/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jboss.errai.common.client.util; /** * Base64 String to-and-from byte array utility. * <p/> * This code is a modified version of Base64Encoder from <a href= * "http://code.google.com/p/gwt-crypto/source/browse/trunk/src/main/java/com/googlecode/gwt/crypto/bouncycastle/util/encoders/Base64.java?r=50" * >the gwt-crypto project</a>, used under the terms of the ASL 2.0 license. * * @author gwt-crypto project (original encode/decode logic) * @author Jonathan Fuerth <jfuerth@gmail.com> (modified for Errai by removing * usage of java.io) */ public class Base64Util { private static final byte[] encodingTable = {(byte) 'A', (byte) 'B', (byte) 'C', (byte) 'D', (byte) 'E', (byte) 'F', (byte) 'G', (byte) 'H', (byte) 'I', (byte) 'J', (byte) 'K', (byte) 'L', (byte) 'M', (byte) 'N', (byte) 'O', (byte) 'P', (byte) 'Q', (byte) 'R', (byte) 'S', (byte) 'T', (byte) 'U', (byte) 'V', (byte) 'W', (byte) 'X', (byte) 'Y', (byte) 'Z', (byte) 'a', (byte) 'b', (byte) 'c', (byte) 'd', (byte) 'e', (byte) 'f', (byte) 'g', (byte) 'h', (byte) 'i', (byte) 'j', (byte) 'k', (byte) 'l', (byte) 'm', (byte) 'n', (byte) 'o', (byte) 'p', (byte) 'q', (byte) 'r', (byte) 's', (byte) 't', (byte) 'u', (byte) 'v', (byte) 'w', (byte) 'x', (byte) 'y', (byte) 'z', (byte) '0', (byte) '1', (byte) '2', (byte) '3', (byte) '4', (byte) '5', (byte) '6', (byte) '7', (byte) '8', (byte) '9', (byte) '+', (byte) '/'}; protected static final byte padding = (byte) '='; protected static final byte[] decodingTable = new byte[128]; static { for (int i = 0; i < encodingTable.length; i++) { decodingTable[encodingTable[i]] = (byte) i; } } /** * Same as {@link #encode(byte[], int, int)} but accepts an array of boxed * Byte values. * * @param data * The sequence of bytes to encode. Every element must be non-null. * @param off * The offset into the data array to start encoding from * @param length * The number of bytes to encode, starting from {@code off} * * @return The base64 encoded data. */ public static String encode(final Byte[] data, final int off, final int length) { final byte[] primitiveData = new byte[data.length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { primitiveData[i] = data[off + i]; } return encode(primitiveData, 0, primitiveData.length); } /** * Encodes the input data, producing a base 64 string. * * @param data * the data to encode. It is assumed that none of the elements are * null. * @param off * The offset into the data array to start encoding from * @param length * The number of bytes to encode, starting from {@code off} * * @return the base64 representation of the given binary data. */ public static String encode(final byte[] data, final int off, final int length) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final int modulus = length % 3; final int dataLength = (length - modulus); int a1, a2, a3; for (int i = off; i < off + dataLength; i += 3) { a1 = data[i] & 0xff; a2 = data[i + 1] & 0xff; a3 = data[i + 2] & 0xff; sb.append((char) encodingTable[(a1 >>> 2) & 0x3f]); sb.append((char) encodingTable[((a1 << 4) | (a2 >>> 4)) & 0x3f]); sb.append((char) encodingTable[((a2 << 2) | (a3 >>> 6)) & 0x3f]); sb.append((char) encodingTable[a3 & 0x3f]); } /* * process the tail end. */ final int d1; final int d2; switch (modulus) { case 0: /* nothing left to do */ break; case 1: d1 = data[off + dataLength] & 0xff; sb.append((char) encodingTable[(d1 >>> 2) & 0x3f]); sb.append((char) encodingTable[(d1 << 4) & 0x3f]); sb.append((char) padding); sb.append((char) padding); break; case 2: d1 = data[off + dataLength] & 0xff; d2 = data[off + dataLength + 1] & 0xff; sb.append((char) encodingTable[(d1 >>> 2) & 0x3f]); sb.append((char) encodingTable[((d1 << 4) | (d2 >>> 4)) & 0x3f]); sb.append((char) encodingTable[(d2 << 2) & 0x3f]); sb.append((char) padding); break; } return sb.toString(); } private static boolean ignore(final char c) { return (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == ' '); } public static Byte[] decodeAsBoxed(final String data) { final byte[] primitiveArray = decode(data); final Byte[] boxedData = new Byte[primitiveArray.length]; for (int i = 0; i < primitiveArray.length; i++) { boxedData[i] = primitiveArray[i]; } return boxedData; } /** * Decodes the Base64-encoded String to the equivalent binary data array. * Whitespace characters in the input stream are ignored. * * @return the binary data decoded from the input string */ public static byte[] decode(final String data) { byte b2, b3; if (data.isEmpty()) { return new byte[0]; } int end = data.length(); while (end > 0) { if (!ignore(data.charAt(end - 1))) { break; } end--; } final byte[] lastBlock = new byte[3]; final int bytesInLastBlock = decodeLastBlock( lastBlock, 0, data.charAt(end - 4), data.charAt(end - 3), data.charAt(end - 2), data.charAt(end - 1)); final byte[] out = new byte[data.length() / 4 * 3 - (3 - bytesInLastBlock)]; int outpos = 0; int i = 0; final int finish = end - 4; while (i < finish) { out[outpos++] = (byte) ((decodingTable[data.charAt(i = nextI(data, i, finish))] << 2) | ((b2 = decodingTable[data.charAt(i = nextI(data, ++i, finish))]) >> 4)); out[outpos++] = (byte) ((b2 << 4) | ((b3 = decodingTable[data.charAt(i = nextI(data, ++i, finish))]) >> 2)); out[outpos++] = (byte) ((b3 << 6) | decodingTable[data.charAt(i = nextI(data, ++i, finish))]); i = nextI(data, i, finish); i++; } for (int j = 0; j < bytesInLastBlock; j++) { out[outpos++] = lastBlock[j]; } return out; } private static int decodeLastBlock( final byte[] out, int outpos, final char c1, final char c2, final char c3, final char c4) { if (c3 == padding) { out[outpos] = (byte) ((decodingTable[c1] << 2) | (decodingTable[c2] >> 4)); return 1; } else if (c4 == padding) { out[outpos++] = (byte) ((decodingTable[c1] << 2) | (decodingTable[c2] >> 4)); out[outpos] = (byte) ((decodingTable[c2] << 4) | (decodingTable[c3] >> 2)); return 2; } else { out[outpos++] = (byte) ((decodingTable[c1] << 2) | (decodingTable[c2] >> 4)); out[outpos++] = (byte) ((decodingTable[c2] << 4) | (decodingTable[c3] >> 2)); out[outpos] = (byte) ((decodingTable[c3] << 6) | decodingTable[c4]); return 3; } } private static int nextI(final String data, int i, final int finish) { while ((i < finish) && ignore(data.charAt(i))) { i++; } return i; } }