package com.mebigfatguy.fbcontrib.detect; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.bcel.Constants; import org.apache.bcel.Repository; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Code; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.CodeException; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantClass; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantPool; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass; import com.mebigfatguy.fbcontrib.utils.BugType; import com.mebigfatguy.fbcontrib.utils.OpcodeUtils; import com.mebigfatguy.fbcontrib.utils.SignatureUtils; import com.mebigfatguy.fbcontrib.utils.ToString; import com.mebigfatguy.fbcontrib.utils.Values; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.BugInstance; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.BugReporter; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.BytecodeScanningDetector; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.OpcodeStack; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.OpcodeStack.CustomUserValue; import; import; /** * looks for two or more try catch blocks that are consecutive and catch the same kind of exception, and throw the same exception always. These blocks can be * coalesced into one. */ @CustomUserValue public class StackedTryBlocks extends BytecodeScanningDetector { private static JavaClass THROWABLE_CLASS; static { try { THROWABLE_CLASS = Repository.lookupClass(Values.SLASHED_JAVA_LANG_THROWABLE); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { THROWABLE_CLASS = null; } } private final BugReporter bugReporter; private List<TryBlock> blocks; private List<TryBlock> inBlocks; private BitSet transitionPoints; private OpcodeStack stack; public StackedTryBlocks(BugReporter bugReporter) { this.bugReporter = bugReporter; } /** * overrides the visitor to reset the opcode stack * * @param classContext * the currently parsed class */ @Override public void visitClassContext(ClassContext classContext) { try { if (THROWABLE_CLASS != null) { stack = new OpcodeStack(); super.visitClassContext(classContext); } } finally { stack = null; } } /** * overrides the visitor to look for 'idea' try catch blocks to find issues specifically, method needs two or more try catch blocks that only catch one * exception type. * * @param obj * the currently parsed code object */ @Override public void visitCode(Code obj) { try { XMethod xMethod = getXMethod(); if (xMethod != null) { String[] tes = xMethod.getThrownExceptions(); Set<String> thrownExceptions = new HashSet<>(Arrays.<String> asList((tes == null) ? new String[0] : tes)); blocks = new ArrayList<>(); inBlocks = new ArrayList<>(); transitionPoints = new BitSet(); CodeException[] ces = obj.getExceptionTable(); for (CodeException ce : ces) { TryBlock tb = new TryBlock(ce); int existingBlock = blocks.indexOf(tb); if (existingBlock >= 0) { tb = blocks.get(existingBlock); tb.addCatchType(ce); } else { blocks.add(tb); } } Iterator<TryBlock> it = blocks.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { TryBlock block =; if (block.hasMultipleHandlers() || block.isFinally() || block.catchIsThrown(getConstantPool(), thrownExceptions)) { it.remove(); } } if (blocks.size() > 1) { stack.resetForMethodEntry(this); super.visitCode(obj); if (blocks.size() > 1) { TryBlock firstBlock = blocks.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < blocks.size(); i++) { TryBlock secondBlock = blocks.get(i); if (!blocksSplitAcrossTransitions(firstBlock, secondBlock) && (firstBlock.getCatchType() == secondBlock.getCatchType()) && firstBlock.getThrowSignature().equals(secondBlock.getThrowSignature()) && firstBlock.getMessage().equals(secondBlock.getMessage()) && firstBlock.getExceptionSignature().equals(secondBlock.getExceptionSignature())) { bugReporter.reportBug(new BugInstance(this,, NORMAL_PRIORITY).addClass(this) .addMethod(this).addSourceLineRange(this, firstBlock.getStartPC(), firstBlock.getEndHandlerPC()) .addSourceLineRange(this, secondBlock.getStartPC(), secondBlock.getEndHandlerPC())); } firstBlock = secondBlock; } } } } } finally { blocks = null; inBlocks = null; transitionPoints = null; } } /** * overrides the visitor to document what catch blocks do with regard to rethrowing the exceptions, and if the message is a static message * * @param seen * the currently parsed opcode */ @Override public void sawOpcode(int seen) { String message = null; try { stack.precomputation(this); if ((seen == TABLESWITCH) || (seen == LOOKUPSWITCH)) { int pc = getPC(); for (int offset : getSwitchOffsets()) { transitionPoints.set(pc + offset); } transitionPoints.set(pc + getDefaultSwitchOffset()); } else if (isBranch(seen) && (getBranchOffset() < 0)) { // throw out try blocks in loops, this could cause false // negatives // with two try/catches in one loop, but more unlikely Iterator<TryBlock> it = blocks.iterator(); int target = getBranchTarget(); while (it.hasNext()) { TryBlock block =; if (block.getStartPC() >= target) { it.remove(); } } } int pc = getPC(); TryBlock block = findBlockWithStart(pc); if (block != null) { inBlocks.add(block); block.setState(TryBlock.State.IN_TRY); } if (inBlocks.isEmpty()) { return; } TryBlock innerBlock = inBlocks.get(inBlocks.size() - 1); int nextPC = getNextPC(); if (innerBlock.atHandlerPC(nextPC)) { if ((seen == GOTO) || (seen == GOTO_W)) { innerBlock.setEndHandlerPC(getBranchTarget()); } else { inBlocks.remove(innerBlock); blocks.remove(innerBlock); } } else if (innerBlock.atHandlerPC(pc)) { innerBlock.setState(TryBlock.State.IN_CATCH); } else if (innerBlock.atEndHandlerPC(pc)) { inBlocks.remove(inBlocks.size() - 1); innerBlock.setState(TryBlock.State.AFTER); } if (transitionPoints.get(nextPC)) { if (innerBlock.inCatch() && (innerBlock.getEndHandlerPC() > nextPC)) { innerBlock.setEndHandlerPC(nextPC); } } if (innerBlock.inCatch()) { if (((seen >= Constants.IFEQ) && ((seen <= Constants.RET))) || (seen == GOTO_W) || OpcodeUtils.isReturn(seen)) { blocks.remove(innerBlock); inBlocks.remove(inBlocks.size() - 1); } else if (seen == ATHROW) { if (stack.getStackDepth() > 0) { OpcodeStack.Item item = stack.getStackItem(0); XMethod xm = item.getReturnValueOf(); if (xm != null) { innerBlock.setThrowSignature(xm.getSignature()); } innerBlock.setExceptionSignature(item.getSignature()); innerBlock.setMessage((String) item.getUserValue()); } else { inBlocks.remove(inBlocks.size() - 1); innerBlock.setState(TryBlock.State.AFTER); } } else if ((seen == INVOKESPECIAL) && Values.CONSTRUCTOR.equals(getNameConstantOperand())) { String cls = getClassConstantOperand(); JavaClass exCls = Repository.lookupClass(cls); if (exCls.instanceOf(THROWABLE_CLASS)) { String signature = getSigConstantOperand(); List<String> types = SignatureUtils.getParameterSignatures(signature); if (!types.isEmpty()) { if (Values.SIG_JAVA_LANG_STRING.equals(types.get(0)) && (stack.getStackDepth() >= types.size())) { OpcodeStack.Item item = stack.getStackItem(types.size() - 1); message = (String) item.getConstant(); if (message == null) { message = "____UNKNOWN____" + System.identityHashCode(item); } } } else { message = ""; } } } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { bugReporter.reportMissingClass(cnfe); } finally { stack.sawOpcode(this, seen); if ((message != null) && (stack.getStackDepth() > 0)) { OpcodeStack.Item item = stack.getStackItem(0); item.setUserValue(message); } } } /** * looks for an existing try block that has this pc as a start of the try * * @param pc * the current program counter * @return the tryblock if this statement starts it, else null */ private TryBlock findBlockWithStart(int pc) { for (TryBlock block : blocks) { if (block.atStartPC(pc)) { return block; } } return null; } private boolean blocksSplitAcrossTransitions(TryBlock firstBlock, TryBlock secondBlock) { if (!transitionPoints.isEmpty()) { int transitionPoint = transitionPoints.nextSetBit(0); while (transitionPoint >= 0) { if (transitionPoint < firstBlock.handlerPC) { transitionPoints.clear(transitionPoint); } else { return transitionPoint < secondBlock.handlerPC; } transitionPoint = transitionPoints.nextSetBit(transitionPoint + 1); } } return false; } static class TryBlock { enum State { BEFORE, IN_TRY, IN_CATCH, AFTER }; private int startPC; private int endPC; private int handlerPC; private int endHandlerPC; private BitSet catchTypes; private String exSig; private String throwSig; private String message; private State state; TryBlock(CodeException ce) { startPC = ce.getStartPC(); endPC = ce.getEndPC(); handlerPC = ce.getHandlerPC(); endHandlerPC = -1; catchTypes = new BitSet(); catchTypes.set(ce.getCatchType()); state = State.BEFORE; } void addCatchType(CodeException ce) { catchTypes.set(ce.getCatchType()); } void setState(State executionState) { state = executionState; } boolean inCatch() { return state == State.IN_CATCH; } boolean hasMultipleHandlers() { int bit = catchTypes.nextSetBit(0); return catchTypes.nextSetBit(bit + 1) >= 0; } boolean isFinally() { return catchTypes.get(0); } boolean catchIsThrown(ConstantPool pool, Set<String> thrownExceptions) { if (thrownExceptions.isEmpty()) { return false; } int exIndex = catchTypes.nextSetBit(0); String exName = ((ConstantClass) pool.getConstant(exIndex)).getBytes(pool); return thrownExceptions.contains(exName); } void setEndHandlerPC(int end) { endHandlerPC = end; } void setExceptionSignature(String sig) { exSig = sig; } void setThrowSignature(String sig) { throwSig = sig; } void setMessage(String m) { message = m; } String getExceptionSignature() { return (exSig == null) ? String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(this)) : exSig; } String getThrowSignature() { return (throwSig == null) ? String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(this)) : throwSig; } String getMessage() { return (message == null) ? String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(this)) : message; } int getStartPC() { return startPC; } int getEndHandlerPC() { return endHandlerPC; } boolean atStartPC(int pc) { return startPC == pc; } boolean atHandlerPC(int pc) { return handlerPC == pc; } boolean atEndHandlerPC(int pc) { return (endHandlerPC >= 0) && (endHandlerPC == pc); } int getCatchType() { return catchTypes.nextSetBit(0); } @Override public int hashCode() { return startPC ^ endPC; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof TryBlock)) { return false; } TryBlock that = (TryBlock) o; return (startPC == that.startPC) && (endPC == that.endPC); } @Override public String toString() { return; } } }