package com.fourinone; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class CoolHashException extends ServiceException { Pattern pk=null,pkw=null; public CoolHashException(){ super(); pk=Pattern.compile("^[a-z0-9A-Z_]+(\\.[a-z0-9A-Z_]+)*$"); pkw=Pattern.compile("^([a-z0-9A-Z_]+|\\*?)(\\.([a-z0-9A-Z_]+|\\*?))*$"); } public CoolHashException(String msg){ super(msg); } public CoolHashException(String msg, Throwable cause){ super(msg, cause); } public CoolHashException(Throwable cause){ super(cause); } <T> String checkTargetLog(Class<T> value){ return "this class type cant be provided "+value; } <T> void checkTargetMatch(Class<T> value) throws CoolHashException{ try{ ConstantBit.Target.valueOf(value.getSimpleName().toUpperCase()); }catch(Exception e){ throw new CoolHashException(checkTargetLog(value)); } } void checking(String str) throws CoolHashException{ if(str==null||pk.matcher(str).matches()==false) throw new CoolHashException("[Syntax Error] the keyname '"+str+"' must be composed of 'a-z' or '0-9' or '_' and split by '.'"); if(str.length()> throw new CoolHashException("[Exceed Error] the size of the keyname exceed"); } void checking(byte[] bts) throws CoolHashException{ if(bts==null||bts.length<=1||bts.length> throw new CoolHashException("[Value Error] value be null or size of the value exceed"); } boolean checkKey(String key){ try{ checking(key); }catch(Exception ex){"[CoolHashException]", "[checkKey]", ex); return false; } return true; } boolean checkWild(String str){ if(str==null||pkw.matcher(str).matches()==false){"[CoolHashException]","[Syntax Error]","the findname '"+str+"' must be composed of 'a-z' or '0-9' or '_' or '*' and split by '.'"); return false; } return true; } boolean checkKeyValue(Object key, Object value){ try{ checkingType(key,value); checking((String)key,(byte[])value); }catch(Exception ex){"[CoolHashException]", "[checkKeyValue]", ex); return false; } return true; } void checkingType(Object key, Object value)throws CoolHashException{ if(key==null||value==null) throw new CoolHashException("[NullPointerException] key or value cant be null!"); if(!(key instanceof String&&value.getClass().isArray()&&value.getClass().getComponentType().equals(byte.class))) throw new CoolHashException("[ClassCastException] key type or value type error!"); } void checkingRegex(String regex)throws CoolHashException{ try{ Pattern.compile(regex); }catch(Exception e){ throw new CoolHashException(e); } } void exceedException(){"[CoolHashException]", "[ExceedException]", "the size of the key/value exceed!"); } void checking(String str, byte[] bts) throws CoolHashException{ checking(str); checking(bts); } void checkKeyPoint(String keyPoint) throws CoolHashException { checking(keyPoint); if(!keyPoint.endsWith("\u002E\u006B\u0065\u0079")) throw new CoolHashException("[Syntax Error] keypoint must be end with .key"); } void pointLoopException(){"[CoolHashException]", "[PointLoopException]", "key point loop be canceled, return point key string maybe cause unpredictable data format conversion error!"); } void rollback(){"[CoolHashException]", "[TransactionException]", "something exception, transaction roll back"); } void commitException(Exception ex){"[CoolHashException]", "[CommitException]", ex.toString()); } void rollbackException(Exception ex){"[CoolHashException]", "[RollbackException]", "roll back failed", ex); } }