package; import static; import java.util.Random; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; public abstract class CustomizedIntentService extends Service { protected static final int EXTERNAL_MESSAGE = 0; protected static final int INTERNAL_MESSAGE = 1; protected static final int MESSAGE_QUIT = 2; protected static final int MESSAGE_PAUSE = 3; private static final long DEFAULT_MILLIS_TO_WAIT = 5000L; // Times since bootup to controll order at front of que, // implemented as a hack because putting message at front of queue does not work as expected private static final long PRIORITY_BEFORE_FRONT = 1, PRIORITY_FRONT = 2, PRIORITY_AFTER_FRONT = 3; private int startId = 0; private volatile HandlerThread thread; private volatile Looper mServiceLooper; private volatile ServiceHandler mServiceHandler; private String mName; private Intent intentToWaitFor; private final class ServiceHandler extends Handler { public ServiceHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MESSAGE_QUIT: mServiceLooper.quit(); break; case MESSAGE_PAUSE: Long millisToWait = (Long)msg.obj; if (millisToWait == null) { millisToWait = DEFAULT_MILLIS_TO_WAIT; } try { synchronized (this) { this.wait(millisToWait); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Service handler thread interrupted!"); } break; default: Log.d(TAG, "Handling msg " + msg.arg1); Log.d(TAG, "Handling message @ " + System.currentTimeMillis() +": " + msg.obj); onHandleIntent((Intent)msg.obj); if (!hasMessages()) { onEndOfQueue(); } break; } } private boolean hasMessages() { // TODO: this may be to intensive to run on every message, consider a better implementation //startId == msg.arg1 return mServiceHandler.hasMessages(EXTERNAL_MESSAGE) || mServiceHandler.hasMessages(INTERNAL_MESSAGE) || mServiceHandler.hasMessages(MESSAGE_PAUSE) || mServiceHandler.hasMessages(MESSAGE_QUIT); } } public CustomizedIntentService() { this(null); } /** * Creates an IntentService. Invoked by your subclass's constructor. * * @param name Used to name the worker thread, important only for debugging. */ public CustomizedIntentService(String name) { super(); mName = (name == null) ? getClass().getName() : name; } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); thread = new HandlerThread("IntentService[" + mName + "]"); thread.start(); mServiceLooper = thread.getLooper(); mServiceHandler = new ServiceHandler(mServiceLooper); } protected void pauseQueueUntilIntentReceived(Intent intent, Long timeout) { if (!mServiceHandler.hasMessages(MESSAGE_QUIT)) { intentToWaitFor = (intent == null) ? new Intent() : intent; Message msg = mServiceHandler.obtainMessage(); msg.what = MESSAGE_PAUSE; mServiceHandler.sendMessageAtTime(msg, PRIORITY_BEFORE_FRONT); // Very front of queue } } protected boolean queueIntent(Intent intent) { return queueIntent(intent, false); } protected boolean queueIntent(Intent intent, boolean atFront) { Message msg = mServiceHandler.obtainMessage(); msg.what = INTERNAL_MESSAGE; msg.arg1 = new Random().nextInt(); msg.obj = intent; Log.d(TAG, "Internal Queue Message: "+ ((intent == null) ? "<quit>" : (intent.getComponent() + " " + intent.getAction()))); if (atFront) { return mServiceHandler.sendMessageAtTime(msg, PRIORITY_FRONT); // HACK: because of the implementation of postMessageAtFrontOfQueue = sendMessageAtTime(msg, 0L) } else { this.startId = msg.arg1; // TODO: figure out how to create priority queue, so we know how to specify start id return mServiceHandler.sendMessage(msg); } } private boolean isIntentThisIsWaitingFor(Intent intent) { return intentToWaitFor != null && ((intentToWaitFor.getComponent() == null && intentToWaitFor.getAction() == null) || intentToWaitFor.filterEquals(intent)); } @Override public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) { Message msg = mServiceHandler.obtainMessage(); msg.obj = intent; msg.what = EXTERNAL_MESSAGE; msg.arg1 = startId; // Awaken handler thread if this is the intent we are waiting for if (isIntentThisIsWaitingFor(intent)) { Log.d(TAG, "GOT intent we were waiting for: " + intent.getComponent() + " " + intent.getAction()); intentToWaitFor = null; boolean success = mServiceHandler.sendMessageAtTime(msg, PRIORITY_BEFORE_FRONT); Log.d(TAG, "Successfully queued at front the intent we were waiting for. " + success); mServiceHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_PAUSE); synchronized (mServiceHandler) { mServiceHandler.notify(); } } else { this.startId = msg.arg1; mServiceHandler.sendMessage(msg); } Log.d(TAG, "onStart Message: " + intent.getComponent() + " " + intent.getAction()); } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { onStart(intent, startId); return getRedeliveryType(intent); } @Override public void onDestroy() { Log.d(TAG, "Destroying service " + getClass().getName()); // Pause long enough to allow subclasses to queue up things before QUIT message pauseQueueUntilIntentReceived(new Intent("NON_EXISTENT_INTENT"), 100L); // Send quit message at front of queue Message msg = mServiceHandler.obtainMessage(); msg.what = MESSAGE_QUIT; mServiceHandler.sendMessageAtTime(msg, PRIORITY_AFTER_FRONT); // So that it occurs after all messages "At front of queue" onBeforeDestroy(); mServiceHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_PAUSE); synchronized (mServiceHandler) { mServiceHandler.notify(); } // Wait for queue to finish try { thread.join(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (thread.isAlive()) { Log.d(TAG, "Message thread did not die in time: " + getClass().getName()); mServiceLooper.quit(); } } /** * Allows the subclass to queue up messages on message thread before the service is destroyed. * Useful for must have cleanup options. */ public void onBeforeDestroy() { // Default implementation does nothing } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return null; } protected boolean isIntentHandlerThread() { Looper looper = Looper.myLooper(); return looper != null && looper.equals(mServiceLooper); } /** * This method is invoked on the worker thread with a request to process. * Only one Intent is processed at a time, but the processing happens on a * worker thread that runs independently from other application logic. * So, if this code takes a long time, it will hold up other requests to * the same IntentService, but it will not hold up anything else. * * @param intent The value passed to {@link * android.content.Context#startService(Intent)}. */ protected abstract void onHandleIntent(Intent intent); /** * Called when service has reached the end of the queue. The default implementation calls stopSelf(). * Subclasses can override this to prevent class from stopping, or to perform cleanup on handler thread before onDestory. * @return */ protected void onEndOfQueue() { stopSelf(); } /** * Returns the redelivery type based on the intent passed in. Subclasses can use this method to determine which intents get redilvered, and which do not. * Default is redelivery. * @param intent * @return */ protected int getRedeliveryType(Intent intent) { return START_REDELIVER_INTENT; } }