package org.timepedia.exporter.rebind; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.Export; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportAfterCreateMethod; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportConstructor; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportInstanceMethod; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportJsInitMethod; import org.timepedia.exporter.client.ExportStaticMethod; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * */ public class JExportableMethod implements JExportable { public static final String WRAPPER_PREFIX = "__static_wrapper_"; protected JExportableClassType exportableEnclosingType; protected JAbstractMethod method; private String exportName; private String qualifiedExportName; JExportableParameter[] exportableParameters; public JExportableMethod(JExportableClassType exportableEnclosingType, JAbstractMethod method) { this.exportableEnclosingType = exportableEnclosingType; this.method = method; String anValue = ""; if (isExportInstanceMethod()) { anValue = method.getAnnotation(ExportInstanceMethod.class).value(); } else if (isExportStaticMethod()) { anValue = method.getAnnotation(ExportStaticMethod.class).value(); } else { Export ann = method.getAnnotation(Export.class); anValue = ann != null ? ann.value().trim() : ""; } if (!anValue.isEmpty()) { exportName = anValue; // Static methods can be assigned to any name-space if it starts with $wnd if (isStatic() && anValue.startsWith("$wnd.")) { qualifiedExportName = anValue.replaceFirst("\\$wnd\\.", ""); } } else { exportName = method.getName(); } if (qualifiedExportName == null) { qualifiedExportName = getEnclosingExportType().getJSQualifiedExportName() + "." + getUnqualifiedExportName(); } JParameter[] params = method.getParameters(); exportableParameters = new JExportableParameter[params.length]; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { exportableParameters[i] = new JExportableParameter(this, params[i]); } } public JAbstractMethod getMethod() { return method; } public String getUnqualifiedExportName() { return exportName; } public String getJSQualifiedExportName() { return qualifiedExportName; } public JExportableType getExportable(JType type, boolean searchComponent) { ExportableTypeOracle xTypeOracle = getExportableTypeOracle(); JArrayType a = type.isArray(); if (searchComponent && a != null) { return xTypeOracle.findExportableType(a.getComponentType().getQualifiedSourceName()); } else { return xTypeOracle.findExportableType(type.getQualifiedSourceName()); } } public JExportableType getExportableReturnType(boolean b) { return method instanceof JMethod ? getExportable(((JMethod)method).getReturnType(), b) : null; } public JExportableParameter[] getExportableParameters() { return exportableParameters; } public JExportableClassType getEnclosingExportType() { return exportableEnclosingType; } public String getEnclosingTypeQualifiedSourceName() { if (isExportOverlay()) { return ((JExportOverlayClassType)exportableEnclosingType).getOverlayType().getQualifiedSourceName(); } else { return exportableEnclosingType.getQualifiedSourceName(); } } public String getJSNIReference() { String reference = ""; // we export the original method or the static wrapper if (!needsWrapper()) { // Use static ExportConstructor and ExportMethod methods in the overlay class if (isExportConstructor() || isExportInstanceMethod() || isExportStaticMethod() || isExportAfterCreateMethod()) { reference = getEnclosingTypeQualifiedSourceName(); } else { reference = exportableEnclosingType.getQualifiedSourceName(); } reference += "::" + method.getName() + "("; } else { reference = exportableEnclosingType.getQualifiedExporterImplementationName() + "::" + WRAPPER_PREFIX + method.getName() + "("; // Wrappers are static, so we pass the instance in the first argument. if (!isStatic()) { reference += exportableEnclosingType.getTypeToExport().getJNISignature(); } } int len = exportableParameters.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String signature = exportableParameters[i].getJNISignature(); // Here we replace // - long by double signature // - arrays and date by javascriptobject if ("J".equals(signature)) { signature = "D"; } else if ( signature.startsWith("[") || signature.equals("Ljava/util/Date;")) { signature = "Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;"; } reference += signature; } reference += ")"; return reference; } private Boolean wrap = null; // return true if this method needs a static wrapper. // - methods which have a 'long' parameter or return 'long' // - methods which have array parameters // - methods with variable arguments public boolean needsWrapper() { if (wrap == null) { wrap = false; if (method.isVarArgs()) { wrap = true; } else if (isExportInstanceMethod()) { wrap = true; } else if (getExportableReturnType(false) != null && "long".equals(getExportableReturnType(false).getQualifiedSourceName())) { wrap = true; } else for (JExportableParameter p : getExportableParameters()) { if (p.getTypeName().matches("(long|.*\\[\\])$|java.util.Date")) { wrap = true; break; } } } return wrap; } public boolean isInStaticMap() { return isStatic() && !isExportInstanceMethod(); } public boolean isStatic() { if (method instanceof JConstructor) { return false; } else { return ((JMethod) method).isStatic(); } } public boolean isExportOverlay() { return exportableEnclosingType instanceof JExportOverlayClassType; } public boolean isExportInstanceMethod() { return isStatic() && isExportOverlay() && method.getAnnotation(ExportInstanceMethod.class) != null; } public boolean isExportStaticMethod() { return isStatic() && isExportOverlay() && method.getAnnotation(ExportStaticMethod.class) != null; } public boolean isExportConstructor() { return isStatic() && isExportOverlay() && method.getAnnotation(ExportConstructor.class) != null; } public boolean isExportJsInitMethod() { return isStatic() == false && method.getParameters().length == 0 && method.getAnnotation(ExportJsInitMethod.class) != null; } public boolean isExportAfterCreateMethod() { return isStatic() && method.getParameters().length == 0 && method.getAnnotation(ExportAfterCreateMethod.class) != null; } public ExportableTypeOracle getExportableTypeOracle() { return getEnclosingExportType().getExportableTypeOracle(); } public String toString() { String str = exportableEnclosingType.getQualifiedSourceName() + "." + method.getName() + "("; JExportableParameter[] params = getExportableParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { str += params[i]; if (i < params.length - 1) { str += ", "; } } return str + ")"; } public String getName() { return method.getName(); } public boolean isVarArgs() { return method.isVarArgs(); } }