package org.weiboad.ragnar.server.processor; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.weiboad.ragnar.server.statistics.ErrorStatics; import org.weiboad.ragnar.server.statistics.LogAPIStatics; import org.weiboad.ragnar.server.statistics.SQLStatics; import; import; import org.weiboad.ragnar.server.util.DateTimeHelper; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; @Component @Scope("singleton") public class BizLogProcessor { private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<JsonArray> BizLogQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); //log obj private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BizLogProcessor.class); @Autowired private DBManage dbmanager; @Autowired private LogAPIStatics logApi; @Autowired private SQLStatics sqlStatics; @Autowired private ErrorStatics errorStatics; BizLogProcessor() { } public Integer getQueueLen() { return BizLogQueue.size(); } //main process data public void insertDataQueue(JsonArray data) { if (data != null) { BizLogQueue.add(data); } } @Scheduled(fixedRate = 500) private void processData() { int totalProcess = 0; JsonArray valueArr = BizLogQueue.poll(); while (valueArr != null) { for (int index = 0; index < valueArr.size(); index++) { JsonObject valueObj = valueArr.get(index).getAsJsonObject(); String traceid = valueObj.get("key").getAsString(); String rpcid = valueObj.get("rpcid").getAsString(); String timestamp = valueObj.get("timestamp").getAsString(); //ignore the wrong one if (traceid.length() <= 0 || rpcid.length() <= 0 || timestamp.length() <= 0) { continue; } //sotre to the rocksdb Long timestampLong = Long.parseLong(timestamp); try { DBSharder dbHelper = dbmanager.getDB(timestampLong); //save the kv db dbHelper.put(traceid + "_" + rpcid, valueArr.toString()); dbHelper.merge(traceid + "_index", rpcid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e.getMessage()); } //statics JsonArray arr = valueObj.get("val").getAsJsonArray(); for (int k = 0; k < arr.size(); k++) { JsonObject obj = arr.get(k).getAsJsonObject(); Integer type = obj.get("t").getAsInt(); String path = obj.get("p").getAsString(); String line = obj.get("l").getAsString(); if (5 == type || 6 == type || 7 == type) { JsonObject mObj = obj.get("m").getAsJsonObject(); mObj.addProperty("mytraceid", traceid); mObj.addProperty("myrpcid", rpcid); mObj.addProperty("filepath", path); mObj.addProperty("fileline", line); String msg = mObj.toString(); errorStatics.addAlarmLogMap(type, msg, timestampLong); continue; } if (9 != type || obj.get("g").isJsonNull() || obj.get("e").isJsonNull() || obj.get("c").isJsonNull() || obj.get("m").isJsonNull() ) { continue; } String bflog = obj.get("g").getAsString(); Double costTime = obj.get("c").getAsDouble(); Integer hourTime = DateTimeHelper.getHourTime(timestampLong); JsonObject msgObj; if (obj.get("m").isJsonObject()) { msgObj = obj.get("m").getAsJsonObject(); } else { JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); try { //"m").getAsString()); msgObj = jsonParser.parse(obj.get("m").getAsString()).getAsJsonObject(); } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); continue; } } if (bflog.equals("curl")) { if (msgObj.get("url").isJsonNull()) { continue; } String url = msgObj.get("url").getAsString(); JsonObject infoObj = msgObj.get("info").getAsJsonObject(); if (infoObj.get("http_code").isJsonNull()) { continue; } String code = infoObj.get("http_code").getAsString(); logApi.addPerformMap(url, hourTime, costTime, code); } else if (bflog.equals("mysql")) { if (msgObj.get("sql").isJsonNull()) { continue; } String sql = msgObj.get("sql").getAsString(); sqlStatics.addSqlMap(sql, hourTime, costTime); } } } totalProcess++; if (totalProcess > 1000) { break; } //ok next one valueArr = BizLogQueue.poll(); } } }