package io.evercam.androidapp.custom; import android.content.Context; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.widget.ScrollView; public class CustomScrollView extends ScrollView { private Runnable scrollerTask; private int initialPosition; private static final String TAG = "evercamplay-CustomScrollView"; public interface OnScrollStoppedListener { void onScrollStopped(); } private OnScrollStoppedListener onScrollStoppedListener; public CustomScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); scrollerTask = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int newPosition = getScrollY(); if(initialPosition - newPosition == 0) {// has stopped if(onScrollStoppedListener != null) { onScrollStoppedListener.onScrollStopped(); } } else { initialPosition = getScrollY(); CustomScrollView.this.postDelayed(scrollerTask, 100); } } }; } public void setOnScrollStoppedListener(CustomScrollView.OnScrollStoppedListener listener) { onScrollStoppedListener = listener; } public void startScrollerTask() { initialPosition = getScrollY(); CustomScrollView.this.postDelayed(scrollerTask, 100); } /** * Return bounds with bottom value + 300 in order to load more cameras */ public Rect getLiveBoundsRect() { Rect scrollViewBounds = new Rect(); getDrawingRect(scrollViewBounds); // Log.d(TAG, + " " + scrollViewBounds.bottom + " " // + scrollViewBounds.left + " " + scrollViewBounds.right); Rect rectWithExtension = new Rect(scrollViewBounds.left,, scrollViewBounds.right, scrollViewBounds.bottom + scrollViewBounds.bottom / 4); // Log.d(TAG, "Extended: " + + " " + rectWithExtension.bottom + // " " // + rectWithExtension.left + " " + rectWithExtension.right); return rectWithExtension; } }