package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; public class SerializedMapGenerator { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SerializedMapGenerator.class); public static final String MEDCAL_CSV = "rsc/medcal.csv"; public static final String MEDCAL_ATC_MATCHING_CSV = "rsc/medcal_atc_match.csv"; private static final int IDX_CHAPTER = 0; private static final int IDX_SECTION = 1; private static final int IDX_SUBSECTION = 2; private HashMap<String, MedCalendarSection> medCalMap = null; private HashMap<String, String> atcMedCalMap = null; public boolean initSerializableMedCalMaps(File mcCSV, File mcAtcMatching, String serMedCalMap, String serATCMedCalMap){ initMedCalMap(mcCSV); initATCMedCalMap(mcAtcMatching); try { OutputStream serializedMedCalMap = new FileOutputStream(serMedCalMap); OutputStream mcBuffer = new BufferedOutputStream(serializedMedCalMap); ObjectOutput mcOutput = new ObjectOutputStream(mcBuffer); mcOutput.writeObject(medCalMap); mcOutput.close(); OutputStream serializedATCMedCalMap = new FileOutputStream(serATCMedCalMap); OutputStream atcMcBuffer = new BufferedOutputStream(serializedATCMedCalMap); ObjectOutput atcMcOutput = new ObjectOutputStream(atcMcBuffer); atcMcOutput.writeObject(atcMedCalMap); atcMcOutput.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("Error writing medCal maps", ioe); return false; } return true; } private void initMedCalMap(File medCalCSV){ medCalMap = new HashMap<String, MedCalendarSection>(); List<String[]> splitLines = getCSVLinesSplitted(medCalCSV); for (String[] line : splitLines) { if (line.length >= 2) { String code = line[0].trim().replaceAll("[^\\d.]", ""); int level = determineLevel(code); MedCalendarSection medCalSection = new MedCalendarSection(code, line[1].trim(), level); // read referring sections if (line.length == 3) { String refSections = line[2]; if (refSections != null && !refSections.isEmpty()) { String[] refs = refSections.split("/"); for (String ref : refs) { medCalSection.addRefSection(ref.trim()); } } } medCalMap.put(code, medCalSection); } } } private void initATCMedCalMap(File atcMedCalCSV){ atcMedCalMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<String[]> splitLines = getCSVLinesSplitted(atcMedCalCSV); for (String[] line : splitLines) { if (line.length >= 6) { // combination of chapter, section and subsection String[] mcsHierarchy = generateMedCalendarSectionHierarchy(line[0], line[1], line[2]); String atcCode = line[4]; populateMedCalendarSectionsWithATCCode(mcsHierarchy, line[3], atcCode); //add atcCode - medCalCode mapping atcMedCalMap.put(atcCode, mcsHierarchy[IDX_SUBSECTION]); } } } private void populateMedCalendarSectionsWithATCCode(String[] mcsHierarchy, String mcsName, String atcCode){ MedCalendarSection subSection = getOrCreateMedCalendarSection(mcsHierarchy[IDX_SUBSECTION], mcsName, 3); subSection.addATCCode(atcCode); medCalMap.put(mcsHierarchy[IDX_SUBSECTION], subSection); MedCalendarSection section = getOrCreateMedCalendarSection(mcsHierarchy[IDX_SECTION], mcsName, 2); section.addATCCode(atcCode); medCalMap.put(mcsHierarchy[IDX_SECTION], section); MedCalendarSection chapter = getOrCreateMedCalendarSection(mcsHierarchy[IDX_CHAPTER], mcsName, 1); chapter.addATCCode(atcCode); medCalMap.put(mcsHierarchy[IDX_CHAPTER], chapter); } private MedCalendarSection getOrCreateMedCalendarSection(String mcsCode, String mcsName, int level){ MedCalendarSection section = medCalMap.get(mcsCode); //create MedCalendarSection if not existing if (section == null) { if (mcsName.equals("X nicht im Medkalender")) { mcsName = "Nicht im Medkalender"; } return new MedCalendarSection(mcsCode, mcsName, level); } return section; } private String[] generateMedCalendarSectionHierarchy(String chapter, String section, String subsection){ String[] mcsHierarchy = new String[3]; // add chapter mcsHierarchy[IDX_CHAPTER] = chapter; // add section mcsHierarchy[IDX_SECTION] = chapter + "." + section + "."; // add subsection mcsHierarchy[IDX_SUBSECTION] = chapter + "." + section + "." + subsection + "."; return mcsHierarchy; } private int determineLevel(String code){ int codeLength = code.split("\\.").length; switch (codeLength) { case 3: return 3; case 2: return 2; case 1: return 1; default: return 1; } } private List<String[]> getCSVLinesSplitted(File csvFile){ List<String[]> splittedLines = new ArrayList<String[]>(); try { List<String> csvLines = Files.readAllLines(csvFile.toPath()); for (String line : csvLines) { splittedLines.add(line.split(";")); } } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("Error processing medcal CSV", ioe); } return splittedLines; } }