package net.frontlinesms.ui.handler; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import net.frontlinesms.ui.ThinletUiEventHandler; import net.frontlinesms.ui.UiGeneratorController; import net.frontlinesms.ui.i18n.InternationalisationUtils; /** * This handles the "choice" dialog, which lets the user choose between "Yes", "No" & "Cancel" with * custom labels. * @author Morgan Belkadi <> */ public class ChoiceDialogHandler implements ThinletUiEventHandler { //> STATIC CONSTANTS /** UI XML File Path */ private static final String UI_FILE_DELETE_OPTION_DIALOG_FORM = "/ui/core/util/dgChoice.xml"; /** UI Thinlet component: panel containing all custom labels **/ private static final String UI_COMPONENT_PN_LABELS = "pnLabels"; private static final String UI_COMPONENT_BT_YES = "btYes"; private static final String UI_COMPONENT_BT_NO = "btNo"; private static final String UI_COMPONENT_BT_CANCEL = "btCancel"; //> INSTANCE PROPERTIES private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); private UiGeneratorController ui; private Object dialogComponent; private ThinletUiEventHandler buttonActionHandler; //> CONSTRUCTORS public ChoiceDialogHandler (UiGeneratorController uiController, ThinletUiEventHandler handler) { this.ui = uiController; this.buttonActionHandler = handler; this.dialogComponent = this.ui.loadComponentFromFile(UI_FILE_DELETE_OPTION_DIALOG_FORM, this); } //> INIT METHODS /** * Shows the choice dialog with custom labels * @param propertyKey The property key used to generate the custom labels */ public void showChoiceDialog (boolean showCancelButton, String yesMethod, String noMethod, String propertyKey, String ... i18nValues) { log.trace("Populating choice dialog with custom labels (Key:" + propertyKey + ")"); Object btCancel = find(UI_COMPONENT_BT_CANCEL); this.ui.setVisible(btCancel, showCancelButton); Object pnLabels = find(UI_COMPONENT_PN_LABELS); for (String label : InternationalisationUtils.getI18nStrings(propertyKey, i18nValues)) { this.ui.add(pnLabels, this.ui.createLabel(label)); } setButtonMethod(UI_COMPONENT_BT_YES, yesMethod); setButtonMethod(UI_COMPONENT_BT_NO, noMethod); this.ui.add(this.dialogComponent); log.trace("EXIT"); } public void removeDialog() { ui.remove(this.dialogComponent); } public void setFirstButtonText (String text) { setButtonText(UI_COMPONENT_BT_YES, text); } public void setSecondButtonText (String text) { setButtonText(UI_COMPONENT_BT_NO, text); } public void setFirstButtonIcon(String iconPath) { setButtonIcon(UI_COMPONENT_BT_YES, iconPath); } public void setSecondButtonIcon(String iconPath) { setButtonIcon(UI_COMPONENT_BT_NO, iconPath); } //> PRIVATE HELPER METHODS private void setButtonText(String buttonName, String newText) { this.ui.setText(find(buttonName), newText); } private void setButtonIcon(String buttonName, String iconPath) { this.ui.setIcon(find(buttonName), iconPath); } private void setButtonMethod(String buttonName, String method) { this.ui.setAction(find(buttonName), method, this.dialogComponent, this.buttonActionHandler); } private Object find(String componentName) { return this.ui.find(this.dialogComponent, componentName); } }