package org.xbib.elasticsearch.index.analysis; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.KeywordAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.OffsetAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionIncrementAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionLengthAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.TypeAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.util.Attribute; import org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeImpl; import org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeReflector; import org.junit.Assert; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * */ public abstract class BaseTokenStreamTest extends Assert { /** * Attribute that records if it was cleared or not. This is used * for testing that clearAttributes() was called correctly. */ public interface CheckClearAttributesAttribute extends Attribute { boolean getAndResetClearCalled(); } /** * Attribute that records if it was cleared or not. This is used * for testing that clearAttributes() was called correctly. */ public static final class CheckClearAttributesAttributeImpl extends AttributeImpl implements CheckClearAttributesAttribute { private boolean clearCalled = false; @Override public boolean getAndResetClearCalled() { try { return clearCalled; } finally { clearCalled = false; } } @Override public void clear() { clearCalled = true; } @Override public void reflectWith(AttributeReflector reflector) { } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return other instanceof CheckClearAttributesAttributeImpl && ((CheckClearAttributesAttributeImpl) other).clearCalled == this.clearCalled; } @Override public int hashCode() { return 76137213 ^ Boolean.valueOf(clearCalled).hashCode(); } @Override public void copyTo(AttributeImpl target) { target.clear(); } } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], String types[], int posIncrements[], int posLengths[], Integer finalOffset, Integer finalPosInc, boolean[] keywordAtts, boolean offsetsAreCorrect) throws IOException { assertNotNull(output); CheckClearAttributesAttribute checkClearAtt = ts.addAttribute(CheckClearAttributesAttribute.class); CharTermAttribute termAtt = null; if (output.length > 0) { assertTrue(ts.hasAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class)); termAtt = ts.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); } OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = null; if (startOffsets != null || endOffsets != null || finalOffset != null) { assertTrue(ts.hasAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class)); offsetAtt = ts.getAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class); } TypeAttribute typeAtt = null; if (types != null) { assertTrue("has no TypeAttribute", ts.hasAttribute(TypeAttribute.class)); typeAtt = ts.getAttribute(TypeAttribute.class); } PositionIncrementAttribute posIncrAtt = null; if (posIncrements != null || finalPosInc != null) { assertTrue(ts.hasAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class)); posIncrAtt = ts.getAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class); } PositionLengthAttribute posLengthAtt = null; if (posLengths != null) { assertTrue(ts.hasAttribute(PositionLengthAttribute.class)); posLengthAtt = ts.getAttribute(PositionLengthAttribute.class); } KeywordAttribute keywordAtt = null; if (keywordAtts != null) { assertTrue(ts.hasAttribute(KeywordAttribute.class)); keywordAtt = ts.getAttribute(KeywordAttribute.class); } // Maps position to the start/end offset: final Map<Integer, Integer> posToStartOffset = new HashMap<>(); final Map<Integer, Integer> posToEndOffset = new HashMap<>(); ts.reset(); int pos = -1; int lastStartOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < output.length; i++) { // extra safety to enforce, that the state is not preserved and also assign bogus values ts.clearAttributes(); termAtt.setEmpty().append("bogusTerm"); if (offsetAtt != null) { offsetAtt.setOffset(14584724, 24683243); } if (typeAtt != null) { typeAtt.setType("bogusType"); } if (posIncrAtt != null) { posIncrAtt.setPositionIncrement(45987657); } if (posLengthAtt != null) { posLengthAtt.setPositionLength(45987653); } if (keywordAtt != null) { keywordAtt.setKeyword((i & 1) == 0); } checkClearAtt.getAndResetClearCalled(); // reset it, because we called clearAttribute() before assertTrue(ts.incrementToken()); assertTrue(checkClearAtt.getAndResetClearCalled()); //assertEquals(output[i], termAtt.toString()); System.err.println(termAtt.toString()); if (startOffsets != null) { assertEquals(startOffsets[i], offsetAtt.startOffset()); } if (endOffsets != null) { assertEquals(endOffsets[i], offsetAtt.endOffset()); } if (types != null) { assertEquals(types[i], typeAtt.type()); } if (posIncrements != null) { assertEquals(posIncrements[i], posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement()); } if (posLengths != null) { assertEquals(posLengths[i], posLengthAtt.getPositionLength()); } if (keywordAtts != null) { assertEquals(keywordAtts[i], keywordAtt.isKeyword()); } // we can enforce some basic things about a few attributes even if the caller doesn't check: if (offsetAtt != null) { final int startOffset = offsetAtt.startOffset(); final int endOffset = offsetAtt.endOffset(); if (finalOffset != null) { assertTrue(startOffset <= finalOffset); assertTrue(endOffset <= finalOffset); } if (offsetsAreCorrect) { assertTrue(offsetAtt.startOffset() >= lastStartOffset); lastStartOffset = offsetAtt.startOffset(); } if (offsetsAreCorrect && posLengthAtt != null && posIncrAtt != null) { // Validate offset consistency in the graph, ie // all tokens leaving from a certain pos have the // same startOffset, and all tokens arriving to a // certain pos have the same endOffset: final int posInc = posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement(); pos += posInc; final int posLength = posLengthAtt.getPositionLength(); if (!posToStartOffset.containsKey(pos)) { // First time we've seen a token leaving from this position: posToStartOffset.put(pos, startOffset); //System.out.println(" + s " + pos + " -> " + startOffset); } else { // We've seen a token leaving from this position // before; verify the startOffset is the same: //System.out.println(" + vs " + pos + " -> " + startOffset); assertEquals(posToStartOffset.get(pos).intValue(), startOffset); } final int endPos = pos + posLength; if (!posToEndOffset.containsKey(endPos)) { // First time we've seen a token arriving to this position: posToEndOffset.put(endPos, endOffset); //System.out.println(" + e " + endPos + " -> " + endOffset); } else { // We've seen a token arriving to this position // before; verify the endOffset is the same: //System.out.println(" + ve " + endPos + " -> " + endOffset); assertEquals(posToEndOffset.get(endPos).intValue(), endOffset); } } } if (posIncrAtt != null) { if (i == 0) { assertTrue(posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement() >= 1); } else { assertTrue(posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement() >= 0); } } if (posLengthAtt != null) { assertTrue(posLengthAtt.getPositionLength() >= 1); } } if (ts.incrementToken()) { fail("TokenStream has more tokens than expected (expected count=" + output.length + "); extra token=" + termAtt.toString()); } // repeat our extra safety checks for end() ts.clearAttributes(); if (termAtt != null) { termAtt.setEmpty().append("bogusTerm"); } if (offsetAtt != null) { offsetAtt.setOffset(14584724, 24683243); } if (typeAtt != null) { typeAtt.setType("bogusType"); } if (posIncrAtt != null) { posIncrAtt.setPositionIncrement(45987657); } if (posLengthAtt != null) { posLengthAtt.setPositionLength(45987653); } checkClearAtt.getAndResetClearCalled(); // reset it, because we called clearAttribute() before ts.end(); assertTrue(checkClearAtt.getAndResetClearCalled()); if (finalOffset != null) { assertEquals(finalOffset.intValue(), offsetAtt.endOffset()); } if (offsetAtt != null) { assertTrue(offsetAtt.endOffset() >= 0); } if (finalPosInc != null) { assertEquals(finalPosInc.intValue(), posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement()); } ts.close(); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], String types[], int posIncrements[], int posLengths[], Integer finalOffset, boolean[] keywordAtts, boolean offsetsAreCorrect) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, posLengths, finalOffset, null, null, offsetsAreCorrect); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], String types[], int posIncrements[], int posLengths[], Integer finalOffset, boolean offsetsAreCorrect) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, posLengths, finalOffset, null, offsetsAreCorrect); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], String types[], int posIncrements[], int posLengths[], Integer finalOffset) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, posLengths, finalOffset, true); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], String types[], int posIncrements[], Integer finalOffset) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, null, finalOffset); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], String types[], int posIncrements[]) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, null, null); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, null, null, null, null, null, null); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, String[] types) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, null, null, types, null, null, null); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, int[] posIncrements) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, null, null, null, posIncrements, null, null); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[]) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, null, null, null); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], Integer finalOffset) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, null, null, finalOffset); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], int[] posIncrements) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, posIncrements, null, null); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], int[] posIncrements, Integer finalOffset) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, posIncrements, null, finalOffset); } public static void assertTokenStreamContents(TokenStream ts, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], int[] posIncrements, int[] posLengths, Integer finalOffset) throws IOException { assertTokenStreamContents(ts, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, posIncrements, posLengths, finalOffset); } public static void assertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, String input, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], String types[], int posIncrements[]) throws IOException { checkResetException(a, input); assertTokenStreamContents(a.tokenStream("dummy", input), output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, null, input.length()); } public static void assertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, String input, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], String types[], int posIncrements[], int posLengths[]) throws IOException { checkResetException(a, input); assertTokenStreamContents(a.tokenStream("dummy", input), output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, posLengths, input.length()); } public static void assertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, String input, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], String types[], int posIncrements[], int posLengths[], boolean offsetsAreCorrect) throws IOException { checkResetException(a, input); assertTokenStreamContents(a.tokenStream("dummy", input), output, startOffsets, endOffsets, types, posIncrements, posLengths, input.length(), offsetsAreCorrect); } public static void assertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, String input, String[] output) throws IOException { assertAnalyzesTo(a, input, output, null, null, null, null, null); } public static void assertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, String input, String[] output, String[] types) throws IOException { assertAnalyzesTo(a, input, output, null, null, types, null, null); } public static void assertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, String input, String[] output, int[] posIncrements) throws IOException { assertAnalyzesTo(a, input, output, null, null, null, posIncrements, null); } public static void assertAnalyzesToPositions(Analyzer a, String input, String[] output, int[] posIncrements, int[] posLengths) throws IOException { assertAnalyzesTo(a, input, output, null, null, null, posIncrements, posLengths); } public static void assertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, String input, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[]) throws IOException { assertAnalyzesTo(a, input, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, null, null); } public static void assertAnalyzesTo(Analyzer a, String input, String[] output, int startOffsets[], int endOffsets[], int[] posIncrements) throws IOException { assertAnalyzesTo(a, input, output, startOffsets, endOffsets, null, posIncrements, null); } private static void checkResetException(Analyzer a, String input) throws IOException { if (a == null) { fail("no analyzer"); return; } if (input == null) { fail("no input"); return; } TokenStream ts = a.tokenStream("bogus", input); try { if (ts.incrementToken()) { //System.out.println(ts.reflectAsString(false)); fail("didn't get expected exception when reset() not called"); } } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { // ok } catch (AssertionError expected) { // ok: MockTokenizer assertTrue(expected.getMessage(), expected.getMessage() != null && expected.getMessage().contains("wrong state")); } catch (Exception unexpected) { unexpected.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("got wrong exception when reset() not called: " + unexpected); } finally { // consume correctly ts.reset(); while (ts.incrementToken()) { } ts.end(); ts.close(); } // check for a missing close() ts = a.tokenStream("bogus", input); ts.reset(); while (ts.incrementToken()) { } ts.end(); try { ts = a.tokenStream("bogus", input); fail("didn't get expected exception when close() not called"); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { // ok } finally { ts.close(); } } public static void checkOneTerm(Analyzer a, final String input, final String expected) throws IOException { assertAnalyzesTo(a, input, new String[]{expected}); } }