package; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException; import android.database.DataSetObserver; import java.util.List; public abstract class EntityListCursor<T> implements EntityCursor<T> { private final List<T> entities; private int pos = -1; private boolean closed = false; public EntityListCursor(List<T> entities) { this.entities = entities; } @Override public void close() { closed = true; } @Override public boolean isClosed() { return closed; } @Override public boolean isGroupHeader() { checkPosition(); return false; } @Override public String getGroupTitle() { checkPosition(); return null; } @Override public long getEntityId() { checkPosition(); return getEntityId(entities.get(pos)); } protected abstract long getEntityId(T entity); @Override public T getEntity() { checkPosition(); return entities.get(pos); } /* * position query */ public int getCount() { return entities.size(); } public int getPosition() { return pos; } public boolean isBeforeFirst() { return pos < 0; } public boolean isAfterLast() { return pos >= entities.size(); } public boolean isFirst() { return pos == 0; } public boolean isLast() { return pos == entities.size() - 1; } /* * moving */ public boolean moveToFirst() { return moveToPosition(0); } public boolean moveToLast() { return moveToPosition(getCount() - 1); } public boolean moveToNext() { return moveToPosition(pos + 1); } public boolean moveToPrevious() { return moveToPosition(pos - 1); } public boolean move(int offset) { return moveToPosition(pos + offset); } public boolean moveToPosition(int position) { // Make sure position isn't past the end of the cursor final int count = getCount(); if (position >= count) { pos = count; return false; } // Make sure position isn't before the beginning of the cursor if (position < 0) { pos = -1; return false; } // Check for no-op moves, and skip the rest of the work for them if (position == pos) { return true; } pos = position; return true; } @Override public void registerContentObserver(ContentObserver observer) { // nothing can change } @Override public void unregisterContentObserver(ContentObserver observer) { // nothing can change } @Override public void registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer) { // nothing can change } @Override public void unregisterDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer) { // nothing can change } /* * helpers */ protected void checkPosition() { if (-1 == pos || getCount() == pos) { throw new CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException(pos, getCount()); } } }