/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE * or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2011 ForgeRock AS. */ package org.opends.server.extensions; import static org.opends.server.extensions.LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory.isServiceError; import static org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPConstants.OID_NOTICE_OF_DISCONNECTION; import static org.testng.Assert.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import org.opends.messages.Message; import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils; import org.opends.server.admin.server.ConfigurationChangeListener; import org.opends.server.admin.std.meta.LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfgDefn.MappingPolicy; import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.AuthenticationPolicyCfg; import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg; import org.opends.server.api.AuthenticationPolicy; import org.opends.server.api.AuthenticationPolicyState; import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer; import org.opends.server.extensions.LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory.Connection; import org.opends.server.extensions.LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory.ConnectionFactory; import org.opends.server.extensions.LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory.ConnectionPool; import org.opends.server.extensions.LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory.LDAPConnectionFactory; import org.opends.server.protocols.asn1.ASN1; import org.opends.server.protocols.asn1.ASN1Writer; import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.*; import org.opends.server.schema.DirectoryStringSyntax; import org.opends.server.schema.GeneralizedTimeSyntax; import org.opends.server.schema.UserPasswordSyntax; import org.opends.server.tools.LDAPReader; import org.opends.server.tools.LDAPWriter; import org.opends.server.types.*; import org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils; import org.opends.server.util.TimeThread; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Test LDAP authentication mappingPolicy implementation. */ public class LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyTestCase extends ExtensionsTestCase { static class CloseEvent extends Event<Void> { private final GetConnectionEvent getConnectionEvent; CloseEvent(final GetConnectionEvent getConnectionEvent) { this.getConnectionEvent = getConnectionEvent; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override boolean matchesEvent(final Event<?> event) { if (event instanceof CloseEvent) { final CloseEvent closeEvent = (CloseEvent) event; return getConnectionEvent.matchesEvent(closeEvent.getConnectionEvent); } else { return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override StringBuilder toString(final StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("CloseEvent("); builder.append(getConnectionEvent); builder.append(')'); return builder; } } static abstract class Event<T> { @Override public final boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Event<?>) { return matchesEvent((Event<?>) obj); } else { return false; } } @Override public final String toString() { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); return toString(builder).toString(); } T getResult() { return null; } abstract boolean matchesEvent(Event<?> event); abstract StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder builder); } static class GetConnectionEvent extends Event<DirectoryException> { private final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fevent; private final ResultCode resultCode; GetConnectionEvent(final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fevent) { this(fevent, ResultCode.SUCCESS); } GetConnectionEvent(final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fevent, final ResultCode resultCode) { this.fevent = fevent; this.resultCode = resultCode; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override DirectoryException getResult() { if (resultCode != ResultCode.SUCCESS) { return new DirectoryException(resultCode, resultCode.getResultCodeName()); } else { return null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override boolean matchesEvent(final Event<?> event) { if (event instanceof GetConnectionEvent) { final GetConnectionEvent getConnectionEvent = (GetConnectionEvent) event; return fevent.matchesEvent(getConnectionEvent.fevent); } else { return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override StringBuilder toString(final StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("GetConnectionEvent("); builder.append(fevent); builder.append(')'); return builder; } } static class GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent extends Event<Void> { private final String hostPort; private final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg options; GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent(final String hostPort, final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg options) { this.hostPort = hostPort; this.options = options; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override boolean matchesEvent(final Event<?> event) { if (event instanceof GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent) { final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent providerEvent = (GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent) event; return hostPort.equals(providerEvent.hostPort) && options == providerEvent.options; } else { return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override StringBuilder toString(final StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent("); builder.append(hostPort); builder.append(')'); return builder; } } static final class MockConnection implements LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory.Connection { private final GetConnectionEvent getConnectionEvent; private final MockProvider mockProvider; MockConnection(final MockProvider mockProvider, final GetConnectionEvent getConnectionEvent) { this.mockProvider = mockProvider; this.getConnectionEvent = getConnectionEvent; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void close() { final CloseEvent event = new CloseEvent(getConnectionEvent); mockProvider.assertExpectedEventWasReceived(event); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ByteString search(final DN baseDN, final SearchScope scope, final SearchFilter filter) throws DirectoryException { final SearchEvent event = new SearchEvent(getConnectionEvent, baseDN.toString(), scope, filter.toString()); final Object result = mockProvider.assertExpectedEventWasReceived(event); if (result instanceof String) { return ByteString.valueOf((String) result); } else { throw (DirectoryException) result; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void simpleBind(final ByteString username, final ByteString password) throws DirectoryException { final SimpleBindEvent event = new SimpleBindEvent(getConnectionEvent, username.toString(), password.toString()); final DirectoryException e = mockProvider .assertExpectedEventWasReceived(event); if (e != null) { throw e; } } } static final class MockFactory implements LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory.ConnectionFactory { private final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent getLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent; private final MockProvider mockProvider; MockFactory(final MockProvider mockProvider, final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent providerEvent) { this.mockProvider = mockProvider; this.getLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent = providerEvent; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void close() { // Nothing to do. } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Connection getConnection() throws DirectoryException { final GetConnectionEvent event = new GetConnectionEvent( getLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent); final DirectoryException e = mockProvider .assertExpectedEventWasReceived(event); if (e != null) { throw e; } else { return new MockConnection(mockProvider, event); } } } final class MockPolicyCfg implements LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg { private final SortedSet<DN> baseDNs = new TreeSet<DN>(); private final SortedSet<AttributeType> mappedAttributes = new TreeSet<AttributeType>(); private MappingPolicy mappingPolicy = MappingPolicy.UNMAPPED; private final SortedSet<String> primaryServers = new TreeSet<String>(); private final SortedSet<String> secondaryServers = new TreeSet<String>(); private int timeoutMS = 0; // unlimited private DN mappedSearchBindDN = searchBindDN; private String mappedSearchBindPassword = "searchPassword"; private String mappedSearchBindPasswordEnvVar = null; private String mappedSearchBindPasswordFile = null; private String mappedSearchBindPasswordProperty = null; private boolean usePasswordCaching = false; @Override public void addChangeListener( final ConfigurationChangeListener<AuthenticationPolicyCfg> listener) { // Do nothing. } @Override public void addLDAPPassThroughChangeListener( final ConfigurationChangeListener<LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg> listener) { // Do nothing. } @Override public Class<? extends LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg> configurationClass() { return LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg.class; } @Override public DN dn() { return policyDN; } @Override public long getConnectionTimeout() { return timeoutMS; } @Override public String getJavaClass() { return LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory.class.getName(); } @Override public SortedSet<AttributeType> getMappedAttribute() { return mappedAttributes; } @Override public SortedSet<DN> getMappedSearchBaseDN() { return baseDNs; } @Override public DN getMappedSearchBindDN() { return mappedSearchBindDN; } @Override public String getMappedSearchBindPassword() { return mappedSearchBindPassword; } @Override public MappingPolicy getMappingPolicy() { return mappingPolicy; } @Override public SortedSet<String> getPrimaryRemoteLDAPServer() { return primaryServers; } @Override public SortedSet<String> getSecondaryRemoteLDAPServer() { return secondaryServers; } @Override public SortedSet<String> getSSLCipherSuite() { return new TreeSet<String>(); } @Override public SortedSet<String> getSSLProtocol() { return new TreeSet<String>(); } @Override public String getTrustManagerProvider() { return "ignored"; } @Override public DN getTrustManagerProviderDN() { return trustManagerDN; } @Override public boolean isUseSSL() { return false; } @Override public boolean isUseTCPKeepAlive() { return false; } @Override public boolean isUseTCPNoDelay() { return false; } @Override public void removeChangeListener( final ConfigurationChangeListener<AuthenticationPolicyCfg> listener) { // Do nothing. } @Override public void removeLDAPPassThroughChangeListener( final ConfigurationChangeListener<LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg> listener) { // Do nothing. } MockPolicyCfg withBaseDN(final String baseDN) { try { baseDNs.add(DN.decode(baseDN)); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return this; } MockPolicyCfg withConnectionTimeout(final int timeoutMS) { this.timeoutMS = timeoutMS; return this; } MockPolicyCfg withMappedAttribute(final String atype) { mappedAttributes.add(DirectoryServer.getAttributeType( StaticUtils.toLowerCase(atype), true)); return this; } MockPolicyCfg withMappingPolicy(final MappingPolicy policy) { this.mappingPolicy = policy; return this; } MockPolicyCfg withPrimaryServer(final String hostPort) { primaryServers.add(hostPort); return this; } MockPolicyCfg withSecondaryServer(final String hostPort) { secondaryServers.add(hostPort); return this; } MockPolicyCfg withMappedSearchBindDN(final DN value) { this.mappedSearchBindDN = value; return this; } MockPolicyCfg withMappedSearchBindPassword(final String value) { this.mappedSearchBindPassword = value; return this; } MockPolicyCfg withMappedSearchBindPasswordEnvironmentVariable(final String value) { this.mappedSearchBindPasswordEnvVar = value; return this; } MockPolicyCfg withMappedSearchBindPasswordFile(final String value) { this.mappedSearchBindPasswordFile = value; return this; } MockPolicyCfg withMappedSearchBindPasswordProperty(final String value) { this.mappedSearchBindPasswordProperty = value; return this; } MockPolicyCfg withUsePasswordCaching(final boolean usePasswordCaching) { this.usePasswordCaching = usePasswordCaching; return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getMappedSearchBindPasswordEnvironmentVariable() { return mappedSearchBindPasswordEnvVar; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getMappedSearchBindPasswordFile() { return mappedSearchBindPasswordFile; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getMappedSearchBindPasswordProperty() { return mappedSearchBindPasswordProperty; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public long getCachedPasswordTTL() { return 86400; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getCachedPasswordStorageScheme() { return "Salted SHA-1"; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public DN getCachedPasswordStorageSchemeDN() { try { return DN.decode("cn=Salted SHA-1,cn=Password Storage Schemes,cn=config"); } catch (DirectoryException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isUsePasswordCaching() { return usePasswordCaching; } } static final class MockProvider implements LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory.Provider { private final class MockScheduledFuture implements ScheduledFuture<Void> { private final Runnable runnable; MockScheduledFuture(final Runnable runnable) { this.runnable = runnable; } public boolean cancel(final boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { monitorRunnables.remove(this); return true; } public int compareTo(final Delayed o) { return 0; } public Void get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { return null; } public Void get(final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { return null; } public long getDelay(final TimeUnit unit) { return 0; } public boolean isCancelled() { return false; } public boolean isDone() { return false; } Runnable getRunnable() { return runnable; } } private final Queue<Event<?>> expectedEvents = new LinkedList<Event<?>>(); private final List<MockScheduledFuture> monitorRunnables = new LinkedList<MockScheduledFuture>(); private String currentTime = TimeThread.getGMTTime(); // All methods unused excepted scheduleWithFixedDelay. private final ScheduledExecutorService mockScheduler = new ScheduledExecutorService() { @Override public boolean awaitTermination(final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void execute(final Runnable command) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public <T> List<Future<T>> invokeAll( final Collection<? extends Callable<T>> tasks) throws InterruptedException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public <T> List<Future<T>> invokeAll( final Collection<? extends Callable<T>> tasks, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public <T> T invokeAny(final Collection<? extends Callable<T>> tasks) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public <T> T invokeAny(final Collection<? extends Callable<T>> tasks, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean isShutdown() { return false; } @Override public boolean isTerminated() { return false; } @Override public <V> ScheduledFuture<V> schedule(final Callable<V> callable, final long delay, final TimeUnit unit) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public ScheduledFuture<?> schedule(final Runnable command, final long delay, final TimeUnit unit) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAtFixedRate(final Runnable command, final long initialDelay, final long period, final TimeUnit unit) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleWithFixedDelay(final Runnable command, final long initialDelay, final long delay, final TimeUnit unit) { final MockScheduledFuture future = new MockScheduledFuture(command); monitorRunnables.add(future); return future; } @Override public void shutdown() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public List<Runnable> shutdownNow() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public <T> Future<T> submit(final Callable<T> task) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Future<?> submit(final Runnable task) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public <T> Future<T> submit(final Runnable task, final T result) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ConnectionFactory getLDAPConnectionFactory(final String host, final int port, final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg options) { final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent event = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( host + ":" + port, options); assertExpectedEventWasReceived(event); return new MockFactory(this, event); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public ScheduledExecutorService getScheduledExecutorService() { return mockScheduler; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getCurrentTime() { return currentTime; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public long getCurrentTimeMS() { try { return GeneralizedTimeSyntax.decodeGeneralizedTimeValue(ByteString .valueOf(currentTime)); } catch (DirectoryException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } void assertAllExpectedEventsReceived() { assertTrue(expectedEvents.isEmpty()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") <T> T assertExpectedEventWasReceived(final Event<T> actualEvent) { final Event<?> expectedEvent = expectedEvents.poll(); if (expectedEvent == null) { fail("Unexpected event: " + actualEvent); } else { assertEquals(actualEvent, expectedEvent); } return ((Event<T>) expectedEvent).getResult(); } MockProvider expectEvent(final Event<?> expectedEvent) { expectedEvents.add(expectedEvent); return this; } MockProvider withCurrentTime(final String currentTime) { this.currentTime = currentTime; return this; } void runMonitorTasks() { for (final MockScheduledFuture task : monitorRunnables) { task.getRunnable().run(); } } } final class MockServer { // Waits for an incoming client connection. class AcceptAction extends Action { void run() throws Exception { accept(); } } abstract class Action { abstract void run() throws Exception; } // Blocks the server until it is released. class BlockAction extends Action { private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); void release() { latch.countDown(); } void run() throws Exception { latch.await(); } } // Close the client socket. class CloseAction extends Action { @Override void run() throws Exception { getSocket().close(); } } // Read the next message and check it matches the expected message. class ReceiveAction extends Action { private final int messageID; private final ProtocolOp expectedOp; ReceiveAction(final int messageID, final ProtocolOp expectedOp) { this.messageID = messageID; this.expectedOp = expectedOp; } @Override void run() throws Exception { // Read next message. final LDAPReader reader = new LDAPReader(getSocket()); final LDAPMessage message = reader.readMessage(); // Check message ID matches. assertEquals(message.getMessageID(), messageID); // Check protocol op matches. final ProtocolOp actualOp = message.getProtocolOp(); final ByteStringBuilder b1 = new ByteStringBuilder(); final ByteStringBuilder b2 = new ByteStringBuilder(); final ASN1Writer w1 = ASN1.getWriter(b1); final ASN1Writer w2 = ASN1.getWriter(b2); expectedOp.write(w1); actualOp.write(w2); assertEquals(b1, b2); } } // Sends a message. class SendAction extends Action { private final int messageID; private final ProtocolOp op; SendAction(final int messageID, final ProtocolOp op) { this.messageID = messageID; this.op = op; } @Override void run() throws Exception { final LDAPWriter writer = new LDAPWriter(getSocket()); final LDAPMessage message = new LDAPMessage(messageID, op); writer.writeMessage(message); } } private final ServerSocket serverSocket; private final List<Action> actions = new LinkedList<Action>(); private Socket socket = null; private volatile Exception e = null; private Thread serverThread = null; private final CountDownLatch stopLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); private final Queue<BlockAction> blockers = new LinkedList<BlockAction>(); MockServer(final ServerSocket serverSocket) { this.serverSocket = serverSocket; } void assertNoExceptions() throws Exception { if (e != null) { throw e; } } int getPort() { return serverSocket.getLocalPort(); } MockServer start() { serverThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void run() { for (final Action action : actions) { try { action.run(); } catch (final Exception e) { MockServer.this.e = e; break; } } if (socket != null) { try { socket.close(); } catch (final IOException ignored) { // Ignore } } if (serverSocket != null) { try { serverSocket.close(); } catch (final IOException ignored) { // Ignore } } // Release test thread. stopLatch.countDown(); } }, "MockServer on port " + serverSocket.getLocalPort()); serverThread.start(); return this; } void stop() throws Exception { stopLatch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (serverThread != null) { serverThread.interrupt(); } stopLatch.await(); assertNoExceptions(); } MockServer thenAccept() { actions.add(new AcceptAction()); return this; } MockServer thenBlock() { final BlockAction action = new BlockAction(); actions.add(action); blockers.add(action); return this; } MockServer thenClose() { actions.add(new CloseAction()); return this; } MockServer thenReceive(final int messageID, final ProtocolOp op) { actions.add(new ReceiveAction(messageID, op)); return this; } MockServer thenSend(final int messageID, final ProtocolOp op) { actions.add(new SendAction(messageID, op)); return this; } void unblock() throws Exception { final BlockAction action = blockers.poll(); assertNotNull(action); action.release(); } private Socket accept() throws IOException { socket = serverSocket.accept(); return socket; } private Socket getSocket() { return socket; } } static class SearchEvent extends Event<Object> { private final String baseDN; private final GetConnectionEvent cevent; private final String filter; private final ResultCode resultCode; private final SearchScope scope; private final String username; SearchEvent(final GetConnectionEvent cevent, final String baseDN, final SearchScope scope, final String filter) { this(cevent, baseDN, scope, filter, null, ResultCode.SUCCESS); } SearchEvent(final GetConnectionEvent cevent, final String baseDN, final SearchScope scope, final String filter, final ResultCode resultCode) { this(cevent, baseDN, scope, filter, null, resultCode); } SearchEvent(final GetConnectionEvent cevent, final String baseDN, final SearchScope scope, final String filter, final String username) { this(cevent, baseDN, scope, filter, username, ResultCode.SUCCESS); } private SearchEvent(final GetConnectionEvent cevent, final String baseDN, final SearchScope scope, final String filter, final String username, final ResultCode resultCode) { this.cevent = cevent; this.baseDN = baseDN; this.scope = scope; this.filter = filter; this.username = username; this.resultCode = resultCode; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override Object getResult() { return resultCode == ResultCode.SUCCESS ? username : new DirectoryException(resultCode, resultCode.getResultCodeName()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override boolean matchesEvent(final Event<?> event) { if (event instanceof SearchEvent) { final SearchEvent searchEvent = (SearchEvent) event; return cevent.matchesEvent(searchEvent.cevent) && baseDN.equals(searchEvent.baseDN) && scope.equals(searchEvent.scope) && filter.equals(searchEvent.filter); } else { return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override StringBuilder toString(final StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("SearchEvent("); builder.append(cevent); builder.append(", "); builder.append(baseDN); builder.append(", "); builder.append(scope); builder.append(", "); builder.append(filter); builder.append(')'); return builder; } } static class SimpleBindEvent extends Event<DirectoryException> { private final GetConnectionEvent cevent; private final String password; private final ResultCode resultCode; private final String username; SimpleBindEvent(final GetConnectionEvent cevent, final String username, final String password) { this(cevent, username, password, ResultCode.SUCCESS); } SimpleBindEvent(final GetConnectionEvent cevent, final String username, final String password, final ResultCode resultCode) { this.cevent = cevent; this.username = username; this.password = password; this.resultCode = resultCode; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override DirectoryException getResult() { if (resultCode != ResultCode.SUCCESS) { return new DirectoryException(resultCode, resultCode.getResultCodeName()); } else { return null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override boolean matchesEvent(final Event<?> event) { if (event instanceof SimpleBindEvent) { final SimpleBindEvent simpleBindEvent = (SimpleBindEvent) event; return cevent.matchesEvent(simpleBindEvent.cevent) && username.equals(simpleBindEvent.username) && password.equals(simpleBindEvent.password); } else { return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override StringBuilder toString(final StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("SimpleBindEvent("); builder.append(cevent); builder.append(", "); builder.append(username); builder.append(", "); builder.append(password); builder.append(')'); return builder; } } private final String phost1 = "phost1:11"; private final String phost2 = "phost2:22"; private final String phost3 = "phost3:33"; private final String shost1 = "shost1:11"; private DN policyDN; private final String policyDNString = "cn=test policy,o=test"; private DN searchBindDN; private final String searchBindDNString = "cn=search bind dn"; private DN trustManagerDN; private final String trustManagerDNString = "cn=ignored"; private final String adDNString = "uid=aduser,o=ad"; private final String opendjDNString = "cn=test user,o=opendj"; private Entry userEntry; private final String userPassword = "password"; /** * Ensures that the Directory Server is running and creates a test backend * containing a single test user. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected problem occurs. */ @BeforeClass() public void beforeClass() throws Exception { TestCaseUtils.startServer(); policyDN = DN.decode(policyDNString); trustManagerDN = DN.decode(trustManagerDNString); searchBindDN = DN.decode(searchBindDNString); userEntry = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry( /* @formatter:off */ "dn: " + opendjDNString, "objectClass: top", "objectClass: person", "sn: user", "cn: test user", "aduser: " + adDNString, "uid: aduser" /* @formatter:on */ ); } /** * Tests that failures during the search are handled properly. * <p> * Non-fatal errors (e.g. entry not found, too many entries returned) should * not cause the search connection to be closed. * * @param searchResultCode * The search result code. * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true, dataProvider = "testConnectionFailureDuringSearchData") public void testConnectionFailureDuringSearch( final ResultCode searchResultCode) throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create the provider and its list of expected events. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch = new GetConnectionEvent(fe); final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider() .expectEvent(fe) .expectEvent(ceSearch) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", searchResultCode)); if (isServiceError(searchResultCode)) { // The connection will fail and be closed immediately, and the pool will // retry on new connection. provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch)); provider.expectEvent(new GetConnectionEvent(fe, searchResultCode)); } // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. try { state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("password match unexpectedly succeeded"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // No valid connections available so this should always fail with // INVALID_CREDENTIALS. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e.getMessage()); } // There should be no more pending events. provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); // Cached connections should be closed when the policy is finalized. if (!isServiceError(searchResultCode)) { provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch)); } // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Tests that failures to authenticate a search connection are handled * properly. * <p> * Any kind of failure occurring while trying to authenticate a search * connection should result in the connection being closed and periodically * retried. * * @param bindResultCode * The bind result code. * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true, dataProvider = "testConnectionFailureDuringSearchBindData") public void testConnectionFailureDuringSearchBind( final ResultCode bindResultCode) throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create the provider and its list of expected events. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch = new GetConnectionEvent(fe); final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider() .expectEvent(fe) .expectEvent(ceSearch) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", bindResultCode)).expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch)); // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. try { state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("password match unexpectedly succeeded"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // No valid connections available so this should always fail with // INVALID_CREDENTIALS. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e.getMessage()); } // Tear down and check final state. provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); } /** * Returns test data for {@link #testConnectionFailureDuringSearchBind}. * * @return Test data for {@link #testConnectionFailureDuringSearchBind}. */ @DataProvider public Object[][] testConnectionFailureDuringSearchBindData() { // @formatter:off return new Object[][] { { ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS }, { ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT }, { ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE } }; // @formatter:on } /** * Returns test data for {@link #testConnectionFailureDuringSearch}. * * @return Test data for {@link #testConnectionFailureDuringSearch}. */ @DataProvider public Object[][] testConnectionFailureDuringSearchData() { // @formatter:off return new Object[][] { { ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT }, { ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_NO_RESULTS_RETURNED }, { ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_MORE_RESULTS_TO_RETURN }, { ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE } }; // @formatter:on } /** * Tests that failures to obtain a search connection are handled properly. * * @param connectResultCode * The connection failure result code. * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true, dataProvider = "testConnectionFailureDuringSearchGetConnectionData") public void testConnectionFailureDuringSearchGetConnection( final ResultCode connectResultCode) throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create the provider and its list of expected events. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch = new GetConnectionEvent(fe, connectResultCode); final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider().expectEvent(fe) .expectEvent(ceSearch); // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. try { state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("password match unexpectedly succeeded"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // No valid connections available so this should always fail with // INVALID_CREDENTIALS. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e.getMessage()); } // Tear down and check final state. provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); } /** * Returns test data for * {@link #testConnectionFailureDuringSearchGetConnection}. * * @return Test data for * {@link #testConnectionFailureDuringSearchGetConnection}. */ @DataProvider public Object[][] testConnectionFailureDuringSearchGetConnectionData() { // @formatter:off return new Object[][] { { ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE } }; // @formatter:on } /** * Tests fail-over between 2 primary servers then to the secondary data * center. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testFailOverOnConnect() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1).withPrimaryServer(phost2) .withSecondaryServer(shost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create all the events. final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider(); // First of all the connection factories are created. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe1 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe2 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost2, cfg); final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe3 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( shost1, cfg); provider.expectEvent(fe1).expectEvent(fe2).expectEvent(fe3); // Get connection for phost1, then search, then bind. final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1, ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_CONNECT_ERROR); final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch2 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2, ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_CONNECT_ERROR); final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch3 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe3); final GetConnectionEvent ceBind1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1, ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_CONNECT_ERROR); final GetConnectionEvent ceBind2 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2, ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_CONNECT_ERROR); final GetConnectionEvent ceBind3 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe3); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch1) .expectEvent(ceSearch2) .expectEvent(ceSearch3) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch3, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch3, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)) .expectEvent(ceBind1) .expectEvent(ceBind2) .expectEvent(ceBind3) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind3, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Repeat again using cached connection to shost1: search, then bind. // phost1 and phost2 will have been marked as failed and won't be tried. provider.expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch3, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)).expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind3, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Now simulate monitor thread run in which phost2 is determined to be // available again. final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch2ok = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2); final GetConnectionEvent ceBind2ok = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch1) .expectEvent(ceSearch2ok) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch2ok, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)).expectEvent(ceBind1) .expectEvent(ceBind2ok); provider.expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch2ok, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)).expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind2ok, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Connections should be cached until the policy is finalized. // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); // Authenticate 3 times test above fail-over. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Run monitor which should try to connect to phost1&2 and determine that // phost2 is available again. if (i == 2) { provider.runMonitorTasks(); } // Perform authentication. assertTrue(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); } // Cached connections should be closed when the policy is finalized // (primaries first, then secondaries). provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch2ok)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch3)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind2ok)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind3)); // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Tests that searches which fail in one LB pool are automatically retried in * the secondary LB pool. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testFBRetrySearchOnFailure() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1).withSecondaryServer(shost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create all the events. final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider(); // First of all the connection factories are created. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe1 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe2 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( shost1, cfg); provider.expectEvent(fe1).expectEvent(fe2); // Get connection for phost1, then search (fail), and retry on shost1 final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch2 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2); final GetConnectionEvent ceBind1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch1, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch1, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)) .expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch1)) .expectEvent(new GetConnectionEvent(fe1, ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)) // pool retry .expectEvent(ceSearch2) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch2, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch2, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)) .expectEvent(ceBind1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind1, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Now simulate shost1 going down as well. // phost1 will have been marked as failed and won't be retried. provider .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch2, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)) .expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch2)) .expectEvent(new GetConnectionEvent(fe2, ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)); // pool retry // Now simulate phost1 coming back and fail back to it. // Now simulate monitor thread run in which phost1 and shost1 are determined // to be available again. provider .expectEvent(ceSearch1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch1, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent(ceSearch2) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch2, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)); provider.expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch1, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)).expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind1, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Connections should be cached until the policy is finalized. // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); // Authenticate 3 times, second should fail. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. switch (i) { case 0: // First attempt should succeed. assertTrue(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); break; case 1: // Second attempt should fail. try { state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("password match unexpectedly succeeded"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // No valid connections available so this should always fail with // INVALID_CREDENTIALS. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e.getMessage()); } break; case 2: // Third attempt should succeed, once the monitor has run. provider.runMonitorTasks(); assertTrue(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); break; } state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); } // Cached connections should be closed when the policy is finalized. provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch1)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch2)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind1)); // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Tests configuration validation. * * @param cfg * The configuration to be tested. * @param isValid * Whether or not the provided configuration is valid. * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true, dataProvider = "testIsConfigurationAcceptableData") public void testIsConfigurationAcceptable( final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg, final boolean isValid) throws Exception { final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory(); assertEquals( factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, new LinkedList<Message>()), isValid); } /** * Returns test data for {@link #testIsConfigurationAcceptable}. * * @return Test data for {@link #testIsConfigurationAcceptable}. */ @DataProvider public Object[][] testIsConfigurationAcceptableData() { // @formatter:off return new Object[][] { /* cfg, isValid */ // Test server configuration. { mockCfg().withPrimaryServer("test:1"), true }, { mockCfg().withPrimaryServer("test:65535"), true }, { mockCfg().withPrimaryServer("test:0"), false }, { mockCfg().withPrimaryServer("test:65536"), false }, { mockCfg().withPrimaryServer("test:1000000"), false }, { mockCfg().withSecondaryServer("test:1"), true }, { mockCfg().withSecondaryServer("test:65535"), true }, { mockCfg().withSecondaryServer("test:0"), false }, { mockCfg().withSecondaryServer("test:65536"), false }, { mockCfg().withSecondaryServer("test:1000000"), false }, // Test mapped search parameters. { mockCfg().withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH), true }, { mockCfg().withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH).withMappedSearchBindDN(null).withMappedSearchBindPassword(null), true }, { mockCfg().withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH).withMappedSearchBindPassword(null), false }, { mockCfg().withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH).withMappedSearchBindPasswordProperty("org.opendj.dummy.property"), false }, { mockCfg().withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH).withMappedSearchBindPasswordProperty("java.version"), true }, { mockCfg().withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH).withMappedSearchBindPasswordEnvironmentVariable("ORG_OPENDJ_DUMMY_ENVVAR"), false }, { mockCfg().withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH).withMappedSearchBindPasswordFile("dummy_file.txt"), false }, { mockCfg().withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH).withMappedSearchBindPasswordFile("config/admin-keystore.pin"), true }, }; // @formatter:on } /** * Tests that searches which fail on one server are automatically retried on * another within the same LB. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLBRetrySearchOnFailure() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1).withPrimaryServer(phost2) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create all the events. final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider(); // First of all the connection factories are created. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe1 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe2 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost2, cfg); provider.expectEvent(fe1).expectEvent(fe2); // Get connection for phost1, then search (fail), and retry on phost2 final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch2 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2); final GetConnectionEvent ceBind1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); final GetConnectionEvent ceBind2 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch1, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch1, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)) .expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch1)) .expectEvent(new GetConnectionEvent(fe1, ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)) // pool retry .expectEvent(ceSearch2) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch2, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch2, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)) .expectEvent(ceBind1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind1, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Now simulate phost2 going down as well. // phost1 will have been marked as failed and won't be retried. provider.expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch2, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)).expectEvent( new CloseEvent(ceSearch2)) .expectEvent(new GetConnectionEvent(fe2, ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)); // pool retry // Now simulate phost1 coming back and fail back to it. // Now simulate monitor thread run in which phost1 and shost1 are determined // to be available again. provider .expectEvent(ceSearch1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch1, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent(ceSearch2) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch2, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Note that the bind will be load-balanced. provider .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch1, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)) .expectEvent(ceBind2) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind2, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Connections should be cached until the policy is finalized. // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); // Authenticate 3 times, second should fail. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. switch (i) { case 0: // First attempt should succeed. assertTrue(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); break; case 1: // Second attempt should fail. try { state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("password match unexpectedly succeeded"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // No valid connections available so this should always fail with // INVALID_CREDENTIALS. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e.getMessage()); } break; case 2: // Third attempt should succeed, once the monitor has run. provider.runMonitorTasks(); assertTrue(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); break; } state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); } // Cached connections should be closed when the policy is finalized. provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch1)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch2)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind1)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind2)); // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Tests valid bind which times out at the client. These should trigger a * CLIENT_SIDE_TIMEOUT result code. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactoryBindClientTimeout() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withConnectionTimeout(500); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg).thenAccept().thenBlock().start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.simpleBind(ByteString.valueOf(searchBindDNString), ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("Bind attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_TIMEOUT, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.unblock(); server.stop(); } } /** * Tests valid bind which never receives a response because the server * abruptly closes the connection. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactoryBindConnectionClosed() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg).thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newBindRequest(searchBindDNString, userPassword)) .thenClose().start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.simpleBind(ByteString.valueOf(searchBindDNString), ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("Bind attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_SERVER_DOWN, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests bind which receives a disconnect notification. The error result code * should be passed back to the called. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactoryBindDisconnectNotification() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg) .thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newBindRequest(searchBindDNString, userPassword)) .thenSend(0 /* disconnect ID */, newDisconnectNotification(ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)).start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.simpleBind(ByteString.valueOf(searchBindDNString), ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("Bind attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // Should be the result code sent by the server. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests bind with invalid credentials which should return a * INVALID_CREDENTIALS result code. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactoryBindInvalidCredentials() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg).thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newBindRequest(searchBindDNString, userPassword)) .thenSend(1, newBindResult(ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS)).start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.simpleBind(ByteString.valueOf(searchBindDNString), ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("Bind attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests bind which returns an error result. The error result code should be * passed back to the caller. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactoryBindOtherError() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg).thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newBindRequest(searchBindDNString, userPassword)) .thenSend(1, newBindResult(ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)).start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.simpleBind(ByteString.valueOf(searchBindDNString), ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("Bind attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests valid bind returning success. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactoryBindSuccess() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg).thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newBindRequest(searchBindDNString, userPassword)) .thenSend(1, newBindResult(ResultCode.SUCCESS)).start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.simpleBind(ByteString.valueOf(searchBindDNString), ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests successful connect/unbind. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactoryConnectAndUnbind() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg).thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, new UnbindRequestProtocolOp()).thenClose().start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); try { final Connection connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.close(); } finally { server.stop(); } } /** * Tests that invalid ports are handled properly. These should trigger a * CLIENT_SIDE_CONNECT_ERROR result code. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactoryConnectPortNotInUse() throws Exception { // Grab an unused port. final ServerSocket socket = TestCaseUtils.bindFreePort(); final int port = socket.getLocalPort(); // FIXME: will it matter if the port is left in TIME_WAIT? socket.close(); // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", port, cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); fail("Connect attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_CONNECT_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } } /** * Tests that unknown hosts are handled properly. These should trigger a * CLIENT_SIDE_CONNECT_ERROR result code. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactoryConnectUnknownHost() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // FIXME: can we guarantee that "unknownhost" does not exist? final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "unknownhost", 31415, cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); fail("Connect attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_CONNECT_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } } /** * Tests valid search which times out at the client. These should trigger a * CLIENT_SIDE_TIMEOUT result code. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactorySearchClientTimeout() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withConnectionTimeout(500); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg).thenAccept().thenBlock().start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.search(searchBindDN, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, SearchFilter.createFilterFromString("(objectClass=*)")); fail("Search attempt should have timed out"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_TIMEOUT, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.unblock(); server.stop(); } } /** * Tests valid search which never receives a response because the server * abruptly closes the connection. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactorySearchConnectionClosed() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg) .thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newSearchRequest(searchBindDNString, "(uid=aduser)", cfg)) .thenClose().start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.search(searchBindDN, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, SearchFilter.createFilterFromString("(uid=aduser)")); fail("Search attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_SERVER_DOWN, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests valid search which receives a disconnect notification. The error * result code should be passed back to the called. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactorySearchDisconnectNotification() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg) .thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newSearchRequest(searchBindDNString, "(uid=aduser)", cfg)) .thenSend(0 /* disconnect ID */, newDisconnectNotification(ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)).start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.search(searchBindDN, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, SearchFilter.createFilterFromString("(uid=aduser)")); fail("Search attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // Should be the result code sent by the server. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests valid search returning no results are handled properly. These should * trigger a CLIENT_SIDE_NO_RESULTS_RETURNED result code. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactorySearchNoResults() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg) .thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newSearchRequest(searchBindDNString, "(uid=aduser)", cfg)) .thenSend(1, newSearchResult(ResultCode.SUCCESS)).start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.search(searchBindDN, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, SearchFilter.createFilterFromString("(uid=aduser)")); fail("Search attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_NO_RESULTS_RETURNED, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests search returning no entries and an error result. The error result * code should be passed back to the caller. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactorySearchOtherError() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg) .thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newSearchRequest(searchBindDNString, "(uid=aduser)", cfg)) .thenSend(1, newSearchResult(ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)).start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.search(searchBindDN, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, SearchFilter.createFilterFromString("(uid=aduser)")); fail("Search attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // Should be the result code sent by the server. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests valid search returning a single entry followed by a size limit * exceeded error are handled properly. These should trigger a * CLIENT_SIDE_MORE_RESULTS_TO_RETURN result code. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactorySearchSizeLimit() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg) .thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newSearchRequest(searchBindDNString, "(uid=aduser)", cfg)) .thenSend(1, newSearchEntry(adDNString)) .thenSend(1, newSearchResult(ResultCode.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED)).start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.search(searchBindDN, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, SearchFilter.createFilterFromString("(uid=aduser)")); fail("Search attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_MORE_RESULTS_TO_RETURN, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests valid search returning a single entry works properly. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactorySearchSuccess() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg) .thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newSearchRequest(searchBindDNString, "(uid=aduser)", cfg)) .thenSend(1, newSearchEntry(adDNString)) .thenSend(1, newSearchResult(ResultCode.SUCCESS)).start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); final ByteString username = connection.search(searchBindDN, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, SearchFilter.createFilterFromString("(uid=aduser)")); assertEquals(username, ByteString.valueOf(adDNString)); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests valid search returning a single entry followed by a time limit * exceeded error are handled properly. These should trigger a * CLIENT_SIDE_MORE_RESULTS_TO_RETURN result code. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactorySearchTimeLimit() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg) .thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newSearchRequest(searchBindDNString, "(uid=aduser)", cfg)) .thenSend(1, newSearchEntry(adDNString)) .thenSend(1, newSearchResult(ResultCode.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED)).start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.search(searchBindDN, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, SearchFilter.createFilterFromString("(uid=aduser)")); fail("Search attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests valid search returning many results are handled properly. These * should trigger a CLIENT_SIDE_MORE_RESULTS_TO_RETURN result code. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLDAPConnectionFactorySearchTooManyResults() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg(); // Mock server. final MockServer server = mockServer(cfg) .thenAccept() .thenReceive(1, newSearchRequest(searchBindDNString, "(uid=aduser)", cfg)) .thenSend(1, newSearchEntry(adDNString)) .thenSend(1, newSearchEntry(opendjDNString)) .thenSend(1, newSearchResult(ResultCode.SUCCESS)).start(); // Test connect and close. final LDAPConnectionFactory factory = new LDAPConnectionFactory( "", server.getPort(), cfg); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.getConnection(); connection.search(searchBindDN, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, SearchFilter.createFilterFromString("(uid=aduser)")); fail("Search attempt should have failed"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_MORE_RESULTS_TO_RETURN, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } server.stop(); } } /** * Tests load balancing across 3 servers. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testLoadBalancing() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1).withPrimaryServer(phost2) .withPrimaryServer(phost3) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create all the events. final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider(); // First of all the connection factories are created. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe1 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe2 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost2, cfg); final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe3 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost3, cfg); provider.expectEvent(fe1).expectEvent(fe2).expectEvent(fe3); // Get connection for phost1, then search, then bind. final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); final GetConnectionEvent ceBind1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch1, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch1, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)) .expectEvent(ceBind1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind1, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Get connection for phost2, then search, then bind. final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch2 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2); final GetConnectionEvent ceBind2 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch2) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch2, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch2, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)) .expectEvent(ceBind2) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind2, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Get connection for phost3, then search, then bind. final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch3 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe3); final GetConnectionEvent ceBind3 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe3); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch3) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch3, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch3, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)) .expectEvent(ceBind3) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind3, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Repeat again using cached connection to phost1: search, then bind. provider.expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch1, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)).expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind1, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Repeat again using cached connection to phost2: search, then bind. provider.expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch2, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)).expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind2, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Repeat again using cached connection to phost3: search, then bind. provider.expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch3, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)).expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind3, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Connections should be cached until the policy is finalized. // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); // Cycle twice through the LB pool. for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. assertTrue(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); } // Cached connections should be closed when the policy is finalized. provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch1)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch2)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch3)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind1)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind2)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind3)); // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Tests the different mapping policies: connection attempts will succeed, as * will any searches, but the final user bind may or may not succeed depending * on the provided result code. * <p> * Non-fatal errors (e.g. entry not found) should not cause the bind * connection to be closed. * * @param mappingPolicy * The mapping policy. * @param bindResultCode * The bind result code. * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true, dataProvider = "testMappingPolicyAuthenticationData") public void testMappingPolicyAuthentication( final MappingPolicy mappingPolicy, final ResultCode bindResultCode) throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withMappingPolicy(mappingPolicy) .withMappedAttribute( mappingPolicy == MappingPolicy.MAPPED_BIND ? "aduser" : "uid") .withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create the provider and its list of expected events. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider().expectEvent(fe); // Add search events if doing a mapped search. GetConnectionEvent ceSearch = null; if (mappingPolicy == MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) { ceSearch = new GetConnectionEvent(fe); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)); // Connection should be cached until the policy is finalized. } // Add bind events. final GetConnectionEvent ceBind = new GetConnectionEvent(fe); provider.expectEvent(ceBind).expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind, mappingPolicy == MappingPolicy.UNMAPPED ? opendjDNString : adDNString, userPassword, bindResultCode)); if (isServiceError(bindResultCode)) { // The connection will fail and be closed immediately, and the pool will // retry on new connection. provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind)); provider.expectEvent(new GetConnectionEvent(fe, bindResultCode)); } // Connection should be cached until the policy is finalized or until the // connection fails. // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. switch (bindResultCode) { case SUCCESS: assertTrue(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); break; case INVALID_CREDENTIALS: assertFalse(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); break; default: try { state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("password match did not fail"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // No valid connections available so this should always fail with // INVALID_CREDENTIALS. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e.getMessage()); } break; } // There should be no more pending events. provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); // Cached connections should be closed when the policy is finalized. if (ceSearch != null) { provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch)); } if (!isServiceError(bindResultCode)) { provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind)); } // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Returns test data for {@link #testMappingPolicyAuthentication}. * * @return Test data for {@link #testMappingPolicyAuthentication}. */ @DataProvider public Object[][] testMappingPolicyAuthenticationData() { // @formatter:off return new Object[][] { /* policy, bind result code */ { MappingPolicy.UNMAPPED, ResultCode.SUCCESS }, { MappingPolicy.UNMAPPED, ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS }, { MappingPolicy.UNMAPPED, ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE }, { MappingPolicy.MAPPED_BIND, ResultCode.SUCCESS }, { MappingPolicy.MAPPED_BIND, ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS }, { MappingPolicy.MAPPED_BIND, ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE }, { MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH, ResultCode.SUCCESS }, { MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH, ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS }, { MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH, ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE }, }; // @formatter:on } /** * Tests that mapped PTA fails when no match attribute values are found. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testMissingMappingAttributes() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid1").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create the provider and its list of expected events. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider().expectEvent(fe); // Obtain policy and state. final Entry testUser = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry( /* @formatter:off */ "dn: " + opendjDNString, "objectClass: top", "objectClass: person", "sn: user", "cn: test user", "aduser: " + adDNString /* @formatter:on */ ); final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(testUser); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. try { state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("password match unexpectedly succeeded"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // No mapping attributes so this should always fail with // INVALID_CREDENTIALS. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e.getMessage()); } // There should be no more pending events. provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Tests that mapped PTA uses an appropriate filter when multiple match * attributes are defined. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testMultipleMappingAttributes() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid1").withMappedAttribute("uid2") .withMappedAttribute("uid3").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create the provider and its list of expected events. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider().expectEvent(fe); // Add search events. final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch = new GetConnectionEvent(fe); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(|(uid1=one)(uid2=two)(uid3=three))", adDNString)); // Connection should be cached until the policy is finalized. // Add bind events. final GetConnectionEvent ceBind = new GetConnectionEvent(fe); provider.expectEvent(ceBind).expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Connection should be cached until the policy is finalized. // Obtain policy and state. final Entry testUser = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry( /* @formatter:off */ "dn: " + opendjDNString, "objectClass: top", "objectClass: person", "sn: user", "cn: test user", "aduser: " + adDNString, "uid1: one", "uid2: two", "uid3: three" /* @formatter:on */ ); final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(testUser); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. assertTrue(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); // There should be no more pending events. provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); // Cached connections should be closed when the policy is finalized. provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind)); // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Tests that mapped PTA uses an appropriate filter when multiple match * attribute values are found. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testMultipleMappingAttributeValues() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid1").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create the provider and its list of expected events. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider().expectEvent(fe); // Add search events. final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch = new GetConnectionEvent(fe); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(|(uid1=one)(uid1=two)(uid1=three))", adDNString)); // Connection should be cached until the policy is finalized. // Add bind events. final GetConnectionEvent ceBind = new GetConnectionEvent(fe); provider.expectEvent(ceBind).expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Connection should be cached until the policy is finalized. // Obtain policy and state. final Entry testUser = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry( /* @formatter:off */ "dn: " + opendjDNString, "objectClass: top", "objectClass: person", "sn: user", "cn: test user", "aduser: " + adDNString, "uid1: one", "uid1: two", "uid1: three" /* @formatter:on */ ); final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(testUser); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. assertTrue(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); // There should be no more pending events. provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); // Cached connections should be closed when the policy is finalized. provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind)); // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Tests that mapped PTA performs searches across multiple base DNs if * configured. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testMultipleSearchBaseDNs() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=first") .withBaseDN("o=second").withBaseDN("o=third"); // Create the provider and its list of expected events. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider().expectEvent(fe); // Add search events. final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch = new GetConnectionEvent(fe); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.SUCCESS)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch, "o=first", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_NO_RESULTS_RETURNED)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch, "o=second", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_NO_RESULTS_RETURNED)) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch, "o=third", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)); // Connection should be cached until the policy is finalized. // Add bind events. final GetConnectionEvent ceBind = new GetConnectionEvent(fe); provider.expectEvent(ceBind).expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Connection should be cached until the policy is finalized. // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. assertTrue(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); // There should be no more pending events. provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); // Cached connections should be closed when the policy is finalized. provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind)); // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Test for issue OPENDJ-292 * (https://bugster.forgerock.org/jira/browse/OPENDJ-292). This test checks * that the last exception is correctly cached in the case where initial * connection attempts fail. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testIssueOPENDJ292_1() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withSecondaryServer(shost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create all the events. final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider(); // First of all the connection factories are created. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe1 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe2 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( shost1, cfg); provider.expectEvent(fe1).expectEvent(fe2); // Get connection for phost1, then search, then bind. final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1, ResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_CONNECT_ERROR); final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch2 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch1) .expectEvent(ceSearch2) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch2, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS)) .expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch2)); // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); // Authenticate twice, the second time was causing a NPE because none of the // factories were available and an attempt was made to throw a null // exception. for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); try { state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("password match unexpectedly succeeded"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // No mapping attributes so this should always fail with // INVALID_CREDENTIALS. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e.getMessage()); } state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); } // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Test for issue OPENDJ-292 * (https://bugster.forgerock.org/jira/browse/OPENDJ-292). This test checks * that the last exception is correctly cached in the case where a usable * connection fails during a search/bind. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testIssueOPENDJ292_2() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withSecondaryServer(shost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create all the events. final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider(); // First of all the connection factories are created. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe1 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe2 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( shost1, cfg); provider.expectEvent(fe1).expectEvent(fe2); // Get connection for phost1, then search, then bind. final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); final GetConnectionEvent ceBind1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch2 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch1, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword")) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch1, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)) .expectEvent(ceBind1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind1, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Repeat and fail-over to shost1. provider .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch1, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)) .expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch1)) .expectEvent(new GetConnectionEvent(fe1, ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)) // pool retry .expectEvent(ceSearch2) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch2, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword")) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch2, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind1, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Repeat, but fail on shost1 as well, leaving no available servers. provider .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch2, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)) .expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch2)) .expectEvent(new GetConnectionEvent(fe2, ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)); // pool retry // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); // Authenticate four times, the fourth time was causing a NPE because none // of the factories were available and an attempt was made to throw a null // exception. for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. if (i < 2) { assertTrue(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); } else { try { state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("password match unexpectedly succeeded"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // No mapping attributes so this should always fail with // INVALID_CREDENTIALS. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e.getMessage()); } } state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); } // Cached connections should be closed when the policy is finalized. provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind1)); // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Test for issue OPENDJ-294 * (https://bugster.forgerock.org/jira/browse/OPENDJ-294). Password * configuration changes do not seem to be taking effect. * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test(enabled = true) public void testIssueOPENDJ294() throws Exception { // Mock configurations. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=ad"); final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg2 = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=ad") .withMappedSearchBindPassword("newSearchPassword"); // Create all the events. final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider(); // First of all the connection factories are created. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe1 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); provider.expectEvent(fe1); // Get connection for phost1, then search, then bind. final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch1, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS)) .expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch1)); // Now simulate monitor thread run which will fail for the same reason. final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch2 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch2) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch1, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS)) .expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch1)); // Change configuration, re-run monitor (none remaining), and search/bind // again. // First of all the connection factories are created. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe2 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg2); provider.expectEvent(fe2); final GetConnectionEvent ceSearch3 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2); final GetConnectionEvent ceBind1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe2); provider .expectEvent(ceSearch3) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceSearch3, searchBindDNString, "newSearchPassword")) .expectEvent( new SearchEvent(ceSearch3, "o=ad", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=aduser)", adDNString)) .expectEvent(ceBind1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ceBind1, adDNString, userPassword, ResultCode.SUCCESS)); // Re-run monitor - again nothing to do. // Connections should be cached until the policy is finalized. // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); // Authenticate twice, correcting the configuration in between. final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); // Perform authentication. try { state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword)); fail("password match unexpectedly succeeded"); } catch (final DirectoryException e) { // No mapping attributes so this should always fail with // INVALID_CREDENTIALS. assertEquals(e.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e.getMessage()); } state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); // Run monitor which should try to connect to phost1 and fail again. provider.runMonitorTasks(); // Change the configuration, fixing the password. ((ConfigurationChangeListener<LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg>) policy) .applyConfigurationChange(cfg2); // Run monitor which should now have nothing to do. provider.runMonitorTasks(); // Perform authentication, which should now succeed. final AuthenticationPolicyState state2 = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(userEntry); assertEquals(state2.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); assertTrue(state2.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(userPassword))); state2.finalizeStateAfterBind(); // Run monitor which should still have nothing to do. provider.runMonitorTasks(); // Cached connections should be closed when the policy is finalized. provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceSearch3)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ceBind1)); // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Test for issue OPENDJ-290 * (https://bugster.forgerock.org/jira/browse/OPENDJ-290). * * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true) public void testIssueOPENDJ290() throws Exception { // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1) .withMappingPolicy(MappingPolicy.MAPPED_SEARCH) .withMappedAttribute("uid").withBaseDN("o=ad"); // Create all the events. final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider(); // First of all the connection factories are created. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe1 = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); provider.expectEvent(fe1); // Get connection then bind twice creating two pooled connections. final GetConnectionEvent ce1 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); final GetConnectionEvent ce2 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); provider .expectEvent(ce1) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ce1, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword")) .expectEvent(ce2) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ce2, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword")); // Once two pooled connections are created, retry but this time simulate the // first connection failing. The attempt should automatically retry on a new // connection. final GetConnectionEvent ce3 = new GetConnectionEvent(fe1); provider .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ce1, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword", ResultCode.UNAVAILABLE)) .expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ce1)) .expectEvent(ce3) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ce3, searchBindDNString, "searchPassword")); // Use a connection pool directly for this test. ConnectionPool pool = new ConnectionPool(provider.getLDAPConnectionFactory( "phost1", 11, cfg)); // Authenticate three times, the third time was failing because the pool // would not retry the operation on a new connection. ByteString username = ByteString.valueOf(searchBindDNString); ByteString password = ByteString.valueOf("searchPassword"); Connection c1 = pool.getConnection(); c1.simpleBind(username, password); // Don't release c1 because we want to force creation of a second connection. Connection c2 = pool.getConnection(); c2.simpleBind(username, password); // Release both the connections. c1.close(); c2.close(); // This was failing because the pool would not retry with a new connection. Connection c3 = pool.getConnection(); c3.simpleBind(username, password); c3.close(); // There should be no more pending events. provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); // Cached connections should be closed when the pool is closed. provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ce2)); provider.expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ce3)); // Tear down and check final state. pool.close(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } /** * Returns test data for {@link #testPasswordCaching}. * * @return Test data for {@link #testPasswordCaching}. */ @DataProvider public Object[][] testPasswordCachingData() { // @formatter:off return new Object[][] { /* cacheState, matchesCache, matchesReal */ { "notPresent", false, false }, { "notPresent", false, true }, { "notPresent", true, false }, { "notPresent", true, true }, { "presentValid", false, false }, { "presentValid", false, true }, { "presentValid", true, false }, { "presentValid", true, true }, { "presentExpired", false, false }, { "presentExpired", false, true }, { "presentExpired", true, false }, { "presentExpired", true, true }, }; // @formatter:on } /** * Tests password caching functionality. * * @param cacheState * A string indicating the state of the cached password in the user's * entry. * @param matchesCache * {@code true} if the presented password should match the cached * password. * @param matchesReal * {@code true} if the presented password should match the real * password. * @throws Exception * If an unexpected exception occurred. */ @Test(enabled = true, dataProvider = "testPasswordCachingData") public void testPasswordCaching(String cacheState, boolean matchesCache, boolean matchesReal) throws Exception { // Create an empty test backend 'o=test' TestCaseUtils.initializeTestBackend(true); // Choose arbitrary date. final String testCurrentTimeGMT = "20100621120000Z"; final boolean expectPTA; final boolean expectCacheInfo; final boolean expectCacheUpdate; final boolean expectedBindResultIsSuccess; final Entry testUser; final String testCachedPassword = "{SSHA}N8QSu9kXHkODFxFtwtwVEqM5XMCfnSaq/5gWew=="; final String testCachedPasswordTime; if (cacheState.equals("notPresent")) { expectPTA = true; expectCacheInfo = matchesReal; expectCacheUpdate = matchesReal; expectedBindResultIsSuccess = matchesReal; testCachedPasswordTime = null; testUser = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry( /* @formatter:off */ "dn: cn=test user,o=test", "objectClass: top", "objectClass: person", "sn: user", "cn: test user" /* @formatter:on */ ); } else if (cacheState.equals("presentValid")) { expectPTA = !matchesCache; expectCacheInfo = true; expectCacheUpdate = !matchesCache && matchesReal; expectedBindResultIsSuccess = matchesCache | matchesReal; testCachedPasswordTime = "20100621110000Z"; // 1 hour old // Create an entry whose cached password is 10s old. testUser = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry( /* @formatter:off */ "dn: cn=test user,o=test", "objectClass: top", "objectClass: person", "sn: user", "cn: test user", "ds-pta-cached-password: " + testCachedPassword, "ds-pta-cached-password-time: " + testCachedPasswordTime /* @formatter:on */ ); } else { // presentExpired expectPTA = true; expectCacheInfo = true; expectCacheUpdate = matchesReal; expectedBindResultIsSuccess = matchesReal; testCachedPasswordTime = "20100620110000Z"; // 1 day + 1 hour old // Create an entry whose cached password is more than 1 day old. testUser = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry( /* @formatter:off */ "dn: cn=test user,o=test", "objectClass: top", "objectClass: person", "sn: user", "cn: test user", "ds-pta-cached-password: " + testCachedPassword, "ds-pta-cached-password-time: " + testCachedPasswordTime /* @formatter:on */ ); } final String presentedPassword; if (matchesCache) { presentedPassword = "password"; } else { presentedPassword = "doesNotMatchCache"; } // Add the test entry. TestCaseUtils.addEntry(testUser); // Mock configuration. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg = mockCfg() .withPrimaryServer(phost1).withUsePasswordCaching(true); // Create all the events. final GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent fe = new GetLDAPConnectionFactoryEvent( phost1, cfg); final MockProvider provider = new MockProvider().withCurrentTime( testCurrentTimeGMT).expectEvent(fe); if (expectPTA) { // Get connection then bind twice creating two pooled connections. final GetConnectionEvent ce = new GetConnectionEvent(fe); provider .expectEvent(ce) .expectEvent( new SimpleBindEvent(ce, "cn=test user,o=test", presentedPassword, expectedBindResultIsSuccess ? ResultCode.SUCCESS : ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS)) .expectEvent(new CloseEvent(ce)); } // Obtain policy and state. final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory factory = new LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory( provider); assertTrue(factory.isConfigurationAcceptable(cfg, null)); final AuthenticationPolicy policy = factory.createAuthenticationPolicy(cfg); // Perform the authentication. final AuthenticationPolicyState state = policy .createAuthenticationPolicyState(testUser); assertEquals(state.getAuthenticationPolicy(), policy); assertEquals(state.passwordMatches(ByteString.valueOf(presentedPassword)), expectedBindResultIsSuccess); state.finalizeStateAfterBind(); // Check that the password has been cached if needed. Entry updatedTestUser = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN .decode("cn=test user,o=test")); String newCachedPassword = updatedTestUser.getAttributeValue( DirectoryServer.getAttributeType("ds-pta-cached-password"), DirectoryStringSyntax.DECODER); String newCachedPasswordTime = updatedTestUser.getAttributeValue( DirectoryServer.getAttributeType("ds-pta-cached-password-time"), DirectoryStringSyntax.DECODER); if (expectCacheInfo) { assertNotNull(newCachedPassword); assertNotNull(newCachedPasswordTime); if (expectCacheUpdate) { assertFalse(newCachedPassword.equals(testCachedPassword)); assertTrue(UserPasswordSyntax.isEncoded(ByteString .valueOf(newCachedPassword))); assertEquals(newCachedPasswordTime, testCurrentTimeGMT); } else { assertEquals(newCachedPassword, testCachedPassword); assertEquals(newCachedPasswordTime, testCachedPasswordTime); } } else { assertNull(newCachedPassword); assertNull(newCachedPasswordTime); } // Tear down and check final state. policy.finalizeAuthenticationPolicy(); provider.assertAllExpectedEventsReceived(); } MockPolicyCfg mockCfg() { return new MockPolicyCfg(); } MockServer mockServer(final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg) throws IOException { final ServerSocket serverSocket = TestCaseUtils.bindFreePort(); return new MockServer(serverSocket); } BindRequestProtocolOp newBindRequest(final String dn, final String password) throws LDAPException { return new BindRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOf(dn), 3, ByteString.valueOf(password)); } BindResponseProtocolOp newBindResult(final ResultCode resultCode) { return new BindResponseProtocolOp(resultCode.getIntValue()); } ExtendedResponseProtocolOp newDisconnectNotification( final ResultCode resultCode) { return new ExtendedResponseProtocolOp(resultCode.getIntValue(), null, null, null, OID_NOTICE_OF_DISCONNECTION, null); } SearchResultEntryProtocolOp newSearchEntry(final String dn) throws DirectoryException { return new SearchResultEntryProtocolOp(DN.decode(dn)); } SearchRequestProtocolOp newSearchRequest(final String dn, final String filter, final LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyCfg cfg) throws LDAPException { final int timeout = (int) (cfg.getConnectionTimeout() / 1000); return new SearchRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOf(dn), SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, DereferencePolicy.DEREF_ALWAYS, 1, timeout, true, RawFilter.create(filter), LDAPPassThroughAuthenticationPolicyFactory.NO_ATTRIBUTES); } SearchResultDoneProtocolOp newSearchResult(final ResultCode resultCode) { return new SearchResultDoneProtocolOp(resultCode.getIntValue()); } }