package com.fourinone; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Comparator; public class CoolHashMap extends LinkedHashMap implements Map,CoolHashBase{ private int maxCapacity=ConfigContext.getHASHCAPACITY(); public static CoolKeySet<String> newKeySet(){ return new CoolHashMap().new CoolKeySet<String>(); } public static CoolKeySet<String> newKeySet(int initialCapacity){ return new CoolHashMap().new CoolKeySet<String>(initialCapacity); } /*static CoolKeySet<String> newKeySet(Collection c){ return new CoolHashMap().new CoolKeySet(c); }*/ private class DataMapEntry implements Map.Entry,Comparable<Map.Entry>{ private String k; private Object v; DataMapEntry(String k, Object v){ this.k=k; this.v=v; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o){ if(o instanceof Map.Entry){ Map.Entry entry =(Map.Entry)o; if((entry.getKey()==null?k==null:entry.getKey().equals(k))&&(entry.getValue()==null?v==null:entry.getValue().equals(v))) return true; } return false; } @Override public String getKey(){ return k; } @Override public Object getValue(){ return v; } @Override public int hashCode(){ return (k==null?0:k.hashCode())^(v==null?0:v.hashCode()); } @Override public Object setValue(Object value){ this.v = value; return v; } public String toString(){ return String.valueOf(k)+"="+String.valueOf(v); } public int compareTo(Map.Entry o){ return getKey().compareTo((String)o.getKey()); } } public final class CoolKeySet<E> extends LinkedHashSet<E> implements Set<E>{ private CoolKeySet(){ super(); } private CoolKeySet(int initialCapacity){ super(initialCapacity); } private CoolKeySet(Collection<? extends E> c){ super(c); } private CoolKeySet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor){ super(initialCapacity,loadFactor); } @Override public boolean add(E e){ return chex.checkKey((String)e)&&checkMaxCapacity()?addKey(e):false; } boolean addKey(E e){ return super.add(e); } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c){ if(!(c instanceof CoolKeySet)){"[addAll]", "[IllegalArgumentException]", "add failed, the Collection c is not instance of CoolKeySet"); return false; } return addCollection(c); } boolean addCollection(Collection<? extends E> c){ return checkMaxCapacity()?super.addAll(c):false; } private boolean checkMaxCapacity(){ if(size()+1>maxCapacity){"[Exceed Error] ", "[CoolHashMapException]", "add failed, the size of the CoolKeySet exceed maxCapacity!"); return false; } return true; } public CoolKeySet<E> and(CoolKeySet<E> other){ retainAll(other); return this; } public CoolKeySet<E> or(CoolKeySet<E> other){ addCollection(other); return this; } public CoolKeySet<E> except(CoolKeySet<E> other){ removeAll(other); return this; } public String[] sort(){ String[] arr = toArray(new String[0]); Arrays.sort(arr); return arr; } public String[] sort(Comparator<String> comp){ String[] arr = toArray(new String[0]); Arrays.sort(arr,comp); return arr; } public CoolKeySet<E> getSuperKeys(int superIndex){ String[] ks=toArray(new String[0]); for(int i=0;i<ks.length;i++) ks[i]=getSuperKey(ks[i], superIndex); CoolKeySet cks=new CoolKeySet<String>(); cks.addCollection(Arrays.asList(ks)); return cks; } } public CoolKeySet<String> getKeys(){ CoolKeySet<String> cks = newKeySet(); cks.addCollection(keySet()); return cks; } Collection getValues(){ return super.values(); } @Override public Collection values(){ return values(null); } public <T> Collection<T> values(Class<T> classType){ ArrayList<T> vls = new ArrayList<T>(); for(Iterator<byte[]> i=(Iterator<byte[]>)getValues().iterator();i.hasNext();) vls.add(ct.getTargetObject(,classType)); return vls; } public <T> T[] getValues(Class<T> classType){ T[] vls = (T[])Array.newInstance(classType,size()); int j=0; for(Iterator<byte[]> i=(Iterator<byte[]>)getValues().iterator();i.hasNext();){ vls[j++]=ct.getTargetObject(,classType); } return vls; } @Override public boolean containsValue(Object value){ return super.containsValue(ct.getTargetBytes(value)); } @Override public Set<Map.Entry> entrySet(){ Set<Map.Entry> es = new LinkedHashSet<Map.Entry>(size()); Set<Map.Entry> meset = getEntrySet(); for(Entry me:meset) es.add(new DataMapEntry((String)me.getKey(),get(me.getKey()))); return es; } Set<Map.Entry> getEntrySet(){ return super.entrySet(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o){ if(o instanceof CoolHashMap){ CoolHashMap odm =(CoolHashMap)o; if(size()==odm.size()){ Object[] meset = getEntrySet().toArray(); Object[] odmmeset = odm.getEntrySet().toArray(); for(int i=0;i<meset.length;i++){ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry)meset[i]; Map.Entry odmme = (Map.Entry)odmmeset[i]; if(!(me.getKey().equals(odmme.getKey())&&Arrays.equals((byte[])me.getValue(),(byte[])odmme.getValue()))) return false; } return true; } } return false; } @Override public Object get(Object key){ if(chex.checkKey((String)key)==false) return null; byte[] vbs=(byte[])getValue(key); return vbs!=null?ct.getTargetObject(vbs):vbs; } Object getValue(Object key){ return super.get(key); } public <T> T get(String key, Class<T> classType){ return ct.getTargetObject((byte[])getValue(key),classType); } @Override public Object put(Object key, Object value){ return putValue(key, value, true); } public Object putPoint(String keyPoint, String key){ return chex.checkKey(key)?putValue(keyPoint,ct.getBytes(key)):null; } Object putValue(Object key, Object value){ return putValue(key, value, false); } private Object putValue(Object key, Object value, boolean t){ if(key!=null&&value!=null){ value = t?ct.getTargetBytes(value):value; value=(!t||chex.checkKeyValue(key,value))?super.put(key,value):null; }else"[NullPointerException]", "[put]", "put failed, key or value cant be null!"); return value; } @Override public void putAll(Map m){ if(m instanceof CoolHashMap) super.putAll(m); else"[putAll]", "[IllegalArgumentException]", "add failed, the Map m is not instance of CoolHashMap!"); } @Override public Object remove(Object key){ if(chex.checkKey((String)key)==false) return null; return super.remove(key); } public CoolHashMap and(CoolHashMap cm){ keySet().retainAll(cm.keySet()); return this; } public CoolHashMap or(CoolHashMap cm){ putAll(cm); return this; } public CoolHashMap except(CoolHashMap cm){ keySet().removeAll(cm.keySet()); return this; } public String toString(){ return entrySet().toString(); } String forString(){ return getEntrySet().toString(); } protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest){ return size()>maxCapacity; } public Map.Entry[] sort(){ Map.Entry[] arr=entrySet().toArray(new Map.Entry[0]); Arrays.sort(arr); return arr; } public Map.Entry[] sort(Comparator<Map.Entry> comp){ Map.Entry[] arr=entrySet().toArray(new Map.Entry[0]); Arrays.sort(arr,comp); return arr; } public static String getSuperKey(String key, int superIndex){ if(key!=null&&key.length()>0&&superIndex>=0){ StringBuilder keyStr = new StringBuilder(key); int f=0,c=-1; while(c<superIndex){ int x = keyStr.indexOf("\u002E",f+1); if(x!=-1){ c++; f=x; } else{ f=keyStr.length(); break; } } return keyStr.substring(0,f); } return key; } public static void main(String[] args){ } }