/** * H2GIS is a library that brings spatial support to the H2 Database Engine * <http://www.h2database.com>. H2GIS is developed by CNRS * <http://www.cnrs.fr/>. * * This code is part of the H2GIS project. H2GIS is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 3.0 of the License. * * H2GIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * For more information, please consult: <http://www.h2gis.org/> * or contact directly: info_at_h2gis.org */ package org.h2gis.functions.spatial.topography; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import org.h2.tools.SimpleResultSet; import org.h2.tools.SimpleRowSource; import org.h2.value.Value; import org.h2.value.ValueString; import org.h2gis.utilities.TableUtilities; import org.h2gis.api.DeterministicScalarFunction; import org.h2gis.utilities.JDBCUtilities; import org.h2gis.utilities.SFSUtilities; import org.h2gis.utilities.TableLocation; import org.h2gis.utilities.jts_utils.Contouring; import org.h2gis.utilities.jts_utils.TriMarkers; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import org.h2.value.ValueArray; /** * Split triangle into area within the specified range values. * ********************************* * ANR EvalPDU * IFSTTAR 11_05_2011 * * @author Nicolas FORTIN * @author Judicaƫl PICAUT ********************************** */ public class ST_TriangleContouring extends DeterministicScalarFunction { /** The default field name for explode count, value is [1-n] */ public static final String ISO_FIELD_NAME = "IDISO"; private static final String HACK_URL = "jdbc:columnlist:connection"; public ST_TriangleContouring() { addProperty(PROP_REMARKS, "Split triangle into polygons within the specified range of values.\n" + "Iso contouring using Z:\n" + "select * from ST_TRIANGLECONTOURING('input_table',10,20,30,40)\n" + "Iso contouring using table columns\n" + "SELECT * FROM ST_TRIANGLECONTOURING('input_table','m1','m2','m3',10,20,30,40)"); addProperty(PROP_NOBUFFER, true); } @Override public String getJavaStaticMethod() { return "triangleContouring"; } /** * Iso contouring using Z,M attributes of geometries * @param connection Active connection * @param tableName Table name * @param varArgs Iso levels * @return Result Set * @throws SQLException */ public static ResultSet triangleContouring(Connection connection, String tableName, Value... varArgs) throws SQLException { if (connection.getMetaData().getURL().equals(HACK_URL)) { return new ExplodeResultSet(connection,tableName, Arrays.asList(0.0)).getResultSet(); } ExplodeResultSet rowSource = null; if(varArgs.length > 3) { // First ones may be column names if(varArgs[0] instanceof ValueString && varArgs[1] instanceof ValueString && varArgs[2] instanceof ValueString) { // Use table columns for iso levels List<Double> isoLvls = new ArrayList<Double>(varArgs.length - 3); for(int idArg = 3; idArg < varArgs.length; idArg++) { isoLvls.add(varArgs[idArg].getDouble()); } rowSource = new ExplodeResultSet(connection,tableName,varArgs[0].getString(), varArgs[1].getString(), varArgs[2].getString(), isoLvls); } } if(rowSource == null) { // Use Z List<Double> isoLvls = new ArrayList<Double>(varArgs.length); for (Value value : varArgs) { if (value instanceof ValueArray) { for (Value arrVal : ((ValueArray) value).getList()) { isoLvls.add(arrVal.getDouble()); } } else { isoLvls.add(value.getDouble()); } } rowSource = new ExplodeResultSet(connection,tableName, isoLvls); } return rowSource.getResultSet(); } /** * Explode fields only on request */ private static class ExplodeResultSet implements SimpleRowSource { // If true, table query is closed the read again private boolean firstRow = true; private ResultSet tableQuery; private boolean endOfResultSet = false; private String tableName; private String spatialFieldName; private Integer spatialFieldIndex; private int columnCount; private Queue<GeneratedTriangle> generatedRows = new LinkedList<GeneratedTriangle>(); private Connection connection; private boolean useZ; private String isoFieldName1 = "",isoFieldName2 = "",isoFieldName3 = ""; /** Extract Z or Field value, depending on implementation */ private TriMarkersFactory triFactory; private List<Double> isoLvls; private GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(); private ExplodeResultSet(Connection connection, String tableName, String isoField1,String isoField2,String isoField3, List<Double> isoLvls) { this.tableName = tableName; this.spatialFieldName = ""; this.connection = connection; useZ = false; this.isoFieldName1 = isoField1; this.isoFieldName2 = isoField2; this.isoFieldName3 = isoField3; this.isoLvls = isoLvls; } private ExplodeResultSet(Connection connection, String tableName, List<Double> isoLvls) { this.tableName = tableName; this.spatialFieldName = ""; this.connection = connection; useZ = true; this.isoLvls = isoLvls; } @Override public Object[] readRow() throws SQLException { if(firstRow) { reset(); } while(generatedRows.isEmpty() && !endOfResultSet) { parseRow(); } if(generatedRows.isEmpty()) { // No more rows return null; } else { Object[] objects = new Object[columnCount+1]; GeneratedTriangle result = generatedRows.remove(); for(int i=1;i<=columnCount+1;i++) { if(i==spatialFieldIndex) { objects[i-1] = result.getTriangle(); } else if(i==columnCount+1) { objects[i-1] = result.getIdIso(); } else { objects[i-1] = tableQuery.getObject(i); } } return objects; } } @Override public void close() { if(tableQuery!=null) { try { tableQuery.close(); tableQuery = null; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } } private void parseRow() throws SQLException { generatedRows.clear(); if(tableQuery.next()) { Geometry inputTriangle = (Geometry) tableQuery.getObject(spatialFieldIndex); if(inputTriangle == null || inputTriangle.getNumPoints() != 4) { throw new SQLException("Invalid geometry input, got " + (inputTriangle == null ? "null" : inputTriangle.toText())); } // Compute ISO TriMarkers triangle = triFactory.getTriangle(inputTriangle.getCoordinates()); Map<Short, Deque<TriMarkers>> result = Contouring.processTriangle(triangle, isoLvls); for(Map.Entry<Short, Deque<TriMarkers>> isoResult : result.entrySet()) { for(TriMarkers outputTriangle : isoResult.getValue()) { Coordinate[] pverts = {outputTriangle.p0, outputTriangle.p1, outputTriangle.p2, outputTriangle.p0}; Polygon polygon = factory.createPolygon(factory.createLinearRing(pverts), null); generatedRows.add(new GeneratedTriangle(polygon, isoResult.getKey())); } } } else { endOfResultSet = true; } } @Override public void reset() throws SQLException { if(tableQuery!=null && !tableQuery.isClosed()) { close(); } Statement st = connection.createStatement(); tableQuery = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM "+tableName); firstRow = false; ResultSetMetaData meta = tableQuery.getMetaData(); columnCount = meta.getColumnCount(); if(spatialFieldName.isEmpty()) { // Find first geometry column List<String> geomFields = SFSUtilities.getGeometryFields(connection,TableLocation.parse(tableName)); if(!geomFields.isEmpty()) { spatialFieldName = geomFields.get(0); spatialFieldIndex = tableQuery.findColumn(SFSUtilities.getGeometryFields(tableQuery).get(0)); } else { throw new SQLException("The table "+tableName+" does not contain a geometry field"); } } if(useZ) { triFactory = new ValueOnZ(); } else { int vertex1FieldIndex = tableQuery.findColumn(isoFieldName1); int vertex2FieldIndex = tableQuery.findColumn(isoFieldName2); int vertex3FieldIndex = tableQuery.findColumn(isoFieldName3); triFactory = new ValueOnField(vertex1FieldIndex, vertex2FieldIndex, vertex3FieldIndex, tableQuery); } if(spatialFieldIndex == null) { throw new SQLException("Geometry field "+spatialFieldName+" of table "+tableName+" not found"); } } public ResultSet getResultSet() throws SQLException { SimpleResultSet rs = new SimpleResultSet(this); // Feed with fields TableUtilities.copyFields(connection, rs, TableLocation.parse(tableName, JDBCUtilities.isH2DataBase(connection.getMetaData()))); rs.addColumn(ISO_FIELD_NAME, Types.INTEGER,10,0); return rs; } } /** * Triangle to add in table */ private static class GeneratedTriangle { private final Polygon triangle; private final int idIso; private GeneratedTriangle(Polygon triangle, int idIso) { this.triangle = triangle; this.idIso = idIso; } public Polygon getTriangle() { return triangle; } public int getIdIso() { return idIso; } } /** * Triangle factory */ private interface TriMarkersFactory { TriMarkers getTriangle(Coordinate[] pts) throws SQLException; } /** * Read vertex level from the Z value */ private static class ValueOnZ implements TriMarkersFactory { @Override public TriMarkers getTriangle(Coordinate[] pts) throws SQLException { return new TriMarkers(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[0].z, pts[1].z, pts[2].z); } } /** * Read vertex level from another fields */ private static class ValueOnField implements TriMarkersFactory { private final int vertex1FieldIndex; private final int vertex2FieldIndex; private final int vertex3FieldIndex; private final ResultSet rs; private ValueOnField(int vertex1FieldIndex, int vertex2FieldIndex, int vertex3FieldIndex, ResultSet rs) { this.vertex1FieldIndex = vertex1FieldIndex; this.vertex2FieldIndex = vertex2FieldIndex; this.vertex3FieldIndex = vertex3FieldIndex; this.rs = rs; } @Override public TriMarkers getTriangle(Coordinate[] pts) throws SQLException { return new TriMarkers(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], rs.getDouble(vertex1FieldIndex), rs.getDouble(vertex2FieldIndex), rs.getDouble(vertex3FieldIndex)); } } }