package; import java.util.ArrayList; public class PortScan { private ArrayList<Port> activePortList; private PortScanCallback portScanCallback; public PortScan(PortScanCallback portScanCallback) { this.portScanCallback = portScanCallback; } public PortScan() { } // scan both stand and common ports public void start(String ip) throws Exception { activePortList = new ArrayList<Port>(); scanStandardPorts(ip); scanCommonPorts(ip); } private ArrayList<Port> getStandardPortList() { ArrayList<Port> portList = new ArrayList<>(); portList.add(new Port(Port.TYPE_HTTP, 80)); portList.add(new Port(Port.TYPE_RTSP, 554)); return portList; } private void scanPort(String ip, Port port) throws Exception { if (Port.isReachable(ip, port.getValue())) { // System.out.println("Active port added: " + ip + ":" + port); port.isActive(); activePortList.add(port); if (portScanCallback != null) { portScanCallback.onActivePort(port); } } } private void scanStandardPorts(String ip) throws Exception { ArrayList<Port> standardPorts = getStandardPortList(); for (Port port : standardPorts) { scanPort(ip, port); } } /** * Scan the common ports that are frequently used by Evercam only when HTTP * port(80) or RTSP port(554) is not open */ private void scanCommonPorts(String ip) throws Exception { String subIp = ip.substring(ip.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, ip.length()); int subIpInt = Integer.parseInt(subIp); ArrayList<String> activePortTypes = new ArrayList<>(); for (Port port : activePortList) { activePortTypes.add(port.getType()); } if (!activePortTypes.contains(Port.TYPE_HTTP)) { Port commonHttpPort = new Port(Port.TYPE_HTTP, 8000 + subIpInt); scanPort(ip, commonHttpPort); } if (!activePortTypes.contains(Port.TYPE_HTTP)) { Port commonRtspPort = new Port(Port.TYPE_RTSP, 9000 + subIpInt); scanPort(ip, commonRtspPort); } } public ArrayList<Port> getActivePorts() throws EvercamException { if (activePortList != null) { return activePortList; } else { throw new EvercamException( EvercamException.MSG_PORT_SCAN_NOT_STARTED); } } }