/* * uDig - User Friendly Desktop Internet GIS client * http://udig.refractions.net * (C) 2004, Refractions Research Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.swt.styling; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboViewer; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredContentProvider; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.events.KeyAdapter; import org.eclipse.swt.events.KeyEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionListener; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.geotools.data.simple.SimpleFeatureCollection; import org.geotools.data.simple.SimpleFeatureSource; import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.factory.GeoTools; import org.geotools.map.Layer; import org.geotools.styling.FeatureTypeConstraint; import org.geotools.styling.FeatureTypeStyle; import org.geotools.styling.Fill; import org.geotools.styling.Graphic; import org.geotools.styling.LabelPlacement; import org.geotools.styling.LineSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.PointSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.PolygonSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.Rule; import org.geotools.styling.SLDTransformer; import org.geotools.styling.Stroke; import org.geotools.styling.Style; import org.geotools.styling.StyleFactory; import org.geotools.styling.StyledLayerDescriptor; import org.geotools.styling.Symbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.TextSymbolizer; import org.geotools.styling.UserLayer; import org.geotools.swt.styling.simple.AbstractSimpleConfigurator; import org.geotools.swt.styling.simple.FillViewer; import org.geotools.swt.styling.simple.GraphicViewer; import org.geotools.swt.styling.simple.LabelViewer; import org.geotools.swt.styling.simple.Mode; import org.geotools.swt.styling.simple.SLDs; import org.geotools.swt.styling.simple.ScaleViewer; import org.geotools.swt.styling.simple.StrokeViewer; import org.geotools.swt.utils.Messages; import org.geotools.swt.utils.Utils; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.FeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.PropertyDescriptor; /** * Defines a "simple" StyleConfigurator for working with SLD documents. * <p> * This style configurator is defined as follows: * * <pre> * <code> * Mode: (*) Point ( ) Line ( ) Polygon * +-+ +-------+ +------+ +------+ * Line: |x| | color | |size\/| |100%\/| * +-+ +-------+ +------+ +------+ * +-+ +-------+ +------+ * Fill: |x| | color | | 90%\/| * +-+ +-------+ +------+ * +-+ +----------------+ +------+ * Label: |x| | title\/| | Font | * +-+ +----------------+ +------+ * +-+ +-------+ +------+ * Point: |x| | star\/| |size\/| * +-+ +-------+ +------+ * +-+ +-------------+ * Min scale d.: |x| | scale\/| * +-+ +-------------+ * +-+ +-------------+ * Max scale d.: |x| | scale\/| * +-+ +-------------+ * </code> * </pre> * * </p> * Where: * <ul> * <li>Mode is used to switch between Point / Line / Polygon * <li>Line is used for: <br> * LineString: line color, width, opacity <br> * Polygon: border color, width, opacity <br> * Point: border color, width, opacity * <li>Fill is used for Polygon or Point fill color, opacity * <li>Label is used to choose attribute and set font (the only dialog) * <li>Point is used to set the marker type and size * <li>Min/max scale denominator define at which scale the layer is visible * </ul> * </p> * <p> * Notes: * <ul> * <li>RasterSymbolizer is handled by its own thing, as is WMS etc... * <li>Layout as per the SLDEditorPart examples - so we can take advantage of more or less room. * <li>Presets is a good idea, just not here * <li>Apply/Revert buttons to be green/red * <li>Advanced (edit the SLD) can be in the view menu * <li>If possible replace color button with a drop down list (may not be possible) * </ul> * </P> * <p> * We will do our best to make this thing reusable on an Array of Symbolizers. * </p> * * @author Jody Garnett * @since 1.0.0 * * * * @source $URL$ */ public class SimpleStyleConfigurator extends AbstractSimpleConfigurator { private static final String DEFAULT_GEOMETRY = "(default)"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static StyleFactory sf = CommonFactoryFinder.getStyleFactory(GeoTools.getDefaultHints()); /** * Viewer capturing the geometry name; may be "default" or an explicit geometryName provided by * the user */ private ComboViewer geometryName; /** Radio button used to indicate point geometry type */ private Button pointMode; /** Radio button used to indicate polygon geometry type */ private Button polyMode; /** Radio button used to indicate linestring geometry type */ private Button lineMode; /** Viewer used to allow interaction with Stroke definition */ private StrokeViewer line = new StrokeViewer(); /** Viewer used to allow interaction with Fill definition */ private FillViewer fill = new FillViewer(); /** Viewer used to allow interaction with Graphic definition */ private GraphicViewer point = new GraphicViewer(); /** Viewer used to allow interaction with TextSymbolizer definition */ private LabelViewer label = new LabelViewer(); /** Viewer used to allow interaction with minScale definition */ private ScaleViewer minScale = new ScaleViewer(ScaleViewer.MIN); /** Viewer used to allow interaction with maxScale definition */ private ScaleViewer maxScale = new ScaleViewer(ScaleViewer.MAX); /** The current mode we are working with */ private Mode mode; /** * Used to respond to any widget selection event; will call synchronize() method to extract any * changes of state from the user interface */ private SelectionListener synchronize = new SelectionListener(){ public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e ) { synchronize(); } public void widgetDefaultSelected( SelectionEvent e ) { synchronize(); } }; private Button replace; /** * Construct <code>SimpleStyleConfigurator</code>. */ public SimpleStyleConfigurator( Shell parent, SimpleFeatureCollection featureCollection, Style style ) { super(parent, featureCollection, style); this.line.addListener(this.synchronize); this.fill.addListener(this.synchronize); this.label.addListener(this.synchronize); this.point.addListener(this.synchronize); this.minScale.addListener(this.synchronize); this.maxScale.addListener(this.synchronize); } protected void configureShell( Shell shell ) { super.configureShell(shell); shell.setText(""); } protected Point getInitialSize() { return new Point(450, 370); } @Override protected Control createDialogArea( Composite parent ) { Composite parentPanel = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent); setLayout(parentPanel); // ensure vertical layout ((RowLayout) parentPanel.getLayout()).type = SWT.VERTICAL; ((RowLayout) parentPanel.getLayout()).spacing = 3; KeyAdapter adp = new KeyAdapter(){ @Override public void keyReleased( KeyEvent e ) { /* * I don't like having different ways of checking for keypad enter and the normal * one. Using the keyCode would be better, but I couldn't readily find the value for * CR. */ if (e.keyCode == SWT.KEYPAD_CR || e.character == SWT.CR) { refresh(); // makeActionDoStuff(); } } }; Composite part = AbstractSimpleConfigurator.subpart(parentPanel, Messages.getString("SimpleStyleConfigurator_GeometryLabel")); geometryName = new ComboViewer(part); geometryName.setContentProvider(new IStructuredContentProvider(){ FeatureType schema; public Object[] getElements( Object inputElement ) { // note use of descriptors; so we can make use of associations if available ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); names.add(DEFAULT_GEOMETRY); if (schema != null) { for( PropertyDescriptor descriptor : schema.getDescriptors() ) { if (descriptor instanceof GeometryDescriptor) { names.add(((GeometryDescriptor) descriptor).getLocalName()); } } } return names.toArray(); } public void inputChanged( Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput ) { // we don't really care since we are not listening to the change in schema schema = (FeatureType) newInput; } public void dispose() { } }); geometryName.getCombo().setText(DEFAULT_GEOMETRY); geometryName.getCombo().addSelectionListener(synchronize); part = AbstractSimpleConfigurator.subpart(parentPanel, Messages.getString("SimpleStyleConfigurator_ModeLabel")); this.pointMode = new Button(part, SWT.RADIO); pointMode.setText(Messages.getString("SimpleStyleConfigurator_PointMode")); this.lineMode = new Button(part, SWT.RADIO); lineMode.setText(Messages.getString("SimpleStyleConfigurator_LineMode")); this.polyMode = new Button(part, SWT.RADIO); polyMode.setText(Messages.getString("SimpleStyleConfigurator_PolygonMode")); this.line.createControl(parentPanel, adp); this.fill.createControl(parentPanel, adp); this.point.createControl(parentPanel, adp, this.build); this.label.createControl(parentPanel, adp); this.minScale.createControl(parentPanel, adp); this.maxScale.createControl(parentPanel, adp); Composite replaceComp = AbstractSimpleConfigurator.subpart(parentPanel, Messages.getString("SimpleStyleConfigurator_replaceButton")); this.replace = new Button(replaceComp, SWT.CHECK); replace.addSelectionListener(synchronize); replace.setSelection(true); refresh(); return parentPanel; } @Override protected void buttonPressed( int buttonId ) { if (buttonId == OK) { try { String styleToString = styleToString(style); System.out.println(styleToString); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } super.buttonPressed(buttonId); } /** * Converts a style to its string representation to be written to file. * * @param style the style to convert. * @return the style string. * @throws Exception */ public static String styleToString( Style style ) throws Exception { StyledLayerDescriptor sld = sf.createStyledLayerDescriptor(); UserLayer layer = sf.createUserLayer(); layer.setLayerFeatureConstraints(new FeatureTypeConstraint[]{null}); sld.addStyledLayer(layer); layer.addUserStyle(style); SLDTransformer aTransformer = new SLDTransformer(); aTransformer.setIndentation(4); String xml = aTransformer.transform(sld); return xml; } public Mode determineMode( SimpleFeatureType schema, boolean askUser ) { if (schema == null) { return Mode.NONE; } else if (SLDs.isLine(schema)) { return Mode.LINE; } else if (SLDs.isPolygon(schema)) { return Mode.POLYGON; } else if (SLDs.isPoint(schema)) { return Mode.POINT; } else { // we must be Geometry? if (askUser) { // could not figure it out from the schema // try trusting the user? if (polyMode.getSelection()) { return Mode.POLYGON; } else if (lineMode.getSelection()) { return Mode.LINE; } else if (pointMode.getSelection()) { return Mode.POINT; } } return Mode.ALL; // we are a generic geometry } } protected void refresh() { Style style = getStyle(); // grab an SLD style or bust List<FeatureTypeStyle> ftsList = style.featureTypeStyles(); FeatureTypeStyle fts = null; if (ftsList.size() > 0) { fts = ftsList.get(0); } SimpleFeatureType schema = featureCollection.getSchema(); geometryName.setInput(schema); String name = DEFAULT_GEOMETRY; Stroke stroke = null; Fill fill = null; Graphic graphic = null; TextSymbolizer text = null; LabelPlacement placement = null; List<Rule> rules = Collections.emptyList(); if (fts != null) rules = fts.rules(); if (rules.size() > 1) { // simple mode trimms away all but the first rule Rule keepRule = rules.get(0); rules.clear(); rules.add(keepRule); } this.mode = determineMode(schema, true); if (mode == Mode.NONE) { pointMode.setSelection(false); polyMode.setSelection(false); lineMode.setSelection(false); } else if (mode == Mode.LINE) { lineMode.setSelection(true); LineSymbolizer sym = SLDs.lineSymbolizer(fts); stroke = SLDs.stroke(sym); placement = SLDs.getPlacement(SLDs.ALIGN_LEFT, SLDs.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0); name = sym == null ? null : sym.getGeometryPropertyName(); } else if (mode == Mode.POLYGON) { polyMode.setSelection(true); PolygonSymbolizer sym = SLDs.polySymbolizer(fts); stroke = SLDs.stroke(sym); fill = SLDs.fill(sym); placement = SLDs.getPlacement(SLDs.ALIGN_CENTER, SLDs.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0); name = sym == null ? null : sym.getGeometryPropertyName(); } else if (mode == Mode.POINT || mode == Mode.ALL) { // default to handling as Point pointMode.setSelection(true); PointSymbolizer sym = SLDs.pointSymbolizer(fts); stroke = SLDs.stroke(sym); fill = SLDs.fill(sym); graphic = SLDs.graphic(sym); placement = SLDs.getPlacement(SLDs.ALIGN_LEFT, SLDs.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 0); name = sym == null ? null : sym.getGeometryPropertyName(); } text = SLDs.textSymbolizer(fts); if (text != null && placement != null) { text.setLabelPlacement(placement); } if (name == null) { name = DEFAULT_GEOMETRY; geometryName.getCombo().setText(name); } else { geometryName.getCombo().setText(name); } Mode raw = determineMode(schema, false); pointMode.setEnabled(raw == Mode.ALL); polyMode.setEnabled(raw == Mode.ALL); lineMode.setEnabled(raw == Mode.ALL); double minScaleDen = SLDs.minScale(fts); double maxScaleDen = SLDs.maxScale(fts); Color defaultColor = Color.red; this.line.setStroke(stroke, this.mode, defaultColor); this.fill.setFill(fill, this.mode, defaultColor); this.point.setGraphic(graphic, this.mode, defaultColor); this.label.set(schema, text, this.mode); this.minScale.setScale(minScaleDen, 0l); this.maxScale.setScale(maxScaleDen, 1111111l); } /** Synchronize the SLD with the array of symbolizers */ public void synchronize() { List<Symbolizer> acquire = new ArrayList<Symbolizer>(); TextSymbolizer textSym = this.label.get(this.build); SimpleFeatureType schema = featureCollection.getSchema(); this.mode = determineMode(schema, true); String geometryPropertyName = null; if (geometryName.getCombo().getSelectionIndex() != 0) { geometryPropertyName = geometryName.getCombo().getText(); } switch( this.mode ) { case LINE: { LineSymbolizer lineSymbolizer = this.build.createLineSymbolizer(this.line.getStroke(this.build)); acquire.add(lineSymbolizer); lineSymbolizer.setGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName); if (textSym != null) { acquire.add(textSym); } } break; case POLYGON: { PolygonSymbolizer polygonSymbolizer = this.build.createPolygonSymbolizer(this.line.getStroke(this.build), this.fill.getFill(this.build)); polygonSymbolizer.setGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName); acquire.add(polygonSymbolizer); if (textSym != null) { acquire.add(textSym); } } break; case POINT: { PointSymbolizer pointSymbolizer = this.build.createPointSymbolizer(this.point.getGraphic( this.fill.getFill(this.build), this.line.getStroke(this.build), this.build)); pointSymbolizer.setGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName); acquire.add(pointSymbolizer); if (textSym != null) { acquire.add(textSym); } } break; case ALL: { LineSymbolizer lineSymbolizer = this.build.createLineSymbolizer(this.line.getStroke(this.build)); acquire.add(lineSymbolizer); acquire.add(lineSymbolizer); PolygonSymbolizer polygonSymbolizer = this.build.createPolygonSymbolizer(this.line.getStroke(this.build), this.fill.getFill(this.build)); polygonSymbolizer.setGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName); acquire.add(polygonSymbolizer); PointSymbolizer pointSymbolizer = this.build.createPointSymbolizer(this.point.getGraphic( this.fill.getFill(this.build), this.line.getStroke(this.build), this.build)); pointSymbolizer.setGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName); acquire.add(pointSymbolizer); if (textSym != null) { acquire.add(textSym); } } break; case NONE: } double minScaleDen = minScale.getScale(); double maxScaleDen = maxScale.getScale(); Symbolizer[] array = acquire.toArray(new Symbolizer[acquire.size()]); Rule rule = this.build.createRule(array); if (minScale.isEnabled()) rule.setMinScaleDenominator(minScaleDen); if (maxScale.isEnabled()) rule.setMaxScaleDenominator(maxScaleDen); FeatureTypeStyle featureTypeStyle = this.build.createFeatureTypeStyle(SLDs.GENERIC_FEATURE_TYPENAME, rule); featureTypeStyle.setName("simple"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Style style = getStyle(); style.setDefault(true); if (replace.getSelection()) { // if repalce was hit we are going to completly redfine the style // based on what the user has here // style.featureTypeStyles().clear(); style.featureTypeStyles().add(featureTypeStyle); } else { // if we are just responding to what is going on we will try and update the existing // style in place (leaving any other content alone) // List<FeatureTypeStyle> fts = style.featureTypeStyles(); boolean match = false; for( int i = fts.size() - 1; i > -1; i-- ) { if (SLDs.isSemanticTypeMatch(fts.get(i), "simple")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ fts.set(i, featureTypeStyle); match = true; break; } } if (match) { style.featureTypeStyles().clear(); style.featureTypeStyles().addAll(fts); } else { // add the new entry to the array List<FeatureTypeStyle> fts2 = new ArrayList<FeatureTypeStyle>(fts); Collections.copy(fts2, fts); fts2.add(featureTypeStyle); style.featureTypeStyles().clear(); style.featureTypeStyles().addAll(fts2); } } this.style = style; } // public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { // Display display = new Display(); // Shell shell = new Shell(display); // // File shapeFile = new File("D:\\TMP\\gt-swt-tests\\junctions.shp"); // ShapefileDataStore store = new ShapefileDataStore(shapeFile.toURI().toURL()); // SimpleFeatureSource featureSource = store.getFeatureSource(); // SimpleFeatureCollection shapefile = featureSource.getFeatures(); // // File styleFile = new File("D:\\TMP\\gt-swt-tests\\junctions.sld"); // SLDParser parser = new SLDParser(new StyleFactoryImpl(), styleFile); // Style[] styles = parser.readXML(); // // SimpleStyleConfigurator tmp = new SimpleStyleConfigurator(shell, shapefile, styles[0]); // tmp.setBlockOnOpen(true); // tmp.open(); // // } public static Style showDialog( Shell parent, Layer layer ) throws IOException { if (!Utils.isGridLayer(layer)) { SimpleFeatureSource featureSource = (SimpleFeatureSource) layer.getFeatureSource(); Style style = layer.getStyle(); return showDialog(parent, featureSource, style); } return null; } public static Style showDialog( Shell parent, SimpleFeatureSource featureSource, Style style ) throws IOException { SimpleFeatureCollection features = (SimpleFeatureCollection) featureSource.getFeatures(); SimpleStyleConfigurator tmp = new SimpleStyleConfigurator(parent, features, style); tmp.setBlockOnOpen(true); tmp.open(); return tmp.getStyle(); } }