package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement; import android.os.Bundle; import*; import com.gettingmobile.util.StringUtils; import java.util.*; import static*; public class ItemDatabaseAdapter extends ElementDatabaseAdapter<Item> { private static final String TAG_ID = "tagId"; private static final String SELECT_COLUMNS = "i._id _id, id, i.title title, i.refId refId, i.feedId feedId, " + "i.feedTitle feedTitle, i.timestamp timestamp, read, " + "i.alternateHref alternateHref, i.alternateMimeType alternateMimeType, author, " + "i.hasSummary hasSummary, i.hasContent hasContent, i.isExternalContent isExternalContent, i.hasImages hasImages, " + "i.teaser teaser, tagId "; public ItemDatabaseAdapter() { super(TABLE_NAME); } protected String buildKeyList(long[] keys) { final Long[] k = new Long[keys.length]; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { k[i] = keys[i]; } return StringUtils.explode(Arrays.asList(k), ","); } public long readItemKeyById(SQLiteDatabase db, ElementId itemId) { final Cursor c = db.query( TABLE_NAME, new String[] { KEY }, "id=?", new String[] { itemId.getId() }, null, null, null); try { return c.moveToFirst() ? c.getLong(0) : INVALID_ID; } finally { c.close(); } } public ItemCursor cursorByKeys(SQLiteDatabase db, long[] keys, boolean groupByFeeds, SortOrder order) { if (keys == null || keys.length == 0) return new EmptyItemCursor(); final String feedOrder = groupByFeeds ? "feedTitle COLLATE NOCASE, i.feedId, " : ""; final Cursor indexCursor = db.rawQuery( "SELECT f._id, i._id, COUNT(it.itemKey), " + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN feed f ON " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "WHERE i._id IN (" + buildKeyList(keys) + ") " + "GROUP BY " + (groupByFeeds ? "f._id, " : "") + "i._id " + "ORDER BY " + feedOrder + "i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", null); return createItemCursor(groupByFeeds, indexCursor, db.rawQuery( "SELECT " + SELECT_COLUMNS + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "LEFT JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey " + "WHERE i._id IN (" + buildKeyList(keys) + ") " + "ORDER BY " + feedOrder + "i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", null)); } public List<Item> readByKeys(SQLiteDatabase db, long[] keys, boolean groupByFeeds, SortOrder order) { return readList(cursorByKeys(db, keys, groupByFeeds, order)); } public ItemCursor cursorByKeysForFolder(SQLiteDatabase db, long[] keys, long tagKey, boolean groupByFeeds, boolean feedDragAndDropOrder, SortOrder order) { if (keys == null || keys.length == 0) return new EmptyItemCursor(); final String feedGrouping = groupByFeeds ? "f._id, " : ""; final String feedOrder = groupByFeeds ? (feedDragAndDropOrder ? "ft.sortOrder, feedTitle COLLATE NOCASE, i.feedId, " : "feedTitle COLLATE NOCASE, i.feedId, ") : ""; final Cursor indexCursor = db.rawQuery( "SELECT f._id, i._id, COUNT(it.itemKey), " + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN feed f ON " + "LEFT JOIN feedTag ft ON ft.feedKey=f._id " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "WHERE " + " ft.tagKey=? AND " + " i._id IN (" + buildKeyList(keys) + ") " + "GROUP BY " + feedGrouping + "i._id " + "ORDER BY " + feedOrder + "i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", new String[] { Long.toString(tagKey) }); return createItemCursor(groupByFeeds, indexCursor, db.rawQuery( "SELECT " + SELECT_COLUMNS + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN feed f ON " + "LEFT JOIN feedTag ft ON ft.feedKey=f._id " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "LEFT JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey " + "WHERE " + " ft.tagKey=? AND " + " i._id IN (" + buildKeyList(keys) + ") " + "ORDER BY " + feedOrder + "i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", new String[] { Long.toString(tagKey) })); } public Item readByKey(SQLiteDatabase db, long key) { final List<Item> items = readList(db.rawQuery( "SELECT " + SELECT_COLUMNS + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "LEFT JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey " + "WHERE i._id=? " + "ORDER BY i._id", new String[] { Long.toString(key) })); return !items.isEmpty() ? items.get(0) : null; } public Item readFullByKey(SQLiteDatabase db, long key) { final List<Item> items = readList(db.rawQuery( "SELECT i.summary summary, i.content content, " + SELECT_COLUMNS + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "LEFT JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey AND t.isFeedFolder=0 " + "WHERE i._id=? " + "ORDER BY i._id", new String[] { Long.toString(key) })); return !items.isEmpty() ? items.get(0) : null; } public Item readById(SQLiteDatabase db, ElementId itemId) { final List<Item> items = readList(db.rawQuery( "SELECT " + SELECT_COLUMNS + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "LEFT JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey " + "WHERE " + "ORDER BY i._id", new String[]{itemId.getId()})); return !items.isEmpty() ? items.get(0) : null; } public ItemCursor cursorByLabel(SQLiteDatabase db, long tagKey, boolean groupByFeeds, boolean excludeRead, SortOrder order) { final String tagKeyString = Long.toString(tagKey); final String excludeSelection = excludeRead ? "AND " : ""; final String feedGrouping = groupByFeeds ? "f._id, " : ""; final String feedOrder = groupByFeeds ? "feedTitle COLLATE NOCASE, i.feedId, " : ""; final Cursor indexCursor = db.rawQuery( "SELECT f._id, i._id, COUNT(it.itemKey), " + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN feed f ON " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "WHERE i._id IN (SELECT it2.itemKey FROM itemTag it2 WHERE it2.tagKey=?) " + excludeSelection + "GROUP BY " + feedGrouping + "i._id " + "ORDER BY " + feedOrder + "i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", new String[] { tagKeyString }); return createItemCursor(groupByFeeds, indexCursor, db.rawQuery( "SELECT " + SELECT_COLUMNS + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN feed f ON " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "LEFT JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey " + "WHERE i._id IN (SELECT it2.itemKey FROM itemTag it2 WHERE it2.tagKey=?) " + excludeSelection + "ORDER BY " + feedOrder + "i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", new String[]{tagKeyString})); } public List<Item> readByLabel(SQLiteDatabase db, long tagKey, boolean groupByFeeds, boolean excludeRead, SortOrder order) { return readList(cursorByLabel(db, tagKey, groupByFeeds, excludeRead, order)); } public ItemCursor cursorByFolder(SQLiteDatabase db, long tagKey, boolean groupByFeeds, boolean feedDragAndDropOrder, boolean excludeRead, SortOrder order) { final String tagKeyString = Long.toString(tagKey); final String excludeSelection = excludeRead ? "AND " : ""; final String feedGrouping = groupByFeeds ? "f._id, " : ""; final String feedOrder = groupByFeeds ? (feedDragAndDropOrder ? "ft.sortOrder, feedTitle COLLATE NOCASE, i.feedId, " : "feedTitle COLLATE NOCASE, i.feedId, ") : ""; final Cursor indexCursor = db.rawQuery( "SELECT f._id, i._id, COUNT(it.itemKey), " + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN feed f ON LEFT JOIN feedTag ft ON ft.feedKey=f._id AND ft.tagKey=? " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "WHERE ft.tagKey=? " + excludeSelection + "GROUP BY " + feedGrouping + "i._id " + "ORDER BY " + feedOrder + "i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", new String[] { tagKeyString, tagKeyString }); return createItemCursor(groupByFeeds, indexCursor, db.rawQuery( "SELECT " + SELECT_COLUMNS + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN feed f ON LEFT JOIN feedTag ft ON ft.feedKey=f._id AND ft.tagKey=? " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "LEFT JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey " + "WHERE ft.tagKey=? " + excludeSelection + "ORDER BY " + feedOrder + "i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", new String[]{ tagKeyString, tagKeyString })); } public List<Item> readByFolder(SQLiteDatabase db, long tagKey, boolean groupByFeeds, boolean feedDragAndDropOrder, boolean excludeRead, SortOrder order) { return readList(cursorByFolder(db, tagKey, groupByFeeds, feedDragAndDropOrder, excludeRead, order)); } public ItemCursor cursorByFeed(SQLiteDatabase db, ElementId feedId, boolean excludeRead, SortOrder order) { final String excludeSelection = excludeRead ? "AND " : ""; final Cursor indexCursor = db.rawQuery( "SELECT 0, i._id, COUNT(it.itemKey), " + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "WHERE i.feedId=? " + excludeSelection + "GROUP BY i._id " + "ORDER BY i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", new String[]{feedId.getId()}); return createItemCursor(false, indexCursor, db.rawQuery( "SELECT " + SELECT_COLUMNS + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "LEFT JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey " + "WHERE i.feedId=? " + excludeSelection + "ORDER BY i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", new String[]{feedId.getId()})); } public List<Item> readByFeed(SQLiteDatabase db, ElementId feedId, boolean excludeRead, SortOrder order) { return readList(cursorByFeed(db, feedId, excludeRead, order)); } public ItemCursor cursorAll(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean excludeRead, SortOrder order) { final String excludeSelection = excludeRead ? "WHERE " : ""; final Cursor indexCursor = db.rawQuery( "SELECT 0, i._id, COUNT(it.itemKey), " + "FROM item i " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + excludeSelection + "GROUP BY i._id " + "ORDER BY i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", null); return createItemCursor(false, indexCursor, db.rawQuery( "SELECT " + SELECT_COLUMNS + "FROM item i " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "LEFT JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey AND t.isFeedFolder=0 " + excludeSelection + "ORDER BY i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", null)); } public List<Item> readAll(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean excludeRead, SortOrder order) { return readList(cursorAll(db, excludeRead, order)); } public ItemCursor cursorAll(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean groupByFeeds, boolean excludeRead, SortOrder order) { if (!groupByFeeds) return cursorAll(db, excludeRead, order); final String excludeSelection = excludeRead ? "WHERE " : ""; final Cursor indexCursor = db.rawQuery( "SELECT f._id, i._id, COUNT(it.itemKey), " + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN feed f ON " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + excludeSelection + "GROUP BY f._id, i._id " + "ORDER BY f.title COLLATE NOCASE, i.feedId, i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", null); return createItemCursor(groupByFeeds, indexCursor, db.rawQuery( "SELECT " + SELECT_COLUMNS + "FROM item i " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "LEFT JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey AND t.isFeedFolder=0 " + excludeSelection + "ORDER BY feedTitle COLLATE NOCASE, i.feedId, i.timestamp " + order.getSql() + ", i._id", null)); } public List<Item> readAll(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean groupByFeeds, boolean excludeRead, SortOrder order) { return readList(cursorAll(db, groupByFeeds, excludeRead, order)); } public Set<ElementId> readAllIds(SQLiteDatabase db) { final Cursor c = db.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] { ID }, null, null, null, null, null); try { final Set<ElementId> ids = new HashSet<ElementId>(c.getCount()); if (c.moveToFirst()) { do { ids.add(new ElementId(c.getString(0))); } while (c.moveToNext()); } return ids; } finally { c.close(); } } public Set<ElementId> readExistingIds(SQLiteDatabase db, Collection<ElementId> ids) { final Set<ElementId> existingIds = new HashSet<ElementId>(); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { final Cursor c = db.rawQuery( "SELECT DISTINCT id FROM item WHERE id IN (" + StringUtils.explode(ids, ",", "'") + ")", null); try { if (c.moveToFirst()) { do { existingIds.add(new ElementId(c.getString(0))); } while (c.moveToNext()); } } finally { c.close(); } } return existingIds; } /* * teaser related stuff */ public ItemCursor cursorActiveWithContentWithoutTags(SQLiteDatabase db) { final Cursor indexCursor = db.rawQuery( "SELECT f._id, i._id, COUNT(it.itemKey), " + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN feed f ON " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "WHERE it.tagKey IS NOT NULL OR " + "GROUP BY i._id " + "ORDER BY i.feedId, i.timestamp DESC, i._id", null); return createItemCursor(false, indexCursor, db.rawQuery( "SELECT i.content, i.summary, " + SELECT_COLUMNS + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN feed f ON " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey " + "WHERE it.tagKey IS NOT NULL OR " + "ORDER BY i.feedId, i.timestamp DESC, i._id", null)); } public ItemCursor cursorActiveWithContentWithoutTags(SQLiteDatabase db, ElementId feedId) { final Cursor indexCursor = db.rawQuery( "SELECT f._id, i._id, COUNT(it.itemKey), " + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN feed f ON " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "WHERE AND (it.tagKey IS NOT NULL OR " + "GROUP BY i._id " + "ORDER BY i.feedId, i.timestamp DESC, i._id", new String[] { feedId.getId() }); return createItemCursor(false, indexCursor, db.rawQuery( "SELECT i.content, i.summary, " + SELECT_COLUMNS + "FROM item i " + "LEFT JOIN feed f ON " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey " + "WHERE AND (it.tagKey IS NOT NULL OR " + "ORDER BY i.feedId, i.timestamp DESC, i._id", new String[] { feedId.getId() })); } public void updateTeaser(SQLiteDatabase db, long key, String teaser) { db.execSQL("UPDATE item SET teaser=? WHERE _id=?", new Object[] { teaser, key }); } /* * signature check */ public boolean doesItemSignatureExist(SQLiteDatabase db, Item item) { final Cursor c = db.rawQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item i WHERE i.feedId=? AND i.timestamp=? AND i.title=?", new String[] { item.getFeedId().getId(), item.getTimestamp() != null ? Long.toString(item.getTimestamp().getTime()) : "0", item.getTitle()}); try { return c.moveToFirst() && c.getInt(0) > 0; } finally { c.close(); } } /* * unread count */ public int readUnreadCountByLabel(SQLiteDatabase db, ElementId tagId) { final Cursor c = db.rawQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) " + "FROM item i " + "INNER JOIN itemTag it ON it.itemKey=i._id " + "WHERE it.tagKey=(SELECT t._id FROM tag t WHERE AND", new String[] { tagId.getId() }); try { return c.moveToFirst() ? c.getInt(0) : 0; } finally { c.close(); } } public int readUnreadCount(SQLiteDatabase db) { final Cursor c = db.rawQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + READ + "=0", null); try { return c.moveToFirst() ? c.getInt(0) : 0; } finally { c.close(); } } /* * statistics */ public int readActiveCount(SQLiteDatabase db) { final Cursor c = db.rawQuery( "select count(distinct i._id) from item i left join itemTag it on it.itemKey=i._id where read=0 or it.tagKey is not null", null); try { return c.moveToFirst() ? c.getInt(0) : 0; } finally { c.close(); } } public int readTotalCount(SQLiteDatabase db) { final Cursor c = db.rawQuery( "select count(*) from item i", null); try { return c.moveToFirst() ? c.getInt(0) : 0; } finally { c.close(); } } /* * tag handling */ public Set<ElementId> readItemTags(SQLiteDatabase db, long itemKey) { final Cursor c = db.rawQuery( "SELECT " + "FROM itemTag it " + "INNER JOIN tag t ON t._id=it.tagKey " + "WHERE it.itemKey=?" , new String[] { Long.toString(itemKey) }); try { final Set<ElementId> tags = new HashSet<ElementId>(); if (c.moveToFirst()) do { tags.add(new ElementId(c.getString(0))); } while (c.moveToNext()); return tags; } finally { c.close(); } } protected void deleteItemTags(SQLiteDatabase db, long itemKey) { db.delete(ItemTagTable.TABLE_NAME, "itemKey=?", new String[]{Long.toString(itemKey)}); } public void addItemTag(SQLiteDatabase db, long itemKey, ElementId tag) { db.execSQL( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO " + ItemTagTable.TABLE_NAME + " (itemKey, tagKey) " + "SELECT ?, t._id FROM tag t WHERE AND t.isFeedFolder=0", new Object[]{itemKey, tag.getId()}); } public void setItemTags(SQLiteDatabase db, long itemKey, Set<ElementId> tags) { deleteItemTags(db, itemKey); for (ElementId tagId : tags) { if (Tag.isUsed(tagId)) { addItemTag(db, itemKey, tagId); } } } public void addItemTagsFromItemTagChangeEvents(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + ItemTagTable.TABLE_NAME + " (itemKey, tagKey) " + "SELECT i._id, t._id FROM itemTagChangeEvent e " + "INNER JOIN item i ON " + "INNER JOIN tag t ON " + "WHERE e.operation=1"); } public void removeItemTag(SQLiteDatabase db, long itemKey, ElementId tag) { db.delete(ItemTagTable.TABLE_NAME, "itemKey=? AND tagKey=(SELECT t._id FROM tag t WHERE", new String[]{Long.toString(itemKey), tag.getId()}); } public void markItemRead(SQLiteDatabase db, long itemKey, boolean read) { db.execSQL("UPDATE item SET read=? WHERE _id=?", new String[] { read ? "1" : "0", Long.toString(itemKey) }); } public void markItemsRead(SQLiteDatabase db, long[] itemKeys, boolean read) { db.execSQL("UPDATE item SET read=? WHERE _id IN (" + buildKeyList(itemKeys) + ")", new String[] { read ? "1" : "0" }); } public void markAllRead(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("UPDATE item SET read=1"); } public void markReadByLabel(SQLiteDatabase db, ElementId tagId) { db.execSQL("UPDATE item SET read=1 WHERE _id IN " + "(SELECT it.itemKey FROM itemTag it WHERE it.tagKey=(SELECT t._id FROM tag t WHERE", new Object[] {tagId.getId()}); } public void markReadByFolder(SQLiteDatabase db, ElementId tagId) { db.execSQL("UPDATE item SET read=1 WHERE _id IN " + "(SELECT i._id FROM item i " + "INNER JOIN feed f ON " + "INNER JOIN feedTag ft ON ft.feedKey=f._id " + "INNER JOIN tag t ON t._id=ft.tagKey AND", new Object[] {tagId.getId()}); } public void markReadByFeed(SQLiteDatabase db, ElementId feedId) { db.execSQL("UPDATE item SET read=1 WHERE feedId=?", new Object[] { feedId.getId() }); } public SQLiteStatement compileMarkItemReadStatement(SQLiteDatabase db) { return db.compileStatement("UPDATE item SET read=? WHERE _id=?"); } public void markItemRead(SQLiteStatement statement, long itemKey, boolean read) { statement.bindLong(1, read ? 1 : 0); statement.bindLong(2, itemKey); statement.execute(); } public List<ReadStateChange> readReadStateChanges(SQLiteDatabase db) { final Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT id, feedId, read FROM item WHERE read <> syncedRead", null); try { final List<ReadStateChange> ids = new ArrayList<ReadStateChange>(c.getCount()); if (c.moveToFirst()) do { ids.add(new ReadStateChange(c.getString(0), c.getString(1), c.getInt(2) > 0)); } while (c.moveToNext()); return ids; } finally { c.close(); } } public void updateSyncedRead(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("UPDATE item SET syncedRead=1 WHERE read=1"); db.execSQL("UPDATE item SET syncedRead=0 WHERE read=0"); } public boolean hasUpdatedReadStates(SQLiteDatabase db) { final Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item WHERE read <> syncedRead", null); try { return c.moveToFirst() && c.getInt(0) > 0; } finally { c.close(); } } public void deleteReadUnreferencedItems(SQLiteDatabase db, long minTimestamp) { db.execSQL("DELETE FROM item WHERE read<>0 AND insertTimestamp<=? AND _id NOT IN " + "(SELECT itemKey FROM itemTag it)", new String[] {Long.toString(minTimestamp)}); } public void deleteReadUnreferencedItems(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("DELETE FROM item WHERE read<>0 AND _id NOT IN " + "(SELECT itemKey FROM itemTag it INNER JOIN tag t ON it.tagKey=t._id AND t.isFeedFolder=0)"); } public void deleteUnreadUnreferencedItems(SQLiteDatabase db, long minTimestamp) { db.execSQL("DELETE FROM item WHERE read=0 AND insertTimestamp<=? AND _id NOT IN " + "(SELECT itemKey FROM itemTag it)", new String[] {Long.toString(minTimestamp)}); } public void updateFeedTitles(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("UPDATE item SET feedTitle=(SELECT f.title FROM feed f WHERE " + "WHERE (SELECT f.title FROM feed f WHERE IS NOT NULL"); } public void deleteItem(SQLiteDatabase db, Item item) { db.execSQL("DELETE FROM itemTag WHERE itemKey=?", new Long[]{item.getKey()}); db.execSQL("DELETE FROM item WHERE _id=?", new Long[]{item.getKey()}); } public void blacklistItem(SQLiteDatabase db, Item item) { deleteItem(db, item); new ItemBlacklistDatabaseAdapter().blacklistItem(db, item.getId()); } /* * database mapping */ private ItemCursor createItemCursor(boolean group, Cursor indexCursor, Cursor c) { return new StandardItemCursor(group, indexCursor, c); } @Override protected Item create() { return new Item(); } public long write(SQLiteDatabase db, Item entity, boolean ignoreSummaryAndContent) throws SQLException { final Bundle parameters = new Bundle(); parameters.putBoolean("ignoreSummaryAndContent", ignoreSummaryAndContent); return super.write(db, entity, parameters); } @Override protected void setRowValues(SQLiteDatabase db, ContentValues columns, Item item, Bundle parameters) { super.setRowValues(db, columns, item, parameters); columns.put(REF_ID, item.getId().getItemReferenceId()); columns.put(FEED_ID, item.getFeedId().getId()); columns.put(FEED_TITLE, item.getFeedTitle()); columns.put(TIMESTAMP, item.getTimestamp() != null ? item.getTimestamp().getTime() : 0); columns.put(INSERT_TIMESTAMP, new Date().getTime()); columns.put(READ, item.isRead()); columns.put(SYNCED_READ, item.isRead()); if (item.getAlternate() != null) { columns.put(ALTERNATE_HREF, item.getAlternate().getHref()); columns.put(ALTERNATE_MIME_TYPE, item.getAlternate().getMimeType()); } columns.put(AUTHOR, item.getAuthor()); columns.put(HAS_SUMMARY, item.hasSummary()); columns.put(HAS_CONTENT, item.hasContent()); columns.put(TEASER, item.getTeaser()); columns.put(IS_EXTERNAL_CONTENT, item.isExternalContent()); columns.put(HAS_IMAGES, item.hasImages()); final boolean ignoreSummaryAndContent = parameters.getBoolean("ignoreSummaryAndContent", false); if (!ignoreSummaryAndContent) { columns.put(SUMMARY, item.canStoreSummaryInDb() ? item.getSummary() : null); columns.put(CONTENT, item.canStoreContentInDb() ? item.getContent() : null); } } @Override public Item readCurrent(Cursor c) { final Item item = super.readCurrent(c); item.setFeedId(new ElementId(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(FEED_ID)))); item.setFeedTitle(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(FEED_TITLE))); item.setRead(c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(READ)) != 0); final int tagIdCol = c.getColumnIndex(TAG_ID); if (tagIdCol > -1) { final String tagId = c.getString(tagIdCol); if (tagId != null) { item.getTagIds().add(new ElementId(tagId)); } } final long timestamp = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(TIMESTAMP)); item.setTimestamp(timestamp > 0 ? new Date(timestamp) : null); final String alternateHref = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(ALTERNATE_HREF)); if (alternateHref != null) { final Resource alternate = new Resource(); alternate.setHref(alternateHref); alternate.setMimeType(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(ALTERNATE_MIME_TYPE))); item.setAlternate(alternate); } item.setAuthor(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(AUTHOR))); final int summaryColumnIndex = c.getColumnIndex(SUMMARY); if (summaryColumnIndex >= 0) { item.setSummary(c.getString(summaryColumnIndex)); } final int contentColumnIndex = c.getColumnIndex(CONTENT); if (contentColumnIndex >= 0) { item.setContent(c.getString(contentColumnIndex)); } item.setHasSummary(c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(HAS_SUMMARY)) > 0); item.setHasContent(c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(HAS_CONTENT)) > 0); item.setIsExternalContent(c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(IS_EXTERNAL_CONTENT)) > 0); item.setHasImages(c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(HAS_IMAGES)) > 0); final int teaserColumnIndex = c.getColumnIndex(TEASER); if (teaserColumnIndex >= 0) { item.setTeaser(c.getString(teaserColumnIndex)); } return item; } @Override public void readJoinCurrent(Item current, Cursor c) { super.readJoinCurrent(current, c); final String tagId = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(TAG_ID)); if (tagId != null) { current.getTagIds().add(new ElementId(tagId)); } } @Override protected void writeJoins(SQLiteDatabase db, Item entity, long rowId) throws SQLException { super.writeJoins(db, entity, rowId); setItemTags(db, rowId, entity.getTagIds()); } /* * internal classes */ public static class ReadStateChange { public final ElementId itemId; public final ElementId feedId; public final boolean read; ReadStateChange(String itemId, String feedId, boolean read) { this.itemId = new ElementId(itemId); this.feedId = new ElementId(feedId); = read; } } }