package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.shanbo.feluca.classification.common.Classifier; import org.shanbo.feluca.classification.common.Evaluator; import org.shanbo.feluca.data2.DataEntry; import org.shanbo.feluca.data2.Vector; import org.shanbo.feluca.data2.DataStatistic; import org.shanbo.feluca.paddle.common.MemoryEstimater; import org.shanbo.feluca.paddle.common.Utilities; /** * minimize least square loss * @author lgn * */ public abstract class AbstractSGDLogisticRegression implements Classifier, MemoryEstimater{ protected final static double initWeight = 0; protected final static int LABELRANGEBASE = 32768; public final static double DEFAULT_STOP = 0.001; public final static int DEFAULT_LOOPS = 30; protected double w0; protected int w0Type = 0;// 0 for no use; 1 for stay ; 2 for gradient public double[] featureWeights = null; protected DataEntry dataEntry= null; protected int[][] outerLabelInfo = null; //outer label -> info protected int[][] innerLabelInfo = null; //inner label -> info protected Double alpha = null; // learning speed protected Double lambda = null;// regularization protected Double convergence = null; protected boolean alphaSetted = false; protected boolean lambdaSetted = false; protected double minAlpha = 0.001; protected double minLambda = 0.01; protected Integer loops = DEFAULT_LOOPS; protected int fold = 5; protected int samples = 0; protected int maxFeatureId = -1; protected int biasLabel = 0; // original label protected int biasWeightRound = -1; // for accuracy stop protected int minSamples = 0; // # protected int maxSamples = 0; // # public void loadData(DataEntry data) throws Exception { dataEntry = data; if (this.dataEntry == null){ throw new RuntimeException("dataEntry must be set!"); }else{ maxFeatureId = Utilities.getIntFromProperties(dataEntry.getDataStatistic(), DataStatistic.MAX_FEATURE_ID); String tmpInfo = Utilities.getStrFromProperties(dataEntry.getDataStatistic(), DataStatistic.LABEL_INFO); this.outerLabelInfo = new int[LABELRANGEBASE * 2][]; if (tmpInfo.split(" ").length > 2){ throw new RuntimeException("Data Set contains more than 2 classes"); } _loadDataInfo(tmpInfo); } } private void _loadDataInfo(String infoString){ String[] ll = infoString.split("\\s+"); String[] classInfo1 = ll[0].split(":"); // orginal_label:converted_label:#num String[] classInfo2 = ll[1].split(":"); int[] classInfo1Ints = new int[]{Integer.parseInt(classInfo1[0]), Integer.parseInt(classInfo1[1]), Integer.parseInt(classInfo1[2])}; int[] classInfo2Ints = new int[]{Integer.parseInt(classInfo2[0]), Integer.parseInt(classInfo2[1]), Integer.parseInt(classInfo2[2])}; this.outerLabelInfo = new int[LABELRANGEBASE * 2][]; // original_LABEL -> innerLabel, #sample this.outerLabelInfo[LABELRANGEBASE + classInfo1Ints[0]] = new int[]{classInfo1Ints[1], classInfo1Ints[2]}; this.outerLabelInfo[LABELRANGEBASE + classInfo2Ints[0]] = new int[]{classInfo2Ints[1], classInfo2Ints[2]}; this.innerLabelInfo = new int[2][]; //innerLabel -> original_LABEL, #sample this.innerLabelInfo[classInfo1Ints[1]] = new int[]{classInfo1Ints[0], classInfo1Ints[2]}; this.innerLabelInfo[classInfo2Ints[1]] = new int[]{classInfo2Ints[0], classInfo2Ints[2]}; // set bias automatically float ratio = classInfo2Ints[2] /(classInfo1Ints[2] + 0.0f); this.biasLabel = classInfo1Ints[0]; this.minSamples = classInfo1Ints[2]; this.maxSamples = classInfo2Ints[2]; if (classInfo1Ints[2] > classInfo2Ints[2]){ // #(label 0) > #(label 1) this.biasLabel = classInfo2Ints[0]; ratio = classInfo1Ints[2] /(classInfo2Ints[2] + 0.0f); this.minSamples = classInfo2Ints[2]; this.maxSamples = classInfo1Ints[2]; }else{ //default ; } if (biasWeightRound == -1){ this.biasWeightRound = Math.round(ratio); } float cc = this.biasWeightRound * this.minSamples + this.maxSamples + 0.0f; w0 = - Math.log(cc/(this.biasWeightRound * this.minSamples) -1 ); if (w0Type == 0 || w0Type == 2) w0 = 0; System.out.println(w0); try{ this.estimateParameter(); if (this.convergence == null){ convergence = DEFAULT_STOP; } }catch(NullPointerException e){ // loading model System.out.println( " a model loading~"); } } abstract protected void estimateParameter() throws NullPointerException; public void train() throws Exception { this.init(); this._train(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0); // all samples for training } protected void init(){ featureWeights = new double[maxFeatureId + 1]; Arrays.fill(featureWeights, initWeight); } protected double logloss(int y, double yy) { if (y == 0){ return - Math.log( 1- yy) / 0.69314718; }else{ return - Math.log(yy) / 0.69314718; } } protected boolean acc(int y , double yy) { if (y == 1 && yy > 0.5){ return true; }else if (y == 0 && yy < 0.5){ return true; } return false; } public void crossValidation(int fold, Evaluator... evaluators) throws Exception { for(int i = 0 ; i < fold; i++){ this.init(); System.out.println("----cross validation loop " + i); this._train(fold, i); //-------------test------- this.dataEntry.reOpen(); int c = 1; double[] resultProbs = new double[2]; System.out.println("testing"); for(Vector sample = dataEntry.getNextVector(); sample != null ; sample = dataEntry.getNextVector()){ if (c % fold == i){ if (sample.getSize() == 0) continue; this.predict(sample, resultProbs); for(Evaluator e : evaluators){ e.collect(outerLabelInfo[LABELRANGEBASE + sample.getIntHeader()][0], resultProbs); } } } } } public void setProperties(Properties prop) { if (prop.getProperty("loops") != null){ loops = Utilities.getIntFromProperties(prop, "loops"); } if (prop.getProperty("alpha") != null){ alpha = Utilities.getDoubleFromProperties(prop, "alpha"); alphaSetted = true; } if (prop.getProperty("lambda") != null){ this.lambda = Utilities.getDoubleFromProperties(prop,"lambda"); lambdaSetted = true; } if (prop.getProperty("convergence") != null){ convergence = Utilities.getDoubleFromProperties(prop,"convergence"); } if (prop.getProperty("w0type") != null){ setW0Type(Utilities.getIntFromProperties(prop,"w0type")); } for(Entry<Object, Object> entry : prop.entrySet()){ String key= entry.getKey().toString(); if (key.startsWith("-w")){ biasLabel = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(2)); biasWeightRound = Integer.parseInt(entry.getValue().toString()); } } } public void saveModel(String filePath) throws Exception { BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filePath)); // bw.write(Utilities.getStrFromProperties(dataEntry.getDataStatistic(), DataStatistic.MAX_FEATURE_ID) + "\n"); // bw.write(Utilities.getStrFromProperties(dataEntry.getDataStatistic(), DataStatistic.LABEL_INFO) + "\n"); bw.write(w0 + "\n"); for(int i = 0 ; i < this.featureWeights.length; i++){ if (this.featureWeights[i] != initWeight) bw.write(String.format("%d\t%.6f\n", i, this.featureWeights[i])); } bw.close(); } public void loadModel(String modelPath, Properties statistic) throws Exception { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(modelPath)); this.featureWeights = new double[Integer.parseInt(statistic.getProperty(DataStatistic.MAX_FEATURE_ID)) + 1]; this._loadDataInfo(statistic.getProperty(DataStatistic.LABEL_INFO)); w0 = Double.parseDouble(br.readLine()); for(String line = br.readLine(); line != null; line = br.readLine()){ String[] fidWeight = line.split("\t"); this.featureWeights[Integer.parseInt(fidWeight[0])] = Double.parseDouble(fidWeight[1]); } br.close(); } public void predict(Vector sample, double[] probabilities) throws Exception{ double weigtSum = w0 ; for(int i = 0 ; i < sample.getSize(); i++){ weigtSum += this.featureWeights[sample.getFId(i)] * sample.getWeight(i); } double probability = 1/(1+Math.pow(Math.E, -weigtSum)); probabilities[0] = 1- probability; probabilities[1] = probability; } /** * predict probability for data; the predict_Label will accord with training data; * Otherwise use {@link #predict(String, String, Evaluator...)} instead. */ public void predict(DataEntry data, String resultPath, Evaluator... evaluators) throws Exception { if (this.featureWeights == null) throw new IOException("!Model haven't been initialized yet! :("); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(resultPath)); bw.write("testLabel\tpredictLabel\tprobability(here means confidence)\n"); double[] resultProbs = new double[2]; int innerLabel = -1; data.reOpen(); System.out.println(w0); for(Vector sample = data.getNextVector(); sample != null ; sample = data.getNextVector()){ if (sample.getSize() == 0){ //how to predict without any features? A default probability = 0.5 should be moderate; bw.write(String.format("%d\t%d\t%.4f\n" , sample.getIntHeader(), innerLabelInfo[0][0], 0.5f)); } this.predict(sample, resultProbs); if (evaluators != null){ for(Evaluator e : evaluators){ int testLabel = outerLabelInfo[LABELRANGEBASE + sample.getIntHeader()][0]; //innerLabel = [0 or 1] e.collect(testLabel, resultProbs); } } innerLabel = resultProbs[0] > resultProbs[1] ? 0 : 1; // predict inner Label with probabilities; //output original label; bw.write(String.format("%d\t%d\t%.4f\n" , sample.getIntHeader(), innerLabelInfo[innerLabel][0], resultProbs[innerLabel])); } bw.close(); for(Evaluator e : evaluators){ System.out.println(e.resultString()); } } public String toString(){ return String.format("alpha:%.6f, lambda:%.9f, loops: %d, bias:%d on %d times", this.alpha, this.lambda, this.loops, biasLabel, biasWeightRound); } public Properties getProperties() { Properties p = new Properties(); p.put("alpha", this.alpha); p.put("loops", this.loops); p.put("lambda", this.lambda); return p; } public void setW0Type(int type){ if (type > 2 || type < 0){ throw new RuntimeException("0 for no use; 1 for stay ; 2 for gradient"); } this.w0Type = type; } protected void _train(int fold, int remain) throws Exception{ double avge = 99999.9; double lastAVGE = Double.MAX_VALUE; double corrects = 0; double lastCorrects = -1; double multi = (biasWeightRound * minSamples + maxSamples)/(minSamples + maxSamples + 0.0); for(int l = 0 ; l < Math.max(5, loops) && (l < Math.min(5, loops) || (l < loops && (Math.abs(1- avge/ lastAVGE) > convergence ) || Math.abs(1- corrects/ lastCorrects) > convergence * 0.01)); l++){ lastAVGE = avge; lastCorrects = corrects; dataEntry.reOpen(); //start reading data long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); int c =1; //for n-fold cv double innerPredict = 0; //0~1 double sume = 0; corrects = 0; int cc = 0; int pp = 10; for(Vector sample = dataEntry.getNextVector(); sample != null ; sample = dataEntry.getNextVector()){ if (c % fold == remain){ // no train ; }else{ //train //bias; sequentially compute #(bias - 1) times innerPredict = this.gradientDescend(sample); if (acc(outerLabelInfo[LABELRANGEBASE + sample.getIntHeader()][0], innerPredict)){ corrects += 1; } cc += 1; sume += logloss(outerLabelInfo[LABELRANGEBASE + sample.getIntHeader()][0], innerPredict); if ( sample.getIntHeader() == this.biasLabel){ for(int bw = 0 ; bw < this.biasWeightRound; bw++){ //bias innerPredict = this.gradientDescend(sample); } } } c += 1; if (c% pp == 0){ System.out.print(String.format("[%.4f:%.1f]", sume / cc, corrects * 100 / cc)); pp *= 2; } } avge = sume / cc; long timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); double acc = corrects / (cc ) * 100; if (corrects < lastCorrects ){ // if (!alphaSetted){ this.alpha *= 0.5; if (alpha < minAlpha) alpha = minAlpha; } if (!lambdaSetted){ this.lambda *= 0.9; if (lambda < minLambda) lambda = minLambda; } } System.out.println(w0); System.out.println(String.format("#%d loop%d\ttime:%d(ms)\tacc: %.3f(approx)\tavg_error:%.6f", cc, l, (timeEnd - timeStart), acc , avge)); } } abstract protected double gradientDescend(Vector sample) ; public abstract int estimate(Properties dataStatus, Properties parameters) ; }