// Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gerrit.httpd; import static com.google.gerrit.common.TimeUtil.nowMs; import static com.google.gerrit.httpd.CacheBasedWebSession.MAX_AGE_MINUTES; import static com.google.gerrit.server.ioutil.BasicSerialization.readFixInt64; import static com.google.gerrit.server.ioutil.BasicSerialization.readString; import static com.google.gerrit.server.ioutil.BasicSerialization.readVarInt32; import static com.google.gerrit.server.ioutil.BasicSerialization.writeBytes; import static com.google.gerrit.server.ioutil.BasicSerialization.writeFixInt64; import static com.google.gerrit.server.ioutil.BasicSerialization.writeString; import static com.google.gerrit.server.ioutil.BasicSerialization.writeVarInt32; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.HOURS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import com.google.common.cache.Cache; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.client.Account; import com.google.gerrit.server.account.externalids.ExternalId; import com.google.gerrit.server.config.ConfigUtil; import com.google.gerrit.server.config.GerritServerConfig; import com.google.inject.Inject; import com.google.inject.assistedinject.Assisted; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class WebSessionManager { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebSessionManager.class); public static final String CACHE_NAME = "web_sessions"; private final long sessionMaxAgeMillis; private final SecureRandom prng; private final Cache<String, Val> self; @Inject WebSessionManager(@GerritServerConfig Config cfg, @Assisted final Cache<String, Val> cache) { prng = new SecureRandom(); self = cache; sessionMaxAgeMillis = SECONDS.toMillis( ConfigUtil.getTimeUnit( cfg, "cache", CACHE_NAME, "maxAge", SECONDS.convert(MAX_AGE_MINUTES, MINUTES), SECONDS)); if (sessionMaxAgeMillis < MINUTES.toMillis(5)) { log.warn( String.format( "cache.%s.maxAge is set to %d milliseconds; it should be at least 5 minutes.", CACHE_NAME, sessionMaxAgeMillis)); } } Key createKey(final Account.Id who) { return new Key(newUniqueToken(who)); } private String newUniqueToken(final Account.Id who) { try { final int nonceLen = 20; final ByteArrayOutputStream buf; final byte[] rnd = new byte[nonceLen]; prng.nextBytes(rnd); buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(3 + nonceLen); writeVarInt32(buf, (int) Val.serialVersionUID); writeVarInt32(buf, who.get()); writeBytes(buf, rnd); return CookieBase64.encode(buf.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot produce new account cookie", e); } } Val createVal(Key key, Val val) { Account.Id who = val.getAccountId(); boolean remember = val.isPersistentCookie(); ExternalId.Key lastLogin = val.getExternalId(); return createVal(key, who, remember, lastLogin, val.sessionId, val.auth); } Val createVal( Key key, Account.Id who, boolean remember, ExternalId.Key lastLogin, String sid, String auth) { // Refresh the cookie every hour or when it is half-expired. // This reduces the odds that the user session will be kicked // early but also avoids us needing to refresh the cookie on // every single request. // final long halfAgeRefresh = sessionMaxAgeMillis >>> 1; final long minRefresh = MILLISECONDS.convert(1, HOURS); final long refresh = Math.min(halfAgeRefresh, minRefresh); final long now = nowMs(); final long refreshCookieAt = now + refresh; final long expiresAt = now + sessionMaxAgeMillis; if (sid == null) { sid = newUniqueToken(who); } if (auth == null) { auth = newUniqueToken(who); } Val val = new Val(who, refreshCookieAt, remember, lastLogin, expiresAt, sid, auth); self.put(key.token, val); return val; } int getCookieAge(final Val val) { if (val.isPersistentCookie()) { // Client may store the cookie until we would remove it from our // own cache, after which it will certainly be invalid. // return (int) MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(sessionMaxAgeMillis); } // Client should not store the cookie, as the user asked for us // to not remember them long-term. Sending -1 as the age will // cause the cookie to be only for this "browser session", which // is usually until the user exits their browser. // return -1; } Val get(final Key key) { Val val = self.getIfPresent(key.token); if (val != null && val.expiresAt <= nowMs()) { self.invalidate(key.token); return null; } return val; } void destroy(final Key key) { self.invalidate(key.token); } static final class Key { private transient String token; Key(final String t) { token = t; } String getToken() { return token; } @Override public int hashCode() { return token.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj instanceof Key && token.equals(((Key) obj).token); } } public static final class Val implements Serializable { static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; private transient Account.Id accountId; private transient long refreshCookieAt; private transient boolean persistentCookie; private transient ExternalId.Key externalId; private transient long expiresAt; private transient String sessionId; private transient String auth; Val( Account.Id accountId, long refreshCookieAt, boolean persistentCookie, ExternalId.Key externalId, long expiresAt, String sessionId, String auth) { this.accountId = accountId; this.refreshCookieAt = refreshCookieAt; this.persistentCookie = persistentCookie; this.externalId = externalId; this.expiresAt = expiresAt; this.sessionId = sessionId; this.auth = auth; } public long getExpiresAt() { return expiresAt; } Account.Id getAccountId() { return accountId; } ExternalId.Key getExternalId() { return externalId; } String getSessionId() { return sessionId; } String getAuth() { return auth; } boolean needsCookieRefresh() { return refreshCookieAt <= nowMs(); } boolean isPersistentCookie() { return persistentCookie; } private void writeObject(final ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { writeVarInt32(out, 1); writeVarInt32(out, accountId.get()); writeVarInt32(out, 2); writeFixInt64(out, refreshCookieAt); writeVarInt32(out, 3); writeVarInt32(out, persistentCookie ? 1 : 0); if (externalId != null) { writeVarInt32(out, 4); writeString(out, externalId.toString()); } if (sessionId != null) { writeVarInt32(out, 5); writeString(out, sessionId); } writeVarInt32(out, 6); writeFixInt64(out, expiresAt); if (auth != null) { writeVarInt32(out, 7); writeString(out, auth); } writeVarInt32(out, 0); } private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException { PARSE: for (; ; ) { final int tag = readVarInt32(in); switch (tag) { case 0: break PARSE; case 1: accountId = new Account.Id(readVarInt32(in)); continue; case 2: refreshCookieAt = readFixInt64(in); continue; case 3: persistentCookie = readVarInt32(in) != 0; continue; case 4: externalId = ExternalId.Key.parse(readString(in)); continue; case 5: sessionId = readString(in); continue; case 6: expiresAt = readFixInt64(in); continue; case 7: auth = readString(in); continue; default: throw new IOException("Unknown tag found in object: " + tag); } } if (expiresAt == 0) { expiresAt = refreshCookieAt + TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(2); } } } }