package; import io.evercam.Vendor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class EvercamDiscover { public static final int DEFAULT_FIXED_POOL = 20; private ArrayList<String> activeIpList = new ArrayList<String>(); private ArrayList<UpnpDevice> deviceList = new ArrayList<UpnpDevice>();// UPnP // device // list private ArrayList<NatMapEntry> mapEntries = new ArrayList<NatMapEntry>();// NAT // table private ArrayList<DiscoveredCamera> cameraList = new ArrayList<DiscoveredCamera>(); private ArrayList<DiscoveredCamera> onvifDeviceList = new ArrayList<DiscoveredCamera>(); private ArrayList<Device> nonCameraDeviceList = new ArrayList<Device>(); private boolean upnpDone = false; private boolean natDone = false; private int countDone = 0; private int queryCountDone = 0; private String externalIp = ""; private boolean withDefaults = false; public ExecutorService pool; public static long NAT_TIMEOUT = 5000; // 5 secs public static long IDENTIFICATION_TIMEOUT = 16000; // 16 secs public static long QUERY_TIMEOUT = 12000; // 12 secs /** * Include camera defaults(username, password, paths, and thumbnail URLs) in * the scanning result or not * * @param withDefaults * true if include camera defaults */ public EvercamDiscover withDefaults(boolean withDefaults) { this.withDefaults = withDefaults; return this; } /** * The wrapped method to scan for cameras in Android. * * @param scanRange * the range of IP addresses to scan * @param routerIp * gateway/router IP address * @return a list of discovered camera devices * @throws Exception */ public DiscoveryResult discoverAllLinux(ScanRange scanRange) throws Exception { pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(DEFAULT_FIXED_POOL); // Request for external IP address externalIp = NetworkInfo.getExternalIP(); if (!pool.isShutdown()) { // ONVIF discovery pool.execute(onvifRunnable); printLogMessage("Discovering ONVIF devices......"); // Start UPnP discovery pool.execute(upnpRunnable); if (scanRange.getRouterIpString().equals( NetworkInfo.getLinuxRouterIp())) { // Start UPnP router discovery printLogMessage("Discovering UPnP devices......"); pool.execute(new NatRunnable(scanRange.getRouterIpString()) { @Override public void onFinished(ArrayList<NatMapEntry> mapEntries) { printLogMessage("NAT discovery finished."); if (mapEntries != null) { EvercamDiscover.this.mapEntries = mapEntries; } natDone = true; } }); } printLogMessage("Discovering NAT table......"); } // Scan to get a list of active IP addresses. IpScan ipScan = new IpScan(new ScanResult() { @Override public void onActiveIp(String ip) { printLogMessage("Active IP: " + ip); activeIpList.add(ip); } @Override public void onIpScanned(String ip) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }); ipScan.scanAll(scanRange); long natWaitingTime = 0; while (!upnpDone || !natDone) { if (natWaitingTime < NAT_TIMEOUT) { printLogMessage("Waiting for UPnP & NAT discovery..."); Thread.sleep(2000); natWaitingTime += 2000; } else { printLogMessage("UPnP & NAT discovery timeout."); break; } } printLogMessage("Identifying cameras......"); // For each active IP, request for MAC address and vendor for (int index = 0; index < activeIpList.size(); index++) { if (!pool.isShutdown()) { pool.execute(new IdentifyCameraRunnable(activeIpList.get(index)) { @Override public void onCameraFound( DiscoveredCamera discoveredCamera, Vendor vendor) { discoveredCamera.setExternalIp(externalIp); // Add details discovered from UPnP to camera object discoveredCamera = mergeUpnpDevicesToCamera( discoveredCamera, deviceList); // Add details in discovered NAT table(mainly // forwarded ports) discoveredCamera = mergeNatTableToCamera( discoveredCamera, mapEntries); synchronized (cameraList) { cameraList.add(discoveredCamera); } } @Override public void onFinished() { countDone++; } @Override public void onNonCameraDeviceFound(Device device) { device.setExternalIp(externalIp); synchronized (nonCameraDeviceList) { nonCameraDeviceList.add(device); } } }); } } long identificationWaitingTime = 0; while (countDone != activeIpList.size()) { if (identificationWaitingTime < IDENTIFICATION_TIMEOUT) { printLogMessage("Identifying cameras..." + countDone + '/' + activeIpList.size()); Thread.sleep(4000); identificationWaitingTime += 4000; } else { printLogMessage("Camera identification timeout."); break; } } discardOnvifDeviceIfNotInScanRange(scanRange); // Merge ONVIF devices to discovered camera list mergeOnvifDeviceListToCameraList(); if (!pool.isShutdown()) { for (DiscoveredCamera discoveredCamera : cameraList) { pool.execute(new EvercamQueryRunnable(discoveredCamera) { @Override public void onFinished() { queryCountDone++; } }.withDefaults(withDefaults)); } } long queryWaitingTime = 0; while (queryCountDone != cameraList.size()) { if (queryWaitingTime < QUERY_TIMEOUT) { printLogMessage("Retrieving camera defaults..." + queryCountDone + '/' + cameraList.size()); Thread.sleep(4000); queryWaitingTime += 4000; } else { printLogMessage("Evercam query timeout."); break; } } pool.shutdown(); try { if (!pool.awaitTermination(3600, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { pool.shutdownNow(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { pool.shutdownNow(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } mergeDuplicateCameraFromList(cameraList); // Query ARP table again if MAC address is still empty after merging fillMacAddressIfNotExist(cameraList); return new DiscoveryResult(cameraList, nonCameraDeviceList); } public static DiscoveredCamera mergeSingleUpnpDeviceToCamera( UpnpDevice upnpDevice, DiscoveredCamera discoveredCamera) { int port = upnpDevice.getPort(); String model = upnpDevice.getModel(); if (port > 0) { discoveredCamera.setHttp(port); } discoveredCamera.setName(upnpDevice.getFriendlyName()); discoveredCamera.setModel(model); return discoveredCamera; } public static DiscoveredCamera mergeUpnpDevicesToCamera( DiscoveredCamera camera, ArrayList<UpnpDevice> upnpDeviceList) { try { if (upnpDeviceList.size() > 0) { for (UpnpDevice upnpDevice : upnpDeviceList) { // If IP address matches String ipFromUpnp = upnpDevice.getIp(); if (ipFromUpnp != null && !ipFromUpnp.isEmpty()) { if (camera.getIP().equals(ipFromUpnp)) { mergeSingleUpnpDeviceToCamera(upnpDevice, camera); break; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { printLogMessage("Exception while merging UPnP device: " + e.getStackTrace().toString()); } return camera; } public static DiscoveredCamera mergeNatEntryToCamera( DiscoveredCamera camera, NatMapEntry mapEntry) { int natInternalPort = mapEntry.getInternalPort(); int natExternalPort = mapEntry.getExternalPort(); if (camera.getHttp() == natInternalPort) { camera.setExthttp(natExternalPort); } if (camera.getRtsp() == natInternalPort) { camera.setExtrtsp(natExternalPort); } return camera; } public static DiscoveredCamera mergeNatTableToCamera( DiscoveredCamera camera, ArrayList<NatMapEntry> mapEntries) { if (mapEntries != null && mapEntries.size() > 0) { for (NatMapEntry mapEntry : mapEntries) { String natIp = mapEntry.getIpAddress(); if (camera.getIP().equals(natIp)) { mergeNatEntryToCamera(camera, mapEntry); } } } return camera; } /** * 1. Review the camera list and merge cameras with the same IP address 2. * Review the camera list and if any of them has duplicate MAC address but * are actually the same device, then discard one of them and add a note. * * @param the * re-organized camera list */ public static void mergeDuplicateCameraFromList( ArrayList<DiscoveredCamera> cameraList) { boolean duplicate = false; do { duplicate = false; int listSize = cameraList.size(); outsideLoop: for (int index1 = 0; index1 < listSize; index1++) { DiscoveredCamera camera1 = cameraList.get(index1); String ip1 = camera1.getIP(); String mac1 = camera1.getMAC(); for (int index2 = index1 + 1; index2 < listSize; index2++) { DiscoveredCamera camera2 = cameraList.get(index2); String ip2 = camera2.getIP(); String mac2 = camera2.getMAC(); if (ip1.equals(ip2)) { duplicate = true; // Merge camera object on the original list camera1.merge(camera2); // Remove camera from the original list cameraList.remove(index2); break outsideLoop; } /** * If the two cameras has different IP but have the same MAC * address, * */ else if (!mac1.isEmpty() && !mac2.isEmpty() && mac1.equals(mac2) && camera1.isduplicateWith(camera2)) { duplicate = true; camera1.setNotes("Duplicate MAC address with another IP address: " + ip2); cameraList.remove(camera2); break outsideLoop; } } } } while (duplicate); } /** * If MAC address doesn't exist in camera object, query ARP table again */ public static void fillMacAddressIfNotExist( ArrayList<DiscoveredCamera> cameraList) { for (DiscoveredCamera camera : cameraList) { if (!camera.hasMac()) { camera.setMAC(MacAddress.getByIpLinux(camera.getIP())); } } } private OnvifRunnable onvifRunnable = new OnvifRunnable() { @Override public void onFinished() { printLogMessage("ONVIF discovery finished."); } @Override public void onDeviceFound(DiscoveredCamera discoveredCamera) { printLogMessage("Found ONVIF device: " + discoveredCamera.getIP()); discoveredCamera.setExternalIp(externalIp); onvifDeviceList.add(discoveredCamera); } }; private void discardOnvifDeviceIfNotInScanRange(ScanRange scanRange) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ArrayList<DiscoveredCamera> clonedList = (ArrayList<DiscoveredCamera>) onvifDeviceList .clone(); if (onvifDeviceList.size() > 0) { for (DiscoveredCamera discoveredCamera : onvifDeviceList) { try { if (!scanRange.containIp(discoveredCamera.getIP())) { EvercamDiscover .printLogMessage("Removing ONVIF device: " + discoveredCamera.getIP()); clonedList.remove(discoveredCamera); } } catch (Exception e) { if (Constants.ENABLE_LOGGING) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } onvifDeviceList = clonedList; } } private void mergeOnvifDeviceListToCameraList() { if (onvifDeviceList.size() > 0) { for (DiscoveredCamera onvifCamera : onvifDeviceList) { boolean matched = false; if (cameraList.size() > 0) { for (DiscoveredCamera discoveredCamera : cameraList) { if (discoveredCamera.getIP() .equals(onvifCamera.getIP())) { matched = true; if (onvifCamera.hasModel()) { discoveredCamera.setModel(onvifCamera .getModel()); discoveredCamera.setHttp(onvifCamera.getHttp()); } break; } } } if (!matched) { cameraList.add(onvifCamera); } } } } private UpnpRunnable upnpRunnable = new UpnpRunnable() { @Override public void onFinished(ArrayList<UpnpDevice> upnpDeviceList) { printLogMessage("UPnP discovery finished."); if (upnpDeviceList != null) { deviceList = upnpDeviceList; } upnpDone = true; } @Override public void onDeviceFound(UpnpDevice upnpDevice) { printLogMessage("Found UPnP device: " + upnpDevice.getIp()); } }; /** * Only print the logging message when logging is enabled * * @param message * The logging message to be printed in console */ public static void printLogMessage(String message) { if (Constants.ENABLE_LOGGING) { System.out.println(message); } } }