/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Eclipse.org * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.parser; public interface XpandParsersym { public final static int TK_IDENT = 1, TK_STRING = 9, TK_INT_CONST = 18, TK_REAL_CONST = 19, TK_let = 27, TK_switch = 25, TK_implies = 42, TK_new = 20, TK_false = 21, TK_true = 22, TK_null = 23, TK_default = 43, TK_case = 44, TK_Collection = 3, TK_List = 4, TK_Set = 5, TK_typeSelect = 10, TK_collect = 11, TK_select = 12, TK_reject = 13, TK_exists = 14, TK_notExists = 15, TK_forAll = 16, TK_QUESTION_MARK = 45, TK_DCOLON = 28, TK_COLON = 30, TK_LPAREN = 2, TK_RPAREN = 7, TK_LCURLY = 17, TK_RCURLY = 32, TK_LSQUARE = 46, TK_RSQUARE = 47, TK_ARROW = 48, TK_NOT = 8, TK_AND = 49, TK_OR = 50, TK_ASSIGN = 51, TK_EQ = 52, TK_NE = 53, TK_GE = 54, TK_LE = 55, TK_GT = 56, TK_LT = 57, TK_PLUS = 34, TK_MINUS = 6, TK_MULTI = 29, TK_DIV = 58, TK_DOT = 35, TK_COMMA = 33, TK_BAR = 59, TK_IMPORT = 60, TK_EXTENSION = 61, TK_AROUND = 36, TK_ENDAROUND = 31, TK_DEFINE = 37, TK_ENDDEFINE = 38, TK_ERROR = 62, TK_EXPAND = 63, TK_FOR = 26, TK_SEPARATOR = 64, TK_AS = 39, TK_ITERATOR = 65, TK_FOREACH = 40, TK_ENDFOREACH = 66, TK_FILE = 67, TK_ENDFILE = 68, TK_IF = 69, TK_ELSEIF = 70, TK_ELSE = 71, TK_ENDIF = 72, TK_LET = 73, TK_ENDLET = 74, TK_PROTECT = 75, TK_CSTART = 76, TK_CEND = 77, TK_ID = 78, TK_DISABLE = 79, TK_ENDPROTECT = 80, TK_LG = 81, TK_EOF_TOKEN = 41, TK_TEXT = 24, TK_ERROR_TOKEN = 82; public final static String orderedTerminalSymbols[] = { "", "IDENT", "LPAREN", "Collection", "List", "Set", "MINUS", "RPAREN", "NOT", "STRING", "typeSelect", "collect", "select", "reject", "exists", "notExists", "forAll", "LCURLY", "INT_CONST", "REAL_CONST", "new", "false", "true", "null", "TEXT", "switch", "FOR", "let", "DCOLON", "MULTI", "COLON", "ENDAROUND", "RCURLY", "COMMA", "PLUS", "DOT", "AROUND", "DEFINE", "ENDDEFINE", "AS", "FOREACH", "EOF_TOKEN", "implies", "default", "case", "QUESTION_MARK", "LSQUARE", "RSQUARE", "ARROW", "AND", "OR", "ASSIGN", "EQ", "NE", "GE", "LE", "GT", "LT", "DIV", "BAR", "IMPORT", "EXTENSION", "ERROR", "EXPAND", "SEPARATOR", "ITERATOR", "ENDFOREACH", "FILE", "ENDFILE", "IF", "ELSEIF", "ELSE", "ENDIF", "LET", "ENDLET", "PROTECT", "CSTART", "CEND", "ID", "DISABLE", "ENDPROTECT", "LG", "ERROR_TOKEN" }; public final static boolean isValidForParser = true; }