package; import org.eclipse.draw2d.FigureUtilities; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Label; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.gef.GraphicalEditPart; import; import; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.ui.contentassist.ContentAssistantHelper; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.internal.l10n.DiagramFontRegistry; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.figures.WrapLabel; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.mapmode.MapModeUtil; import; import; import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.IContentAssistProcessor; import org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; /** * @generated */ public class TextDirectEditManager extends DirectEditManager { /** * @generated */ private Color proposalPopupBackgroundColor = null; /** * @generated */ private Color proposalPopupForegroundColor = null; /** * @generated */ private boolean committed = false; /** * @generated */ private boolean listenersAttached = true; /** * @generated */ static private class WrapTextCellEditorLocator implements CellEditorLocator { private WrapLabel wrapLabel; public WrapTextCellEditorLocator(WrapLabel wrapLabel) { super(); this.wrapLabel = wrapLabel; } public WrapLabel getWrapLabel() { return wrapLabel; } public void relocate(CellEditor celleditor) { Text text = (Text) celleditor.getControl(); Rectangle rect = getWrapLabel().getTextBounds().getCopy(); getWrapLabel().translateToAbsolute(rect); if (getWrapLabel().isTextWrapped() && getWrapLabel().getText().length() > 0) rect.setSize(new Dimension(text.computeSize(rect.width, SWT.DEFAULT))); else { int avr = FigureUtilities.getFontMetrics(text.getFont()) .getAverageCharWidth(); rect.setSize(new Dimension(text.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT)).expand(avr * 2, 0)); } if (!rect.equals(new Rectangle(text.getBounds()))) text.setBounds(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } } /** * @generated */ static private class TextCellEditorLocator implements CellEditorLocator { private Label label; public TextCellEditorLocator(Label label) { super(); this.label = label; } public Label getLabel() { return label; } public void relocate(CellEditor celleditor) { Text text = (Text) celleditor.getControl(); Rectangle rect = getLabel().getTextBounds().getCopy(); getLabel().translateToAbsolute(rect); int avr = FigureUtilities.getFontMetrics(text.getFont()) .getAverageCharWidth(); rect.setSize(new Dimension(text.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT)).expand(avr * 2, 0)); if (!rect.equals(new Rectangle(text.getBounds()))) text.setBounds(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } } /** * @generated */ public TextDirectEditManager(ITextAwareEditPart source) { super(source, getTextCellEditorClass(source), getCellEditorLocator(source.getFigure())); } /** * @generated */ public TextDirectEditManager(GraphicalEditPart source, Class editorType, CellEditorLocator locator) { super(source, editorType, locator); } /** * @generated */ private static CellEditorLocator getCellEditorLocator(IFigure label) { if (label instanceof Label) { return new TextCellEditorLocator((Label) label); } return new WrapTextCellEditorLocator((WrapLabel) label); } /** * @generated */ private static Class getTextCellEditorClass(ITextAwareEditPart source) { IFigure label = source.getFigure(); if (label instanceof WrapLabel && ((WrapLabel) label).isTextWrapped()) return WrapTextCellEditor.class; return TextCellEditorEx.class; } /** * @generated */ protected Font getScaledFont(IFigure label) { Font scaledFont = label.getFont(); FontData data = scaledFont.getFontData()[0]; Dimension fontSize = new Dimension(0, MapModeUtil.getMapMode(label) .DPtoLP(data.getHeight())); label.translateToAbsolute(fontSize); if (Math.abs(data.getHeight() - fontSize.height) < 2) fontSize.height = data.getHeight(); data.setHeight(fontSize.height); Font newFont = DiagramFontRegistry.getInstance().getFont(null, data); return newFont; } /** * @generated */ protected void initCellEditor() { committed = false; // Get the Text Compartments Edit Part ITextAwareEditPart textEP = (ITextAwareEditPart) getEditPart(); setEditText(textEP.getEditText()); IFigure label = textEP.getFigure(); Assert.isNotNull(label); Text text = (Text) getCellEditor().getControl(); // scale the font accordingly to the zoom level text.setFont(getScaledFont(label)); // register a validator on the cell editor getCellEditor().setValidator(textEP.getEditTextValidator()); if (textEP.getParser() != null) { IContentAssistProcessor processor = textEP.getCompletionProcessor(); if (processor != null) { // register content assist proposalPopupBackgroundColor = new Color(getCellEditor() .getControl().getShell().getDisplay(), new RGB(254, 241, 233)); proposalPopupForegroundColor = new Color(getCellEditor() .getControl().getShell().getDisplay(), new RGB(0, 0, 0)); ContentAssistantHelper.createTextContentAssistant(text, proposalPopupForegroundColor, proposalPopupBackgroundColor, processor); } } } /** * @generated */ protected void commit() { Shell activeShell = Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(); if (activeShell != null && getCellEditor().getControl().getShell().equals( activeShell.getParent())) { Control[] children = activeShell.getChildren(); if (children.length == 1 && children[0] instanceof Table) { /* * CONTENT ASSIST: focus is lost to the content assist pop up - * stay in focus */ getCellEditor().getControl().setVisible(true); ((TextCellEditorEx) getCellEditor()).setDeactivationLock(true); return; } } // content assist hacks if (committed) { bringDown(); return; } committed = true; super.commit(); } /** * @generated */ protected void bringDown() { if (proposalPopupForegroundColor != null) { proposalPopupForegroundColor.dispose(); proposalPopupForegroundColor = null; } if (proposalPopupBackgroundColor != null) { proposalPopupBackgroundColor.dispose(); proposalPopupBackgroundColor = null; } // myee - RATLC00523014: crashes when queued in asyncExec() eraseFeedback(); Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { // Content Assist hack - allow proper cleanup on childen // controls TextDirectEditManager.super.bringDown(); } }); } /** * @generated */ public void setEditText(String toEdit) { // Get the cell editor CellEditor cellEditor = getCellEditor(); // IF the cell editor doesn't exist yet... if (cellEditor == null) { // Do nothing return; } // Get the Text Compartment Edit Part ITextAwareEditPart textEP = (ITextAwareEditPart) getEditPart(); // Get the Text control Text textControl = (Text) cellEditor.getControl(); // Get the Text Edit Part's Figure (WrapLabel) IFigure label = textEP.getFigure(); Assert.isNotNull(label); // Set the Figures text if (label instanceof Label) { ((Label) label).setText(toEdit); } else { ((WrapLabel) label).setText(toEdit); } // See RATLC00522324 if (cellEditor instanceof TextCellEditorEx) { ((TextCellEditorEx) cellEditor) .setValueAndProcessEditOccured(toEdit); } else { cellEditor.setValue(toEdit); } // Set the controls text and position the caret at the end of the text textControl.setSelection(toEdit.length()); } /** * @generated */ public void show(char initialChar) { show(); // Set the cell editor text to the initial character String initialString = String.valueOf(initialChar); setEditText(initialString); } /** * @generated */ public void show(Point location) { show(); sendMouseClick(location); } /** * @generated */ private void sendMouseClick(Point location) { final Display currDisplay = Display.getCurrent(); final Point currLocation = location; new Thread() { Event event; public void run() { event = new Event(); event.type = SWT.MouseDown; event.button = 1; event.x = currLocation.x; event.y = currLocation.y;; event.type = SWT.MouseUp;; } }.start(); } /** * @generated */ protected void unhookListeners() { if (listenersAttached) { listenersAttached = false; super.unhookListeners(); } } /** * @generated */ protected void setCellEditor(CellEditor editor) { super.setCellEditor(editor); if (editor != null) { listenersAttached = true; } } /** * @generated */ public void showFeedback() { try { getEditPart().getRoot(); super.showFeedback(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } } }