/******************************************************************************* * gMix open source project - https://svs.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/gmix/ * Copyright (C) 2014 SVS * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *******************************************************************************/ package userGeneratedContent.testbedPlugIns.layerPlugIns.layer2recodingScheme.sphinx_v0_001; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import staticContent.framework.AnonNode; import staticContent.framework.config.Settings; import staticContent.framework.infoService.InfoServiceClient; import staticContent.framework.routing.MixList; import staticContent.framework.routing.RoutingMode; import staticContent.framework.util.Util; import userGeneratedContent.testbedPlugIns.staticFunctionPlugIns.layer2recodingScheme.basicReplayDetection_v0_001.ReplayDetectionBasic; public class Sphinx_Config { public int MAX_PAYLOAD; public boolean DEBUG_ON; public boolean PERFORM_REPLY_DETECTION; public String CRYPTO_PROVIDER; public int SECURITY_PARAMETER_SIZE; // k must be 16 bytes to work with ECC (curve25519) public int NUMBER_OF_MIXES; public int ROUTE_LENGTH; // number of mixes to chose by clients public int ALPHA_SIZE; public int BETA_SIZE; public int GAMMA_SIZE; public int DELTA_SIZE; // 1 = overhead for padding info in delta (delta=payload); 16 overhead for mac in delta (delta=payload) public String PRNG_ALGORITHM; public int NUMBER_OF_THREADS; public ReplayDetectionBasic replayDetection; public HashMap<String, ReplyData> replyDataTable; public byte[] publicKey; public byte[] privateKey; public byte[] id; public byte[][] mixIdsSphinx; public byte[][] publicKeysOfMixes; public MixList mixList; private InfoServiceClient infoService; private Settings settings; public Sphinx_Config(AnonNode owner, boolean isClientConfigObject) { this.settings = owner.getSettings(); this.infoService = owner.getInfoService(); this.MAX_PAYLOAD = owner.MAX_PAYLOAD; this.DEBUG_ON = owner.RS_DEBUG_OUTPUT_ON; this.PERFORM_REPLY_DETECTION = owner.REPLY_DETECTION_ON; this.CRYPTO_PROVIDER = owner.CRYPTO_PROVIDER; this.SECURITY_PARAMETER_SIZE = 16; // k must be 16 bytes to work with ECC (curve25519) this.NUMBER_OF_MIXES = owner.NUMBER_OF_MIXES; if (owner.ROUTING_MODE == RoutingMode.GLOBAL_ROUTING) this.ROUTE_LENGTH = this.NUMBER_OF_MIXES; else this.ROUTE_LENGTH = owner.FREE_ROUTE_LENGTH; this.ALPHA_SIZE = 32; this.BETA_SIZE = 16 + (ROUTE_LENGTH * 32); this.GAMMA_SIZE = 16; this.DELTA_SIZE = MAX_PAYLOAD + 1 + 16; // 1 = overhead for padding info in delta (delta=payload); 16 overhead for mac in delta (delta=payload) this.PRNG_ALGORITHM = settings.getProperty("PRNG_ALGORITHM"); if (isClientConfigObject) { this.id = Sphinx.generateClientId(this); try { infoService.postValue(new String(id, "UTF-8"), Util.intToByteArray(owner.PUBLIC_PSEUDONYM)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("could not post id"); } loadPlubicKeysOfMixes(owner); } else { // mix byte[][] keyPair = Sphinx.generateKeyPair(this); publicKey = keyPair[0]; privateKey = keyPair[1]; id = Sphinx.generateMixId(this); infoService.postValueAsMix(owner.PUBLIC_PSEUDONYM, "SPHINX_MIX_ID", id); infoService.postValueAsMix(owner.PUBLIC_PSEUDONYM, "SPHINX_PUBLIC_KEY", publicKey); if (PERFORM_REPLY_DETECTION) this.replayDetection = ReplayDetectionBasic.getInstance(owner); this.NUMBER_OF_THREADS = owner.NUMBER_OF_THREADS; } } public void loadPlubicKeysOfMixes(AnonNode owner) { this.mixList = owner.mixList; this.mixIdsSphinx = infoService.getValueFromAllMixes("SPHINX_MIX_ID"); this.publicKeysOfMixes = infoService.getValueFromAllMixes("SPHINX_PUBLIC_KEY"); this.replyDataTable = new HashMap<String, ReplyData>(); } // in byte public int getDeltaOverhead() { return DELTA_SIZE - MAX_PAYLOAD; } // in byte public int getTotalOverhead() { return getDeltaOverhead() + getTotalHeaderSize(); } // in byte public int getTotalHeaderSize() { return ALPHA_SIZE + BETA_SIZE + GAMMA_SIZE; } // in byte public int getTotalMessageSize() { return getTotalHeaderSize() + DELTA_SIZE; } public int getGlobalMixIdFor(byte[] nextMixId) { for(int i=0; i<mixIdsSphinx.length; i++) if (Arrays.equals(nextMixId, mixIdsSphinx[i])) return mixList.mixIDs[i]; System.err.println("unknown id"); return -1; } }