package; import com.mxgraph.util.mxPoint; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * General utilities for .vdx format support */ public class mxVdxUtils { private static double screenCoordinatesPerCm = 40; private static final double CENTIMETERS_PER_INCHES = 2.54; /** * Checks if the NodeList has a Node with name = tag. * @param nl NodeList * @param tag Name of the node. * @return Returns <code>true</code> if the Node List has a Node with name = tag. */ public static boolean nodeListHasTag(NodeList nl, String tag) { boolean has = false; if (nl != null) { int length = nl.getLength(); for (int i = 0; (i < length) && !has; i++) { has = (nl.item(i)).getNodeName().equals(tag); } } return has; } /** * Returns the first Element that has name = tag in Node List. * @param nl NodeList * @param tag Name of the Element * @return Element with name = 'tag'. */ public static Element nodeListTag(NodeList nl, String tag) { if (nl != null) { int length = nl.getLength(); boolean has = false; for (int i = 0; (i < length) && !has; i++) { has = (nl.item(i)).getNodeName().equals(tag); if (has) { return (Element) nl.item(i); } } } return null; } /** * Returns the Element that has name = tag and Index = ix in Node List. * @param nl NodeList * @param tag name of the Element * @return Element that has name = tag and Index = ix in Node List.. */ public static Element nodeListTagIndexed(NodeList nl, String tag, String ix) { if (nl != null) { int length = nl.getLength(); boolean has = false; for (int i = 0; (i < length) && !has; i++) { has = (nl.item(i)).getNodeName().equals(tag) && ((Element) (nl.item(i))).getAttribute("IX").equals( ix); if (has) { return (Element) nl.item(i); } } } return null; } /** * Returns a list with the elements included in the Node List that have name = tag. * @param nl NodeList * @param tag name of the Element. * @return List with the indicated elements. */ public static List<Element> nodeListTags(NodeList nl, String tag) { ArrayList<Element> ret = new ArrayList<Element>(); if (nl != null) { int length = nl.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (tag.equals((nl.item(i)).getNodeName())) { ret.add((Element) nl.item(i)); } } } return ret; } /** * Copy a given NodeList into a List<Element> * @param nodeList Node List. * @return List with the elements of nodeList. */ public static List<Node> copyNodeList(NodeList nodeList) { ArrayList<Node> copy = new ArrayList<Node>(); int length = nodeList.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { copy.add((Node) nodeList.item(i)); } return copy; } /** * Returns the conversion factor from inches to pixels. * @return converison factor. */ public static double conversionFactor() { double ret = 0; ret = screenCoordinatesPerCm * CENTIMETERS_PER_INCHES; return ret; } /** * Adjusts a constraint in the range of 0..1 * @param constraint Point with the constraint. */ public static mxPoint adjustConstraint(mxPoint constraint) { constraint.setX(Math.max(0, constraint.getX())); constraint.setY(Math.max(0, constraint.getY())); constraint.setX(Math.min(1, constraint.getX())); constraint.setY(Math.min(1, constraint.getY())); return constraint; } /** * Returns the string that represents the content of a given style map. * @param styleMap Map with the styles values * @return string that represents the style. */ public static String getStyleString(Map<String, Object> styleMap, String asig) { String style = ""; Iterator<Object> it = styleMap.values().iterator(); Iterator<String> kit = styleMap.keySet().iterator(); while (kit.hasNext()) { String key =; Object value =; style = style + key + asig + value + ";"; } return style; } /** * Returns a text surrounded by tags html. * @param text Text to be surrounded. * @param tag Name of the tag. * @return < tag > text < /tag > */ public static String surroundedByTags(String text, String tag) { return "<" + tag + ">" + text + "</" + tag + ">"; } /** * Converts the initial letter of each word in text to uppercase * @param text Text to be transformed. * @return Text with initial capitals. */ public static String toInitialCapital(String text) { String[] words = text.split(" "); String ret = ""; for (String word : words) { String begin = word.substring(0, 1); word = word.substring(1); begin = begin.toUpperCase(); ret += begin + word; } return ret.substring(0, ret.length()); } /** * Trnsforms each lower case letter in text to small capital. * @param text Text to be transformed. * @param size Size of the original text. * @return Text in small capitals. */ public static String toSmallCaps(String text, String size) { String ret = ""; if (!size.equals(ret)) { char a = 'a'; char z = 'z'; char[] letters = text.toCharArray(); for (char c : letters) { if (c >= a && c <= z) { String s = String.valueOf(c); s = s.toUpperCase(); ret += "<font style=\"font-size:" + Double.valueOf(size) / 1.28 + "px\">" + s + "</font>"; } else { ret += c; } } } else { ret = text; } return ret; } /** * Create a style map from a String with style definitions. * @param style Definition of the style. * @param asig Asignation simbol used in 'style'. * @return Map with the style properties. */ public static HashMap<String, Object> getStyleMap(String style, String asig) { HashMap<String, Object> styleMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String[] entries = style.split(";"); for (String entry : entries) { int index = entry.indexOf(asig); String key = entry.substring(0, index); String value = entry.substring(index + 1); styleMap.put(key, value); } return styleMap; } /** * Print a list of mxPoint in the standard output. * @param list Lis of mxPoint. */ public static void printPointList(List<mxPoint> list) { int i = 0; for (mxPoint p : list) { i++; System.out.println("Point " + i + " X=" + p.getX() + ", Y=" + p.getY()); } } /** * Creates an array with the cells contained in the map, ordered according * the order of the keys in orderList. * @param orderList List of keys in the order desired. * @param map Map with the object to be put in the array. * @return Array with the cells. */ public static Object[] getOrderArray(List<PageShapeIDKey> orderList, HashMap<PageShapeIDKey, Object> map) { int length = orderList.size(); Object[] array = new Object[length]; int i = 0; for (PageShapeIDKey key : orderList) { array[i] = map.get(key); i++; } return array; } }