package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import org.shanbo.feluca.data2.Vector; import org.shanbo.feluca.paddle.common.Utilities; /** * Implementation of Koren's "Factor in the neighbors" * @author lgn * */ public class ItemNeighborModel extends RSVDModel{ private static final String modelName = "Item Neighbor Factorization"; //userspace will be null protected float[][] explicitItemspace = null; //xi protected float[][] implicitItemspace = null; //yi protected boolean includeImplicity = false; protected void init_spaces(){ // qi itemspace = new float[maxiid + 1][]; double frag = Math.sqrt((avgrating * 0.1f / factor)); for(int i = 1; i < itemspace.length; i++){ itemspace[i] = new float[factor]; for (int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ itemspace[i][f] = (float)(frag * (Utilities.randomDouble())) ; } } //initialize bias: bu, bi userbias = new float[maxuid + 1]; itembias = new float[maxiid + 1]; for (int u = 0 ; u < userbias.length; u++){ userbias[u] = (float)Utilities.randomDouble(-0.5, 0.5) ; // } for (int i = 0 ; i < itembias.length; i++){ itembias[i] = (float)Utilities.randomDouble(-1.0, 1.0) ; // } int avgRates = totalrating / uids; // xi yi explicitItemspace = new float[maxiid + 1][]; if (includeImplicity){ //include implicit feedback implicitItemspace = new float[maxiid + 1][]; for(int i = 1 ; i < explicitItemspace.length; i++){ explicitItemspace[i] = new float[factor]; implicitItemspace[i] = new float[factor]; for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ explicitItemspace[i][f] = (float)(frag * Utilities.randomDouble() * 0.2 / Math.sqrt(avgRates)); implicitItemspace[i][f] = (float)(frag * Utilities.randomDouble() * 0.1 / Math.sqrt(avgRates)); } } }else{ //without implicit feedback for(int i = 1 ; i < explicitItemspace.length; i++){ explicitItemspace[i] = new float[factor]; for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ explicitItemspace[i][f] = (float)(frag * Utilities.randomDouble() * 0.3 / Math.sqrt(avgRates)); } } } } public void train() throws Exception { System.out.println(modelName); this.init_spaces(); float learningSpeed = this.alpha; for (int loop = 0; loop < this.loops; loop++){ dataEntry.reOpen(); long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); float totalError = 0; int n = 0; // total ratings trained //for each user for(Vector v = dataEntry.getNextVector(); v!= null; v = dataEntry.getNextVector()){ UserRatings ur = new UserRatings(v); float[] latentUserVector = new float[factor];// special pu int rates = ur.getItemNum(); float itemNumNormalized = (float)(1 / Math.sqrt(rates)); // compute latentUserVector for later computation // accumulate explicit record for pu float[] diffArray = new float[rates]; //to record diff: (ruj - buj) = ruj - (avg + bu + bj) for(int j = 0 ; j < rates; j++){ RatingInfo rij = ur.getRatingByIndex(j); float buj = avgrating + this.userbias[ur.getUid()] + this.itembias[rij.itemId]; diffArray[j] = rij.rating - buj; // (ruj - buj) = ruj - (avg + bu + bj) for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ latentUserVector[f] += diffArray[j] * explicitItemspace[rij.itemId][f]; } n += 1; } for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ latentUserVector[f] *= itemNumNormalized; } // accumulate implicit record for pu , no diffArray needed if (includeImplicity){ float[] tmpImplicityVec = new float[factor]; for(int j = 0 ; j < rates; j++){ RatingInfo rij = ur.getRatingByIndex(j); for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ tmpImplicityVec[f] += implicitItemspace[rij.itemId][f]; } } for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ latentUserVector[f] += itemNumNormalized * tmpImplicityVec[f]; } } float[] sumVec = new float[factor]; for(int i = 0 ; i < rates; i++){ RatingInfo rii = ur.getRatingByIndex(i); // try a prediction : rui - r^ui float eui = rii.rating - (avgrating + this.userbias[ur.getUid()] + this.itembias[rii.itemId] + Utilities.innerProduct(itemspace[rii.itemId], latentUserVector)); totalError += Math.abs(eui); //---Accumulate information for gradient steps on xi, yi: for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ sumVec[f] += eui * itemspace[rii.itemId][f]; // Perform gradient step on qi, itemspace[rii.itemId][f] += learningSpeed * (eui * latentUserVector[f] - this.lambda * itemspace[rii.itemId][f]); // } //Perform gradient step on bu, bi: userbias[rii.userId] += learningSpeed * (eui - this.lambda * userbias[rii.userId]); itembias[rii.itemId] += learningSpeed * (eui - this.lambda * itembias[rii.itemId]); } // Perform gradient step on explicit record for(int i = 0 ; i < rates; i++){ RatingInfo rii = ur.getRatingByIndex(i); for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ explicitItemspace[rii.itemId][f] += learningSpeed * ( itemNumNormalized * diffArray[i] * sumVec[f] - this.lambda * explicitItemspace[rii.itemId][f]); } } // Perform gradient step on implicit record if (includeImplicity){ for(int i = 0 ; i < rates; i++){ RatingInfo rii = ur.getRatingByIndex(i); for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ implicitItemspace[rii.itemId][f] += learningSpeed * ( itemNumNormalized * sumVec[f] - this.lambda * implicitItemspace[rii.itemId][f]); } } } } long timeSpent = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStart; learningSpeed *= this.convergence; System.out.println(String.format("loop:%d\ttime(ms):%d\tavgerror:%.6f\tnext alpha:%.5f", loop, timeSpent, (totalError/n),learningSpeed)); // System.out.println(" total training rating = " + n); } } public float[] predict(UserRatings user, int[] toPredicts) { float[] result = new float[toPredicts.length]; for(int i = 0 ; i < toPredicts.length; i ++){ result[i] = predict(user, toPredicts[i]); } return result; } protected float predict(UserRatings user, int itemId) { if (user == null){ System.err.print("!"); return -1; }else{ float[] latentUserVector = new float[factor];//pu int rates = user.getItemNum(); float itemNumNormalized = (float)(1 / Math.sqrt(rates)); float basic = avgrating + userbias[user.getUid()]; //accumulate pu for(int j = 0 ; j < rates; j++){ RatingInfo rij = user.getRatingByIndex(j); float buj = basic + this.itembias[rij.itemId]; for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ latentUserVector[f] += (rij.rating - buj) * explicitItemspace[rij.itemId][f]; } } for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ latentUserVector[f] *= itemNumNormalized; } //accumulate pu if (this.includeImplicity){ double[] tmpImplicityVec = new double[factor]; for(int j = 0 ; j < rates; j++){ RatingInfo rij = user.getRatingByIndex(j); for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ tmpImplicityVec[f] += implicitItemspace[rij.itemId][f]; } } for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ latentUserVector[f] += itemNumNormalized * tmpImplicityVec[f]; } } // r^ui = avg + bu + bi + qi * pu return basic + this.itembias[itemId] + Utilities.innerProduct(this.itemspace[itemId], latentUserVector); } } public float[] predict(UserRatings user) throws Exception { // to predict all items int[] itemIds = new int[this.maxiid + 1]; for(int i = 0 ; i < itemIds.length; i++){ itemIds[i] = i; } return predict(user, itemIds); } // public double[] predict(int userId, int[] itemIds) throws Exception{ // UserRatings user = this.dataEntry.getUserById(userId); // if (user == null){ // return null; // }else{ // double[] predicts = new double[itemIds.length]; // // float[] latentUserVector = new float[factor];//pu // int rates = user.getItemNum(); // float itemNumNormalized = (float)(1 / Math.sqrt(rates)); // // float basic = avgrating + userbias[user.getUid()]; // //// double[] buArray = new double[rates]; //record buj = avg + bu + bj // for(int j = 0 ; j < rates; j++){ // RatingInfo rij = user.getRatingByIndex(j); // float buj = basic + this.itembias[rij.itemId]; //// buArray[j] = buj; // for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ // latentUserVector[f] += (rij.rating - buj) * explicitItemspace[rij.itemId][f]; // } // } // for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ // latentUserVector[f] *= itemNumNormalized; // } // if (this.includeImplicity){ // double[] tmpImplicityVec = new double[factor]; // for(int j = 0 ; j < rates; j++){ // RatingInfo rij = user.getRatingByIndex(j); // for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ // tmpImplicityVec[f] += implicitItemspace[rij.itemId][f]; // } // } // for(int f = 0 ; f < factor; f++){ // latentUserVector[f] += itemNumNormalized * tmpImplicityVec[f]; // } // } // //predict for each in itemIds[] // for( int i = 0 ; i < predicts.length ; i++ ){ // predicts[i] = basic + this.itembias[itemIds[i]] + // Utilities.innerProduct(this.itemspace[itemIds[i]], latentUserVector); // } // return predicts; // } // } public void setProperties(Properties prop){ super.setProperties(prop); this.includeImplicity = Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.getProperty("-i", "false")); } public void saveModel(String filePath) throws IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filePath)); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); System.out.println(this.itemspace.length); System.out.println(this.userbias.length); oos.writeObject(this.itemspace); oos.writeObject(this.userbias); oos.writeObject(this.itembias); oos.writeObject(this.explicitItemspace); oos.writeObject(new Boolean(this.includeImplicity)); if (this.includeImplicity){ oos.writeObject(this.implicitItemspace); }else{ ; } oos.close(); bos.close(); } public void loadModel(String modelPath) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(modelPath)); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis); this.itemspace = (float[][])ois.readObject(); this.userbias = (float[])ois.readObject(); this.itembias = (float[])ois.readObject(); this.explicitItemspace = (float[][])ois.readObject(); this.includeImplicity = (Boolean)ois.readObject(); if (this.includeImplicity) this.implicitItemspace = (float[][])ois.readObject(); this.maxuid = userbias.length - 1; this.maxiid = itembias.length - 1; System.out.print(this.itemspace.length + ", " + this.itemspace[1].length + "\n"); System.out.println(this.implicitItemspace == null ? "no implict data" :this.implicitItemspace.length); ois.close(); bis.close(); } }