package; public class MFCC { private static double minMelFreq = 0; private static double maxMelFreq = 4000; private static double lifterExp = 0.6; private int numCoeffs; private int melBands; private int numFreqs; private double sampleRate; public Matrix melWeights = null; public Matrix dctMat = null; public double[] lifterWeights; public MFCC(int fftSize, int numCoeffs, int melBands, double sampleRate) { // Precompute mel-scale auditory perceptual spectrum melWeights = new Matrix(melBands, fftSize, 0); // Number of non-redundant frequency bins numFreqs = fftSize/2 + 1; this.numCoeffs = numCoeffs; this.melBands = melBands; this.sampleRate = sampleRate; double fftFreqs[] = new double[fftSize]; for (int i = 0; i < fftSize; i ++) { fftFreqs[i] = (double)i/(double)fftSize*this.sampleRate; } double minMel = fhz2mel(minMelFreq); double maxMel = fhz2mel(maxMelFreq); double binFreqs[] = new double[melBands + 2]; for (int i = 0; i < melBands + 2; i ++) { binFreqs[i] = fmel2hz(minMel + (double)i/((double)melBands + 1.0) * (maxMel - minMel)); } for (int i = 0; i < melBands; i ++) { for (int j = 0; j < fftSize; j ++) { double loSlope = (fftFreqs[j] - binFreqs[i])/(binFreqs[i+1] - binFreqs[i]); double hiSlope = (binFreqs[i+2] - fftFreqs[j])/(binFreqs[i+2] - binFreqs[i+1]); melWeights.A[i][j] = Math.max(0, Math.min(loSlope, hiSlope)); } } // Keep only positive frequency parts of Fourier transform melWeights = melWeights.getMatrix(0, melBands - 1, 0, numFreqs - 1); // Precompute DCT matrix dctMat = new Matrix(numCoeffs, melBands, 0); double scale = Math.sqrt(2.0/melBands); for (int i = 0; i < numCoeffs; i ++) { for (int j = 0; j < melBands; j ++) { double phase = j*2 + 1; dctMat.A[i][j] = Math.cos((double)i*phase/(2.0*(double)melBands)*Math.PI)*scale; } } double root2 = 1.0/Math.sqrt(2.0); for (int j = 0; j < melBands; j ++) { dctMat.A[0][j] *= root2; } // Precompute liftering vector lifterWeights = new double[numCoeffs]; lifterWeights[0] = 1.0; for (int i = 1; i < numCoeffs; i ++) { lifterWeights[i] = Math.pow((double)i, lifterExp); } } public double[] cepstrum(double[] re, double[] im) { Matrix powerSpec = new Matrix(numFreqs, 1); for (int i = 0; i < numFreqs; i ++) { powerSpec.A[i][0] = re[i]*re[i] + im[i]*im[i]; } // melWeights - melBands x numFreqs // powerSpec - numFreqs x 1 // melWeights*powerSpec - melBands x 1 // aSpec - melBands x 1 // dctMat - numCoeffs x melBands // dctMat*log(aSpec) - numCoeffs x 1 Matrix aSpec = melWeights.times(powerSpec); Matrix logMelSpec = new Matrix(melBands, 1); for (int i = 0; i < melBands; i ++) { logMelSpec.A[i][0] = Math.log(aSpec.A[i][0]); } Matrix melCeps = dctMat.times(logMelSpec); double[] ceps = new double[numCoeffs]; for (int i = 0; i < numCoeffs; i ++) { ceps[i] = lifterWeights[i]*melCeps.A[i][0]; } return ceps; } public double fmel2hz(double mel) { return 700.0*(Math.pow(10.0, mel/2595.0) - 1.0); } public double fhz2mel(double freq) { return 2595.0*Math.log10(1.0 + freq/700.0); } }