package org.envirocar.obd.adapter; import android.util.Base64; import org.envirocar.core.logging.Logger; import org.envirocar.obd.commands.PID; import org.envirocar.obd.commands.PIDSupported; import org.envirocar.obd.commands.PIDUtil; import org.envirocar.obd.commands.request.BasicCommand; import org.envirocar.obd.commands.request.PIDCommand; import org.envirocar.obd.commands.response.DataResponse; import org.envirocar.obd.commands.response.ResponseParser; import org.envirocar.obd.exception.AdapterFailedException; import org.envirocar.obd.exception.AdapterSearchingException; import org.envirocar.obd.exception.InvalidCommandResponseException; import org.envirocar.obd.exception.NoDataReceivedException; import org.envirocar.obd.exception.StreamFinishedException; import org.envirocar.obd.exception.UnmatchedResponseException; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import rx.Observable; import rx.Subscriber; public abstract class SyncAdapter implements OBDAdapter { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SyncAdapter.class.getName()); protected static final long ADAPTER_TRY_PERIOD = 20000; private static final char COMMAND_SEND_END = '\r'; private static final char COMMAND_RECEIVE_END = '>'; private static final char COMMAND_RECEIVE_SPACE = ' '; private static final int MAX_ERROR_PER_COMMAND = 5; private Set<Character> ignoredChars = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(COMMAND_RECEIVE_SPACE, COMMAND_SEND_END)); private CommandExecutor commandExecutor; private ResponseParser parser = new ResponseParser(); private Set<PID> supportedPIDs = new HashSet<>(); private Map<PID, AtomicInteger> failureMap = new HashMap<>(); private List<PIDCommand> requestCommands; private Queue<PIDCommand> commandRingBuffer = new ArrayDeque<>(); private Queue<PIDSupported> pidSupportedCommands = new ArrayDeque<>(Arrays.asList(new PIDSupported[] {new PIDSupported(), new PIDSupported("20")})); @Override public Observable<Boolean> initialize(InputStream is, OutputStream os) { commandExecutor = new CommandExecutor(is, os, ignoredChars, COMMAND_RECEIVE_END, COMMAND_SEND_END); /** * create an observable that tries to verify the * connection based on response analysis */ Observable<Boolean> obs = Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<Boolean>() { @Override public void call(Subscriber<? super Boolean> subscriber) { try { boolean analyzedSuccessfully = false; while (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) { if (analyzedSuccessfully) { /** * a successful data connection has been established: * retrieve the supported PIDs */ PIDSupported pid = pidSupportedCommands.poll(); while (pid != null) { commandExecutor.execute(pid); byte[] resp = commandExecutor.retrieveLatestResponse(); try { supportedPIDs.addAll(pid.parsePIDs(resp)); } catch (InvalidCommandResponseException | NoDataReceivedException | UnmatchedResponseException | AdapterSearchingException e) { LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); }"Currently supported PIDs: " + supportedPIDs.toString()); pid = pidSupportedCommands.poll(); } subscriber.onNext(true); subscriber.onCompleted(); } else { BasicCommand cc = pollNextInitializationCommand(); if (cc == null) { subscriber.onError(new AdapterFailedException( "All init commands sent, but could not verify connection")); subscriber.unsubscribe(); }"Sending command in initial phase: "+cc.toString()); //push the command to the output stream commandExecutor.execute(cc); //check if the command needs a response (most likely) if (cc.awaitsResults()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); byte[] resp = commandExecutor.retrieveLatestResponse();"Retrieved initial phase response: "+Base64.encodeToString(resp, Base64.DEFAULT)); analyzedSuccessfully = analyzedSuccessfully | analyzeMetadataResponse(resp, cc); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage()); } } } } } catch (IOException | AdapterFailedException e) { subscriber.onError(e); subscriber.unsubscribe(); } catch (StreamFinishedException e) { LOGGER.warn("The stream was closed unexpectedly: "+e.getMessage()); subscriber.onCompleted(); subscriber.unsubscribe(); } } }); return obs; } @Override public Observable<DataResponse> observe() { return Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<DataResponse>() { @Override public void call(Subscriber<? super DataResponse> subscriber) {"SyncAdapter.observe().call()"); //prepare all pending data commands preparePendingCommands(); PIDCommand latestCommand = null; byte[] bytes = null; while (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) { try { latestCommand = pollNextCommand(); LOGGER.debug("Sending command " + (latestCommand != null ? latestCommand.getPid().toString() : "n/a")); /** * write the next pending command */ if (latestCommand != null) { commandExecutor.execute(latestCommand); } /** * read the next incoming response */ bytes = commandExecutor.retrieveLatestResponse(); DataResponse response = parser.parse(preProcess(bytes)); if (response != null) { LOGGER.debug("isUnsubscribed? " + subscriber.isUnsubscribed()); subscriber.onNext(response); } } catch (IOException e) { subscriber.onError(e); subscriber.unsubscribe(); } catch (AdapterFailedException e) { LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); LOGGER.warn(String.format("Sent Command was: %s; Received response was: %s", latestCommand.getPid().toString(), Base64.encodeToString(bytes, Base64.DEFAULT))); subscriber.onError(e); subscriber.unsubscribe(); } catch (StreamFinishedException e) {"Stream finished: "+ e.getMessage()); subscriber.onCompleted(); subscriber.unsubscribe(); } catch (AdapterSearchingException e) { LOGGER.warn("Adapter still searching: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (NoDataReceivedException e) { LOGGER.warn("No data received: " + e.getMessage()); increaseFailureCount(latestCommand.getPid()); } catch (InvalidCommandResponseException e) { LOGGER.warn("Received InvalidCommandResponseException: " + e.getCommand()); increaseFailureCount(PIDUtil.fromString(e.getCommand())); } catch (UnmatchedResponseException e) { LOGGER.warn("Unmatched response: " + e.getMessage()); } } } }); } protected PIDCommand pollNextCommand() throws AdapterFailedException { if (this.commandRingBuffer.isEmpty()) { throw new AdapterFailedException("No available commands left in the buffer"); } PIDCommand cmd = commandRingBuffer.poll(); if (cmd != null) { if (!checkIsBlacklisted(cmd.getPid())) { /** * not blacklisted: add it back as the last element of the ring */ commandRingBuffer.offer(cmd); return cmd; } else { /** * blacklisted: do not re-add it and return the next candidate */ return pollNextCommand(); } } return cmd; } protected void increaseFailureCount(PID command) { if (command == null) { return; } if (this.failureMap.containsKey(command)) { this.failureMap.get(command).getAndIncrement(); } else { AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(1); this.failureMap.put(command, ai); } } protected List<PIDCommand> defaultCycleCommands() { if (requestCommands == null) { requestCommands = new ArrayList<>(); for (PID p: PID.values()) { addIfSupported(p); } } return requestCommands; } protected void addIfSupported(PID pid) { if (supportedPIDs == null || supportedPIDs.isEmpty()) { requestCommands.add(PIDUtil.instantiateCommand(pid)); } else if (supportedPIDs.contains(pid)) { requestCommands.add(PIDUtil.instantiateCommand(pid)); } else {"PID "+pid.toString()+" not supported. Skipping."); } } private void preparePendingCommands() { commandRingBuffer = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (PIDCommand cmd : providePendingCommands()) { if (cmd != null) { commandRingBuffer.offer(cmd); } } } private boolean checkIsBlacklisted(PID pid) { return this.failureMap.containsKey(pid) && this.failureMap.get(pid).get() > MAX_ERROR_PER_COMMAND; } @Override public long getExpectedInitPeriod() { return ADAPTER_TRY_PERIOD; } protected abstract BasicCommand pollNextInitializationCommand(); protected abstract List<PIDCommand> providePendingCommands(); /** * * @param response the raw data received * @param sentCommand the originating command * @return true if the adapter established a meaningful connection */ protected abstract boolean analyzeMetadataResponse(byte[] response, BasicCommand sentCommand) throws AdapterFailedException; protected abstract byte[] preProcess(byte[] bytes) throws AdapterFailedException; }