/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.errorprone.bugpatterns; import com.google.errorprone.CompilationTestHelper; import javax.tools.JavaFileObject; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; /** * Unit tests for {@link RequiredModifiersChecker}. * * @author sgoldfeder@google.com (Steven Goldfeder) */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class RequiredModifiersCheckerTest { private CompilationTestHelper compilationHelper; JavaFileObject abstractRequired; JavaFileObject publicAndFinalRequired; @Before public void setUp() { compilationHelper = CompilationTestHelper .newInstance(RequiredModifiersChecker.class, getClass()) .addSourceLines( "test/AbstractRequired.java", "package test;", "import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.ABSTRACT;", "import com.google.errorprone.annotations.RequiredModifiers;", "@RequiredModifiers(ABSTRACT)", "public @interface AbstractRequired {", "}") .addSourceLines( "test/PublicAndFinalRequired.java", "package test;", "import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.FINAL;", "import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.PUBLIC;", "import com.google.errorprone.annotations.RequiredModifiers;", "@RequiredModifiers({PUBLIC, FINAL})", "public @interface PublicAndFinalRequired {", "}"); } @Test public void testAnnotationWithRequiredModifiersMissingOnClassFails() throws Exception { compilationHelper .addSourceLines( "test/RequiredModifiersTestCase.java", "package test;", "import test.AbstractRequired;", "// BUG: Diagnostic contains: The annotation '@AbstractRequired' has specified that it" + " must be used together with the following modifiers: [abstract]", "@AbstractRequired public class RequiredModifiersTestCase {", "}") .doTest(); } @Test public void testAnnotationWithRequiredModifiersMissingOnFieldFails1() throws Exception { compilationHelper .addSourceLines( "test/RequiredModifiersTestCase.java", "package test;", "import test.PublicAndFinalRequired;", "public class RequiredModifiersTestCase {", " // BUG: Diagnostic contains: The annotation '@PublicAndFinalRequired' has specified" + " that it must be used together with the following modifiers: [public, final]", " @PublicAndFinalRequired int n = 0;", "}") .doTest(); } @Test public void testAnnotationWithRequiredModifiersMissingOnFieldFails2() throws Exception { compilationHelper .addSourceLines( "test/RequiredModifiersTestCase.java", "package test;", "import test.PublicAndFinalRequired;", "public class RequiredModifiersTestCase {", " // BUG: Diagnostic contains: The annotation '@PublicAndFinalRequired' has specified" + " that it must be used together with the following modifiers: [final]", " @PublicAndFinalRequired public int n = 0;", "}") .doTest(); } @Test public void testAnnotationWithRequiredModifiersMissingOnFieldFails3() throws Exception { compilationHelper .addSourceLines( "test/RequiredModifiersTestCase.java", "package test;", "import test.PublicAndFinalRequired;", "public class RequiredModifiersTestCase {", " // BUG: Diagnostic contains: The annotation '@PublicAndFinalRequired' has specified" + " that it must be used together with the following modifiers: [public]", " @PublicAndFinalRequired final int n = 0;", "}") .doTest(); } @Test public void testAnnotationWithRequiredModifiersMissingOnMethodFails1() throws Exception { compilationHelper .addSourceLines( "test/RequiredModifiersTestCase.java", "package test;", "import test.PublicAndFinalRequired;", "public class RequiredModifiersTestCase {", " // BUG: Diagnostic contains: The annotation '@PublicAndFinalRequired' has specified" + " that it must be used together with the following modifiers: [public, final]", " @PublicAndFinalRequired private void foo(){}", "}") .doTest(); } @Test public void testAnnotationWithRequiredModifiersMissingOnMethodFails2() throws Exception { compilationHelper .addSourceLines( "test/RequiredModifiersTestCase.java", "package test;", "import test.PublicAndFinalRequired;", "public class RequiredModifiersTestCase {", " // BUG: Diagnostic contains: The annotation '@PublicAndFinalRequired' has specified" + " that it must be used together with the following modifiers: [final]", " @PublicAndFinalRequired public void foo(){}", "}") .doTest(); } @Test public void testAnnotationWithRequiredModifiersMissingOnMethodFails3() throws Exception { compilationHelper .addSourceLines( "test/RequiredModifiersTestCase.java", "package test;", "import test.PublicAndFinalRequired;", "public class RequiredModifiersTestCase {", " // BUG: Diagnostic contains: The annotation '@PublicAndFinalRequired' has specified" + " that it must be used together with the following modifiers: [public]", " @PublicAndFinalRequired final void foo(){}", "}") .doTest(); } @Test public void testHasRequiredModifiersSucceeds() throws Exception { compilationHelper .addSourceLines( "test/RequiredModifiersTestCase.java", "package test;", "import test.AbstractRequired;", "abstract class RequiredModifiersTestCase {}") .doTest(); } // Regression test for #313 @Test public void negativeNestedAnnotations() throws Exception { compilationHelper .addSourceLines( "test/Test.java", "package test;", "@interface Foos {", " Foo[] value();", "}", "@interface Foo {", "}", "@Foos({@Foo, @Foo}) public class Test {", "}") .doTest(); } // Regression test for #313 @Test public void negativePackageAnnotation() throws Exception { compilationHelper .addSourceLines( "testdata/Anno.java", "package testdata;", "import java.lang.annotation.Target;", "import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;", "@Target(ElementType.PACKAGE)", "public @interface Anno {", "}") .addSourceLines( "testdata/package-info.java", "@Anno", "package testdata;") .doTest(); } }