package floobits.common; import; import; import; import floobits.GitUtils; import floobits.common.interfaces.IContext; import floobits.common.interfaces.IDoc; import floobits.common.interfaces.IFile; import floobits.common.protocol.FlooPatch; import floobits.common.protocol.FlooUser; import floobits.common.protocol.buf.BinaryBuf; import floobits.common.protocol.buf.Buf; import floobits.common.protocol.buf.TextBuf; import floobits.common.protocol.json.receive.*; import floobits.common.protocol.json.send.CreateBufResponse; import floobits.common.protocol.json.send.RoomInfoResponse; import floobits.utilities.Flog; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.*; public class InboundRequestHandler { private IContext context; private final FloobitsState state; private final OutboundRequestHandler outbound; private boolean shouldUpload; private IFile dirToAdd; private StatusMessageThrottler fileAddedMessageThrottler; private StatusMessageThrottler fileRemovedMessageThrottler; private EditorScheduler editor; enum Events { room_info, get_buf, patch, highlight, saved, join, part, create_buf, ack, request_perms, msg, rename_buf, term_stdin, term_stdout, delete_buf, perms, ping } public InboundRequestHandler(IContext context, FloobitsState state, OutboundRequestHandler outbound, boolean shouldUpload, IFile dirToAdd) { this.context = context; editor = context.editor; this.state = state; this.outbound = outbound; this.shouldUpload = shouldUpload; this.dirToAdd = dirToAdd; fileAddedMessageThrottler = new StatusMessageThrottler(context, "%d files were added to the workspace."); fileRemovedMessageThrottler = new StatusMessageThrottler(context, "%d files were removed from the workspace."); } private void initialManageConflicts(RoomInfoResponse ri) { final LinkedList<Buf> conflicts = new LinkedList<Buf>(); final LinkedList<Buf> missing = new LinkedList<Buf>(); final LinkedList<String> conflictedPaths = new LinkedList<String>(); for (Map.Entry entry : ri.bufs.entrySet()) { Integer buf_id = (Integer) entry.getKey(); RoomInfoBuf b = (RoomInfoBuf) entry.getValue(); Buf buf = Buf.createBuf(b.path,, Encoding.from(b.encoding), b.md5, context, outbound); if (state.bufs == null) { Flog.warn("Buffer list became null. Probably disconnected. Bailing."); return; } state.bufs.put(buf_id, buf); state.pathsToIds.put(b.path,;; if (buf.buf == null) { if (buf.path.equals("") && == 1) { outbound.getBuf(; continue; } missing.add(buf); conflictedPaths.add(buf.path); continue; } if (!b.md5.equals(buf.md5)) { conflicts.add(buf); conflictedPaths.add(buf.path); } } if (conflictedPaths.size() <= 0) { return; } String[] conflictedPathsArray = conflictedPaths.toArray(new String[conflictedPaths.size()]); Runnable stompLocal = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Buf buf : conflicts) { outbound.getBuf(; } for (Buf buf : missing) { outbound.getBuf(; } } }; Runnable stompRemote = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Buf buf : conflicts) { outbound.setBuf(buf); outbound.saveBuf(buf); } for (Buf buf : missing) { outbound.deleteBuf(buf, false); } } }; Runnable flee = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { context.shutdown(); } }; LinkedList<String> connectedUsersList = new LinkedList<String>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, FlooUser> userEntry : state.users.entrySet()) { FlooUser user = userEntry.getValue(); connectedUsersList.add(String.format("%s, %s", user.username, user.client)); } context.dialogResolveConflicts(stompLocal, stompRemote, state.readOnly, flee, conflictedPathsArray, connectedUsersList.toArray(new String[connectedUsersList.size()])); } private void initialUpload(RoomInfoResponse ri) { context.statusMessage("Overwriting remote files and uploading new ones."); context.flashMessage("Overwriting remote files and uploading new ones."); final Ignore ignoreTree; if (dirToAdd == null) { ignoreTree = context.getIgnoreTree(); } else { ignoreTree = Ignore.BuildIgnore(dirToAdd); } Ignore.UploadData uploadData = ignoreTree.getUploadData(ri.max_size, new Utils.FileProcessor<String>() { @Override public String call(IFile file) { return context.toProjectRelPath(file.getPath()); } }); if (uploadData.bigStuff.size() > 0) { if (uploadData.bigStuff.size() > Constants.TOO_MANY_BIG_DIRS) { context.dialogDisconnect(ri.max_size / 1000, uploadData.bigStuff.size()); return; } boolean shouldContinue; shouldContinue = context.dialogTooBig(uploadData.bigStuff); if (!shouldContinue) { context.shutdown(); return; } } if (state == null || state.bufs == null) { return; } for (Map.Entry entry : ri.bufs.entrySet()) { Integer buf_id = (Integer) entry.getKey(); RoomInfoBuf b = (RoomInfoBuf) entry.getValue(); Buf buf = Buf.createBuf(b.path,, Encoding.from(b.encoding), b.md5, context, outbound); try { state.bufs.put(buf_id, buf); } catch (NullPointerException e) { Flog.warn("state.bufs is null, tried to upload after disconnecting. This is a race condition."); return; } state.pathsToIds.put(b.path,; if (!uploadData.paths.contains(buf.path)) { outbound.deleteBuf(buf, false); continue; } uploadData.paths.remove(buf.path);; if (buf.buf == null) { Flog.warn("%s is null but we want to upload it?", b.path); outbound.getBuf(; continue; } if (b.md5.equals(buf.md5)) { continue; } outbound.setBuf(buf); outbound.saveBuf(buf); } for (String path : uploadData.paths) { IFile fileByPath = context.iFactory.findFileByPath(context.absPath(path)); if (fileByPath == null || !fileByPath.isValid()) { Flog.warn("path is no longer a valid virtual file"); continue; } outbound.createBuf(fileByPath); } String flooignore = FilenameUtils.concat(context.colabDir, ".flooignore"); try { File f = new File(flooignore); List<String> strings; if (f.exists()) { strings = FileUtils.readLines(f); } else { strings = new ArrayList<String>(); } for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> bigData : uploadData.bigStuff.entrySet()) { String rule = "/" + context.toProjectRelPath(FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(bigData.getKey())); if (!rule.endsWith("/")) { rule += "/"; } rule += "*"; strings.add(rule); } context.setListener(false); FileUtils.writeLines(f, strings); IFile fileByIoFile = context.iFactory.findFileByIoFile(f); if (fileByIoFile != null) { fileByIoFile.refresh(); ignoreTree.addRules(fileByIoFile); } } catch (IOException e) { Flog.error(e); } finally { context.setListener(true); } shouldUpload = false; dirToAdd = null; } void _on_rename_buf(JsonObject jsonObject) { final String name = jsonObject.get("old_path").getAsString(); final String oldPath = context.absPath(name); final String newPath = context.absPath(jsonObject.get("path").getAsString()); Buf buf = state.getBufByPath(oldPath); if (buf == null) { if (state.getBufByPath(newPath) == null) { Flog.warn("Rename oldPath and newPath don't exist. %s %s", oldPath, newPath); } else {"We probably rename this, nothing to rename."); } return; } editor.queue(buf, new RunLater<Buf>() { @Override public void run(Buf buf) { final IFile foundFile = context.iFactory.findFileByPath(oldPath); if (foundFile == null) { Flog.warn("File we want to move was not found %s %s.", oldPath, newPath); return; } String newRelativePath = context.toProjectRelPath(newPath); if (newRelativePath == null) { context.errorMessage("A file is now outside the workspace."); return; } state.setBufPath(buf, newRelativePath); File oldFile = new File(oldPath); File newFile = new File(newPath); String newFileName = newFile.getName(); // Rename file if (foundFile.rename(null, newFileName)) { return; } // Move file String newParentDirectoryPath = newFile.getParent(); String oldParentDirectoryPath = oldFile.getParent(); if (newParentDirectoryPath.equals(oldParentDirectoryPath)) { Flog.warn("Only rename file, don't need to move %s %s", oldPath, newPath); return; } IFile directory = context.iFactory.createDirectories(newParentDirectoryPath); if (directory == null) { return; } foundFile.move(null, directory); } } ); } void _on_request_perms(JsonObject obj) { Flog.log("got perms receive %s", obj); RequestPerms requestPerms = new Gson().fromJson(obj, (Type) RequestPerms.class); final int userId = requestPerms.user_id; final FlooUser u = state.getUser(userId); if (u == null) {"Unknown user for id %s. Not handling request_perms event.", userId); return; } context.dialogPermsRequest(u.username, new RunLater<String>() { @Override public void run(String action) { outbound.setPerms(action, userId, new String[]{"edit_room"}); } }); } void _on_join(JsonObject obj) { FlooUser u = new Gson().fromJson(obj, (Type) FlooUser.class); state.addUser(u); } void _on_part(JsonObject obj) { JsonElement id = obj.get("user_id"); if (id == null){ return; } Integer userId = id.getAsInt(); FlooUser user = state.users.get(userId); if (user == null) { return; } state.removeUser(user.user_id); context.removeUser(user); } void _on_delete_buf(JsonObject obj) { final DeleteBuf deleteBuf = new Gson().fromJson(obj, (Type) DeleteBuf.class); if (state == null || state.bufs == null) { return; } Buf buf = state.bufs.get(; if (buf == null) { Flog.warn(String.format("Tried to delete a buf that doesn't exist: %d",; return; } editor.queue(buf, new RunLater<Buf>() { @Override public void run(Buf buf) { buf.cancelTimeout(); if (state.bufs != null) { state.bufs.remove(; state.pathsToIds.remove(buf.path); } if (!deleteBuf.unlink) { fileRemovedMessageThrottler.statusMessage(String.format("Removed the file, %s, from the workspace.", buf.path)); return; } String absPath = context.absPath(buf.path); final IFile fileByPath = context.iFactory.findFileByPath(absPath); if (fileByPath == null) { return; } fileByPath.delete(this); } }); } void _on_msg(JsonObject jsonObject){ String msg = jsonObject.get("data").getAsString(); String username = jsonObject.get("username").getAsString(); Double time = jsonObject.get("time").getAsDouble(); Date messageDate; if (time == 0) { messageDate = new Date(); } else { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTimeInMillis(time.longValue() * 1000); messageDate = c.getTime(); }, msg, messageDate); } void _on_term_stdout(JsonObject jsonObject) {} void _on_term_stdin(JsonObject jsonObject) {} void _on_ping(JsonObject jsonObject) { outbound.pong(); } public void _on_highlight(JsonObject obj) { FlooHighlight res = new Gson().fromJson(obj, (Type) FlooHighlight.class); state.lastHighlight = res; FlooUser user = state.users.get(res.user_id); if (user == null) { return; } state.lastUserHighlights.put(user.username, res); _on_highlight(res); } public void _on_highlight(final FlooHighlight flooHighlight) { if (state.bufs == null) { return; } final Buf buf = state.bufs.get(; editor.queue(buf, new RunLater<Buf>() { @Override public void run(Buf arg) { IDoc iDoc = context.iFactory.getDocument(buf.path); if (iDoc == null) { return; } HighlightContext highlight = new HighlightContext(); highlight.username = state.getUsername(flooHighlight.user_id); highlight.gravatar = state.getGravatar(flooHighlight.user_id); highlight.following = state.getFollowing() && !flooHighlight.following; if (highlight.following && state.followedUsers.size() > 0) { highlight.following = state.followedUsers.contains(highlight.username); } highlight.path = buf.path; highlight.userid = flooHighlight.user_id; highlight.force = flooHighlight.summon; highlight.ranges = flooHighlight.ranges; iDoc.applyHighlight(highlight); } }); } void _on_saved(JsonObject obj) { final Integer id = obj.get("id").getAsInt(); if (state == null || state.bufs == null) { return; } final Buf buf = state.bufs.get(id); editor.queue(buf, new RunLater<Buf>() { public void run(Buf b) { IDoc document = context.iFactory.getDocument(buf.path); if (document == null) { return; } context.setSaving(true);; context.setSaving(false); } }); } void _on_create_buf(JsonObject obj) { Gson gson = new Gson(); GetBufResponse res = gson.fromJson(obj, (Type) CreateBufResponse.class); Buf buf; if (res.encoding.equals(Encoding.BASE64.toString())) { buf = new BinaryBuf(res.path,, new Base64().decode(res.buf.getBytes()), res.md5, context, outbound); } else { buf = new TextBuf(res.path,, res.buf, res.md5, context, outbound); } editor.queue(buf, new RunLater<Buf>() { @Override public void run(Buf buf) { if (state.bufs == null) { return; } state.bufs.put(, buf); state.pathsToIds.put(buf.path,; buf.write(); fileAddedMessageThrottler.statusMessage(String.format("Added the file, %s, to the workspace.", buf.path)); } }); } void _on_perms(JsonObject obj) { Perms res = new Gson().fromJson(obj, (Type) Perms.class); Boolean previousState = state.can("patch"); if (res.user_id != state.getMyConnectionId()) { return; } HashSet<String> perms = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(res.perms)); if (res.action.equals("add")) { state.perms.addAll(perms); } else if (res.action.equals("set")) { state.perms.clear(); state.perms.addAll(perms); } else if (res.action.equals("remove")) { state.perms.removeAll(perms); } state.readOnly = !state.can("patch"); if (state.can("patch") != previousState) { if (state.can("patch")) { context.statusMessage("You state.can now edit this workspace."); context.iFactory.clearReadOnlyState(); } else { context.errorMessage("You state.can no longer edit this workspace."); } } } void _on_patch(JsonObject obj) { final FlooPatch res = new Gson().fromJson(obj, (Type) FlooPatch.class); if (state == null || state.bufs == null) { return; } final Buf buf = this.state.bufs.get(; editor.queue(buf, new RunLater<Buf>() { @Override public void run(Buf b) { if (b.buf == null) { Flog.warn("no buffer"); outbound.getBuf(; return; } if (res.patch.length() == 0) { Flog.warn("wtf? no patches to apply. server is being stupid"); return; } b.patch(res); } }); } void _on_room_info(final JsonObject obj) { context.setupFloobitsWindow(); context.readThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { RoomInfoResponse ri = new Gson().fromJson(obj, (Type) RoomInfoResponse.class); state.handleRoomInfo(ri); context.statusMessage(String.format("You successfully joined %s.", Utils.getLinkHTML(state.url.toString(), state.url.toString()))); DotFloo.write(context.colabDir, state.url.toString()); if (ri.branchname != null) { String currentLocalBranch = GitUtils.branchName(context.colabDir); if (currentLocalBranch != null) { if (!currentLocalBranch.equals(ri.branchname)) { String msg = String.format( "Your current HEAD or branch '%s' is not the same as the remote: '%s'. Continue anyway?", currentLocalBranch, ri.branchname); if (!context.confirmDialog(msg)) { context.statusMessage("Disconnected because you decided you were in a conflicting branch."); context.shutdown(); } } } } if (shouldUpload) { if (!state.readOnly) { initialUpload(ri); return; } context.statusMessage("You don't have permission to update remote files."); } initialManageConflicts(ri); } catch (Throwable e) { API.uploadCrash(context, e); context.errorMessage("There was a critical error in the plugin" + e.toString()); context.shutdown(); } } }); } void _on_get_buf(JsonObject obj) { if (state == null || state.bufs == null) { return; } Gson gson = new Gson(); final GetBufResponse res = gson.fromJson(obj, (Type) GetBufResponse.class); Buf b = state.bufs.get(; editor.queue(b, new RunLater<Buf>() { @Override public void run(Buf b) { b.set(res.buf, res.md5); b.write();"on get buffed. %s", b.path); } }); } public void on_data(String name, JsonObject obj) { Events event; try { event = Events.valueOf(name); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Flog.log("No enum for %s", name); return; } switch (event) { case room_info: _on_room_info(obj); break; case get_buf: _on_get_buf(obj); break; case patch: _on_patch(obj); break; case highlight: _on_highlight(obj); break; case saved: _on_saved(obj); break; case join: _on_join(obj); break; case part: _on_part(obj); break; case create_buf: _on_create_buf(obj); break; case request_perms: _on_request_perms(obj); break; case msg: _on_msg(obj); break; case rename_buf: _on_rename_buf(obj); break; case term_stdin: _on_term_stdin(obj); break; case term_stdout: _on_term_stdout(obj); break; case delete_buf: _on_delete_buf(obj); break; case perms: _on_perms(obj); break; case ping: _on_ping(obj); break; case ack: break; default: Flog.log("No handler for %s", name); } } }