/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jboss.errai.codegen.test; /** * @author Christian Sadilek <csadilek@redhat.com> */ public interface ClassBuilderTestResult { public static final String CLASS_IMPLEMENTING_INTERFACE = " package org.foo;" + "\n" + " import java.io.Serializable;\n" + "\n" + " public class Bar implements Serializable {\n" + " private String name;\n" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_IMPLEMENTING_MULTIPLE_INTERFACES = " package org.foo;\n" + " import java.io.Serializable;\n" + "\n" + " public class Bar implements Serializable, Cloneable {\n" + " private String name;\n" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_DECLARING_INNER_CLASS = " package foo.bar;" + "\n" + " public class Baz {\n" + " public class Inner {\n" + " }" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_METHOD_USING_INNER_CLASS = " package foo.bar;" + "\n" + " import java.io.Serializable;\n" + "\n" + " public class Baz {\n" + " public void someMethod() {\n" + " class Inner implements Serializable {\n" + " private String name;" + " public void setName(final String name) {\n" + " this.name = name;\n" + " }\n" + " }" + " new Inner();" + " }" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_ACCESSOR_METHODS = " package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + " public class Foo {\n" + " private String name = \"default\";\n" + " public String getName() {\n" + " return name;\n" + " }\n" + " public void setName(String name) {\n" + " this.name = name;\n" + " }\n" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_PARENT = " package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + " public class Foo extends String {\n" + " public Foo(int i) {" + " }" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_FIELD_INHERITANCE = " package org.foo;" + "" + " import org.jboss.errai.codegen.test.model.tree.Parent;" + "" + " public class Foo extends Parent {" + " public Foo() {" + " parentProtected = 0;" + " parentPublic = 0;" + " }" + " }"; public static final String ABSTRACT_CLASS = " package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + " public abstract class Foo {\n" + " public Foo() {" + " }" + " }"; public static final String ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_ABSTRACT_METHODS = " package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + " public abstract class Foo {\n" + " public Foo() {" + " }" + " public abstract void foo();" + " protected abstract void bar();" + " public void baz() {" + " }" + " }"; public static final String ABSTRACT_CLASS_WITH_ABSTRACT_METHODS_2 = "package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + "import java.util.Map;\n" + "\n" + "public abstract class Foo {\n" + " public Foo() {\n" + "\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " public abstract String someString();\n" + " public abstract Integer someInteger(final long aLong);\n" + " public abstract void foo(String a0, Integer a1) throws Throwable;\n" + " protected abstract void bar(Long a0, Double a1) throws UnsupportedOperationException;\n" + " protected abstract Long funTimes(final String str);\n" + " abstract void foobaz(Map a0) throws ClassNotFoundException;\n" + " abstract Float boringTimes(byte[] byteArr);\n" + " public void baz() {\n" + "\n" + " }\n" + "}"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_CONSTRUCTOR_CALLING_SUPER = " package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + " public class Foo {\n" + " public Foo() {" + " super();" + " }" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_CONSTRUCTOR_CALLING_THIS = " package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + " public class Foo {\n" + " private boolean b;" + " public Foo() {" + " this(false);" + " }" + " public Foo(boolean b) {" + " this.b = b;" + " }" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_METHOD_CALLING_METHOD_ON_THIS = " package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + " public class Foo {\n" + " public void bar() {" + " foo();" + " }" + " public String foo() {" + " return null;" + " }" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_METHOD_CALLING_METHOD_ON_SUPER = " package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + " public class Foo {\n" + " public void bar() {" + " foo();" + " }" + " public String foo() {" + " return super.toString();" + " }" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_METHOD_HAVING_THROWS_DECLARATION = " package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + " public class Foo {\n" + " public void initialize() throws Exception, IllegalArgumentException {" + " }" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_METHODS_OF_ALL_SCOPES = " package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + " public class Foo {\n" + " public void publicMethod() {" + " }" + " protected void protectedMethod() {" + " }" + " void packagePrivateMethod() {" + " }" + " private void privateMethod() {" + " }" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_FIELDS_OF_ALL_SCOPES = " package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + " public class Foo {\n" + " public int publicField;\n" + " protected int protectedField;\n" + " int packagePrivateField;\n" + " private int privateField;\n" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_CONSTRUCTORS_OF_ALL_SCOPES = " package org.foo;\n" + "\n" + " public class Foo {\n" + " public Foo() {" + " }" + " protected Foo() {" + " }" + " Foo() {" + " }" + " private Foo() {" + " }" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_STATIC_METHOD = " package my.test;\n" + "\n" + " public class Clazz {\n" + " public static void test() {\n" + " System.out.println(\"Hello, World!\");\n" + " }\n" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_JSNI_METHOD = " package my.test;\n" + "\n" + " public class Clazz {\n" + " public native void test() /*-{\n" + " System.out.println(\"Hello, World!\");\n" + " }-*/;\n" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_DEFINITION_BY_IMPLEMENTING_INTERFACE = " package org.jboss.errai.codegen.test.model;\n" + "\n" + " public class BazImpl implements Baz {\n" + " public void someMethod() {\n" + " }\n" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_COLLIDING_IMPORTS_WITH_INNER_CLASS = " package my.test;" + "\n" + " import java.io.Serializable;\n" + " import org.jboss.errai.codegen.test.model.TestInterface;\n" + "\n" + " public class Clazz implements TestInterface, " + " org.jboss.errai.codegen.test.ClassBuilderTest.TestInterface, Serializable {\n" + " private String name;\n" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_COLLIDING_IMPORTS_WITH_INNER_CLASS_FIRST = " package my.test;" + "\n" + " import java.io.Serializable;\n" + " import org.jboss.errai.codegen.test.ClassBuilderTest.TestInterface;\n" + "\n" + " public class Clazz implements TestInterface, " + " org.jboss.errai.codegen.test.model.TestInterface, Serializable {\n" + " private String name;\n" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_COLLIDING_IMPORTS_WITH_JAVA_LANG = " package my.test;" + " import org.jboss.errai.codegen.test.model.Integer;\n" + "\n" + " public class Clazz {\n " + " private Integer i;\n" + " private java.lang.Integer j;\n" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_COLLIDING_IMPORTS_WITH_JAVA_LANG_FIRST = " package my.test;" + "\n" + " public class Clazz {\n " + " private Integer i;\n" + " private org.jboss.errai.codegen.test.model.Integer j;\n" + " }"; public static final String CLASS_WITH_CLASS_COMMENT = " package org.foo;" + "" + " // A foo-ish bar" + " public class Bar {}"; }