package org.eclipse.emf.test.ecore.xcore.legacy_xpect_runner; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.emf.test.ecore.xcore.legacy_xpect_runner.ActualCollection.ActualItem; import org.eclipse.emf.test.ecore.xcore.legacy_xpect_runner.ExpectationCollection.ExpectationItem; import org.eclipse.xtext.util.Pair; import org.eclipse.xtext.util.Tuples; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class will be removed in the next release after 2.4.2 * * @author Moritz Eysholdt - Initial contribution and API */ public class ExpectationCollection extends StringCollection<ExpectationItem> { public class ExpectationItem extends StringCollection<ExpectationItem>.Item { protected boolean negated; protected boolean wildcard; public ExpectationItem(String pure, boolean negated, boolean wildcard) { super(pure); this.negated = negated; this.wildcard = wildcard; } public boolean isNegated() { return negated; } public boolean isWildcard() { return wildcard; } public boolean isPure() { return !negated && !wildcard; } } final protected static String WILDCARD = "..."; public boolean isPure() { for (ExpectationItem i : this) if (i.isNegated() || i.isWildcard()) return false; return true; } public boolean matches(ActualCollection actual) { if (!isOrdered() || !actual.isOrdered()) return matchesUnordered(actual); else return matchesOrdered(actual); } public List<Pair<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem>> map( ActualCollection actual) { if (!isOrdered() || !actual.isOrdered()) return mapUnordered(actual); else return mapOrdered(actual); } protected List<Pair<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem>> mapUnordered( ActualCollection actual) { Map<ExpectationItem, List<ExpectationItem>> remainingExpectations = Maps .newHashMap(); Set<ExpectationItem> negatedExpectations = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); List<ExpectationItem> wildcardExpectations = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ExpectationItem exp : this) if (exp.isWildcard()) wildcardExpectations.add(exp); else if (exp.isNegated()) negatedExpectations.add(exp); else { List<ExpectationItem> items = remainingExpectations.get(exp); if (items == null) remainingExpectations .put(exp, items = Lists.newArrayList()); items.add(exp); } List<ActualItem> sortedActual = Lists.newArrayList(actual); Collections.sort(sortedActual); List<Pair<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem>> result = Lists .newArrayList(); for (ActualItem act : sortedActual) { List<ExpectationItem> exp = remainingExpectations.get(act); if (exp != null && !exp.isEmpty()) { ExpectationItem ei = exp.get(exp.size() - 1); exp.remove(exp.size() - 1); result.add(Tuples .<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( Collections.singleton(ei), act)); } else if (!negatedExpectations.contains(act)) { if (wildcardExpectations.isEmpty()) result.add(Tuples .<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( negatedExpectations, act)); else result.add(Tuples .<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( wildcardExpectations, act)); } else result.add(Tuples .<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create(null, act)); } List<ExpectationItem> remainingExpectationsSorted = Lists .newArrayList(); for (List<ExpectationItem> x : remainingExpectations.values()) remainingExpectationsSorted.addAll(x); Collections.sort(remainingExpectationsSorted); for (ExpectationItem ei : remainingExpectationsSorted) if (ei.isPure()) result.add(Tuples .<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( Collections.singleton(ei), null)); return result; } protected List<Pair<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem>> mapOrdered( ActualCollection actual) { List<Pair<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem>> r = Lists .newArrayList(); List<ExpectationItem> exIt = Lists.newArrayList(this.iterator()); List<ActualItem> actIt = Lists.newArrayList(actual.iterator()); int exp = 0, act = 0; while (exp < exIt.size() && act < actIt.size()) { if (exIt.get(exp).isNegated() || exIt.get(exp).isWildcard()) { Set<ExpectationItem> expectedNegated = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); Set<ExpectationItem> expectedWildcard = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); while (exp < exIt.size() && !exIt.get(exp).isPure()) { if (exIt.get(exp).isNegated()) expectedNegated.add(exIt.get(exp)); else if (exIt.get(exp).isWildcard()) expectedWildcard.add(exIt.get(exp)); exp++; } while (act < actIt.size()) { if (exp < exIt.size() && exIt.get(exp).isPure() && exIt.get(exp).equals(actIt.get(act))) { r.add(Tuples .<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( Collections.singleton(exIt.get(exp)), actIt.get(act))); exp++; act++; break; } if (!expectedNegated.contains(actIt.get(act))) { if (expectedWildcard.isEmpty()) r.add(Tuples .<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( expectedNegated, actIt.get(act))); else r.add(Tuples .<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( expectedWildcard, actIt.get(act))); } else r.add(Tuples .<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( null, actIt.get(act))); act++; } } else if (exIt.get(exp).equals(actIt.get(act))) { r.add(Tuples.<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( Collections.singleton(exIt.get(exp)), actIt.get(act))); exp++; act++; } else { int lact = act + 1; while (lact < actIt.size() && !exIt.get(exp).equals(actIt.get(lact))) lact++; if (lact < actIt.size()) { while (act < lact) { r.add(Tuples .<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( null, actIt.get(act))); act++; } r.add(Tuples .<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( Collections.singleton(exIt.get(exp)), actIt.get(lact))); exp++; act++; } else { r.add(Tuples .<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( Collections.singleton(exIt.get(exp)), null)); exp++; } } } while (act < actIt.size()) { r.add(Tuples.<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create(null, actIt.get(act))); act++; } while (exp < exIt.size()) { if (exIt.get(exp).isPure()) r.add(Tuples.<Collection<ExpectationItem>, ActualItem> create( Collections.singleton(exIt.get(exp)), null)); exp++; } return r; } protected boolean matchesOrdered(ActualCollection actual) { if (isPure()) return items.equals(actual.items); Iterator<ExpectationItem> exIt = this.iterator(); Iterator<ActualItem> actIt = actual.iterator(); while (exIt.hasNext() && actIt.hasNext()) { ExpectationItem exp =; ActualItem act =; if (exp.isNegated() || exp.isWildcard()) { List<ExpectationItem> expectedNegated = Lists.newArrayList(); if (exp.isNegated()) expectedNegated.add(exp); while (exIt.hasNext()) { exp =; if (exp.isNegated()) expectedNegated.add(exp); else if (exp.isPure()) break; } Set<ActualItem> actualSkipped = Sets.newHashSet(); if (exp.isPure()) { if (!exp.equals(act)) { actualSkipped.add(act); while (actIt.hasNext()) { act =; if (exp.equals(act)) break; else actualSkipped.add(act); } } if (!exp.equals(act)) return false; } else { actualSkipped.add(act); while (actIt.hasNext()) actualSkipped.add(; } for (ExpectationItem e : expectedNegated) if (actualSkipped.contains(e)) return false; } else if (!exp.equals(act)) return false; } if (actIt.hasNext()) return false; while (exIt.hasNext()) if ( return false; return true; } protected boolean matchesUnordered(ActualCollection actual) { if (isPure()) return items.equals(actual.items); Multiset<ActualItem> act = HashMultiset.create(actual); for (ExpectationItem item : this) { if (item.isWildcard()) continue; if (item.isNegated()) { if (act.contains(item)) return false; } else if (!act.contains(item)) return false; } return true; } public void init(String expectation) { items = createCollection(); boolean esc = false, escaped = true, quote = false, quoted = false, neg = false; StringBuilder item = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder ws = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < expectation.length(); i++) { char c = expectation.charAt(i); if (!esc) { if (!quote) { if (c == separator) { if (item.length() > 0) items.add(createItem(item.toString(), neg, quoted, escaped)); neg = quoted = escaped = false; item = new StringBuilder(); ws = new StringBuilder(); continue; } else if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { ws.append(c); continue; } else if (c == '!' && item.length() == 0) { neg = true; continue; } } if (this.quoted && c == this.quote) { if (quote) item.append(ws); ws = new StringBuilder(); quote = !quote; quoted = true; continue; } else if (c == '\\') { escaped = esc = true; continue; } } else { esc = false; switch (c) { case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; } } if (ws.length() > 0) { if (item.length() > 0) item.append(ws); ws = new StringBuilder(); } item.append(c); } if (item.length() > 0) items.add(createItem(item.toString(), neg, quoted, escaped)); } protected ExpectationItem createItem(String item, boolean negated, boolean quoted, boolean escaped) { if (!escaped && !negated && !quoted && WILDCARD.equals(item)) return new ExpectationItem(item.toString(), false, true); return new ExpectationItem(item.toString(), negated, false); } }