package ex; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @SuppressWarnings("all") public class LO_Sample { // tag LO_SUSPECT_LOG_CLASS private static Logger l1 = Logger.getLogger(String.class); // tag LO_SUSPECT_LOG_CLASS private static Logger l2 = Logger.getLogger(""); // no tag private static final org.slf4j.Logger l3 = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LO_Sample.class); // tag LO_SUSPECT_LOG_CLASS private static Logger l4 = Logger.getLogger(ActionEvent.class.getName()); // no tag private static Logger l5 = Logger.getLogger(LO_Sample.class.getName()); // no tag private static Logger l6 = Logger.getLogger("my.nasty.logger.LOGGER"); // no tag private Logger someLocalLogger; // no tag public LO_Sample() { this(Logger.getRootLogger());"Why am I using a local logger?"); } // tag LO_SUSPECT_LOG_PARAMETER public LO_Sample(Logger someLogger) { this.someLocalLogger = someLogger; } public void testStutter() throws IOException { InputStream is = null; try { File f = new File("Foo"); is = new FileInputStream(f); } catch (Exception e) { // tag LO_STUTTERED_MESSAGE l1.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { is.close(); } } public void testParmInExMessage() throws Exception { try { InputStream is = new FileInputStream("foo/bar"); } catch (IOException e) { // tag LO_EXCEPTION_WITH_LOGGER_PARMS throw new Exception("Failed to parse {}", e); } } public void testInvalidSLF4jParm() { // tag LO_INVALID_FORMATTING_ANCHOR l3.error("This is a problem {0}", "hello"); } public void testInvalidSLF4jParm2() { // tag LO_INVALID_FORMATTING_ANCHOR l3.error("This is a problem %s", "hello"); l3.error("This is a problem %3$-2.3e", 1); l3.error("This is a problem %5d", 3.1); } public void testLogAppending(String s) { try { // tag LO_APPENDED_STRING_IN_FORMAT_STRING"Got an error with: " + s); } catch (Exception e) { l3.warn("Go a bad error with: " + s, e); } } public void testWrongNumberOfParms() { // tag LO_INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_ANCHOR_PARAMETERS l3.error("This is a problem {}", "hello", "hello"); // tag LO_INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_ANCHOR_PARAMETERS l3.error("This is a problem {} and this {}", "hello"); // tag LO_INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_ANCHOR_PARAMETERS l3.error("This is a problem {} and this {} and this {}", "hello", "world"); // tag LO_INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_ANCHOR_PARAMETERS l3.error("This is a problem {} and this {} and this {} and this {}", "hello", "hello", "hello"); // no tag l3.error("This is a problem {} and this {} and this {} and this {}", "hello", "hello", "hello", "hello"); } public void testSimpleFormatInLogger(String poo) { l3.error(String.format("The error was %s", poo)); } public void testFPReuseofSimpleFormatter(String poo) { String s = String.format("The error was %s", poo); l3.error(s); throw new RuntimeException(s); } public void testFPWrongNumberOfParms() { // no tag An additional exception argument is allowed if found l3.error("This is a problem {}", "hello", new IOException("Yikes")); // no tag An additional exception argument is allowed if found l3.error("This is a problem {} and this {} and this {} and this {}", "hello", "hello", "hello", "hello", new RuntimeException("yikes")); // no tag l3.error("This is a problem {} and this {}", "hello", new RuntimeException("yikes")); } public void testFPRealStringBuilderUser(List<String> l) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : l) { sb.append(s).append(":"); } l3.warn(sb.toString()); } public void fpOKPattern(File f) { l3.error("Specify the path to {} with %TEMP% or using system property", f); } public class Inner { public void fpUseAnon() { ActionListener l = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { // no tag Logger.getLogger(Inner.class).error("fp"); // tag LO_SUSPECT_LOG_CLASS Logger.getLogger(LO_Sample.class).error("not fp"); } }; } } }