/** * Copyright 2014 John Persano * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.github.johnpersano.supertoasts; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.view.View; import android.view.WindowManager; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; /* Manages the life of a SuperToast. Initially copied from the Crouton library */ public class ManagerSuperToast extends Handler { @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") private static final String TAG = "ManagerSuperToast"; /* Potential messages for the handler to send **/ private static final class Messages { /* Hexadecimal numbers that represent acronyms for the operation **/ private static final int DISPLAY_SUPERTOAST = 0x445354; private static final int ADD_SUPERTOAST = 0x415354; private static final int REMOVE_SUPERTOAST = 0x525354; } private static ManagerSuperToast mManagerSuperToast; private final Queue<SuperToast> mQueue; /* Private method to create a new list if the manager is being initialized */ private ManagerSuperToast() { mQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<SuperToast>(); } /* Singleton method to ensure all SuperToasts are passed through the same manager */ protected static synchronized ManagerSuperToast getInstance() { if (mManagerSuperToast != null) { return mManagerSuperToast; } else { mManagerSuperToast = new ManagerSuperToast(); return mManagerSuperToast; } } /* Add SuperToast to queue and try to show it */ protected void add(SuperToast superToast) { /* Add SuperToast to queue and try to show it */ mQueue.add(superToast); this.showNextSuperToast(); } /* Shows the next SuperToast in the list */ private void showNextSuperToast() { if (mQueue.isEmpty()) { /* There is no SuperToast to display next */ return; } /* Get next SuperToast in the queue */ final SuperToast superToast = mQueue.peek(); /* Show SuperToast if none are showing (not sure why this works but it does) */ if (!superToast.isShowing()) { final Message message = obtainMessage(Messages.ADD_SUPERTOAST); message.obj = superToast; sendMessage(message); } else { sendMessageDelayed(superToast, Messages.DISPLAY_SUPERTOAST, getDuration(superToast)); } } /* Show/dismiss a SuperToast after a specific duration */ private void sendMessageDelayed(SuperToast superToast, final int messageId, final long delay) { Message message = obtainMessage(messageId); message.obj = superToast; sendMessageDelayed(message, delay); } /* Get duration and add one second to compensate for show/hide animations */ private long getDuration(SuperToast superToast) { long duration = superToast.getDuration(); duration += 1000; return duration; } @Override public void handleMessage(Message message) { final SuperToast superToast = (SuperToast) message.obj; switch (message.what) { case Messages.DISPLAY_SUPERTOAST: showNextSuperToast(); break; case Messages.ADD_SUPERTOAST: displaySuperToast(superToast); break; case Messages.REMOVE_SUPERTOAST: removeSuperToast(superToast); break; default: { super.handleMessage(message); break; } } } /* Displays a SuperToast */ private void displaySuperToast(SuperToast superToast) { if (superToast.isShowing()) { /* If the SuperToast is already showing do not show again */ return; } final WindowManager windowManager = superToast .getWindowManager(); final View toastView = superToast.getView(); final WindowManager.LayoutParams params = superToast .getWindowManagerParams(); if(windowManager != null) { windowManager.addView(toastView, params); } sendMessageDelayed(superToast, Messages.REMOVE_SUPERTOAST, superToast.getDuration() + 500); } /* Hide and remove the SuperToast */ protected void removeSuperToast(SuperToast superToast) { final WindowManager windowManager = superToast .getWindowManager(); final View toastView = superToast.getView(); if (windowManager != null) { mQueue.poll(); windowManager.removeView(toastView); sendMessageDelayed(superToast, Messages.DISPLAY_SUPERTOAST, 500); if(superToast.getOnDismissListener() != null) { superToast.getOnDismissListener().onDismiss(superToast.getView()); } } } /* Cancels/removes all showing pending SuperToasts */ protected void cancelAllSuperToasts() { removeMessages(Messages.ADD_SUPERTOAST); removeMessages(Messages.DISPLAY_SUPERTOAST); removeMessages(Messages.REMOVE_SUPERTOAST); for (SuperToast superToast : mQueue) { if (superToast.isShowing()) { superToast.getWindowManager().removeView( superToast.getView()); } } mQueue.clear(); } }