/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.jdbc; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource; import org.geotools.data.jdbc.datasource.DBCPDataSource; import org.geotools.data.jdbc.datasource.ManageableDataSource; import org.geotools.test.OnlineTestCase; /** * Sets up the test harness for a database. * <p> * The responsibilities of the test harness are the following: * <ol> * <li>Create and configure the {@link DataSource} used to connect to the * underlying database * <li>Provide the dialect used to communicate with the underlying database * <li>Populate the underlying database with the data used by the tests. * </ol> * </p> * * @author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project * * * * * @source $URL$ */ public abstract class JDBCTestSetup { static final Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger( "org.geotools.data.jdbc"); protected Properties fixture = null; private DataSource dataSource = null; public void setFixture(Properties fixture) { this.fixture = fixture; } /** * @see {@link OnlineTestCase#createOfflineFixture} */ protected Properties createOfflineFixture() { return null; } /** * @see {@link OnlineTestCase#createExampleFixture} */ protected Properties createExampleFixture() { return null; } public DataSource getDataSource() throws IOException { if(dataSource == null) dataSource = createDataSource(); return dataSource; } public void setUp() throws Exception { // } protected void initializeDatabase() throws Exception { } protected void setUpData() throws Exception { } protected void setUpDataStore(JDBCDataStore dataStore) { } public void tearDown() throws Exception { final String leakMessage = "Expected no active connection, either there is a connection leak " + "or you forgot to close some object holding onto connections in the tests (e.g., a reader, an iterator)"; if(dataSource instanceof BasicDataSource) { BasicDataSource bds = (BasicDataSource) dataSource; assertEquals(leakMessage, 0, bds.getNumActive()); } else if(dataSource instanceof DBCPDataSource) { BasicDataSource bds = (BasicDataSource) ((DBCPDataSource) dataSource).getWrapped(); assertEquals(leakMessage, 0, bds.getNumActive()); } if(dataSource instanceof BasicDataSource) { BasicDataSource bds = (BasicDataSource) dataSource; bds.close(); } else if(dataSource instanceof ManageableDataSource) { ((ManageableDataSource) dataSource).close(); } } /** * Runs an sql string aginst the database. * * @param input The sql. */ protected void run(String input) throws Exception { run(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes())); } /** * Executes {@link #run(String)} ignoring any exceptions. */ protected void runSafe( String input ) { try { run( input ); } catch( Exception ignore ) { // ignore.printStackTrace(System.out); } } /** * Runs an sql script against the database. * * @param script Input stream to the sql script to run. */ protected void run(InputStream script) throws Exception { //load the script andconnect try(BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(script)); Connection conn = getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement()) { String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { LOGGER.fine(line); st.execute(line); } } } /** * Returns a properly initialized connection. It's up to the calling code to close it */ protected Connection getConnection() throws SQLException, IOException { Connection conn = getDataSource().getConnection(); JDBCDataStore store = null; try { store = new JDBCDataStore(); createDataStoreFactory().createSQLDialect(store).initializeConnection(conn); } finally { if (store != null) { store.dispose(); } } return conn; } /** * This method is used whenever referencing the name * of a feature type / table name. * <p> * Subclasses should override this is in case where databases * can not respect case properly and need to force either * upper or lower case. * </p> * */ protected String typeName( String raw ) { return raw; } /** * This method is used whenever referencing the name * of an attribute / column name. * <p> * Subclasses should override this is in case where databases * can not respect case properly and need to force either * upper or lower case. * </p> */ protected String attributeName( String raw ) { return raw; } /** * Creates a data source by reading properties from a file called 'db.properties', * located paralell to the test setup instance. */ protected DataSource createDataSource() throws IOException { Properties db = fixture; BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource(); dataSource.setDriverClassName(db.getProperty( "driver") ); dataSource.setUrl( db.getProperty( "url") ); if ( db.containsKey( "user") ) { dataSource.setUsername(db.getProperty("user")); } else if ( db.containsKey( "username") ) { dataSource.setUsername(db.getProperty("username")); } if ( db.containsKey( "password") ) { dataSource.setPassword(db.getProperty("password")); } dataSource.setPoolPreparedStatements(true); dataSource.setAccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed(true); dataSource.setMinIdle(1); dataSource.setMaxActive(4); // if we cannot get a connection within 5 seconds give up dataSource.setMaxWait(5000); initializeDataSource( dataSource, db ); // return a closeable data source (DisposableDataSource interface) // so that the connection pool will be tore down on datastore dispose return new DBCPDataSource(dataSource); } protected void initializeDataSource( BasicDataSource ds, Properties db ) { } protected abstract JDBCDataStoreFactory createDataStoreFactory(); protected final SQLDialect createSQLDialect(JDBCDataStore dataStore) { return null; } /** * Called after a test case has determined that a connection to the data source * can be obtained. * <p>This method is used for subclasses to make additional checks * that determine if the test case should be run or not. This method is only * called if a connection can successfully be made to the database.</p> */ public boolean shouldRunTests(Connection cx) throws SQLException{ return true; } }