/******************************************************************************* * gMix open source project - https://svs.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/gmix/ * Copyright (C) 2014 SVS * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *******************************************************************************/ package userGeneratedContent.simulatorPlugIns.plugins.outputStrategy; import java.util.Vector; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.Simulator; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.annotations.plugin.Plugin; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.annotations.property.DoubleSimulationProperty; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.annotations.property.IntSimulationProperty; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.core.event.Event; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.core.event.EventExecutor; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.core.message.MixMessage; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.core.networkComponent.AbstractClient; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.core.networkComponent.IdGenerator; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.core.networkComponent.Identifiable; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.core.networkComponent.Mix; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.core.networkComponent.NetworkNode; import staticContent.evaluation.simulator.core.statistics.Statistics; import userGeneratedContent.simulatorPlugIns.pluginRegistry.ClientSendStyle; import userGeneratedContent.simulatorPlugIns.pluginRegistry.MixSendStyle; import userGeneratedContent.simulatorPlugIns.pluginRegistry.StatisticsType; import userGeneratedContent.simulatorPlugIns.plugins.clientSendStyle.ClientSendStyleImpl; import userGeneratedContent.simulatorPlugIns.plugins.mixSendStyle.MixSendStyleImpl; /** * DLP Heuristic Algorithm (2008: Wei Wang, Mehul Motani, Vikram Srinivasan: * Dependent Link Padding Algorithms for Low Latency Anonymity Systems) CCS'08 * * "DLP Heuristic Algorithm * Parameters: Packet arrival time tij for all flows fi element F * Utility threshold U. * Output: A sending schedule with utility of at least U * 01: Put new packet Pij into a FIFO queue for the flow fi * 02: Repeat step 01 until there is a packet P has been in the queue for Delta time units: * 03: if more than U*|F| queues are non-empty * 04: Add a new token and send one packet for each flow immediately * 05: else * 06: Drop the packet P. * 07: endif * 08: Go to step 01 until no more packet arrives." */ @Plugin(pluginKey = "DLPA_HEURISTIC", pluginName = "DLPA Heuristic I") public class DLPAHeuristic extends OutputStrategyImpl implements Identifiable { // Requirement @IntSimulationProperty( name = "Maximum request delay (ms)", key = "MAX_DLPAI_REQUEST_DELAY", min = 0) private int maxRequestDelay; @IntSimulationProperty( name = "Maximum reply delay (ms)", key = "MAX_DLPAI_REPLY_DELAY", min = 0) private int maxReplyDelay; @DoubleSimulationProperty( name = "Request utility threshold (requests)", key = "REQUEST_UTILITY_THRESHOLD_I", min = 0) double requestUtilityThreshold; @DoubleSimulationProperty( name = "Reply utility threshold (requests)", key = "REPLY_UTILITY_THRESHOLD_I", min = 0) double replyUtilityThreshold; private Statistics statistics; private int numericIdentifier; private DLPAHeuristicSimplex requestHandler; private DLPAHeuristicSimplex replyHandler; private final static Event emptyEvent = new Event(null, 0, null); public DLPAHeuristic(Mix mix, Simulator simulator) { super(mix, simulator); this.statistics = new Statistics(this); this.numericIdentifier = IdGenerator.getId(); maxRequestDelay = Simulator.settings.getPropertyAsInt("MAX_DLPAI_REQUEST_DELAY"); maxReplyDelay = Simulator.settings.getPropertyAsInt("MAX_DLPAI_REPLY_DELAY"); requestUtilityThreshold = Simulator.settings.getPropertyAsDouble("REQUEST_UTILITY_THRESHOLD_I"); replyUtilityThreshold = Simulator.settings.getPropertyAsDouble("REPLY_UTILITY_THRESHOLD_I"); this.requestHandler = new DLPAHeuristicSimplex(true, maxRequestDelay, requestUtilityThreshold); this.replyHandler = new DLPAHeuristicSimplex(false, maxReplyDelay, replyUtilityThreshold); } @Override public void incomingRequest(MixMessage mixMessage) { this.requestHandler.addMessage(mixMessage); } @Override public void incomingReply(MixMessage mixMessage) { this.replyHandler.addMessage(mixMessage); } private class DLPAHeuristicSimplex implements EventExecutor { boolean isRequestHandler; int MAX_DELAY; double UTILITY_THRESHOLD; Vector<Vector<MixMessage>> messageQueues; Vector<Event> outputEvents; public DLPAHeuristicSimplex(boolean isRequestHandler, int maxDelay, double utilityThreshold) { this.isRequestHandler = isRequestHandler; this.MAX_DELAY = maxDelay; this.UTILITY_THRESHOLD = utilityThreshold; int numberOfClients = Simulator.getSimulator().getNumberOfClients(); messageQueues = new Vector<Vector<MixMessage>>(); for (int i=0; i<numberOfClients; i++) messageQueues.add(new Vector<MixMessage>()); outputEvents = new Vector<Event>(); for (int i=0; i<numberOfClients; i++) outputEvents.add(emptyEvent); } public void addMessage(MixMessage mixMessage) { int clientId = mixMessage.getOwner().getClientId(); mixMessage.timeOfArrival = Simulator.getNow(); // "01: Put new packet Pij into a FIFO queue for the flow fi": messageQueues.get(clientId).add(mixMessage); Event outputEvent = outputEvents.get(clientId); if (outputEvent == emptyEvent) { // set timeout long timeOfOutput = mixMessage.timeOfArrival + MAX_DELAY; outputEvent = new Event(this, timeOfOutput, OutputStrategyEvent.DLPA_TIMEOUT); outputEvent.setAttachment(mixMessage); outputEvents.setElementAt(outputEvent, clientId); simulator.scheduleEvent(outputEvent, this); } } // called by scheduler on timeout ("a packet P has been in the queue for delta time units") @Override public void executeEvent(Event e) { putOutSlot(e); } public void putOutSlot(Event e) { MixMessage relatedMessage = (MixMessage)e.getAttachment(); int clientId = relatedMessage.getOwner().getClientId(); // 03: if more than U*|F| queues are non-empty double notEmptyQueues = 0; for (int i=0; i<messageQueues.size(); i++) if (messageQueues.get(i).size() != 0) notEmptyQueues++; if (notEmptyQueues >= (UTILITY_THRESHOLD * (double)messageQueues.size())) { // dlpa-paper says "more than U*|F|" and that U must be <= 1. if we set u=1 and all queues are not empty, this would result in the algorithm dropping the token also all slots are in use. must be an error in the paper -> we use "at least U*|F|" instead of "more than U*|F|" for (int i=0; i<messageQueues.size(); i++) { // "Add a new token and send one packet for each flow immediately" MixMessage m; if (messageQueues.get(i).size() == 0) { m = createDummyMessage(simulator.getClientById(i), isRequestHandler); } else { m = messageQueues.get(i).remove(0); if (isRequestHandler) { statistics.addValue(true, StatisticsType.DLPA_REQUEST_MESSAGE_DROP_PERCENTAGE); statistics.addValue(true, StatisticsType.DLPA_MESSAGE_DROP_PERCENTAGE); } else { statistics.addValue(true, StatisticsType.DLPA_REPLY_MESSAGE_DROP_PERCENTAGE); statistics.addValue(true, StatisticsType.DLPA_MESSAGE_DROP_PERCENTAGE); } } // TODO: sort messages if (isRequestHandler) { statistics.addValue(true, StatisticsType.DLPA_REQUEST_SENDING_RATE_PER_MIX); statistics.addValue(true, StatisticsType.DLPA_REQUEST_SENDING_RATE_PER_MIX_AND_CLIENT); mix.putOutRequest(m); } else { statistics.addValue(true, StatisticsType.DLPA_REPLY_SENDING_RATE_PER_MIX); mix.putOutReply(m); } statistics.addValue(true, StatisticsType.DLPA_REQUEST_AND_REPLY_SENDING_RATE_PER_MIX); } } else { // "Drop the packet P." messageQueues.get(clientId).remove(relatedMessage); if (isRequestHandler) { statistics.addValue(false, StatisticsType.DLPA_REQUEST_MESSAGE_DROP_PERCENTAGE); statistics.addValue(false, StatisticsType.DLPA_MESSAGE_DROP_PERCENTAGE); } else { statistics.addValue(false, StatisticsType.DLPA_REPLY_MESSAGE_DROP_PERCENTAGE); statistics.addValue(false, StatisticsType.DLPA_MESSAGE_DROP_PERCENTAGE); } } // schedule next output if messages are still available Vector<MixMessage> clientQueue = messageQueues.get(clientId); if (clientQueue.size() > 0) { System.out.println("queue empty"); long timeOfOutput = clientQueue.get(0).timeOfArrival + MAX_DELAY; Event outputEvent = new Event(this, timeOfOutput, OutputStrategyEvent.DLPA_TIMEOUT); outputEvent.setAttachment(clientQueue.get(0)); outputEvents.setElementAt(outputEvent, clientId); simulator.scheduleEvent(outputEvent, this); } else { outputEvents.setElementAt(emptyEvent, clientId); } } } private MixMessage createDummyMessage(AbstractClient owner, boolean isRequest) { NetworkNode source = isRequest ? owner : mix; NetworkNode destination = isRequest ? simulator.getDistantProxy() : owner; return MixMessage.getInstance(isRequest, source, destination, owner, Simulator.getNow(), true); } @Override public int getGlobalId() { return numericIdentifier; } @Override public ClientSendStyleImpl getClientSendStyle(AbstractClient client) { return ClientSendStyle.getInstance(client); } @Override public MixSendStyleImpl getMixSendStyle() { return MixSendStyle.getInstance(mix, mix); } }