package org.timepedia.exporter.test.issues; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.Export; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportPackage; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.Exportable; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExporterUtil; import; public class Issue38TestGwt extends GWTTestCase { @Override public String getModuleName() { return "org.timepedia.exporter.Test"; } // Should be exported as pkg.Person1 @ExportPackage("pkg") @Export(all = true, value = "Person1") public static class Person implements Exportable { // Should be exported as pkg.Person1.Foo @Export public static class Foo implements Exportable { public String bar() { return "foo-bar,"; } } private String name; public Person(String name) { = name; } public String method() { return "Hello: " + name + ","; } /** * Just an empty method used to test JsDoclet * @param theName Any string should work * @return always null. */ public String method(String theName) { return null; } } // Should be exported as pkg.Person2 @ExportPackage("pkg") @Export(all = true) public static class Person2 extends Person { /** * This comment is here to test JsDoclet * * @param name the name of the person */ public Person2(String name) { super(name); } } // Should be exported as org.timepedia.exporter.test.issues.Issue38TestGwt.Person3 @Export(all = true) public static class Person3 extends Person { public Person3(String name) { super(name); } } public static native String runJs() /*-{ try { ret = ""; if ($wnd.pkg && $wnd.pkg.Person2) { ret += new $wnd.pkg.Person1("A").method(); ret += new $wnd.pkg.Person1.Foo().bar(); ret += new $wnd.pkg.Person2("B").method(); ret += new $"C").method(); } return ret; } catch(e) { return("Js Exception : " + e); } }-*/; public void testIssue() { // export(false) export classes which are default-instantiable (excluding interfaces, abstract, no-zero-constructor) ExporterUtil.export(false); assertEquals("", runJs()); // exportAll exports all Exportable classes marked with @Export ExporterUtil.exportAll(); assertEquals("Hello: A,foo-bar,Hello: B,Hello: C,", runJs()); } }