package floobits; import com.intellij.ide.impl.ProjectUtil; import com.intellij.ide.plugins.IdeaPluginDescriptor; import com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationInfo; import com.intellij.openapi.components.ApplicationComponent; import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.PluginId; import com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.impl.FileChooserUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.project.ProjectManager; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.LocalFileSystem; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.WindowManager; import com.intellij.platform.PlatformProjectOpenProcessor; import com.intellij.projectImport.ProjectAttachProcessor; import floobits.common.*; import floobits.dialogs.CreateAccount; import floobits.impl.ContextImpl; import floobits.utilities.Flog; import floobits.utilities.IntelliBrowserOpener; import floobits.utilities.SelectFolder; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.awt.*; import; import; public class FloobitsApplication implements ApplicationComponent { public static FloobitsApplication self; private Boolean createAccount = true; public FloobitsApplication() { self = this; } public void initComponent() { BrowserOpener.replaceSingleton(new IntelliBrowserOpener()); ApplicationInfo instance = ApplicationInfo.getInstance(); IdeaPluginDescriptor plugin = PluginManager.getPlugin(PluginId.getId("")); createAccount = Bootstrap.bootstrap(instance.getVersionName(), instance.getMajorVersion(), instance.getMinorVersion(), plugin != null ? plugin.getVersion() : "???"); } public void disposeComponent() { // TODO: insert component disposal logic here } public synchronized void projectOpened(ContextImpl context) { if (!createAccount) { return; } PersistentJson p = PersistentJson.getInstance(); if (p.disable_account_creation) { context.statusMessage("Please create a Floobits account and/or make a ~/.floorc.json ("); return; } createAccount = false; CreateAccount createAccountDialog = new CreateAccount(context.project); createAccountDialog.createCenterPanel();; } @NotNull public String getComponentName() { return "FloobitsApplication"; } public void joinWorkspace(final String url) { final FlooUrl f; try { f = new FlooUrl(url); } catch (Exception e) { Flog.errorMessage(String.format("Invalid url: %s", e), null); return; }, f.workspace, new RunLater<String>() { @Override public void run(final String location) { Project projectForPath = getProject(location); if (projectForPath == null) { Flog.errorMessage("The editor could not open the project :(", null); return; } final ContextImpl context = FloobitsPlugin.getInstance(projectForPath).context; context.writeThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; Window window = WindowManager.getInstance().suggestParentWindow(context.project); if (window != null) { window.toFront(); } context.joinWorkspace(f, location, false, null); } }); } }); } public void joinWorkspace(ContextImpl context, final FlooUrl flooUrl, final String location) { Project projectForPath = getProject(location); if (context == null || projectForPath != context.project) { if (projectForPath == null) { Flog.errorMessage("The editor could not open the project :(", null); return; } context = FloobitsPlugin.getInstance(projectForPath).context; } // not gonna work here final ContextImpl finalContext = context; context.writeThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Window window = WindowManager.getInstance().suggestParentWindow(finalContext.project); if (window != null) { window.toFront(); } finalContext.joinWorkspace(flooUrl, location, false, null); } }); } public void joinWorkspace(final ContextImpl context, final String url) { final FlooUrl f; try { f = new FlooUrl(url); } catch (Throwable e) { Flog.errorMessage(String.format("Invalid url: %s", e), context.project); return; } PersistentJson persistentJson = PersistentJson.getInstance(); Workspace workspace; try { workspace = persistentJson.workspaces.get(f.owner).get(f.workspace); } catch (Throwable e) { workspace = null; } if (workspace != null) { joinWorkspace(context, f, workspace.path); return; } if (context != null) { // Can be null if started from quick menu. FlooUrl flooUrl =; if (flooUrl != null) { URI uri = URI.create(flooUrl.toString()); URI normalizedURL = URI.create(url); if (uri.getPath().equals(normalizedURL.getPath())) { joinWorkspace(context, flooUrl, context.project.getBasePath()); return; } } }, f.workspace, new RunLater<String>() { @Override public void run(String path) { joinWorkspace(context, f, path); } }); } private Project getProject(String path) { ProjectManager pm = ProjectManager.getInstance(); Project[] openProjects = pm.getOpenProjects(); for (Project project : openProjects) { if (path.equals(project.getBasePath())) { return project; } } VirtualFile file = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByIoFile(new File(path)); Project openedProject; if (ProjectAttachProcessor.canAttachToProject() && file != null) { openedProject = PlatformProjectOpenProcessor.doOpenProject(file, null, false, -1, null, false); } else { openedProject = ProjectUtil.openOrImport(path, null, false); } if (openedProject == null) { try { String projectFilePath = ".idea/misc.xml"; if (path.endsWith(projectFilePath)) { Flog.error("Attempted to open the project misc.xml file instead of the directory."); path = path.replace(projectFilePath, ""); } openedProject = ProjectManager.getInstance().loadAndOpenProject(path); } catch (Throwable e) { Flog.error(e); API.uploadCrash(null, null, e); return null; } } // This is something Intellij does when a user opens a project from the menu: FileChooserUtil.setLastOpenedFile(openedProject, file); return openedProject; } }