package; import; import android.text.Html; import android.text.Spanned; import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog; import; import; import org.envirocar.core.entity.TermsOfUse; import org.envirocar.core.entity.User; import org.envirocar.core.logging.Logger; import rx.Observable; import rx.Scheduler; import rx.Subscriber; import rx.Subscription; import; import rx.functions.Action0; import rx.schedulers.Schedulers; /** * TODO JavaDoc * * @author dewall */ public class ReactiveTermsOfUseDialog { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ReactiveTermsOfUseDialog.class); private final Scheduler.Worker mainThreadWorker = AndroidSchedulers.mainThread() .createWorker(); private final Scheduler.Worker backgroundWorker =; private final Activity activityContext; private final User user; private final TermsOfUse currentTermsOfUse; /** * Constructor. * * @param activityContext */ public ReactiveTermsOfUseDialog(Activity activityContext, User user, TermsOfUse currentToU) { this.activityContext = activityContext; this.user = user; this.currentTermsOfUse = currentToU; } public Observable<TermsOfUse> asObservable() {"asObservable()"); return Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<TermsOfUse>() { private MaterialDialog termsOfUseDialog; @Override public void call(Subscriber<? super TermsOfUse> subscriber) {"asObservable().call()"); boolean firstTime = user.getTermsOfUseVersion() == null; // Create the terms of use dialog. MaterialDialog.Builder builder = createDialogBuilder( createTermsOfUseMarkup(currentTermsOfUse, firstTime), // OnPositive callback () -> {"onClick() the positive button"); subscriber.onNext(currentTermsOfUse); }, // OnNegative callback. () -> {"onClick() the negative button."); subscriber.onError(new NotAcceptedTermsOfUseException( activityContext.getString(R.string .terms_of_use_cant_continue))); }); // Show the dialog mainThreadWorker.schedule(() -> termsOfUseDialog =; // Add an additional subscription to the subscriber that dismisses the terms of // use dialog on unsubscribe. subscriber.add(new Subscription() { @Override public void unsubscribe() { if (termsOfUseDialog != null) termsOfUseDialog.dismiss(); } @Override public boolean isUnsubscribed() { return subscriber.isUnsubscribed(); } }); } }); } /** * Creates the dialog for accepting the terms of use. * * @param onPositive the action that gets called when the user accepts the terms of use. * @param onNegative the action that gets called when the user rejects the terms of use. * @return the created dialog instance. */ private MaterialDialog.Builder createDialogBuilder(Spanned content, Action0 onPositive, Action0 onNegative) {"createDialog()"); return new MaterialDialog.Builder(activityContext) .title(R.string.terms_of_use_title) .content(content) .positiveText(R.string.terms_of_use_accept) .negativeText(R.string.terms_of_use_reject) .cancelable(false) .onPositive((materialDialog, dialogAction) -> backgroundWorker.schedule(onPositive)) .onNegative((materialDialog, dialogAction) -> backgroundWorker.schedule(onNegative)); } private Spanned createTermsOfUseMarkup(TermsOfUse currentTermsOfUse, boolean firstTime) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<p>"); if (!firstTime) { sb.append(activityContext.getString(R.string.terms_of_use_sorry)); } else { sb.append(activityContext.getString(R.string.terms_of_use_info)); } sb.append(":</p>"); sb.append(currentTermsOfUse.getContents().replace("</li>", "<br/></li>")); return Html.fromHtml(sb.toString()); } }