package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import net.frontlinesms.AppProperties; import net.frontlinesms.BuildProperties; import net.frontlinesms.FrontlineSMS; import net.frontlinesms.FrontlineSMSConstants; import net.frontlinesms.FrontlineUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.frontlinesms.messaging.Provider; import net.frontlinesms.messaging.sms.internet.SmsInternetService; import net.frontlinesms.ui.i18n.InternationalisationUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; /** * @author Morgan Belkadi <> * @author Alex Anderson <> */ public class StatisticsManager { private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_CONTACTS = FrontlineSMSConstants.COMMON_CONTACTS; private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_KEYWORDS = FrontlineSMSConstants.COMMON_KEYWORDS; private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_KEYWORD_ACTIONS = FrontlineSMSConstants.COMMON_KEYWORD_ACTIONS; private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_LAST_SUBMISSION_DATE = ""; private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_OS = ""; private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_PHONES_CONNECTED = ""; private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_PHONES_DETAILS = ""; private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES = FrontlineSMSConstants.COMMON_RECEIVED_MESSAGES; private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES_SINCE_LAST_SUBMISSION = ""; private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_SENT_MESSAGES = FrontlineSMSConstants.COMMON_SENT_MESSAGES; private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_SENT_MESSAGES_SINCE_LAST_SUBMISSION = ""; private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_USER_ID = ""; private static final String I18N_KEY_STATS_VERSION_NUMBER = ""; private static final String I18N_KEY_INTERNET_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS = ""; /** Separates the i18n key from the ID keys in the {@link #statisticsList} for composite keys */ private static final String STATS_LIST_KEY_SEPARATOR = ":"; /** Separator used between different stat values in a statistics SMS message */ private static final char STATISTICS_SMS_SEPARATOR = ','; /** Separator used between stat key and value for optional keys */ private static final char STATISTICS_SMS_OPTIONAL_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR = ':'; /** SMS keyword that statistics SMS will start with. This allows the FrontlineSMS's statistics * generator to filter statistics SMS by keyword :-) */ private static final char STATISTICS_SMS_KEYWORD = '\u03A3'; private static final String PROPERTY_OS_NAME = ""; private static final String PROPERTY_OS_VERSION = "os.version"; //> DATA ACCESS OBJECTS /** Logging object */ private final Logger log = FrontlineUtils.getLogger(this.getClass()); /** Data Access Object for {@link Keyword}s */ @Autowired private KeywordDao keywordDao; /** Data Access Object for {@link Contact}s */ @Autowired private ContactDao contactDao; /** Data Access Object for {@link FrontlineMessage}s */ @Autowired private MessageDao messageDao; /** Data Access Object for {@link KeywordAction}s */ @Autowired private KeywordActionDao keywordActionDao; /** Data Access Object for {@link SmsInternetServiceSettingsDao}s */ @Autowired private SmsInternetServiceSettingsDao smsInternetServiceSettingsDao; /** Data Access Object for {@link SmsModemSettings}s */ @Autowired private SmsModemSettingsDao smsModemSettingsDao; /** List of statistics to send. */ private Map<String, String> statisticsList; /** The email address of the user. If set, this is used as the From address of stats emails, and is included in the SMS too. */ private String userEmailAddress; public StatisticsManager () { this.statisticsList = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); } /** * SETTERS */ public void setContactDao(ContactDao contactDao) { this.contactDao = contactDao; } public void setKeywordDao(KeywordDao keywordDao) { this.keywordDao = keywordDao; } public void setMessageDao(MessageDao messageDao) { this.messageDao = messageDao; } public void setKeywordActionDao(KeywordActionDao keywordActionDao) { this.keywordActionDao = keywordActionDao; } public void setSmsInternetServiceSettingsDao(SmsInternetServiceSettingsDao smsInternetServiceSettingsDao) { this.smsInternetServiceSettingsDao = smsInternetServiceSettingsDao; } public void setSmsModemSettingsDao(SmsModemSettingsDao smsModemSettingsDao) { this.smsModemSettingsDao = smsModemSettingsDao; } /** @return {@link #statisticsList} */ public Map<String, String> getStatisticsList() { return statisticsList; } /** * Launches the collection of all the statistics which are trying to be sent to FLSMS */ public void collectData () { log.trace("COLLECTING DATA"); this.collectVersionNumber(); this.collectUserId(); this.collectOSInfo(); this.collectLastSubmissionDate(); this.collectNumberOfContacts(); this.collectNumberOfReceivedMessages(); this.collectNumberOfSentMessages(); this.collectNumberOfKeyword(); this.collectNumberOfKeywordActions(); this.collectNumberOfRecognizedPhones(); this.collectPhonesDetails(); this.collectSmsInternetServices(); this.collectLanguage(); // Log the stats data.; log.trace("FINISHED COLLECTING DATA"); } /** * Collects the User ID */ private void collectUserId() { AppProperties appProperties = AppProperties.getInstance(); final String userId = appProperties.getUserId(); this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_USER_ID, userId); } /** * Collects the FrontlineSMS version number */ private void collectVersionNumber() { final String version = BuildProperties.getInstance().getVersion(); this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_VERSION_NUMBER, version); } /** * Collects the name and version of the user's Operating System */ private void collectOSInfo() { final String osInfo = System.getProperty(PROPERTY_OS_NAME) + " " + System.getProperty(PROPERTY_OS_VERSION); this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_OS, osInfo); } private void collectLanguage() { // TODO we should collect this } /** * Collects the date of the last actual submission */ private void collectLastSubmissionDate() { final Long dateLastSubmit = AppProperties.getInstance().getLastStatisticsSubmissionDate(); String formattedDate; if(dateLastSubmit == null || dateLastSubmit == 0) { formattedDate = ""; } else { formattedDate = InternationalisationUtils.getDateFormat().format(dateLastSubmit); } this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_LAST_SUBMISSION_DATE, formattedDate); } /** * Collects the total number of contacts */ private void collectNumberOfContacts() { final int numberOfContacts = contactDao.getContactCount(); this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_CONTACTS, String.valueOf(numberOfContacts)); } /** * Collects the total number of received messages */ private void collectNumberOfReceivedMessages() { final int totalReceived = messageDao.getMessageCount(FrontlineMessage.Type.RECEIVED, null, null); this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES, String.valueOf(totalReceived)); final Long lastSubmitDate = AppProperties.getInstance().getLastStatisticsSubmissionDate(); final int receivedSinceLastSubmit = messageDao.getMessageCount(FrontlineMessage.Type.RECEIVED, lastSubmitDate, null); this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES_SINCE_LAST_SUBMISSION, String.valueOf(receivedSinceLastSubmit)); } /** * Collects the total number of sent messages */ private void collectNumberOfSentMessages() { final int numberOfSentMessages = messageDao.getMessageCount(FrontlineMessage.Type.OUTBOUND, null, null); this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_SENT_MESSAGES, String.valueOf(numberOfSentMessages)); Long lastSubmitDate = AppProperties.getInstance().getLastStatisticsSubmissionDate(); final int numberOfSentMessagesSinceLastSubmission = messageDao.getMessageCount(FrontlineMessage.Type.OUTBOUND, lastSubmitDate , null); this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_SENT_MESSAGES_SINCE_LAST_SUBMISSION, String.valueOf(numberOfSentMessagesSinceLastSubmission)); } /** * Collects the total number of keywords */ private void collectNumberOfKeyword() { final int numberOfKeyword = keywordDao.getTotalKeywordCount() - 1; // We don't want the blank keyword this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_KEYWORDS, String.valueOf(numberOfKeyword)); } /** * Collects the total number of keyword actions */ private void collectNumberOfKeywordActions() { final int numberOfKeywordActions = keywordActionDao.getCount(); this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_KEYWORD_ACTIONS, String.valueOf(numberOfKeywordActions)); } /** * Collects the number of phones recognized by FLSMS on this computer * NB: It actually gets the number of configurations in the database */ private void collectNumberOfRecognizedPhones() { final int numberOfRecognizedPhones = smsModemSettingsDao.getCount(); this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_PHONES_CONNECTED, String.valueOf(numberOfRecognizedPhones)); } /** * Collects the details on the phones recognized by FLSMS on this computer */ private void collectPhonesDetails() { StringBuilder phonesWorking = new StringBuilder(); final List<SmsModemSettings> modemsSettings = smsModemSettingsDao.getAll(); for (int i = 0 ; i < modemsSettings.size() ; ++i) { SmsModemSettings modemSettings = modemsSettings.get(i); if (modemSettings.getManufacturer() != null) { if (i > 0) phonesWorking.append(", "); phonesWorking.append(modemSettings.getManufacturer() + STATS_LIST_KEY_SEPARATOR + modemSettings.getModel()); } } this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_STATS_PHONES_DETAILS, phonesWorking.toString()); } /** Collects the number of {@link SmsInternetService} accounts. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void collectSmsInternetServices() { Collection<SmsInternetServiceSettings> smsInternetServicesSettings = this.smsInternetServiceSettingsDao.getSmsInternetServiceAccounts(); Map<String, Integer> counts = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for(SmsInternetServiceSettings settings : smsInternetServicesSettings) { String className = settings.getServiceClassName(); if(!counts.containsKey(className)) { counts.put(className, 1); } else { counts.put(className, counts.get(className) + 1); } } for(Entry<String, Integer> e : counts.entrySet()) { String value = Integer.toString(e.getValue()); try { Class<SmsInternetService> serviceClass = (Class<SmsInternetService>) Class.forName(e.getKey()); Provider anna = (Provider) serviceClass.getAnnotation(Provider.class); this.statisticsList.put(I18N_KEY_INTERNET_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS + STATS_LIST_KEY_SEPARATOR +, value); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Ignoring unrecognized internet service for stats: " + e.getKey(), ex); } } } public void sendStatistics(FrontlineSMS frontlineController) { if (!sendStatisticsViaEmail()) { sendStatisticsViaSms(frontlineController); } } /** * Actually sends an SMS containing the statistics in a short version */ private void sendStatisticsViaSms(FrontlineSMS frontlineController) { String content = getDataAsSmsString(); String number = FrontlineSMSConstants.FRONTLINE_STATS_PHONE_NUMBER; frontlineController.sendTextMessage(number, content); } /** * Tries to send an e-mail containing the statistics in plain text * @return true if the statistics were successfully sent */ private boolean sendStatisticsViaEmail() { try { SmtpEmailSender smtpEmailSender = new SmtpEmailSender(FrontlineSMSConstants.FRONTLINE_SUPPORT_EMAIL_SERVER); smtpEmailSender.sendEmail( FrontlineSMSConstants.FRONTLINE_STATS_EMAIL, smtpEmailSender.getLocalEmailAddress(getUserEmailAddress(), "User " + this.statisticsList.get(I18N_KEY_STATS_USER_ID)), "FrontlineSMS Statistics", getStatisticsForEmail()); return true; } catch(EmailException ex) {"Sending statistics via email failed.", ex); return false; } } /** * Gets the statistics in a format suitable for emailing. * @param bob {@link StringBuilder} used for compiling the body of the e-mail. */ private String getStatisticsForEmail() { StringBuilder bob = new StringBuilder(); beginSection(bob, "Statistics"); bob.append(getDataAsEmailString()); endSection(bob, "Statistics"); return bob.toString(); } /** * Starts a section of the e-mail's body. * Sections started with this method should be ended with {@link #endSection(StringBuilder, String)} * @param bob The {@link StringBuilder} used for building the e-mail's body. * @param sectionName The name of the section of the report that is being started. */ private static void beginSection(StringBuilder bob, String sectionName) { bob.append("\n### Begin Section '" + sectionName + "' ###\n"); } /** * Ends a section of the e-mail's body. * Sections ended with this should have been started with {@link #beginSection(StringBuilder, String)} * @param bob The {@link StringBuilder} used for building the e-mail's body. * @param sectionName The name of the section of the report that is being started. */ private static void endSection(StringBuilder bob, String sectionName) { bob.append("### End Section '" + sectionName + "' ###\n"); } //> USER DATA SETTER METHODS public void setUserEmailAddress(String userEmailAddress) { this.userEmailAddress = userEmailAddress; } public String getUserEmailAddress() { return userEmailAddress; } //> REPORT GENERATION METHODS /** * Generate the text which will be sent via SMS. * This is the {@link #STATISTICS_SMS_KEYWORD} followed by each data separated by {@link #STATISTICS_SMS_SEPARATOR} * @return The generated String */ public String getDataAsSmsString() { StringBuilder statsOutput = new StringBuilder(); statsOutput.append(this.getUserEmailAddress()); for(Entry<String, String> entry : statisticsList.entrySet()) { statsOutput.append(STATISTICS_SMS_SEPARATOR); // For composite values, we need the id from the key to be included in the // SMS so we can make sense of the stat String key = entry.getKey(); if(isCompositeKey(key)) { int shortKeyBeginIndex = key.indexOf(STATS_LIST_KEY_SEPARATOR) + 1; String shortKey = key.substring(shortKeyBeginIndex, Math.min(key.length(), shortKeyBeginIndex + 2)); statsOutput.append(shortKey); statsOutput.append(STATISTICS_SMS_OPTIONAL_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR); } if (key.equals(I18N_KEY_STATS_PHONES_DETAILS)) { statsOutput.append(this.shortenPhonesDetails(entry.getValue())); } else { statsOutput.append(entry.getValue()); } } return STATISTICS_SMS_KEYWORD + " " + statsOutput.toString(); } private String shortenPhonesDetails(String phonesDetails) { StringBuilder shortenedPhonesDetails = new StringBuilder(); for (String phoneDetails : phonesDetails.split(", ")) { // For each phone details String [] details = phoneDetails.split(STATS_LIST_KEY_SEPARATOR); String manufactuer = details[0]; // We take the two first characters of the Manufacturer and the whole model // Ex.: SonyEricsson K800i > SoK800i if (manufactuer.length() < 3) { shortenedPhonesDetails.append(manufactuer); } else { shortenedPhonesDetails.append(manufactuer.substring(0, 2)); } if (details.length > 1) { // if there is a model (just in case there is not), we remove spaces to gain space shortenedPhonesDetails.append(details[1]); } shortenedPhonesDetails.append(STATS_LIST_KEY_SEPARATOR); } if (shortenedPhonesDetails.length() > 0) { shortenedPhonesDetails.deleteCharAt(shortenedPhonesDetails.length() - 1); } return shortenedPhonesDetails.toString(); } /** * Generate the text which will be sent via e-mail * It represents each data with its full title * @return The generated String */ public String getDataAsEmailString () { String statsOutput = ""; for (Entry<String, String> entry : statisticsList.entrySet()) { statsOutput += entry.getKey() + " = " + entry.getValue() + "\n"; } return statsOutput; } public String toString () { return getDataAsEmailString(); } public int getReceivedMessages() { return Integer.parseInt(this.statisticsList.get(I18N_KEY_STATS_RECEIVED_MESSAGES)); } public int getSentMessages() { return Integer.parseInt(this.statisticsList.get(I18N_KEY_STATS_SENT_MESSAGES)); } //> STATIC HELPER METHODS /** Checks if a key from {@link #statisticsList} is composite */ public static boolean isCompositeKey(String key) { return key.indexOf(STATS_LIST_KEY_SEPARATOR) != -1; } /** Splits stats map key into constituent parts. */ public static String[] splitStatsMapKey(String key) { if(!isCompositeKey(key)) { return new String[]{key}; } else { return key.split(STATS_LIST_KEY_SEPARATOR); } } }