package org.springframework.web.servlet.tags; import org.springframework.validation.Errors; import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext; import java.beans.PropertyEditor; public class BindTag extends HtmlEscapingAwareTag implements EditorAwareTag { public void setPath(String path) { } public String getPath() { return null; } public void setIgnoreNestedPath(boolean ignoreNestedPath) { } public boolean isIgnoreNestedPath() { return false; } @Override protected final int doStartTagInternal() throws Exception { return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE; } @Override public int doEndTag() { return EVAL_PAGE; } public final String getProperty() { return null; } /** * Retrieve the Errors instance that this tag is currently bound to. * Intended for cooperating nesting tags. * @return the current Errors instance, or {@code null} if none */ public final Errors getErrors() { return null; } @Override public final PropertyEditor getEditor() { return null; } @Override public void doFinally() { } }