package at.medevit.elexis.impfplan.ui.handlers.progress; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import at.medevit.elexis.impfplan.model.po.Vaccination; import at.medevit.elexis.impfplan.ui.handlers.ImportLegacyVaccinationsHandler; import; import; /** * Performs the vaccination conversion. Converts vaccinations from ch.elexis.impfplan to * vaccinations of this plugin. This class is only usable if the optional ch.elexis.impflan * dependency is resolvable. * * @author Lucia * */ public class ImportLegacyVaccinationsProgress implements IRunnableWithProgress { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImportLegacyVaccinationsHandler.class); /** * Information about import failure reason */ public static enum ErrorCode { //@formatter:off PATIENT_NOTFOUND("Patient nicht gefunden"), VACC_AGAINST_NOT_SET("Impfung gegen Krankheit(en) nicht gesetzt"), VACC_TYPE_NOT_SET("Keiner Impfung zuzuordnen"); //@formatter:on private final String text; private ErrorCode(final String text){ this.text = text; } @Override public String toString(){ return text; } } private String administrator; private Map<ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination, ErrorCode> errorMap; private List<ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination> alreadyImported; /** * Constructor * * @param administrator * the doctor to use as administrator of all the vaccinations that will be imported */ public ImportLegacyVaccinationsProgress(String administrator){ this.administrator = administrator; } @Override public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException{ log.debug("Start vaccination import"); monitor.beginTask("Importiere Impfungen", 2); monitor.subTask("Lese zu importierende Impfungen ein..."); Query<ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination> qbe = new Query<>(ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination.class); List<ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination> list = qbe.execute(); errorMap = new HashMap<ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination, ErrorCode>(); alreadyImported = new ArrayList<ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination>(); monitor.worked(1); monitor.subTask("Importiere..."); for (ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination vacc : list) { String patId = vacc.getPatientId(); // validate patient ref if (!Patient.load(patId).exists()) { if (!vacc.getId().equals("VERSION")) { log.warn(ErrorCode.PATIENT_NOTFOUND + " [" + patId + "], Vacc[" + vacc.getId() + "], " + vacc.getLabel()); errorMap.put(vacc, ErrorCode.PATIENT_NOTFOUND); } continue; } // is vaccination type set if (vacc.getVaccinationType() == null) { log.warn(ErrorCode.VACC_TYPE_NOT_SET + " - VaccinationTyp ref. missing, Vacc[" + vacc.getId() + "], " + vacc.getLabel()); errorMap.put(vacc, ErrorCode.VACC_TYPE_NOT_SET); continue; } // is vaccination against field set String vaccAgainst = vacc.getVaccinationType().getVaccAgainst(); if (vaccAgainst == null || vaccAgainst.isEmpty()) { log.warn(ErrorCode.VACC_AGAINST_NOT_SET + ", Vacc[" + vacc.getId() + "], " + vacc.getLabel()); errorMap.put(vacc, ErrorCode.VACC_AGAINST_NOT_SET); continue; } // did we already import this vaccination if (alreadyImported(patId, vacc)) { log.debug("Already imported: " + vacc.getId() + ", " + vacc.getLabel()); alreadyImported.add(vacc); continue; } String doa = vacc.getRawDateString(); String vaccName = vacc.getVaccinationType().getLabel(); // create vaccination Vaccination v = new Vaccination(patId, null, vaccName, null, null, doa, null, administrator); v.setVaccAgainst(vaccAgainst); } monitor.worked(1); monitor.done(); log.debug("Vaccination import completed"); } /** * Feedback whether the import completed normal or there where any specially handled * vaccinations * * @return true if special handling was needed, false if completed normally */ public boolean isAbnormalImport(){ if (errorMap.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } /** * Provides knowledge about all failed to import {@link ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination}s * with the belonging {@link ErrorCode} * * @return a map holding the actual vaccination and error code, may be empty */ public Map<ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination, ErrorCode> getErrorMap(){ return errorMap; } /** * List of already imported vaccinations * * @return List of {@link ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination}, may be empty */ public List<ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination> getAlreadyImportedVaccinations(){ return alreadyImported; } /** * check if vaccination has already be converted * * @param patId * Id of the patient the vaccination was given to * @param vacc * the vaccination itself * @return true if already imported, false if not */ private boolean alreadyImported(String patId, ch.elexis.impfplan.model.Vaccination vacc){ Query<Vaccination> qbe = new Query<>(Vaccination.class); qbe.add(Vaccination.FLD_PATIENT_ID, Query.EQUALS, patId); qbe.add(Vaccination.FLD_BUSS_NAME, Query.EQUALS, vacc.getVaccinationType().getLabel()); List<Vaccination> list = qbe.execute(); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } }