package; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.MultiFieldQueryParser; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.weiboad.ragnar.server.controller.ragnarlog.PutMetalog; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; @RestController public class SearchField { @Autowired IndexService indexHelper; Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PutMetalog.class); @RequestMapping(value = "/fulltext", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public ResponseJson SearchKeyword(@RequestParam(value = "timestamp", required = false) String timetamp, @RequestParam(value = "keyword", required = false) String keyword, @RequestParam(value = "startpos", required = false) String startpos, @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = false) String limit, @RequestParam(value = "sortfield", required = false) String sortfield ) { if (timetamp == null || timetamp.length() == 0 || keyword == null || keyword.length() == 0) { ResponseJson result = new ResponseJson(); result.setCode(400); result.setMsg("Plasee set the timestamp|keyword paramter!"); return result; } long timestamplong; try { timestamplong = Integer.parseInt(timetamp); } catch (Exception e) { ResponseJson result = new ResponseJson(); result.setCode(401); result.setMsg("Plasee set the timestamp paramter for the long"); return result; } int start; int datasize; try { start = Integer.parseInt(startpos); } catch (Exception e) { start = 0; } try { datasize = Integer.parseInt(limit); } catch (Exception e) { datasize = 20; } //limited the sort field if (sortfield == null || sortfield.length() == 0 || (!sortfield.equals("elapsed_ms") && !sortfield.equals("time"))) { ResponseJson result = new ResponseJson(); result.setCode(402); result.setMsg("sort field only support time or elapsed_ms!"); return result; } Sort sort; if (sortfield.length() > 0) { sort = new Sort(new SortField(sortfield, SortField.Type.DOUBLE, true)); } else { sort = new Sort(new SortField("time", SortField.Type.DOUBLE, true)); } String[] fieldList = {"uid", "rpcid", "traceid", "rt_type", "url", "param", "ip", "httpcod", "project"}; Map<String, Float> boosts = new HashMap<>(); boosts.put("uid", 1.0f); boosts.put("ip", 1.0f); boosts.put("rpcid", 1.0f); boosts.put("traceid", 1.0f); boosts.put("rt_type", 1.0f); boosts.put("url", 1.0f); boosts.put("param", 1.0f); boosts.put("httpcode", 1.0f); boosts.put("project", 1.0f); MultiFieldQueryParser mulFieldQueryParser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(fieldList, new StandardAnalyzer(), boosts); Query query; try { query = mulFieldQueryParser.parse(keyword); } catch (Exception e) { ResponseJson result = new ResponseJson(); result.setCode(403); result.setMsg("keyword parser wrong..."); return result; } ResponseJson result = indexHelper.searchByQuery(timestamplong, query, start, datasize, sort); return result; } }