// Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gerrit.client.ui; import com.google.gerrit.client.Gerrit; import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Composite; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.FlexTable; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTMLTable.CellFormatter; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget; import com.google.gwtexpui.safehtml.client.SafeHtml; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; public abstract class FancyFlexTable<RowItem> extends Composite { private static final FancyFlexTableImpl impl = GWT.create(FancyFlexTableImpl.class); protected static final int C_ARROW = 0; protected final MyFlexTable table; protected FancyFlexTable() { table = createFlexTable(); table.addStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().changeTable()); table.setWidth("100%"); initWidget(table); table.setText(0, C_ARROW, ""); table.getCellFormatter().addStyleName(0, C_ARROW, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().iconHeader()); } protected MyFlexTable createFlexTable() { return new MyFlexTable(); } protected RowItem getRowItem(final int row) { return FancyFlexTable.<RowItem>getRowItem(table.getCellFormatter().getElement(row, 0)); } protected void setRowItem(final int row, final RowItem item) { setRowItem(table.getCellFormatter().getElement(row, 0), item); } /** * Finds an item in the table. * * @param comparator comparator by which the items in the table are sorted * @param item the item that should be found * @return if the item is found the number of the row that contains the item; if the item is not * found {@code -1} */ protected int findRowItem(Comparator<RowItem> comparator, RowItem item) { int row = lookupRowItem(comparator, item); if (row < table.getRowCount() && comparator.compare(item, getRowItem(row)) == 0) { return row; } return -1; } /** * Finds the number of the row where a new item should be inserted into the table. * * @param comparator comparator by which the items in the table are sorted * @param item the new item that should be inserted * @return if the item is not yet contained in the table, the number of the row where the new item * should be inserted; if the item is already contained in the table {@code -1} */ protected int getInsertRow(Comparator<RowItem> comparator, RowItem item) { int row = lookupRowItem(comparator, item); if (row >= table.getRowCount() || comparator.compare(item, getRowItem(row)) != 0) { return row; } return -1; } /** * Makes a binary search for the given row item over the table. * * @param comparator comparator by which the items in the table are sorted * @param item the item that should be looked up * @return if the item is found the number of the row that contains the item; if the item is not * found the number of the row where the item should be inserted according to the given * comparator. */ private int lookupRowItem(Comparator<RowItem> comparator, RowItem item) { int left = 1; int right = table.getRowCount() - 1; while (left <= right) { int middle = (left + right) >>> 1; // (left+right)/2 RowItem i = getRowItem(middle); int cmp = comparator.compare(i, item); if (cmp < 0) { left = middle + 1; } else if (cmp > 0) { right = middle - 1; } else { // item is already contained in the table return middle; } } return left; } protected void resetHtml(final SafeHtml body) { for (final Iterator<Widget> i = table.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { i.next(); i.remove(); } impl.resetHtml(table, body); } protected void scrollIntoView(final int topRow, final int endRow) { final CellFormatter fmt = table.getCellFormatter(); final Element top = fmt.getElement(topRow, C_ARROW).getParentElement(); final Element end = fmt.getElement(endRow, C_ARROW).getParentElement(); final int rTop = top.getAbsoluteTop(); final int rEnd = end.getAbsoluteTop() + end.getOffsetHeight(); final int rHeight = rEnd - rTop; final int sTop = Document.get().getScrollTop(); final int sHeight = Document.get().getClientHeight(); final int sEnd = sTop + sHeight; final int nTop; if (sHeight <= rHeight) { // The region is larger than the visible area, make the top // exactly the top of the region, its the most visible area. // nTop = rTop; } else if (sTop <= rTop && rTop <= sEnd) { // At least part of the region is already visible. // if (rEnd <= sEnd) { // ... actually its all visible. Don't scroll. // return; } // Move only enough to make the end visible. // nTop = sTop + (rHeight - (sEnd - rTop)); } else { // None of the region is visible. Make it visible. // nTop = rTop; } Document.get().setScrollTop(nTop); } protected void applyDataRowStyle(final int newRow) { table.getCellFormatter().addStyleName(newRow, C_ARROW, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().iconCell()); table.getCellFormatter().addStyleName(newRow, C_ARROW, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().leftMostCell()); } /** * Get the td element that contains another element. * * @param target the child element whose parent td is required. * @return the td containing element {@code target}; null if {@code target} is not a member of * this table. */ protected Element getParentCell(final Element target) { final Element body = FancyFlexTableImpl.getBodyElement(table); for (Element td = target; td != null && td != body; td = DOM.getParent(td)) { // If it's a TD, it might be the one we're looking for. if ("td".equalsIgnoreCase(td.getTagName())) { // Make sure it's directly a part of this table. Element tr = DOM.getParent(td); if (DOM.getParent(tr) == body) { return td; } } } return null; } /** @return the row of the child element; -1 if the child is not in the table. */ protected int rowOf(final Element target) { final Element td = getParentCell(target); if (td == null) { return -1; } final Element tr = DOM.getParent(td); final Element body = DOM.getParent(tr); return DOM.getChildIndex(body, tr); } /** @return the cell of the child element; -1 if the child is not in the table. */ protected int columnOf(final Element target) { final Element td = getParentCell(target); if (td == null) { return -1; } final Element tr = DOM.getParent(td); return DOM.getChildIndex(tr, td); } protected static class MyFlexTable extends FlexTable {} private static native <ItemType> void setRowItem(Element td, ItemType c) /*-{ td['__gerritRowItem'] = c; }-*/ ; private static native <ItemType> ItemType getRowItem(Element td) /*-{ return td['__gerritRowItem']; }-*/ ; }