(properties ,AbstractLocalFileColumnReader.CONF_INPUT_PATHS).split(","); String rootOutputDir = PropertyUtils.getStringProperty(properties, AbstractWriter.CONF_OUTPUT_PATH); inputFilePaths = LocalFileUtils.createStringArrayOfFiles(inputFilePaths); ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> seperatedFiles = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { seperatedFiles.add(new ArrayList<String>()); } for (int i = 0; i < inputFilePaths.length; i++) { int goToThreadIdx = Math.abs(inputFilePaths[i].hashCode() % threads); System.out.println(inputFilePaths[i] + " is going to be processed by thread " + goToThreadIdx); seperatedFiles.get(goToThreadIdx).add(inputFilePaths[i]); } //Open hdfs file system Configuration config = new Configuration(); FileSystem hdfs = FileSystem.get(config); //Create root folder - HBase there is no need to make a directory TODO clean this up Path outputFilePath = new Path(rootOutputDir); System.out.println("Checking if directory exist: " + outputFilePath + " " + hdfs.exists(outputFilePath) + " " + hdfs.isDirectory(outputFilePath)); if (hdfs.exists(outputFilePath) == false) { if (rootOutputDir.equals("HBase") == false) { System.out.println("Tring to make outputDirectory: " + outputFilePath); hdfs.mkdirs(outputFilePath); } } hdfs.close(); ArrayList<PutThread> putThreadList = new ArrayList<PutThread>(); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { PutThread putThread = new PutThread(seperatedFiles.get(i).toArray(new String[0]), rootOutputDir, i, properties); putThread.start(); putThreadList.add(putThread); } System.out.println("Threads Started: " + outputFilePath); synchronized(putThreadList) { boolean canExit = false; while(canExit == false) { canExit = true; for (PutThread t: putThreadList) { if (t.isAlive()) { canExit = false; break; } } try { putThreadList.wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private void putSingleThread(Properties properties) throws IOException { AbstractLocalFileColumnReader reader = ReaderFactory.initReader(properties); AbstractWriter writer = WriterFactory.initWriter(properties); String[] columns; long rowsAddedCounter = 0; long readTimeCounter = 0; long writeTimeCounter = 0; long writeStartTime = 0; notifyOfStart(reader.getNumberOfFiles()); long readStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while((columns = reader.getNextRow()) != null) { readTimeCounter += System.currentTimeMillis() - readStartTime; writeStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); writer.writeRow(reader.getRowType(), columns); writeTimeCounter += System.currentTimeMillis() - writeStartTime; rowsAddedCounter++; if (rowsAddedCounter % 1000 == 0) { notifyWriten1000Rows(rowsAddedCounter, readTimeCounter, writeTimeCounter); readTimeCounter = 0; writeTimeCounter = 0; } readStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } writer.close(); reader.close(); notifyOfFinished(rowsAddedCounter); } private class PutThread extends Thread { String[] inputFilePaths; String rootOutputDir; Properties properties; int threadNum; PutThread(String[] inputFilePaths, String rootOutputDir, int threadNum, Properties properties) { this.inputFilePaths = inputFilePaths; this.rootOutputDir = rootOutputDir; = properties; this.threadNum = threadNum; } public void run() { try { Properties putProperties = (Properties)properties.clone(); putProperties.setProperty(AbstractLocalFileColumnReader.CONF_INPUT_PATHS,PropertyUtils.convertStringArrayToString(inputFilePaths)); putProperties.setProperty(AbstractWriter.CONF_OUTPUT_PATH, putProperties.getProperty(AbstractWriter.CONF_OUTPUT_PATH) + "/part-i-" + threadNum); (new Putter()).put( putProperties, 1); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }